Touching URANIUM and EXPOSING Myths - A day in the Life of a Nuclear Physicist

Touching URANIUM and EXPOSING Myths - A day in the Life of a Nuclear Physicist

Touching URANIUM and EXPOSING Myths - A day in the Life of a Nuclear Physicist

Touching URANIUM and EXPOSING Myths - A day in the Life of a Nuclear Physicist

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In this video, Touching URANIUM and EXPOSING Myths - A day in the Life of a Nuclear Physicist I share a day in the life of a nuclear physicist and describe the work I do at a nuclear lab,. I explain various types of uranium and give a tour of the nuclear lab. If you’re interested in learning more about nuclear physics, then this video Touching URANIUM and EXPOSING Myths - A day in the Life of a Nuclear Physicist is for you! I explain everything you need to know about uranium, nuclear energy, and the equipment I use in the nuclear lab. This video Touching URANIUM and EXPOSING Myths - A day in the Life of a Nuclear Physicist is a great way to learn about this fascinating field!


55.5 -> Hey there it's Elina your friendly nuclear physicist and today we  are at the nuclear fuel lab so there is several  
63.42 -> people different works and projects done in  this lab but we're going to talk a little bit  
67.56 -> more about what I'm doing so of course since it  is a nuclear fuel up we start with uranium right  
73.68 -> so I'm going to show you a little bit how natural  uranium metal looks like so this is basically a  
79.62 -> container a Plexiglas container that has several  pieces of natural uranium that we're going to see  
84.3 -> up close in a while the reason why I'm holding it  like this and I'm not really afraid of it is first  
88.86 -> of all because as I said it is natural uranium  meaning that its radioactivity is quite low  
94.26 -> similar to the background radiation and second  of all as we know or don't know and can learn  
100.08 -> right now is that natural uranium is primarily an  alpha meter which means that its radiation comes  
106.74 -> primarily from alpha particles and as we know they  are heavy particles and they are mostly stopped  
112.74 -> at a few millimeters let's say distance so even  the aluminum foil or the paper would stop them  
120.78 -> the beta radiation will would mostly be stopped  from the thick Plexiglas that contains the pieces  
126.3 -> inside and then what is left is a small amount  of camera radiation which is of course traveling  
131.52 -> inside the environment but as I said already this  is a natural element and it is as it exists in  
138.54 -> nature hence the level of radioactivity that it  has it's quite low so with proper handling there  
144.12 -> is no fears to treat such materials as long as you  know what you're doing so we can now see up close  
152.52 -> how natural uranium metal looks like you can  trust me when I say it doesn't really look  
158.88 -> any different from any other dirty metal in a  sense but it's uranium so it's more interesting
178.26 -> here it is this is basically metal so it would  be how we take it basically from the ground after  
185.64 -> being cleaned and with the excess elements that  were attached to it being removed it is still  
190.14 -> quite dirty when we use it we usually clean  it with nitric acid ethanol and acetone and  
196.5 -> then it looks pretty shiny I can put a picture of  there so you can see how it looks after cleaning  
201.3 -> uh but yeah right you would never know that  this is uranium let's find out if it actually is  
209.64 -> so probably our favorite equipment in the  lab is the geiger counter so pretty typical  
219.06 -> low levels when I'm not aiming it at anything now
252.66 -> so it's around [Music] 500 micro City per hour  which of course is much higher than the background  
261.12 -> radiation but as I said still not within any  extremely high uh level that would need any  
270.84 -> specific handling of the fuel like for example  we do with a span nuclear fuel so let me know if  
278.04 -> that's how you expect the uranium to look like so  when you're working with uranium bearing samples  
283.56 -> even if it is for demonstration purposes or you  actually have some work to do with them you always  
288.48 -> want to mark your area in case of a spillage or  some sort of let's say contamination something  
294 -> falls out so you always want to put something  down in case something spills you know that it is  
299.1 -> in your paper or it is in the territory that you  have marked that you are working on and you don't  
303.48 -> need to let's say decontaminate the whole table or  something like that so I find it interesting how  
308.22 -> uranium can exist in different forms and that's  why I wanted to show you a couple more so we all  
312.84 -> know probably the yellow cake which I'm going  to put a picture up here which is uh basically  
317.58 -> uranium dioxide in the fabrication process before  it becomes a pellet for the typical light water  
323.4 -> reactors we don't have such in the lab however  we have all kinds of different other uranium  
328.68 -> containing let's say powders and pellets because  other people are working on several projects as  
334.02 -> I said this is uranium tetrafluoride and I don't  work with this element it's just it interesting  
341.28 -> how the color looks like right it's a powder  and getting back to our topic of pellets these  
348.6 -> are typical uranium dioxide pellets in size  and shape that you would find in light water  
354.12 -> reactors around the wall what is interesting  and might not be common knowledge about the  
358.92 -> fuel pellets is that while there being let's say  what they're fissioning inside the Reactor Core  
364.5 -> they're actually expanding so the tendency of the  pellets to expand is pretty much from the top and  
371.52 -> the bottom and they become like a like a barrel so  for that reason when they are being manufactured  
376.32 -> they are being chunked as it's called from the top  so basically a dish size let's say and shape of  
385.8 -> the pellet is being cut off so the initial palette  looks with a little bit of a dent from the top and  
390.48 -> the bottom and this is done on purpose because  as I explained when it's going to go inside the  
395.82 -> reactor and it's going to be let's say visioning  and creating all of decision products it's going  
402.06 -> to expand and the idea is that eventually it will  reach a perfect cylinder size and not go over that  
407.52 -> in order to touch the pellets above and create  some strain or mechanical let's say stress on the  
415.14 -> pellet and the cladding itself the manufacturer  of this pellets in Europe is Westinghouse and  
420.54 -> actually Westinghouse is a manufacturer in the US  as well there is a U.S company Westinghouse and a  
427.14 -> same let's say daughter company in Europe which  provides all the fuel for the European reactors  
432.42 -> some Asian reactors and some reactors in the US  as well therefore they are pretty therefore they  
440.46 -> are pretty standardized in size and shape to match  the reactors that they're manufactured for and as  
446.4 -> I said this is pretty much a realistic pellet that  it's actually inside a reactor so you can imagine  
452.7 -> that there's several pellets in a row and their  whole covered in a cladding tube so the cladding  
459.06 -> tubes are pretty narrow and pretty small in size  and then a lot of cladding tubes together with  
465 -> pellets inside for what we call a fuel assembly  which usually looks either round or uh square and  
471 -> the fuel assemblies are the ones that are placed  around the Reactor Core we are going to see an  
474.78 -> Innovative fuel which is uranium nitrite Fuel and  this is the one that I'm working with so what we  
481.68 -> see here is a Glam box so what it is basically a  box like a big container that inside of it has an  
489.12 -> atmosphere that is different from oxygen that's  why we're using it if we let's say it didn't have  
494.64 -> a need to have a different atmosphere there will  be no need for these kind of expensive equipment  
500.1 -> so inside the glove box one can feel any gas that  is necessary for one's work in our case we want an  
507.42 -> inner gas a gas that doesn't interfere with any of  our samples and doesn't interact with them in any  
513.24 -> way Like Oxygen does which oxidizes the samples  and that's why our glove box is filled with Argon  
521.52 -> so here we can uh let's say save our pellets  or our powders or any other material that  
528.66 -> is prone to oxidation and we can take it  out in case we need to do some testing or  
533.28 -> characterization on it however it's resting  place and its House is inside the Glam box  
538.92 -> moving on to take something out it passes  through this tube which needs to be flashed  
544.8 -> on the outside meaning that the oxygen needs  to be sucked out of it and alcohol needs to  
549.54 -> be introduced to it and that's done several  times to ensure that the tube is quite clean  
554.58 -> then we can open it on the inside transfer  our samples or anything we need to transfer  
561.6 -> to the outside world checking out the gloves again  because as you saw me using the fabric gloves  
569.7 -> to work in the glove box and there are several  reasons for that first of all the fabric gloves  
576 -> are softer so they are not going to rupture the  gloves or create let's say any sort of like very  
583.14 -> harsh tension to them like your maybe bare hands  or Nails would and secondly when you walk for a  
589.32 -> long time in the glove box it can get pretty  sweaty it didn't get pretty warm inside this  
596.7 -> glove so when you try to push rubber gloves  inside rubber gloves is actually very counter  
601.68 -> productive and it doesn't really work that well  whereas the fabric will absorb the moisture  
605.46 -> of your hands and will let's say eliminate this  problem and if you're wondering yes everyone has  
612 -> their own fabric gloves we don't really use them  around even though we can it's not a big problem
619.56 -> so what I wanted to take outside of the glove  box is a uranium nitrite palette we already saw  
624.96 -> uranium dioxide pellets which are sitting outside  uh in the let's say lab room and the reason for  
631.62 -> that is because they don't really have a big  problem of oxidizing since oxygen is already  
636.9 -> part of the pen however uranium nitride both  powders and peanuts are pretty prone to oxidation  
644.04 -> since uranium would like their oxygen  much more than it would like the nitrogen  
650.04 -> so here we see a typical size of a uranium nitrite  palette which is the fuel that I work with and the  
659.16 -> fuel that I manufacture here in the lab starting  from the uni nitrite powder I can talk about the  
663.9 -> fabrication of the fuel itself in a next video If  that is of interest to you you can leave a comment  
668.52 -> down below however the two differences that we see  with the pellet is first of all in terms of color  
675.96 -> it doesn't really look that much different from  the uranium dioxide that we saw before and that  
680.4 -> is true second of all it's much smaller so it's  it is still a cylinder but it's maybe one third  
686.1 -> of the size of the previous one there is not  really a scientific reason for that it's a more  
691.26 -> reason of let's say preserving resources and this  is because as I said we manufacture our own powder  
697.68 -> in the lab and for testing and characterization  purposes so we don't really need a very big pellet  
702.96 -> so it would be pretty much a waste of powder and  a waste of uranium to just make very big palettes  
708.12 -> to do a small testing or a characterization that  requires millimeters or even micrometers of area  
713.58 -> on the sample therefore very small samples that  we can still characterize and treat are better  
720.36 -> in order to save up more powder for the future  and you might see a difference here which you  
726.18 -> didn't see in the previous pilot is the fact  that the surface of this palette is very shiny
732.6 -> and this is actually what a surface looks like  when we would like to characterize the palette  
737.82 -> so characterization means that we can see the  microstructure of the palette we can see the  
742.62 -> different elements the different phases that  exist inside the palette in order to do that  
747 -> we use different devices so one of the equipment  that we use would be microscopes different kinds  
751.98 -> of microscopes from Optical microscopy to  electron microscopy and go to different let's  
756.42 -> say resolutions the the better the resolution you  want the better need to your sample to be prepared  
762.72 -> in order for you to see these good resolutions so  this is what we call polishing of the sample and  
768.54 -> it needs to be mirror shine in order for you  to be able to see good quality imaging under  
773.94 -> the microscope so now that we are done with the  pellet we are going to pass it again in the glove  
778.14 -> box since the pellet itself will also be prone  to oxidation and the molded seats outside it  
785.52 -> will actually form an oxide layer on it which will  then again needs to be ground off and Polished in  
791.82 -> order for the pellet to be let's say used for  another testing or characterization technique  
799.14 -> so now since the small tube has been opened on  the outside it is filled with oxygen and in order  
805.02 -> to open it on the inside one would need to flush  again to make sure that this tube is filled with  
810.3 -> argon before opening it of the inside in order to  not contaminate the environment of the Glam box  
817.32 -> and as with anything in science statistics is  important so we don't just flush the tip one  
823.68 -> time we flash it three times or sometimes even up  to six times if it's necessary to ensure that all  
831.06 -> the oxygen from the tube has been taken out  so this is the second time and one last time  
837.48 -> now you might be wondering how do you  get big equipment inside the glove box  
843.78 -> so there is two ways actually to do that if the  equipment is let's say of a medium to big size  
853.2 -> so basically a size that would fit in here  this is the same kind of tube like the small  
858.72 -> one that we use right now but it is much  bigger so for example the scale or this  
864.24 -> kind of containers would fit through here but  the biggest question might arise of how do you  
869.4 -> put this very big machine inside the glove box so  for this purposes one needs to remove the glass  
876.6 -> that surrounds the box and take it all out  place the machine inside and close it back  
882.24 -> however of course this would remove the high  the Argon inside the the glove box and will  
888.06 -> fill everything with oxygen so then a very good  purification needed is needed and a long time  
894.12 -> before actually you're certain that argon is again  inside the glove box and no oxygen is present
903.3 -> and here it is again in its  natural environment foreign
932.64 -> I hope you enjoyed this video in a day  in the lab and the day into my work let  
939.12 -> me know in the comments down below what  else would you want me to show and talk  
943.92 -> about during my work in this lab don't  forget to like And subscribe and leave  
948.06 -> a comment down below with your thoughts  about this visit and future visits as  
951.48 -> well it's been Elina your friendly nuclear  physicist and until next time see you soon
