How to Use and Install the Upwork Desktop App in 2021 | Upwork Beginner Tutorial

How to Use and Install the Upwork Desktop App in 2021 | Upwork Beginner Tutorial

How to Use and Install the Upwork Desktop App in 2021 | Upwork Beginner Tutorial

How do you install the Upwork desktop app and start working on hourly rate jobs with clients? In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to install the desktop app and time tracker for Upwork step-by-step. I’ll also show you how to use the app to log your hours when working with clients.

It is necessary to have the Upwork desktop app installed on your Windows or Mac computer if you are working on hourly rate projects for clients. You’ll be able to track your hours as you work and manually log time on hourly contracts. The app also offers you payment protection so you can be sure to get paid for the hours you put in and protects both the client and the freelancer.

Note: I am not sponsored by Upwork to create this video. These videos are meant to be tutorials and instructional videos on how to get started as a freelancer and all opinions are my own.

Check out my other Upwork tutorials here:
   • Upwork Freelancer Tutorial Series: Ho…  

#jennifermarievo #upwork #upworktutorial


6.24 -> Hello, everyone and welcome back to my channel  Jennifer Marie vo where I teach you different  
10.64 -> ways that you can make money online working  from home. In my last tutorial, I discussed  
15.44 -> the difference between fixed price contracts  and hourly contracts on Upwork. And Upwork is a  
20.8 -> freelancing platform where you can find different  jobs that you can do online. So in today's video,  
26.16 -> I'm going to show you how to install the Upwork  desktop app so that you can get started tracking  
31.6 -> your hours and get paid per hour once you  start a new contract with a client on Upwork.  
37.28 -> If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe  to my channel for more videos just like this one  
41.6 -> on how to become a work from home freelancer.  Before we get started, I just want to make it  
46.8 -> clear that I have not been sponsored by Upwork. To  create this video. All opinions in this video are  
52.24 -> my own. I'm simply sharing with you my experience  working on Upwork. I am currently a top rated plus  
58.4 -> Freelancer on Upwork. As of the time of creating  this video, I have a 100% job success rating  
64.56 -> and have earned over 80,000 US dollars since I  started freelancing on Upwork at the end of 2017.  
71.2 -> I have a whole bunch of different tutorials  you can follow about freelancing on Upwork,  
75.2 -> which I will link you to in the description  below. So let's get into the video. To start  
80.48 -> doing hourly jobs, you need to download the Upwork  desktop app by going to slash AB slash  
87.52 -> downloads. The app allows you to track time  by running the time tracker as you work.  
93.84 -> This also gives you payment protection on hourly  contracts, you're going to go ahead and click  
99.44 -> on your download version. If you don't know what  version of computer you have, type in about your  
104.88 -> PC. And then under system type, you'll see if  you have a 64 bit operating system or 32 bit,  
112.16 -> choose the standard version of whichever  operating system you have. And then click  
117.28 -> Download up work desktop app. So once the dot e xe  file downloads, go ahead and double click on it,  
124.32 -> then agree to the license agreement. And then  use your login credentials to log into Upwork.  
131.12 -> Now you'll get a bit more information about the  app Upwork on your desktop is a time tracker and  
136.8 -> instant messenger. You'll run the time  tracker and describe your activity as you work  
142.08 -> for payment protection on hourly contracts, you  can access the time tracker and messages through  
148.16 -> the Upwork icon in the system tray or menu bar.  Okay, so now we've opened up the time tracker,  
155.44 -> you can click on this message icon to open  or close your messages with your clients.
162 -> If for whatever reason the time tracker hasn't  popped up, you can right click on the Upwork icon  
167.76 -> in your system tray right here. And go open  time tracker. So now you have your clients here.  
175.12 -> And now you'll select the client you want to  start working for. So you can see that right  
179.44 -> now the time tracker is off. To start working  simply click the on button. So now it will be  
186.4 -> tracking the work that we're doing. It will start  to track time as you do work for this client,  
192 -> you can fill out a memo here of whatever it is  that you're doing. And click Update. You can even  
198.24 -> set a reminder to create a new memo at a certain  time interval if you want to update what you are  
203.28 -> working on. This is a way to keep your client  updated about what you are doing. To turn it off  
208.8 -> just click the off button. If you have done work  for a client and you want to add work manually,  
214.72 -> you can click Add manual time and enter the date  and time slot where you worked for the client and  
221.84 -> also add a memo. But remember that the manual time  does not qualify for up work hourly protection.  
228.24 -> So once you start tracking your hours your  hours will pop up here for how many hours  
232.64 -> or minutes you have worked today. And then  here we'll show you how many hours you have  
236.88 -> worked for this client this week. If there is  an hourly limit, it will show you right here.  
242.56 -> So where it says latest screen capture the Upwork  desktop app automatically uploads a screenshot and  
248.56 -> activity summary to the work diary for every  10 minutes that a freelancer tracks time.  
254.24 -> So as you are working the app will take screen  captures that will be saved in your work diary so  
259.2 -> clients can review your progress and check that  you are actually doing your job. Whether that  
263.84 -> is video editing, graphic design, translating,  writing, data entry or whatever else you have been  
269.2 -> hired to do on your computer. So once you have  finished working or if you are stopping to take  
274.08 -> a break, you'll just click the off button, you can  turn the on and off button as needed to track your  
279.6 -> time working with the client. To view your work  diary, you can click View work diary. And this  
285.68 -> will direct you to Upwork website where you can  view all the hours you have worked for this client  
290.64 -> and also toggle through different clients. So  here you can toggle through your different clients  
296.96 -> and you'll be able to see the time autotrac  reflected by The green squares you can see here,  
302.32 -> and manually tracks will be reflected by the  yellow. Alternatively, you can click on my  
307.36 -> jobs and then go to work diary as well. So from  here, you can also delete anything that you want.  
314.72 -> So this has been automatically tracked time and I  wasn't actually doing any work here, I just wanted  
318.8 -> to do this as a demo. So I'm going to press  Delete. And this will delete the screenshots,  
324.16 -> memos and activities for this. So once I delete  that now it will show that I haven't done any  
329.52 -> work for this client so far. So let's go back to  the time tracker, you can change the settings by  
335.44 -> clicking on the gear icon and going to settings.  And here you can select the screen capture,  
342.4 -> either to capture the active monitor or capture  all monitors. And you can also adjust the  
347.68 -> notifications for when the app takes a screenshot.  You can turn off the notification or sound in case  
353.76 -> you find it distracting while you work. And you  can test it out as well by clicking test it out.  
360.48 -> And you'll hear a little click sound. So  you'll know when the app has taken a picture  
366 -> or screenshot of your screen while you're working.  There's also other things you can change as well  
371.44 -> the time zones, you can take a camera shot while  with screen shots while you're tracking as well.  
377.76 -> And if you are working on hourly  contracts with multiple clients,  
381.04 -> and you want to change between them  to start working for a new client,  
384.56 -> so let's say I did an hour work for  this client here. I can go back select  
390.16 -> another client and click Start and this will  start tracking for my next client as well.  
397.84 -> And that is basically all you need to  know about using up works desktop app  
401.6 -> and time tracker. I will be creating more  Upwork tutorial soon and giving you more  
406.08 -> tips on how to get more jobs and secure  more clients. So if you haven't already,  
410.64 -> make sure to subscribe to my channel and click  like on this video. It really does help me out.  
415.84 -> Thanks again for watching and  I'll see you in my next tutorial.
