EXPOSING Greenpeace Nuclear Energy LIES Part 2 - Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS

EXPOSING Greenpeace Nuclear Energy LIES Part 2 - Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS

EXPOSING Greenpeace Nuclear Energy LIES Part 2 - Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS

Exposing Greenpeace Nuclear Energy Lies Part 2 - Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS

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Welcome back to Part Two of our series! Join me, a nuclear physicist, as I continue to debunk Greenpeace’s misconceptions about nuclear energy. In this captivating episode, I provide you with solid facts and scientific evidence to counter their misleading claims. Together, we’ll uncover the truth behind nuclear power and its crucial role in our pursuit of clean energy. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening journey! Remember to LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE for more credible content!

🔗 Relevant links and resources:
Nuclear Energy Agency: https://www.oecd-nea.org/
International Atomic Energy Agency: https://www.iaea.org/
World Nuclear Association: https://www.world-nuclear.org/

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Hope you like the video about Exposing Green Peace Nuclear Energy Lies Part 2 - Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share with friends and family.

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0.18 -> so there is another post here that is  quite recent I guess it's from last year  
7.38 -> six reasons why nuclear energy is not the way  to a green and peaceful world yeah I would not  
13.26 -> assume anything else that the Greenpeace  would basically say about nuclear power  
18.6 -> nuclear power is often held as a Magic  Bullet Solution by whom for the rabbit  
23.4 -> and large-scale decarbonization of our society  which we all know needs to happen if we have  
29.34 -> any hope of mitigating the worst effects of the  unfolding climate emergency amongst politicians  
33.66 -> and Industry groups it is consistently favored  over meaningful investments in renewable energy  
38.52 -> systems bolstered with misleading claims of its  safety efficiency sustainability and speed of  
45.72 -> deployment I'm interested I read it in the other  one as well how much is the investment investment  
54.42 -> um per energy source USA so let me just quickly  try and find something because I'm very curious  
62.82 -> how they say that nuclear is taking away from  the investment and the financial development of  
68.7 -> the other renewable energy sources that are more  reasonable based on what clean pieces this seems  
75.6 -> to be an energy investment by sector from 2018  to 2020 and this is in billion of US dollars that  
83.22 -> have been invested this is a scientific article so  I would say quite credible maybe a little bit more  
90.06 -> credible than what queen bees has to offer with no  fact checking and no references for what they are  
96.06 -> saying and it is clear here that one would see  that the renewable energies as are in the range  
103.44 -> of 300 billion dollars consistently for the years  2018 19 and 20 and nuclear is something below 50.  
113.46 -> so that is like 1 6 of the amount of investment  that Renewables get and therefore I'm not sure  
121.5 -> where the information comes from for Greenpeace  but I would really like to check their information  
128.64 -> and where they're taking it from hopefully from  an independent source and not something created  
133.8 -> in-house let's see with the cost and efficiency  of renewable energies water efficiency exactly
146.24 -> [Applause]  
147.24 -> improving year on year and the effects of rapidly  changing climate accelerating across the globe we  
152.7 -> need to take an honest look honest keyword  here Greenpeace honest at some of the myths  
158.34 -> being perpetuated by the nuclear industry and  its supporters yeah six reasons why nuclear  
162.48 -> power is not the way to a green and peaceful  zero carbon Future Let's see what you think  
168.78 -> nuclear energy delivers too little to matter is  this really the first argument that the efficiency  
177.84 -> of the nuclear power plants which is literally  the biggest reason why they're being built is too  
182.1 -> little to matter in order to tackle climate change  we need to reduce fossil fuels in the total energy  
187.38 -> mix well before 2015 to zero percent okay we both  agree on that according to scenarios from the poor  
196.02 -> nuclear Association and the oecd nuclear energy  agency both nuclear Lobby organizations doubling  
203.28 -> the capacity of nuclear power worldwide in 2050  would only decrease greenhouse gas emissions by  
209.4 -> around four percent but in order to do that the  world would need to bring 37 new large nuclear  
215.46 -> reactors to the grid every year from now uh year  on year until 2015. the last decade only shows a  
223.32 -> few to 10 new grid connections per year ramping  up to 37 is physically impossible there's no  
229.44 -> sufficient capacity to make large forgings like  reactor vessel they're currently only 53 new  
234.78 -> reactors under construction or planned for the  upcoming one and a half decade doubling nuclear  
239.88 -> capacity different from the explosive growth of  clean renewable energy sources like solar wind  
244.62 -> is therefore unrealistic and that for only four  percent when we already need to reduce to 100  
250.92 -> interesting though did they mention or  actually they did not mention that what  
257.76 -> nuclear Association says that 37 new reactors  are needed to be built by 2050 and that would  
263.52 -> only improve their gas emission reduction by four  percent how much would the Renewables improve  
271.98 -> the gas Greenhouse emission decrease and how much  of those Renewables would we need to cover up the  
282.42 -> same amount of power than that 37 large nuclear  reactors would produce so it's a very one-sided  
290.88 -> well-placed extremely biased argument and way to  present an article and even shamelessly putting  
300.48 -> Links of the of the websites here for people to  see because if you give it a thought for more  
307.62 -> than 30 seconds you would realize that yes there  might be slow in reducing the gas emission and  
315.24 -> the greenhouse gas emissions and we do need more  of that to happen no one ever claims that nuclear  
324.12 -> power is solely the solution for the future and I  am pretty sure that world nuclear Association or  
329.94 -> oecd to not mention in any of the articles that  there is no need for Renewables or Renewables  
336.42 -> are somehow worse than nuclear and that's why  we should not use them and only try and build  
340.74 -> 37 nuclear reactors so it's a very interesting  way of separating information and taking it out  
347.22 -> of context and placing it here and creating a  context that not necessarily matches with what  
353.7 -> it's supposed to be said in those two articles  let alone as I mentioned again that they never  
358.8 -> provide information about Renewables so I would  like to see with the amount of power that we will  
365.34 -> get the amount of electricity that we are going  to be able to produce on 37 nuclear reactors how  
370.44 -> many of those in Renewables we need to build to  get the same amount of energy how much will that  
375.12 -> cost compared to the nuclear reactors how fast can  we do it how efficient is it for the environment  
379.56 -> in case of if we consider materials that need to  be constructed the changes of the nuclear of the  
385.98 -> solar panels and their wind turbines every 15-20  years and how much will that reduce the greenhouse  
392.58 -> emission that would be a morphic discussion don't  you think nuclear power plants are dangerous and  
397.5 -> vulnerable nuclear factories and plants are easy  targets for malevolent acts terrorist threats  
403.26 -> the risk of unintentional or voluntary Airline  crashes cyber attacks or acts of War they the  
409.86 -> enclosures of plants or and certain ancillary  buildings containing radioactive materials are  
416.1 -> not designed to understand this type of attack  and shock actually they are they are precisely  
421.32 -> designed to withstand airplane crashes to handle  situations in case of terrorist attack or any of  
429.42 -> those before mentioned incidents are very well  known to the nuclear industry and they are  
435.6 -> highly considered when designing and constructing  a nuclear power plant I would like to see what is  
441 -> the link here that is showing that someone from  a nuclear industry actually says that we build  
445.62 -> power plants without never considering a terrorist  threat or an airplane crash nuclear power plants  
451.98 -> presents unique hazards in terms of potential  consequences resulting from a severe accident  
455.34 -> nuclear reactors and there are associated high  level spell fuel stores are available to natural  
461.94 -> disasters showed but they're also vulnerable  names of military Conflict for the first time  
466.62 -> in history a major war is being waged in a  country with multiple nuclear reactors and  
471.12 -> thousands of tons of Highly radioactive spent  fuel the world in southern Ukraine around the  
475.5 -> balagia puts them all at heightened risk over  several acts and nuclear power plant are some  
481.62 -> of the most complex and sensitive industrial  installations which require a very complex set  
485.82 -> of resources in ready State at all times to give  them operating this cannot be guaranteed in a war  
492.48 -> this can be guided in a time of climate crisis and  extreme weather events either nuclear power is a  
497.76 -> water hungry technology nuclear power plant  consume a lot of power for cooling they are  
501.9 -> vulnerable for water to water stress the warming  of rivers and Rising temperatures which can be  
506.88 -> weakened the cooling of power plants and Equipment  nuclear reactions in the United States and France  
512.34 -> are often shut down during heat waves and see  their activities drastically slowed so it is again  
519.6 -> interesting for me that even though yes important  information are being provided that I cannot  
525.84 -> dismiss for example that it is difficult to handle  a situation in case of a war when nuclear power is  
534.18 -> present in the country and of course both parties  even during the war should know that something  
538.74 -> like this would be of limits and thankfully  nothing has happened so far to prove otherwise  
544.38 -> however at the same time they do complain that  the efficiency of the reactors and the activity  
551.28 -> is slowed down during heat waste because they are  shutting them down but they're also dangerous at  
557.16 -> the same time if they keep working so it is  again showing a kind of contradiction of then  
563.88 -> the nuclear industry being able to handle the  reactors and knowing their weaknesses and where  
569.64 -> they should basically put more focus on handling  the situation properly for an accident not to  
574.92 -> happen yet groupies again would come and complain  that in that case they are being shut down so they  
581.82 -> are basically not efficient anymore but if they  are not then they are too dangerous to operate
590.4 -> what nuclear energy is too expensive to protect  the climate we must Abate the most carbon at least  
599.76 -> at the least cost in the least time the cost of  generating solar power ranging from 36 to 44 per  
605.88 -> megawatt hour the world nuclear industry State  status report says while onshore wind power comes  
612.48 -> in 29 to 56 per megawatt hour nuclear energy  costs between 112 and 189 per megawatt hour  
621.96 -> over the past decade the world nuclear  industry status report estimates levelized  
627.12 -> costs which compare the total lifetime cost  of building and running a plant to Lifetime  
632.94 -> output for utility scale of solar have  dropped by 88 and for the win by six nine  
637.68 -> according to the same report these costs  have increased by 23 percent for nuclear  
642.96 -> really who wrote this reward what is where is  the link for this report because that would  
647.1 -> be interesting to see that there is so many  information that are being presented as facts  
652.38 -> but I don't see much about where the facts come  from I don't disagree of course that we do know  
658.5 -> that nuclear power is quite expensive to build and  does require some time to be built and this is of  
665.64 -> course a well-known uh problem that the nuclear  industry is dealing with and trying to resolve  
672.48 -> and Reduce by introducing small modular reactors  for example that would be factory made readily  
678.42 -> available and shipped to different countries that  are necessary to be built there hence reducing  
683.1 -> the cost and the time to be billed and generally  improving the efficiency of the whole process so  
688.98 -> I do not disagree and I cannot disagree with the  statements in this paragraph but at the same time  
694.2 -> in order to be more factual one could add that  the nuclear industry is working towards more  
700.2 -> sustainable financially sustainable solution such  as small module reactors that will be the future  
707.64 -> and of course more research and more funding would  be necessary in order to develop them faster if  
714.24 -> that would be of interest but it seems that for  very big organizations like Greenpeace this is  
719.52 -> not of Interest hence they are not the ones that  should be let's say complaining for the fact that  
724.62 -> it takes longer time to do according to November  2021 started released by Greenpeace France and the  
730.92 -> it was so Institute power from the under  construction European pressurized epr in  
736.62 -> flammable in France would be three times as  expensive as the country's most competitive  
740.34 -> renewable source it is very funny for me how they  cite each other's websites so the USA Greenpeace  
749.52 -> cites information provided by the Greenpeace in  France that's very interesting why not the French  
756.42 -> nuclear authorities providing the same information  making these calculations and giving you those  
762.9 -> results because it's very interesting to go behind  the calculations because we have seen that it's  
766.98 -> very easy to portray numbers that are true but not  in the right context so I'm not gonna take this as  
776.34 -> a fact even though they're very hardly trying  to promote it as one nuclear energy is too low  
783.72 -> slow stabilizing the climate is an emergency  nuclear power is slow well if you know always  
788.88 -> complain that nuclear is slow while not building  it in the meantime then it will always be slow  
797.16 -> from the 70s 80s in the 2000s when the nuclear  interest for nuclear energy dropped because of the  
803.76 -> nuclear accidents then everybody was complaining  that they're not being built enough and there is  
808.68 -> not much happening in the nuclear sector and now  20 30 years later there is the same complaint that  
818.1 -> it is slow and nothing is being built but no one  from back then ever supported it or promoted the  
823.98 -> building of nuclear reactors for them to take  let's say 10 years to be readily available now  
830.4 -> so of course if you're always  complaining that it is slow  
835.26 -> yet never supporting for it to happen it will  always be slow because it will simply never happen  
843.78 -> in 2001 the world nuclear industry starts report  estimates that since 2009 the average construction  
849.84 -> time for reactor worldwide would be under just  10 years well above the estimate given for the  
854.4 -> world nuclear Association industry body  of between 10 and eight and a half years  
860.46 -> the extra time that the nuclear problems take to  build has major implications for climate goals  
864.36 -> as existing fossil fuels plans continue to emit  CO2 while awaiting substitution the construction  
869.82 -> of a nuclear power plant is a long and complex  process that obviously releases CO2 and thus  
875.52 -> the demolition of decommissioned nuclear sites as  usstruction transport and processing is obviously  
884.7 -> not free of greenhouse emissions either all  in all nuclear power stations score compatible  
890.28 -> with wind and solar energy but this ladder can be  implemented much faster and on a much bigger scale  
898.26 -> we cannot wait for another decade for emissions  to go down they need to go down now with clean  
903.3 -> renewable source of energy efficiently efficiently  we can do that interesting how the links that are  
909.3 -> cited are only for negative information nothing  for positive information for example it says here  
914.1 -> that um nuclear power stations score compatible  with wind and solar energy in terms of greenhouse  
921.24 -> emissions while they're being built but there's  no information to show that because it would make  
925.62 -> them less biased and more towards the neutral side  and give the perspective to people that okay it's  
932.1 -> not all black and white there is an understanding  that there is a middle solution to this problem  
936.9 -> but this is clearly what not the agenda  of Greenpeace is hence that I promise  
942.42 -> providing all the facts and the links and  the reports and the references from which  
947.58 -> you're taking their information from  as well as as I said previously that  
953.76 -> they still do complain about the fact that it  takes a long time to build nuclear but nobody  
958.5 -> really opposed to Renewables to be built while  the nuclear industry is working on a power plant  
967.02 -> or is building a nuclear reactor in the moment I  have not seen many nuclear physicists who go and  
974.22 -> say that renewable energies are bad and you  should not try and build solar and wind but  
979.86 -> you should only focus on on nuclear actually on  the other hand I have seen the opposite nuclear  
985.44 -> physicists and Engineers are the ones who go out  and say that the nuclear industry is available and  
992.04 -> very let's say happy to support the need for extra  energy that the renewable greed will need and they  
1001.34 -> are exactly there for that reason but it always  seems that from the other side the opposition is  
1006.62 -> quite strong that they try to make it look that  it's a it's a thing that both parties share and  
1013.76 -> this is not the case because as I said the nuclear  industry is not against the Renewables as much as  
1019.22 -> renewable seems to be against nuclear nuclear  energy generates huge amounts of toxic waste  
1027.14 -> the multiple stages of nuclear fuel cycle produces  large amounts of radioactive waste no government  
1032.84 -> has yet dissolved how to safely manage this  waste as I said before this is not true this  
1037.7 -> is not a fact they don't provide any information  about this because there is information out there  
1043.22 -> and this is a blog post from last year and we  know from last year for a fact that Finland  
1050.36 -> was building and probably had finished their uh  final repository already Sweden is uh starting  
1057.32 -> as well and other countries are following as well  some of this nuclear waste is highly radioactive  
1062.24 -> and will remain for several thousands of years  two nuclear waste is a real SC courage for our  
1069.14 -> environment and for future Generations who will  still have the responsibility of managing it in  
1072.98 -> several centuries no this is not how it's supposed  to be if you have read any manual or the mentality  
1082.28 -> of the nuclear industry is that every generation  should be able to to handle its own waste and the  
1087.98 -> work that is being done now is for minimal to  no observation or care so much about the final  
1096.8 -> repository of the spend nuclear fuel waste which  will after 100 years or so that is going to be  
1101.48 -> shut down will be completely self-sustained and  without the need of any exterior interference or  
1108.62 -> care and worry about the future generation for  the waste that is deposited down there countries  
1116.24 -> like France are pushing hard for nuclear power in  that EU level hoping that when it comes to waste  
1122.96 -> out of sight is out of mind but nuclear waste will  never go away and will never be sustainable it's  
1129.08 -> very interesting how they bring France into the  conversation and they say that France hopes that  
1133.7 -> by the time they discuss about waste nobody will  be interested in the conversation which couldn't  
1138.74 -> be further from the truth because France of all  countries is the one that actually reprocesses  
1144.68 -> nuclear fuel the process that spent uranium  dioxide into mixed oxide fuel which I'm planning  
1150.32 -> to do a video about in the future and reuses that  into their reactors so this is the definition of  
1157.88 -> mishandling information and poorly and very  biased way providing actually false information  
1167.12 -> I was trying to say it in a nice way but  there's no nice way to say about it this  
1170.24 -> is false information that has no backup and no  justification behind it and it's simply not true
1180.38 -> this is one of the obvious reasons why nuclear  power shouldn't be eligible for green funding  
1184.94 -> nor marketed as sustainable as pointed  out recently by the countries like austral  
1189.56 -> Denmark Germany Luxembourg and Spain who spoke  against the inclusion of nuclear power in the U.S  
1194 -> green Finance taxonomy this is also one of the  reasons why on the 9th of March of 2020 the EU  
1198.8 -> commission technical expert cloud of stability  Finance rejected nuclear energy because it did  
1203.12 -> not meet the eu's do not do not significant harm  principle and recommend excluding nuclear power  
1208.88 -> from the green taxonomy nuclear waste management  is costing taxpayers absurd amounts of money  
1215.6 -> as if building of Renewables or any other energy  source it doesn't and it's interesting how they  
1220.28 -> talk about the nuclear waste right but at  the same time they never talked about the  
1224.48 -> ways that the renewable energies are producing  I'm not saying it's radioactive which will do  
1229.46 -> indeed last for a couple of thousands of years  but it is toxic which will last forever the  
1234.8 -> toxicity of the waste that is produced from  solar panels for example will never go away  
1240.38 -> is there a way to handle it hopefully there  is is it presented here no because somehow the  
1247.7 -> waste from the nuclear in the renewable energy  was magically disappear even though there is no  
1253.88 -> plan for it but for nuclear where there is  a very specific plan in place somehow it's  
1259.88 -> the biggest deal so just a very quick Google  search solar panels have hazardous waste and  
1265.94 -> contain Metals such as lead cadmium which are  harmful to human health into the environment  
1270.5 -> at very high levels what happens to the solar  panels after 25 years the majority of the sonar  
1276.08 -> of the panels to produce energy just 25 years  albeit and slightly reduced output how about  
1282.14 -> the waist gallium arsenide panels may be hazardous  due to the arsenic inside them and just for  
1291.08 -> facts and how the storage of the renewable energy  waste looks like it doesn't look like because it's  
1301.76 -> not stored in any proper nice well-maintained way  this is how it's stored and I doubt if there is  
1311.36 -> any solution to treat them or reuse them or  recycle them hopefully they do recycle them  
1320.12 -> but nevertheless as I say again nobody ever talks  about the ways that the renewable industry is  
1327.02 -> producing as if it will magically disappear same  for example for the wind turbines they are huge  
1334.58 -> constructions massive of tens of meters tall  that after 20 25 years are pretty much useless  
1342.8 -> and what are we doing with  them let me guess we bury them  
1347 -> and we reached number six painfully the nuclear  industry is failing falling short of its promises  
1354.92 -> the epr the European pressurized reactor  and nuclear reactor technology has been  
1360.68 -> showcased by France government and the French  nuclear operator ADF as revolutional technology  
1367.16 -> announcing the dawn of nuclear Renaissance the  reality is that this technology isn't any kind  
1371.9 -> of technological leap more importantly the France  friendship ER reactor located in flammable is more  
1377.12 -> than 10 years overdue and nearly four times  over budget this is so called Next Generation  
1381.62 -> nuclear reactor and has also sustained multiple  problems delays and costs over runs in France  
1387.32 -> United Kingdom in Finland hypothetically  new nuclear power technologies have been  
1392.48 -> promised to be the next big thing for the last  40 years but in spite of massive public subsidies
1401.06 -> it's mostly private subsidies that come to develop  r d in small model reactors not so much public  
1409.58 -> the Pro Prospect has never planned panned out this  is also true for small model reactors what is true  
1417.14 -> for small body reactors they are being planned out  as we speak in countries such as U.S Sweden China  
1424.28 -> Korea are very very heavily working on those and  for nuclear fusion an idea that is also as old as  
1431.36 -> the nuclear industry which somehow always seems  to be 50 years away the cost and uncertainty of  
1436.34 -> fusion means investing in thermonuclear reactors  at the expense of other available energy options  
1442.22 -> technology won't arrive in time even if and  the money would be better invested elsewhere  
1447.62 -> says Greenpeace who requests from you to  give them 25 a month for this opinion let's
1455.54 -> exert the outmost caution when presented with  pro-nuclear options coming from expert and  
1462.32 -> organizations working with stakeholders from the  nuclear sector says Greenpeace will probably work  
1466.82 -> from stakeholders from against nuclear sector  companies and potentially trained by vested  
1472.4 -> interests as if they are describing themselves in  a sentence nuclear energy has no place in a safely  
1478.16 -> and sustainable future we heard that six times  already it sounds a little bit sad and insecure at  
1482.6 -> this point it is more important than ever that we  steer away from false Solutions and leave nuclear  
1488.12 -> power in the past interesting interesting how  they mention in the one blog post about nuclear  
1494.72 -> weapons nuclear power that we currently use  as in fission and they also talk about Fusion  
1501.5 -> reactors which in they disregard simply in  two and a half sentences even though Fusion  
1507.62 -> reactors are much better than fission reactors  right they don't produce nuclear radioactive  
1512.36 -> nuclear waste they would have significant amount  of energy to give you would be highly sustainable  
1518.54 -> and environmentally efficient and friendly but  somehow they are not of interest for green fish  
1527.12 -> maybe they just don't understand how it works so  they just disregard it all together maybe they  
1532.52 -> thought that because the word nuclear is before  the world Fusion somehow this is associated with  
1537.98 -> fission which is the only thing they seem to be  obsessed about so it's not of interest to them  
1544.1 -> I don't know it's not like there's a lot of  things to back up their statements either and  
1550.82 -> it was interesting to me that there was  an asterisk up here which I was trying to  
1556.16 -> find it says here that the full-scale utility  solar have dropped by 88 and the Wind by 69  
1562.22 -> however the nuclear has increased by 23 and the  asterisks usually means that there is something  
1569.06 -> on the bottom of the page that will lead you to  more information but I am at the bottom of this  
1576.2 -> page and there is no more information so I have  no idea what the asterisk was about but again no
1587.96 -> website or link or reference to  back up their statement no nothing  
1594.86 -> here you have it let me know what you think down  in the comments and if you support more the Green  
1600.26 -> Piece side or are you more on the neutral and  objective side or maybe you do think that the the  
1605.96 -> way that Greenpeace projects things is actually  neutral so I would like to know your thoughts in  
1611.12 -> the comments down below thanks for watching don't  forget to like And subscribe and turn on the Bell  
1615.44 -> notification icon it's been Elina your friendly  nuclear physicist and until next time see you soon

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnkgdpnAmp4