Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS - THE TRUTH About Radioactive Nuclear Waste

Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS - THE TRUTH About Radioactive Nuclear Waste

Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS - THE TRUTH About Radioactive Nuclear Waste

Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS - THE TRUTH About Radioactive Nuclear Waste

There are many Radioactive Nuclear Waste out there that have been misleading the general public about nuclear energy and radioactive Nuclear Waste for decades.
In this video, I debunk Radioactive Nuclear Waste misinformation that has stigmatised the nuclear industry. I go step by step explaining and debunking THE TRUTH About Radioactive Nuclear Waste.

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0.18 -> hey there it's Elina your friendly nuclear  physicist recently I'm made a poll asking  
5.52 -> you guys what is the plan that your country has  regarding the nuclear waste disposal and the  
11.52 -> majority of you they don't really know so today  we're going to be diving into the mystery that  
17.16 -> is nuclear waste and we're going to be debunking  any misinformation that might be out there I'm  
22.44 -> gonna be breaking this video down into three  categories which represent the different kinds  
27.12 -> of ways that are producing a nuclear power  plant and we're going to discuss each one  
31.02 -> separately see how it is produced and how it is  stored firstly starting with a low level waist  
36.66 -> and this amounts to 90 percent of the volume of  the waste that comes out of the nuclear industry  
42.96 -> yet it only amounts to one percent of the total  radioactivity this waste is typically clothing  
50.46 -> of the workers that work with nuclear power plant  are different kind of tools or gloves or one-time  
56.94 -> use items that can be used in a nuclear power  plant and usually are not contaminated or might  
63.3 -> have some very small amounts of contamination on  them from radioactivity that is very short-lived  
69.6 -> meaning that it's going to Decay it's going to be  a non-radioactive very soon maybe in a couple of  
76.32 -> minutes or a day or two therefore this waste is  no different than the waste that is produced for  
81.9 -> example from coal-fired power plants or basically  any other industry out there that uses everyday  
88.08 -> one-time use items therefore this waste is stored  in normal procedure like as we said any other  
95.76 -> waste that comes out the industry would be stored  and in order to minimize its volume sometimes this  
101.22 -> waste is also burned and therefore we don't have  as much of it being stored in landfills and such  
108.48 -> getting higher in the radioactivity scale the  next waste is called intermediate level waste  
114.12 -> this waste is usually contaminated metals or  materials that come straight from the reactor  
120.24 -> core or for example materials from a reactor  during its decommissioning phase which means  
126.3 -> when it's being shut down and different materials  are being dismantled and thrown away and there  
131.58 -> might be a radioactive so this type of materials  are in the category of intermediate level waste  
137.58 -> meaning that their radioactivity is higher than  the low level waist however not too high that they  
144.66 -> need some special procedure in order to be stored  and therefore they are stored and contained for  
151.32 -> a short period of time inside the power plant and  when the radioactivity decays to a very low amount  
158.28 -> they can be stored in a similar way like the low  activity waste it is interesting to point out here  
166.5 -> that seven percent of the total volume of the  radioactive waste comes from intermediate level  
172.5 -> waste which amounts for four percent of the total  radioactivity and now it's time to address the  
179.1 -> elephant in the room the high level radioactive  waste this waste is the uranium is straight on  
186.66 -> the fuel that comes out of the Reactor Core that  is highly radioactive it is literally hot because  
193.68 -> it produces Decay heat and it can last in terms of  radioactivity for thousands and thousands of years  
200.94 -> therefore its disposal needs a specific kind of  procedure that we're going to describe further on  
208.26 -> it is important here to mention that the high  level of radioactive waste is only three percent  
216 -> of the total volume of the waste that the nuclear  industry is producing however amounts for the 95  
222.48 -> percent of the total radioactivity that comes out  of the nuclear industry so let's dive into how do  
228.96 -> we treat this waste how do we manage it so as we  said the radioactive nuclear waste that is of high  
236.16 -> level it is the uranium in the fuel that comes out  of the reactor the fuel itself as we explained in  
241.56 -> previous videos is in a sort of fuel assembly it's  in a long kind of assembly that the roads are put  
250.14 -> positioned inside so the whole assembly when it's  taken out of the reactor it is being stored in a  
255.66 -> temporary storage facility this is usually a big  pool like you can see in the picture here where  
261.6 -> the store the waste is stored for a couple  of years one year or maybe two three years  
266.4 -> in order for it to be literally not too hard to  handle because of the Decay heat as we said that  
274.14 -> is produced inside the fuel and also for the high  levels of radioactivity to drop a little bit down  
280.44 -> in order for it to be manageable to be handled in  any way this is called an interim storage facility  
287.34 -> once the fuel has spent a couple of years in the  interim storage facility now it's time to prepare  
293.28 -> it for the permanent disposal facility here we  are going to describe the most widely accepted and  
301.44 -> implemented method of depositioning permanently  they spent nuclear fuel around the world and  
308.7 -> this is the geological permanent repository so the  geological repository is basically a fancy word of  
316.44 -> saying that it is a bunch of holes underground  very low in the ground around 500 meters below  
324.54 -> ground level in which the spent nuclear fuel  is going to be deposited now in order to choose  
331.08 -> where we are going to deposit the fuel and how  we're going to do that there are procedures in  
336 -> place in order to do that I'm going to explain  to you a particular example that is being used  
341.7 -> in countries such as Sweden and Finland however  other countries that have accepted the idea of  
347.28 -> far geological repository are using similar  methods so firstly one has to examine the  
354 -> geology of the country that the nuclear waste  is going to be stored in and take samples of  
359.52 -> the rocks and how the formation of the Rocks  underground is and how stable they are in case  
366.6 -> of for example seismic activity or movements of  the earth over the years because don't forget  
371.76 -> that this repository has to last for thousands  of years once the location is found in which the  
378.54 -> Rock and geological structure is suitable to store  nuclear waste now it's time to compact the waste  
385.14 -> to seal it in a way in order to deposit it inside  the rock there is several steps several barriers  
392.22 -> to protect the radioactivity to be spread  out in the Rock and out in the environment  
397.8 -> and those steps are the following when we take  the nuclear fuel assembly out of the interim  
405.6 -> storage facility the big pool that we explained  before we insert it inside a big Iron cast sort  
413.16 -> of canister there is a picture here that I took  in a facility that I was visiting last month  
419.7 -> and this kind of shape of cast iron structure with  the nuclear fuel inside is the first barrier in  
429.36 -> protecting the radioactive particles to spread  out and all of this kind of assembly is going  
436.14 -> to be deposited into a copper canister a copper  canister is basically a cylinder of around five  
443.46 -> meters tall and five centimeters thick in which  the iron cast assembly together with the fuel  
451.26 -> assembly is put inside and it's basically sealed  so now this five meter tall thick copper canister  
460.74 -> is going to be placed inside the holes that  are drilled around 500 meters underground and  
468 -> is going to be filled around it with something  that is called bentonite clay now you might ask  
474.84 -> why do we need the bentonite clay in that case  since we already have the fuel assembly we have  
480.18 -> the iron cast structure around it the copper  canister around it to protect it and the Bedrock  
487.2 -> however the copper canister and the bed dog  the rock formation around the canister are  
493.74 -> both very hard materials meaning in case of for  example shaking due to seismic seismic activity  
499.38 -> or for example in case of some sort of rupture  it is easier to fracture the canister because  
507.12 -> of the hard rock around it and therefore we need  something softer and sort of buffer if you think  
513.72 -> about it that accommodates this movement in order  for the copper canister to not crack in any way so  
520.08 -> the bentonite clay material is used and filled  around the copper canister and in between the  
526.44 -> canister and The Rock and it has the ability to  absorb the underground water and any other other  
532.56 -> kind of materials that could potentially penetrate  the canister or cause any kind of corrosion  
538.08 -> problems the bentonite clay is pretty much the  material that is used in cat litter so if you have  
545.94 -> a cut pet a you are pretty much using the litter  that is kind of a box of sand like material and  
553.08 -> when you cut peas there then the material is kind  of solidifying and getting together but it still  
559.02 -> remains kind of soft and uh you can basically  like it's like Plastering kind of texture  
566.04 -> so this is exactly what the bentonite clay does it  creates this soft Plastering like texture around  
572.22 -> the canister in between the Rock in order to  give this extra barrier plus it also has the  
578.76 -> ability to contain some of the radioactive  waste in case of a rupture of a canister  
585.18 -> so to put it all into perspective we are starting  from the nuclear fuel assembly put inside in  
592.08 -> a cast iron assembly inside a copper canister  structure which goes underground with Bentley  
600.78 -> clay around it and the biggest uh kind of barrier  is the rock itself of the permanent Repository  
610.44 -> so therefore there are several barriers that  would protect in case of a radiation leak and  
616.5 -> this idea of depositing the fuel has been  examined tested and researched for decades  
622.5 -> now and it is with very big confidence believed  that can basically keep the radioactive waste  
630.84 -> for hundreds of thousands years underground with  no problem for the generations to come and know  
637.74 -> uh bad outcome for the environment itself and  that's how radioactive nuclear fuel is managed and  
645.06 -> stored don't forget to like this video subscribe  if you haven't subscribed already leave a comment  
650.1 -> down below let me know what your country is doing  in terms of storing their nuclear fuel I will  
655.68 -> put up here two other videos that I've debunked  nuclear power plant myths that I think you might  
660.66 -> find interesting it's been Elina your friendly  nuclear physicist and until next time see you soon  
667.2 -> I don't know check out this video in this video
