Poilievre calls out Trudeau for interest rate hikes |  How do you expect people to pay their bills?

Poilievre calls out Trudeau for interest rate hikes | How do you expect people to pay their bills?

Poilievre calls out Trudeau for interest rate hikes | How do you expect people to pay their bills?

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre called out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for inflation in Canada following another interest rate hike.

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1.68 -> so Justin
4.14 -> how do you expect people to pay their
5.7 -> bills now
7.74 -> you remember
8.88 -> you told them that debt had no
10.559 -> consequences that interest rates would
12.66 -> be low for long
13.92 -> and people could borrow as much as they
15.66 -> wanted and there'd be no problem
18.3 -> and now
19.56 -> you know in a span of a year
22.68 -> interest rates have gone up by four and
25.74 -> a half percentage points a 19 times
28.619 -> increase
30.119 -> in barely a year
33.059 -> Canadians who believed Justin Trudeau
35.94 -> enough to take on Monster million dollar
38.34 -> mortgages in order to afford the
41.399 -> inflated homes that they had to buy in
44.52 -> formerly affordable communities now
47.579 -> don't know how they're going to make
48.66 -> their monthly bills we already see
51.379 -> Canadians experiencing six and seven
54.42 -> hundred percent sorry six and seven
56.399 -> hundred dollar monthly increases in
58.44 -> their mortgage payments and according to
60.42 -> the Bank of Canada over the next three
62.34 -> years a large share of Canadian
64.619 -> households will see their mortgage
66.06 -> payments go up by 40 percent I want you
69.42 -> to think of what that means if you're if
71.159 -> you're paying three grand a month you
73.619 -> could see your mortgage payment
75.24 -> go up by fourteen hundred dollars that's
77.88 -> over fifteen thousand dollars a year for
81.9 -> a family that brings home 80 grand after
84.24 -> tax that vaporizes a quarter or in some
88.32 -> cases even a third of their entire
90 -> take-home pay not for mortgage payments
91.92 -> but just for increases in mortgage
94.259 -> payments now
96 -> we have after eight years of Justin
97.619 -> Trudeau the most indebted households in
100.68 -> the G7 over two trillion dollars of
104.28 -> household debt in other words household
106.92 -> debt is equal to the size of the entire
110.159 -> Canadian economy today think of what
113.7 -> this means mathematically every one
116.46 -> percentage Point increase in interest
118.079 -> rates equals one percent of our GDP a
121.86 -> two percentage Point increase two
123.899 -> percent which is more than the average
125.64 -> annual growth of our economy we've had a
128.759 -> four and a half percent increase in one
131.879 -> year this is on the verge of becoming a
136.68 -> crisis and that is an overused term but
138.54 -> I want to consider this the people who
140.459 -> took out million dollar mortgages in
141.959 -> 2021 and 2022 will be up for Renewal
144.959 -> after their five years in 2026 and 2027.
148.5 -> as these hundreds of billions of dollars
151.14 -> of debt collide with the massive
154.2 -> increases in interest rates there will
157.26 -> be a severe default crisis that is not
160.68 -> according to me that is according to
162.72 -> last week's report from the IMF which
165.72 -> says that Canada is the single most
168.36 -> at-risk country for mortgage defaults of
171.239 -> any country in the G7 Justin Trudeau you
175.62 -> are and you're spending you're out of
177.54 -> control debt and Taxation are leading us
180 -> headlong into a full-scale financial
183.12 -> crisis and I will not let you do it
188.86 -> [Applause]
194.04 -> now it is true that the government does
197.159 -> not set the interest rates but it does
198.78 -> set the policy that drives inflation
200.76 -> which forces the bank to raise interest
203.04 -> rates and if you don't believe me on
204.54 -> that I know I've been saying it like a
206.04 -> broken record for three and a half years
208.739 -> if you don't believe me then listen to
210.599 -> the Liberals themselves
212.22 -> John Manley
213.78 -> John Manley the former liberal Deputy
216.3 -> Prime Minister and Finance Minister said
219.54 -> that Justin Trudeau by spending all this
222.42 -> money and running all these deficits is
224.459 -> putting his foot on the inflationary gas
227.28 -> pedal while the Bank of Canada is
230.4 -> pressing down on the brakes with higher
233.159 -> interest rates Stephen McNeil former
235.14 -> liberal premier of Nova Scotia recently
237.959 -> said that it is in fact domestic deficit
240.84 -> spending that is causing the inflation
242.94 -> and not some global factor indeed the
245.159 -> governor of the Bank of Canada has said
247.14 -> that the inflation in Canada today is a
249.42 -> domestic phenomenon not something Justin
251.64 -> Trudeau can simply blame on the rest of
253.92 -> the world other bank Governors and
256.44 -> liberal insiders have now admitted the
258.959 -> exact same thing so in other words the
262.68 -> domino effect is he is creating by
264.6 -> running these deficits is that he drives
266.88 -> up inflation which drives up interest
268.86 -> rates which could drive up defaults what
272.4 -> do we do to save Canadians from this
274.979 -> financial catastrophe the answer is to
277.44 -> reverse the policies that got us into
279.24 -> the mess in the first place absolutely
283.139 -> thank you
285.24 -> and look we thought that the Liberals
287.34 -> agreed because it was only six months
289.56 -> ago they put forward a fall economic
291.12 -> update which promised to balance the
292.8 -> budget by 2027. now he says budget
295.56 -> balanced budgets are dangerous well only
298.56 -> six months ago he said he was going to
300.54 -> do it this is not a promise from eight
302.52 -> years ago when he ran for office on all
305.16 -> of his lofty uh promises and unrealistic
308.22 -> commitments this was six months ago when
310.139 -> his Finance Minister wrote her her
312.66 -> fellow colleagues and said you'll have
314.16 -> to find savings to match the new
316.5 -> spending and she said that deficits poor
319.56 -> fuel on the inflationary fire she was
322.38 -> absolutely right up until the point
323.88 -> where she introduced a budget that
325.5 -> poured 60 billion dollars of
327.96 -> inflationary fuel on the fire that's
329.639 -> forty two hundred dollars in new
331.86 -> inflation for every family in Canada but
335.46 -> conservatives are fighting back we have
337.62 -> announced that we are going to use every
339.419 -> parliamentary tool in our toolkit to
342.3 -> block this disastrous risky and
344.46 -> inflationary budget from passing until
346.979 -> the Prime Minister makes the commitment
349.32 -> to balance the budget in order to bring
351.78 -> down inflation and interest rates and
354.24 -> today I'm announcing that I will be on
356.039 -> my feet at roughly 7 pm
358.74 -> to stand up against this budget and I
360.9 -> will keep speaking and keep speaking and
363 -> keep blocking this inflationary train
365.34 -> wreck until the Prime Minister Rises
367.139 -> with a plan to balance the budget and
369.24 -> bring down inflation and interest rates
380.4 -> the way out is to bring home lower
383.46 -> prices by getting rid of the
384.78 -> inflationary deficit that involves
386.4 -> bringing in a common sense dollar for
388.08 -> dollar law
389.039 -> a law that requires government find a
391.02 -> Dollar of savings for every new dollar
393.66 -> of spending Justin Trudeau might think
395.699 -> that's hard but it's the same fiscal
397.38 -> discipline that every single mother
398.699 -> every small business person every farmer
400.919 -> follows every day they want to spend
402.66 -> more here
403.74 -> they spend less there or they get a
405.9 -> bargain on both if they want to grow
409.139 -> their advertising budget they have to
411.3 -> reduce their maintenance budget or they
413.699 -> have to find a better deal for both
415.259 -> advertising and maintenance that is how
417.66 -> small businesses run their operation
419.819 -> that's why they balance their budgets
421.56 -> because small business people understand
423.06 -> that budgets do not balance themselves
428.639 -> We Will We Will raid out we will root
430.979 -> out waste and mismanagement we'll end
432.84 -> the practice of giving a big fat juicy
435.72 -> contracts to Liberal insiders for
437.639 -> Unnecessary products like the arrive can
439.8 -> app we'll ax the 35 billion dollar
442.68 -> infrastructure bank that has existed for
444.84 -> five years and hasn't completed a single
446.819 -> solitary infrastructure project we will
449.759 -> root out waste and mismanagement
451.86 -> to progressively and responsibly balance
454.08 -> our budget so that we can protect our
456.479 -> social services but also bring down
458.699 -> inflation and therefore interest rates
461.099 -> before that massive bulge of mortgages
464.639 -> comes up for Renewal so that families
466.979 -> are able to keep their homes their homes
470.9 -> their homes are their security it is our
474.36 -> job to bring it home we will bring home
476.28 -> lower prices by ending the inflationary
478.68 -> deficits and carbon taxes bring home
481.139 -> powerful paychecks with lower income
482.88 -> taxes that reward hard work and by
484.74 -> removing Gatekeepers so immigrants can
486.36 -> work as professionals First Nations can
488.039 -> develop their resources we can produce
490.199 -> our energy here in Canada on Canadian
492.539 -> soil we will bring homes Canadians can
494.639 -> afford by removing the government
496.199 -> Gatekeepers to free up land and speed up
498.419 -> permits to build millions of new
500.22 -> affordable dwellings for our young
502.08 -> people to buy we'll bring home safety
504.419 -> safety with jail and not bail for repeat
506.94 -> violent offenders and by ending the war
509.16 -> on law abiding licensed Firearms orders
511.8 -> and going after a border security and
514.26 -> the real criminals instead and we will
515.7 -> bring home Freedom by ending government
518.039 -> censorship of the internet and on our
519.959 -> campuses so that Canadians can speak
521.52 -> freely on these matters and others none
524.64 -> of this is a revolution my friends this
526.5 -> is just common sense it is the common
528.959 -> sense of the Common People United for
531.3 -> our common home your home my home our
534.3 -> home let's bring it home thank you
538.62 -> guys

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBg8Wj2cyY8