Wonderfold Wagon Review [and Veer Cruiser comparison]

Wonderfold Wagon Review [and Veer Cruiser comparison]

Wonderfold Wagon Review [and Veer Cruiser comparison]

In this Wonderfold Wagon review, John dives deep into the Wonderfold W2 Luxe to find out:
- Wonderfold vs Veer Cruiser — what are the differences? How do the two compare?
- How big is this thing?
- How easy is it to fold the Wonderfold?
- Handling
- Do kids like it?
- How does the wagon perform off-road
- Is the Wonderfold Wagon worth it?
- And much, much more

Links from this video:
Shop Wonderfold: https://www.wonderfoldwagon.com/
Father’s Ed, our online course for new and expecting dads: https://fathercraft.com/fathers-ed/
More about Fathercraft: https://fathercraft.com/

The Wonderfold Wagon is part of a new breed of stroller/wagon crossovers meant to help you haul kids, and all their gear. As the name implies, it’s meant to easily fold up for storage and travel. How well does it do those things? Watch to find out.


0.08 -> i've been testing the wonderful w-2 lux
2.639 -> on and off for quite a while and
4.4 -> recently i was fortunate enough to haul
5.839 -> this thing 900 miles to breckenridge
7.919 -> colorado and really put it through its
9.76 -> paces so in this wonderful wagon review
11.599 -> i'm gonna let you know if this behemoth
13.2 -> of a stroller wagon crossover pulled its
15.519 -> weight or if it would have been better
17.199 -> left in the garage not only that but
18.72 -> i'll touch on how the wonderful compares
20.24 -> to other crossover wagons like the veer
22.08 -> cruiser and because the name wonderful
24 -> is a pun of sorts i have no choice but
26.32 -> to make this a pun heavy video you've
28.48 -> been warned
32.8 -> what's going on people uh i'm john from
34.559 -> fathercraft where we make online courses
36.559 -> for dads um and also review a bunch of
38.64 -> baby gear and products to try and help
40.399 -> make this parenting thing just a bit
42.16 -> easier
43.28 -> so totally head over to fathercraft.com
46.16 -> to find out more let's first address the
48.079 -> 700 elephant in the room which i guess
50.48 -> ironically is pretty cheap for an
52.48 -> elephant
54.64 -> off to a good start yeah this wagon is
56.399 -> super expensive and honestly it's not an
58.96 -> essential item in my opinion
61.039 -> but before we all freak out over the
62.48 -> price tag let's add a splash of context
64.96 -> so the bob revolution flex 3.0 dually
68 -> which is a double stroller costs around
69.76 -> 700
71.36 -> and while these two child transportation
73.6 -> devices may have extremely different
75.439 -> uses the point is that there are a lot
78 -> of expensive strollers out there uh so
80.56 -> it's important to understand how you're
81.84 -> going to use the stroller you're
83.52 -> intending to buy and whether or not the
85.84 -> features on any given stroller you're
87.36 -> looking at will meet your needs so let's
89.28 -> first focus on the features themselves
91.36 -> first the wagon is large and in charge
93.84 -> weighing in about 55 pounds now for some
96.4 -> context that's nearly twice as much as
98.56 -> uh two bob strollers put together but
101.119 -> not quite as much as an actual elephant
102.64 -> though which weighs about 12 000 pounds
104.64 -> so fully extended the wagon measures in
106.399 -> about 44.5 inches long and 54 inches
109.36 -> tall with the canopy attached at its
111.28 -> fullest height and about 19 inches wide
113.759 -> for some more context the bob revolution
115.759 -> flex is about 46 inches long
118.159 -> 25 inches wide and 45 inches tall so all
122.32 -> in all it's actually a little bit
124 -> smaller dimensionally speaking than the
126 -> bob revolution
127.52 -> it's really the weight that's going to
129.039 -> stand out as far as seating capacity
131.039 -> goes it can comfortably sit two kids
132.72 -> with a maximum weight limit of around
134.4 -> 200 pounds now according to the specs
136.319 -> the detachable and race seats have a
137.92 -> weight capacity of 45 pounds but i'd
140.879 -> venture to say that weight limit is on a
142.56 -> bit of the conservative side as calvin
144.4 -> is pushing 50 pounds in the seat held
146.72 -> them without any issues now i wouldn't
148.239 -> recommend this but paul and i did some
149.76 -> testing with our eight and
150.64 -> nine-year-olds in the seats with our
152.64 -> four and five-year-olds trying to scale
154.319 -> the walls to get in like they were
155.68 -> storming a castle and everything stayed
157.599 -> in one piece when it comes to folding
159.519 -> and unfolding the wagon it's actually
161.44 -> surprisingly easy in spite of its weight
163.28 -> in overall footprint surprisingly the
165.44 -> wonderful doesn't take up much more
167.12 -> space than the bob would in its folded
169.04 -> position so when it is folded the
171.599 -> footprint shrinks to 20 inches in width
173.84 -> and a height of around 43 inches
176.4 -> assuming you remove the canopy so again
178.319 -> the wonderful surprised me with how
180.239 -> little space it actually takes up it's
182 -> quite deceiving at first glance
184.4 -> so when i traveled i wasn't actually
186.319 -> able to fit it into the trunk area of my
188.56 -> car and ended up needing to strap it to
191.28 -> the roof well to be fair a lot of that
193.44 -> was due in large parts the fact that i
194.959 -> was forced by my co-founder paul to
196.64 -> bring his dj speakers back to denver now
199.599 -> there's obviously a rather large
201.28 -> backstory to this but in the interest of
202.8 -> time let's just say that once upon a
205.12 -> time this big buddy had hardcore
206.799 -> aspirations of becoming the next dead
208.64 -> mouse and spitting the ones and twos on
210.72 -> the main stage of coachella
212.879 -> now if that reference is lost on you
214.56 -> then i apologize i'm now apparently old
217.04 -> taking a closer look at the wagon itself
218.879 -> it looks and feels high-end and it
220.64 -> better because it costs 700
223.2 -> so this admittedly subjective
225.28 -> observation is backed up by the fact
227.12 -> that it's supremely well built for me i
229.44 -> can tell when a stroller is poorly made
231.519 -> when the stroller starts to give at the
233.439 -> joints when navigating around corners
235.2 -> especially when going uphill or downhill
236.879 -> which means you can literally feel the
238.319 -> stroller start to bend in a couple of
239.92 -> places and this was not the case with
242.239 -> this wagon even with the wagon fully
244.159 -> loaded with kids and purses and camera
246.239 -> gear and whatnot there was hardly any
248.159 -> give pushing this thing around corners
250.239 -> now this is not to say that it wasn't
251.84 -> difficult at times
253.519 -> but we'll get into that in a moment so
255.04 -> starting at the top and working your way
256.479 -> down you've got a nylon canopy supported
258.56 -> by two canopy rods on either end
260.88 -> which are both adjustable and removable
263.04 -> now within the main cabin of the wagon
264.639 -> you've got the two removable seats which
266.639 -> are elevated from the floor of the wagon
268.56 -> which makes it really easy to put kids
270.72 -> in and out of the seats especially when
272.56 -> they're younger and can't do it
273.6 -> themselves the reclinable removable
275.68 -> seats are equipped with a five-point
277.44 -> magnetic harness which makes strapping
279.36 -> your kids in super easy
281.28 -> the side panels are made of a mesh
282.88 -> fabric which helps with air ventilation
285.28 -> because kids smell and you don't want
286.639 -> the wagon to smell either
288.16 -> and on the front doggy door you'll find
290.08 -> a large zippered storage area as well as
292.24 -> two smaller zippered pockets on either
294.24 -> side so at risk of bruising by the doggy
296.479 -> door reference uh let me explain so this
298.479 -> door unzips on three sides making it a
300.32 -> flap or doggy door of sorts so on this
302.639 -> trip to denver like i mentioned earlier
304.4 -> to visit paul and his kids it was
306.08 -> immediately apparent that the doggy door
308.16 -> was a huge hit for the kids
310.4 -> and it was also rather entertaining to
311.84 -> watch them figure out how many kids
313.12 -> could fit in through the dog the doggy
314.8 -> door at once and the answer is one
317.52 -> but they never really quite figured that
318.8 -> out which made for minutes of
321.199 -> entertainment for us all right now let's
322.72 -> talk about how this thing handles
323.84 -> especially considering how large and in
325.44 -> charge it is the three position
326.88 -> adjustable handlebar is wrapped with a
328.72 -> vegan leather cover so not only will
330.639 -> your hands thank you the environment
332.32 -> will take you as well
334.72 -> cows too now that i think about it as
336.56 -> i've mentioned this several times
338.16 -> already uh it's worth mentioning again
340.32 -> that this wagon is fairly heavy and the
342.639 -> weight is distributed much differently
344.479 -> than your standard stroller so when you
346.479 -> add kids to the mix pushing this thing
348.32 -> on anything other than a straight and
349.919 -> flat surface becomes a bit of a workout
352.479 -> now despite its bulky frame the steering
354.56 -> is surprisingly responsive
356.479 -> plus the amount of torque needed at
357.759 -> times to navigate tight corners and
359.36 -> uneven surfaces
361.039 -> doesn't result in handlebar wiggle
363.28 -> meaning this thing is solidly built it
366.08 -> also has that 200 pound weight capacity
367.919 -> which means it could easily hold me
373.039 -> what come on son did you forget how to
375.36 -> read a scale
378.639 -> yeah okay maybe not me now
382 -> me like five years ago
384.8 -> okay 10 years ago
388.16 -> all right
389.52 -> high school you happy it could hold me
391.6 -> in high school yeah that's more accurate
394.56 -> kids
396.4 -> they make you fat
398.319 -> they make you fat another way around it
400.56 -> they make you fat in case of emergency
402.72 -> or if you simply need to stop the
404.16 -> stroller you can engage the brake by
405.919 -> pushing down on the brake pedal if you
407.759 -> do find yourself veering off-road the
409.599 -> oversized all-terrain tires will help
411.36 -> navigate through some of that bumpy
412.639 -> terrain as with anything that kids get
414.88 -> their grubby little paws on this wagon
416.639 -> will get rather dirty from use when it
418.72 -> does you can remove the fabric for easy
420.639 -> cleaning but you can only wipe it down
422.4 -> you can't hose it down or throw it in
423.84 -> the washing machine which makes it a bit
425.84 -> of a more of a manual process but it can
427.84 -> still be cleaned now real quick
429.28 -> wonderful wagon versus veer cruiser
432.24 -> now admittedly i haven't tested the veer
434.4 -> cruiser in depth yet i've just had a few
436.639 -> quick minutes of playing with it at a
437.919 -> store
438.96 -> to kind of take a look at some of the
440.24 -> differences so the wonderful is
442.08 -> considerably taller which means your
443.759 -> kids are higher off the ground which
445.759 -> then means it makes it easier to put
447.36 -> them in the seats
448.96 -> and also making the center gravity
450.639 -> higher which can help with steering veer
452.96 -> is also considerably smaller meaning
454.88 -> you're going to struggle to get your two
456.08 -> bigger kids in it
457.44 -> and any other gear that you were
458.639 -> carrying with you which potentially
460 -> reduces how long your kids can use it
461.68 -> one plus in the viewer's corner is that
463.44 -> it can be hosed down while like i
465.12 -> mentioned earlier wonderful fabric
466.8 -> necessitates wiping down instead all
469.12 -> right so let's talk a minute about what
470.639 -> i really enjoyed about this wagon first
473.28 -> despite its size and weight it's also
474.8 -> really easy to collapse and open you've
476.4 -> got that single clip on the side
478.96 -> that centers it closed
480.639 -> it can also carry a lot of weight
482.319 -> without being too difficult to push
484.319 -> again if the road conditions are
485.759 -> favorable also my kids really love
487.84 -> riding in it and like i mentioned
489.28 -> earlier the kids loved entering and
490.879 -> exiting through the doggy door just a
493.12 -> lot of entertainment value added for
494.96 -> them which means more free time for you
496.56 -> plus it's super simple to convert it
498 -> from a stroller to a wagon with its
500 -> removable seats
501.44 -> i mean there are all kinds of things to
503.68 -> like about this wagon but that's not to
506.24 -> say that there are some drawbacks so
508.16 -> i'll talk about some of those now one as
510.479 -> i've said a couple of times now it's
512.32 -> rather heavy
513.599 -> which can make it difficult to push when
515.039 -> you're navigating elevated terrain
516.959 -> especially if you're toting around a
518.24 -> couple of kids
519.599 -> which really can add to your exertion
521.2 -> but it was still a lot easier to push it
522.959 -> on than i thought it was going to be
524.32 -> given how big i thought it was probably
526.48 -> the hardest thing to do is navigating up
528.24 -> and over curbs it's quite the herculean
530.56 -> effort there are times where i put my
532.399 -> whole weight on the handlebar just to
534.08 -> try and pop a wheelie over a curb
536.48 -> and can just barely manage it so if
538.8 -> you're not as buff as i am
541.04 -> you're probably gonna have issues with
542.48 -> it
544.399 -> i'm just kidding i'm not buff in fact
546.56 -> and i've gotten used to it both paul and
548.16 -> i noticed that the wagon tends to push
549.6 -> towards the right when coasting which
551.04 -> means we're adjusting the steering quite
552.8 -> a bit now we could chalk this up to
554.64 -> being either like a weight distribution
556.72 -> thing or perhaps our left arms are
558.72 -> slightly longer than our right arms but
560.64 -> i thought it was worth mentioning the
562.16 -> price is also a bit of a hindrance again
564.16 -> this model the w2 lux comes in at around
566.48 -> 700 bucks but in context with other
568.64 -> high-end strollers you're going to spend
570.399 -> just as much if not more so is this
573.44 -> thing worth the price tag
575.519 -> i have to say yes i think all the
577.519 -> positive aspects of this wagon stroller
579.6 -> definitely justify the cost the first
581.68 -> thing i always think about before making
583.2 -> a big purchase is what is my return on
585.36 -> investment how long will i actually be
587.2 -> able to use this thing like how long
588.88 -> until it gets wonder old or how long
591.279 -> until i leave it out in the wonder cold
593.519 -> and i think the wonderful wagon will
595.76 -> provide you a net positive return so if
598.16 -> you think about the versatility of this
599.519 -> thing it's definitely something to
601.04 -> consider
602 -> you can start toting your kid around it
603.519 -> as early as six months so you'll easily
605.839 -> get nine plus years out of it and
607.279 -> probably the most important aspect of
609.12 -> this stroller wagon hybrid is its 200
611.6 -> pound weight capacity which means it can
614.48 -> easily tote 160 pound keg of beer
617.36 -> so because it doubles as a wagon once
619.76 -> your kids are old enough to fend for
621.279 -> themselves the stroller easily converts
623.6 -> into a beer wagon definitely the thing i
625.76 -> am looking forward to the most those
628.16 -> will be the golden days the wonderful
630.24 -> days so all in all you should be wonder
633.12 -> sold on getting one that's the last one
635.6 -> i promise
636.8 -> speaking of being sold on something you
638.64 -> should totally get yourself sold on
640.16 -> father's app our online course for new
642.079 -> and expecting debts it's chock full of
644.24 -> information that will guide you through
645.6 -> everything you need to know on how to
647.44 -> take care of your baby how to be a
648.959 -> supportive father how to be a supportive
651.12 -> partner and what kind of gear you need
653.04 -> and don't need and a ton of other super
654.88 -> important topics
656.16 -> plus it comes with a super sexy workbook
658.64 -> if you're into learning the
659.68 -> old-fashioned way and we also offer a
662.079 -> hundred percent money-back guarantee so
663.92 -> check it out at fathercraft.com father's
666.16 -> ed
666.88 -> again that's fathercraft.com
670.16 -> father's ed
671.6 -> alright people thank you for sticking
673.6 -> around i really appreciate it my hair
676.079 -> and i are going to
678.32 -> have a talk i don't know if you've
679.6 -> noticed but my hair's getting long
681.6 -> basically my hair is going through
682.72 -> puberty it's stuck in between the
685.36 -> kid phase and the adult phase right in
688.079 -> the middle of that weird adolescent
689.519 -> phase
690.72 -> trying to figure out if it wants to be
691.839 -> short here along here
693.279 -> it hasn't decided yet
695.6 -> and you know i'm getting kind of
698.8 -> uh annoyed with it but we'll we'll see
701.279 -> fingers crossed i'm trying to grow it
702.64 -> out look like the cool work at home dad
705.44 -> that grows its beard and hair i can't
707.36 -> grow a beard so i'm gonna grow my hair
710.16 -> it's uh been tedious so we'll see how it
712.48 -> goes
713.36 -> fingers crossed i can put it into a man
715.36 -> bun by the end of the year definitely
717.12 -> keep you posted on that
718.639 -> alright thanks people see in the next
720.56 -> video

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihGEToOn4Lc