How To Use AI In Social Media

How To Use AI In Social Media

How To Use AI In Social Media

Welcome to the future of social media savvy! 🌐🤖 In a world where cat videos and viral challenges reign supreme, it’s time to up your game with a touch of AI wizardry. Buckle up as we dive into the realm of ones and zeros, showing you how to transform your social media presence from ‘meh’ to mesmerizing using the power of Artificial Intelligence. Get ready to decode algorithms and spice up your content.

Watch And Enjoy!

Key Moments In This Episode
00:00 Intro \u0026 Summary
01:28 How To Leverage AI For Lead Generation
02:06 How To Ask The Proper Questions
02:27 How To Identify Query And Search Criteria
03:13 How To Identify Real Estate Trends
04:26 Rent Vs Buy Analysis
04:57 How To Gather Neighborhood Insights

What To Watch Next
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About Verl Workman
Verl Workman is the Founder and CEO of Workman Success Systems, the premier coaching and consulting solution for real estate teams and brokers. For more than 20 years Verl has been coaching sales professionals to live life at a higher level. His clients are some of the most successful agents and teams in North America and Canada. A Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) of the National Speakers Association, Verl has delivered over 1,000 seminars, webinars and keynote addresses around the world. His undying passion infuses a sense of discovery that empowers him to inspire his clients and truly change lives.



0 ->  Hey, big V here, and we're talking teams. So  what's up with AI and how are real estate agents  
5.94 -> and companies using AI in their practice? I'll  tell you what, everybody has a different opinion.  
9.96 -> Everybody has a different search. Everybody  has a different prompt of how they're using AI.
23.32 -> I will just
23.82 -> share with you some of the things that our  top teams are doing to utilize artificial  
28.56 -> intelligence in their real estate  practice. At Workman Success Systems,  
31.62 -> we're actually developing our own AI engines  that allow our coaches and clients to hear  
36.6 -> and see things exactly the way we want them to  see them based on content that we've created.
40.56 -> Artificial intelligence has a tremendous  amount of benefit, but there's also some  
44.4 -> risks associated with it. One of the things I'll  share with you or challenge you is that when you  
48.66 -> load your content to artificial intelligence, you  load it to chat GPT, it then becomes available  
53.82 -> to the world. So make sure that if you want to  give up your copywriter, you want to give up  
57.84 -> the stuff that you've created, just upload it  to chat GPT, then anybody has access to it.
62.1 -> If you want to be careful and you want to make  sure that you keep your stuff proprietary,  
65.82 -> there's ways to do that as well. I'll tell you  that as a father, as a Sunday school teacher,  
71.04 -> as a coach, as a CEO, I've learned  to use. Chat GPT in so many different  
75.96 -> aspects of my life. And for me, what it's  done is it hasn't become a replacement.
80.22 -> It's just made my life easier because I've  learned how to ask questions differently. So  
85.62 -> let me give you an example of just  some of the things you can do with  
88.08 -> chat GPT. So one of the first things  that we started doing is saying, okay,  
91.98 -> how do we find out what behaviors  are happening inside of our leads?
96.12 -> Lead qualification and lead generation are  incredible. With companies like Inside Real  
101.46 -> Estate, KV core, Sync, BoomTown and others.  They've created artificial intelligence  
106.14 -> engines inside their lead generation  and their lead incubation process. So
110.04 -> that it identifies the behaviors of  the consumers that are inside the
114 -> site and it recognizes and identifies if  they're moving closer to buying or selling  
118.62 -> a home. So engaging with lead generation systems  and lead generation companies that incorporate  
122.94 -> that functionality into their program makes  a huge difference. Another thing that you can  
127.38 -> use artificial intelligence for is to help you  write better questions based on the generation  
132.9 -> and the emotional intelligence and the behavioral  style of people that are in your lead database.
138.06 -> You can integrate it into your CRM and you can  ask questions that gauge not just the level of  
143.46 -> urgency, but also the level of interest  based on the behaviors that are happening  
146.7 -> in that database. Next is property search  assistance. When you're going in and you're  
150.9 -> using your artificial intelligence, if  you ask the questions correctly about  
154.92 -> the specific type of property you're  looking for, it will help you identify
158.58 -> queries and search criteria that will make your  searches more refined. You can also use it to  
164.88 -> create virtual tours, property images, information  about neighborhoods. You can grab information  
169.56 -> about all kinds of things that have been uploaded.  There's been recent activity happening with the  
174.06 -> artificial intelligence community where  we can actually go in and we can find
177.72 -> photography and photographs. Now they're saying  that you've gotta be very careful in publishing  
182.52 -> somebody else's works. You have to make sure  you ask for permission or give credit where  
186.18 -> it's done. So make sure you're following  the laws and you're paying attention to the  
189.6 -> artificial intelligence regulations that are  coming out there and they're changing daily.
193.2 -> The next thing you could do is you could use  market insights and trends. One of my favorite  
197.4 -> things to do is to look at artificial  intelligence to find out what's going  
200.64 -> on in the world today, and ask questions to  find out the trends of real estate. What are  
205.26 -> the markets that they're growing? What  are the markets they're going down in?
207.66 -> What segments of the market are people  buying and selling houses in? What kind of  
211.26 -> incentives are we seeing builders offering  today? By asking the right questions,  
214.98 -> you begin to get better information coming back  from your artificial. Intelligence engines.
220.08 -> Some of the common questions asked by real  estate agents according to Chat GPT are...
224.58 -> Here's some of the questions. Compile a  list of common questions that are asked  
229.26 -> by real estate buyers and sellers. If  you know the questions they're asked,  
232.44 -> you can provide the answers. Another one might  be, share with me the biggest objections as to  
237.78 -> why people won't move forward in buying or selling  a house, and how I could more effectively answer  
242.7 -> those objections Using Chat GPT to help  you write scripts to overcome objections,  
247.26 -> handle concerns, and keep people moving  forward in the process is brilliant.
250.68 -> You can also ask it to do it in a foreign  language, or you can ask it to do it with a  
255.78 -> different kind of a twist for you 'cause  you're in the Southern marketplace. The  
258.9 -> way that chat communicates and the way that it  interacts with you is very, very much related  
264.36 -> on the types of questions you ask. Another  common way that agents are using the Chat
268.8 -> GPT or the artificial intelligence engines,  is they're using it to ask questions like,  
273.66 -> can you give me a rent versus own analysis,  and why consumers today would want to buy
279.6 -> over renting a home? When you ask that  question that way, it then comes up with  
283.98 -> a whole bunch of different reasons why buying  is better than selling, and you can ask it for  
288.3 -> statistical data that backs up the research.  When you ask the right questions, you get that  
292.2 -> kind of response agents are able to have much  better conversations with their consumers today.
296.52 -> Another one of my favorite AI Interactions is  when you start asking for neighborhood insights  
301.74 -> and insights about the community. What are some of  the greatest restaurants in and around a certain  
305.7 -> community? What are some of the activities  you can do? How close are you to being able  
309.6 -> to go mountain biking or enjoy the outdoors  or the things that are in interest to you?
314.04 -> One of the coolest things is that there  is so much data that's being uploaded and  
318.54 -> put into these chat engines every single day  that the information becomes more and more  
322.5 -> accurate. I'm gonna challenge you to always  double check. Always put your spin on things,  
326.7 -> don't plagiarize, and don't just  copy things out of the AI engines.
330.54 -> What you want to do is you  want to ask the questions,  
332.64 -> get the information from the research you need,  double check to make sure that it's accurate,  
337.2 -> and then write it in your own voice. It's  important that you understand that it makes  
341.34 -> life easier. It's not designed to just write  everything in your voice for you on your behalf.
346.98 -> That's not the purpose of the artificial  intelligence. There's so many more things  
351.3 -> that are happening out there. One  of the things I like to ask it is  
354.3 -> to provide feedback and post self  follow up questions so that I can  
358.08 -> ask the questions in the way that's most  likely to get the consumer to respond.
361.86 -> Artificial intelligence is fun. It's a lot to  fun to play with. It's fun to use in business,  
367.14 -> and there's so many things you can do with  it. One of the things we did recently with  
370.62 -> a client is we said, okay, so let's create  the property description of a property. We  
374.94 -> put in all the information. It  wrote the property description.
377.04 -> Then we said, okay, now. Write the  same ads for Facebook, Instagram,  
381.3 -> TikTok, and LinkedIn in a voice that  appeals to the audience on each of  
386.34 -> those social media channels. Using our  content from the ad and then rewrote  
390.84 -> quick posts for all of our social media. We  had to go in and make a few simple edits,  
394.98 -> but the process was so much faster because of the  engine that we used in artificial intelligence.
399.9 -> Artificial intelligence can help you write  interview questions and how help you write job  
403.92 -> descriptions and perfect the things you're doing  in your business. There are so many doors that  
408.96 -> are being opened with artificial intelligence.  Be careful how you use it, but make sure that  
413.28 -> you're understanding what can be done with it  and apply it to your own real estate practice.
416.94 -> If you'd like to have some of the best prompts  that we've used in our real estate companies, go  
421.26 -> ahead and click on the link below and we're gonna  give you a list of some of our favorite prompts  
424.8 -> and how to ask the right questions in Chat GPT. AI Is brilliant. An agent that uses an AI has a  
432.06 -> much greater chance of success. So you can choose  to ignore it or you can choose to embrace it.
436.8 -> At Workman's success, we're embracing artificial  intelligence and we encourage you to do the same.
