This Is How A Nuclear Bomb Works

This Is How A Nuclear Bomb Works

This Is How A Nuclear Bomb Works

Tune in to find out how a nuclear bomb works 💣
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1.04 -> since their first devastating use back
3.52 -> in 1945
5.359 -> nuclear weapons have been a huge source
7.44 -> of anxiety and fear across the globe for
10.48 -> almost a century now we've lived in the
12.32 -> knowledge that our world leaders could
14.24 -> plunge us into nuclear war with
16.16 -> destruction on a scale never before seen
18.72 -> in history but how likely really is this
21.359 -> scenario
22.56 -> what was the biggest nuclear weapon ever
24.8 -> dropped and how does a nuke even work
27.359 -> anyway slip your hazmat suit on and
29.76 -> brace yourself for impact because you're
31.76 -> about to get hit with a fat knowledge
33.6 -> bomb
40.079 -> let's start with a little history and
42 -> ask the question
43.44 -> why were nuclear bombs ever developed in
45.84 -> the first place in 1938 just a year
48.96 -> before the world was plunged into war
51.52 -> german scientist otto han was working in
54.559 -> a lab in berlin when he discovered
56.879 -> something incredible
58.48 -> nuclear energy by splitting the nucleus
61.12 -> of an atom the smallest unit of matter
63.52 -> in the known universe
65.28 -> han realized a monumental amount of
67.92 -> energy was released after word got out
70.799 -> about his findings u.s president
73.2 -> franklin d roosevelt was worried that
75.52 -> the germans would use this newfound
77.52 -> energy to develop a super weapon
80.4 -> so he asked us scientists to develop one
83.6 -> first
84.64 -> when america joined world war ii in
86.56 -> december 1941
88.72 -> these efforts were doubled and roosevelt
91.28 -> established the manhattan project
93.92 -> based in manhattan new york the project
96.32 -> was a joint effort by the military and
98.479 -> several hundred scientists
100.4 -> to weaponize nuclear energy
102.96 -> just four years after its formation its
105.92 -> goal was met
107.439 -> on the 16th of july 1945 the u.s
111.28 -> conducted the first ever test of a
113.36 -> nuclear bomb code named the trinity test
117.36 -> the bomb containing one kiloton of
119.84 -> destructive power
121.439 -> that's the same as one thousand tons of
123.92 -> conventional explosives was dropped from
126.479 -> a plane over socorro new mexico
129.36 -> the resulting explosion stunned the u.s
132 -> military and left the bomb site so
134.56 -> irradiated that even today the area
137.36 -> contains more than 10 times the normal
140 -> level of background radiation
142.64 -> in other words it was a resounding
144.879 -> success
146.239 -> less than a month later the us would put
148.319 -> this terrifying new technology to
150.72 -> horrific use
152.64 -> with the war almost over but japan
155.04 -> refusing to surrender
157.12 -> newly instated president harry s truman
160.08 -> ordered the atomic bombing of the city
162.239 -> of hiroshima
163.599 -> when the bomb named little boy was
165.84 -> dropped
166.8 -> everything changed
168.72 -> the plane chosen for the mission a b-29
171.76 -> super fortress bomber called the enola
173.84 -> gay
174.72 -> reached hiroshima at 9 14 a.m local time
178.64 -> on the 6th of august 1945.
181.76 -> the bombardier thomas farabe dropped the
184.64 -> near ten thousand pound bomb
187.36 -> then the pilot paul tibbetts
189.68 -> sharply turned and flew away from the
192.159 -> city as fast as he could 43 seconds
195.2 -> later little boy exploded with the force
197.599 -> of more than 16
199.519 -> 500 tons of tnt
202.319 -> the nuclear explosion instantly
204.319 -> vaporized anyone at its center
206.959 -> scorched the ground around it to
208.48 -> temperatures hotter than 7000 degrees
211.04 -> fahrenheit and sent a shockwave that
213.599 -> smashed through buildings and
215.519 -> obliterated land for miles around
218.799 -> it was hell on earth
220.799 -> a daunting mushroom cloud soared in the
223.2 -> air 20 000 feet above the city blocking
226.4 -> out sunlight to those below
228.48 -> but still the japanese emperor hirohito
231.519 -> refused to back down
233.84 -> surprised but unperturbed
236.64 -> truman ordered the dropping of a second
239.12 -> bomb this time over the city of nagasaki
243.439 -> this bomb named fat man was even bigger
246.72 -> and more powerful than its predecessor
249.519 -> just three days after the bombing of
251.36 -> hiroshima
252.64 -> fat man fell from a u.s plane and
254.72 -> exploded over nagasaki obliterating over
257.84 -> two and a half square miles of the city
260.799 -> a second mushroom cloud was thrust high
263.28 -> into the air and radioactive rain burned
266.56 -> down on anyone unfortunate enough to
269.12 -> have survived the initial blast yeah you
271.759 -> might have been better off being
273.28 -> vaporized than being a little further
275.6 -> out when the bomb went off
277.759 -> those not in the immediate blast
279.68 -> suffered all kinds of nasty maladies
282.479 -> like burns internal injuries and
284.8 -> blindness
286.16 -> and many succumbed to them
288.479 -> emperor hirohito seeing such destruction
291.919 -> finally announced the country's
293.68 -> surrender
295.04 -> at the cost of over 200 000 innocent
298.4 -> lives the allies had won the war perhaps
301.36 -> unsurprisingly the newly formed united
303.68 -> nations made one of their first acts to
306.16 -> call for the elimination of atomic
308.32 -> weapons and even less unsurprisingly
311.6 -> this was completely ignored in the years
314.32 -> following the war the us continued
316.56 -> testing atomic bombs in the soviet union
319.6 -> under communist rule and firmly against
321.759 -> the american way of life accelerated
324.16 -> their own nuclear program in 1949 the
327.759 -> soviet union became the second nation to
330.4 -> successfully detonate a nuclear bomb
333.12 -> the cold war had officially begun two
336.08 -> nations with wildly conflicting belief
338.639 -> systems both harboring the most powerful
341.44 -> weapons mankind had ever seen
344.08 -> what could possibly go wrong you know
346.639 -> where you can't go wrong though hitting
348.24 -> those like and subscribe buttons down
349.919 -> below so you get amazing recommendations
352.72 -> and content like this delivered to your
354.639 -> home page almost every single day anyway
357.84 -> back to blowing stuff up
360.8 -> in 1952 three years after the soviet
363.759 -> union's first successful nuclear test
366.8 -> and with cold war tensions rising ever
369.199 -> higher the us took nuclear weaponry to a
372.24 -> whole new level by detonating the first
375.12 -> ever hydrogen bomb can you guess how
377.6 -> much more powerful this hydrogen bomb
379.84 -> was than the og atom bombs
382.479 -> 10 times
383.68 -> 100 times
385.36 -> nope it was 1 000 times more powerful
388.479 -> than the bomb dropped on hiroshima or
391.039 -> when obliterating an entire city just
393.68 -> isn't enough when the bomb exploded over
396.4 -> a remote pacific island it did so with
399.199 -> the monumental force of 10.4 megatons of
403.199 -> tnt
404.479 -> that's over 10 million tons of the stuff
407.44 -> the colossal blast made a fireball at
409.599 -> least four miles wide that by expert
412.96 -> estimates shown brighter than a thousand
415.759 -> suns
416.88 -> and the heat was felt by observers
419.199 -> standing as far as 30 miles away but the
422.4 -> soviets were hot on the us's tail and if
425.12 -> you thought what you just saw was big
427.36 -> strap yourselves in because you've seen
429.759 -> nothing yet
431.68 -> let's put things into perspective for a
433.44 -> moment the bomb dropped on hiroshima was
436.08 -> 15 kilotons the first hydrogen bomb was
439.759 -> 10 megatons
441.759 -> but nine years later in 1961
445.12 -> the soviets tested a hydrogen bomb that
447.36 -> was an unbelievable 57 megatons that's 3
452.479 -> 800 times the power of the bomb that
455.039 -> destroyed hiroshima the absolute
457.039 -> behemoth of a weapon was called the tsar
459.44 -> bomba and measured in at 26 feet long as
462.88 -> well as weighing 27 metric tons about
466.24 -> six times the weight of little boy and
468.8 -> over twice the length the monstrous
471.12 -> super weapon was so big that it didn't
473.44 -> even fit inside a plane and had to be
476 -> carried underneath instead
478.56 -> you've got a feel for the poor pilot he
480.879 -> and his crew were only given a 50 50
483.36 -> chance of surviving the test
485.68 -> on october 30th 1961 the plane carrying
489.44 -> the bomb took off and flew towards the
491.919 -> test site an island in the arctic ocean
495.039 -> named novia zemlia
497.599 -> once over the island the crew released
500.08 -> the payload and got the hell out of
502.08 -> there as fast as they could to give them
504.24 -> more time the enormous explosive had
506.4 -> been fitted with a parachute to slow its
508.56 -> descent even so when it detonated the
511.599 -> blast was so powerful that its shock
514.32 -> wave slammed into the plane sending it
516.64 -> plummeting over 3000 feet
529.76 -> luckily the pilot recovered control but
532.399 -> the explosion annihilated everything
534.8 -> within 22 miles and created a massive
538.24 -> mushroom cloud over 37 miles high
541.68 -> the bombers crew still hurtling away as
544.24 -> fast as they could
545.68 -> watched as the beautiful terrifying
548.48 -> plume
549.44 -> pierced the sky where they'd been mere
551.92 -> moments before
554.56 -> in reality the test was nothing more
556.64 -> than soviet premier nikita karushkev
559.68 -> flexing his military muscle to show the
562.16 -> us who was boss but the bomb itself
565.279 -> while undoubtedly impressive was
567.6 -> impractical and wasn't as effective as
569.839 -> dropping several smaller bombs so no
572.64 -> attempt by either side was ever made to
574.959 -> make one bigger
576.48 -> even today the tsar bomba remains the
578.8 -> biggest nuclear weapon ever created and
581.6 -> used though i came pretty close to
585.12 -> topping it after last night's curry
587.839 -> despite no single bomb ever matching the
590.399 -> tsar bomba's power between 1945 and 1980
594.959 -> a combined total of 510 megatons of
598.72 -> explosives were detonated around the
600.959 -> world in nuclear tests that's 170 times
604.88 -> more blast power than was used in the
607.12 -> whole of world war ii
609.44 -> and though easily the two biggest
611.519 -> culprits it wasn't just the us and
614.16 -> soviet union that were responsible for
616.079 -> the barrage of blasts by 1980 the uk
620.16 -> france and china had all waded into the
623.04 -> fray with their own tests albeit on a
626 -> far smaller scale
627.92 -> with five nations all blowing the living
630.24 -> daylights out of any barren patch of
632 -> land they could find
633.6 -> you might expect there to be some
635.36 -> environmental consequences right
638.8 -> well we can't be sure just how much
641.12 -> radioactive material has been flung up
643.6 -> into the atmosphere from the decades of
645.68 -> testing but we know it's a lot like
649.36 -> a lot a lot
651.279 -> and what goes up must come down
654.16 -> throughout the cold war one of the
655.68 -> soviet's favorite nuclear test sites was
658.48 -> a patch of land in semipalatins
661.12 -> kazakhstan called the polygon
664.24 -> even today this area is one of the most
666.64 -> radioactive places in the whole world
669.44 -> it's been hit with about 450 nuclear
672.839 -> explosions and with every single one
675.519 -> masses of radioactive dust and dirt were
678.56 -> thrown into the air and carried across
680.88 -> the neighboring communities as toxic
683.04 -> fallout
684.16 -> a test in 1956 resulted in over 600
687.68 -> residents of the city of us kamenagorsk
690.56 -> being rushed to hospital with radiation
692.959 -> sickness and they were 250 miles away
697.519 -> now trust me you don't want to get
700.399 -> radiation sickness if you're ever
702.48 -> subjected to a strong dose of radiation
705.279 -> the symptoms can be severe and quick to
708.079 -> set in
709.279 -> the invisible rays penetrate your body
712 -> so they don't just damage your skin but
714.72 -> also your insides
716.8 -> the cells that make your hair die off
719.36 -> causing you to lose it your
721.12 -> disease-fighting white blood cells die
723.36 -> too crippling your immune system
725.92 -> even your very dna is attacked causing
729.279 -> it to break and mutate
731.36 -> you'll feel sick weak and disoriented
734.32 -> even if you survive the initial dose of
736.48 -> radiation years later you're more likely
739.6 -> to develop life-threatening illnesses
741.92 -> like leukemia or cancer
744.48 -> that's exactly what happened with the
746.639 -> many residents of us kamenigoursk
749.6 -> but the tests didn't just affect one
751.92 -> generation of people because dna
754.48 -> mutations are often passed on pregnant
757.04 -> women at the time were more likely to
758.72 -> give birth to children with learning
760.639 -> difficulties or physical impairments
763.44 -> overall the tests in semi-politics colon
766.639 -> are estimated to have affected over 350
769.92 -> 000 people across three generations
773.92 -> jeez
775.279 -> but what actually is it that makes these
778.48 -> monstrous weapons so preposterously
781.279 -> powerful
782.399 -> how did we go from conventional bombs to
785.04 -> colossal weapons of mass destruction in
787.68 -> the space of just a few years
789.839 -> to find out we need to return to our
791.839 -> german scientist otto han back in 1938
796.16 -> you see he didn't just discover nuclear
798.639 -> energy he discovered something called
801.279 -> nuclear fission and it's the entire
804.32 -> reason that we're now capable of our own
806.56 -> armageddon
808.399 -> okay so here's the sitch everything in
811.12 -> the universe is made of atoms you me the
814.959 -> chair you're sat on even your grands
817.44 -> false teeth
818.959 -> they're so small you can't even see them
821.36 -> with a microscope but they're everywhere
824.8 -> inside every atom is a nucleus
827.199 -> containing a load of protons which are
829.68 -> positively charged and neutrons which
832.639 -> have no charge
834.32 -> these are bound together tightly to the
836.72 -> nucleus which takes a great deal of
839.36 -> energy to keep together because
841.92 -> naturally things that have the same
844 -> charge repel one another
846.56 -> think about magnets if you try to push
848.959 -> two magnets together positive to
850.88 -> positive there's resistance
853.519 -> if you let go of those magnets they'd
855.839 -> spring backwards releasing kinetic
858.399 -> energy as they did so it's the same
860.8 -> principle here the protons are held
863.36 -> together by a powerful force but if that
866.48 -> force is broken
868.24 -> all the energy being contained by it is
871.279 -> released
872.48 -> this process is called nuclear fission
875.6 -> and it's the principle behind both the
877.6 -> hiroshima and nagasaki atom bombs
880.639 -> to instigate fission a neutron is fired
883.76 -> at the nucleus of an atom when it hits
886.32 -> the nucleus it smashes it apart forming
889.6 -> two smaller nuclei and releasing energy
893.199 -> in the form of heat
894.959 -> at the same time some neutrons are flung
897.68 -> from the nuclei entirely and go on to
900.399 -> hit other atoms splitting their nuclei
903.839 -> and creating a chain reaction
906.399 -> in this way a massive amount of heat
908.8 -> energy is produced that increases
911.36 -> exponentially in just a fraction of a
913.839 -> second
914.72 -> and it's all reliant on reactions in the
917.199 -> nucleus
918.48 -> nucleus nuclear get it
921.6 -> it's the basic process that powers all
924.16 -> nuclear weapons and most nuclear power
927.04 -> plants use it to generate electricity
929.279 -> too however
931.12 -> just to throw a spanner in the works
933.279 -> there is another way of creating nuclear
936 -> energy called nuclear fusion
939.04 -> this is much more powerful than fission
941.839 -> and is used to power hydrogen bombs
944.72 -> here instead of splitting atoms apart
947.6 -> they're fused together fusion only works
950.8 -> with small atoms like hydrogen the
953.199 -> nucleus of which contains just one
955.6 -> proton
956.959 -> naturally two hydrogen atoms repel one
959.519 -> another because they're both positively
961.839 -> charged
962.88 -> but if the force repelling them is
965.12 -> overcome and they're impelled to fuse
968.16 -> with one another creating a bigger atom
970.959 -> and releasing a huge amount of energy in
973.12 -> the process
974.56 -> so how do you overcome the powerful
977.04 -> force repelling the atoms and fuse them
979.839 -> together
980.959 -> well you need to compress them into as
983.6 -> small a space as you can so they're more
986.639 -> likely to collide and blast them with an
989.44 -> absolute butt ton of heat
992 -> this way they're not only closer to one
994.24 -> another but the heat makes them move
996.8 -> faster and when i say a butt ton of heat
999.92 -> i mean at least 180 million degrees
1003.04 -> fahrenheit
1004.24 -> oh spicy
1006.399 -> for comparison that's almost seven times
1008.72 -> hotter than the sun which also runs off
1011.839 -> nuclear fusion
1013.36 -> because of the immense gravitational
1015.44 -> pressures at the sun's core
1017.519 -> about 200 billion times greater than the
1020 -> atmospheric pressure here on earth
1022.399 -> atoms are crushed so close together that
1025.76 -> it doesn't need to be so hot for fusion
1028.319 -> to occur
1029.6 -> on earth however we need to make up for
1032 -> the lack of pressure by ramping up the
1034.319 -> heat
1035.28 -> and you know what generates a lot of
1037.039 -> heat yeah nuclear fission
1040.64 -> therefore hydrogen bombs otherwise known
1043.52 -> as thermonuclear weapons
1046.079 -> explode using the heat from a fission
1048.48 -> reaction to kickstart a more powerful
1051.6 -> fusion reaction
1053.36 -> in other words when a hydrogen bomb goes
1055.36 -> off it burns seven times hotter than the
1058.88 -> sun
1060.88 -> okay if you're with me so far give
1062.96 -> yourself a pat on the back
1064.96 -> now we know the basic reaction powering
1067.36 -> the bombs but how do the bombs
1069.52 -> themselves actually work
1072.16 -> let's start with the fuel inside them
1074.4 -> which is either uranium-235
1077.6 -> or
1078.84 -> plutonium-239
1080.4 -> these are both radioactive metals
1082.64 -> meaning their atoms have unstable nuclei
1086.72 -> an unstable nucleus has too many
1089.039 -> neutrons or protons inside it and will
1092.16 -> eject them to try and become stable this
1095.12 -> is called radioactive decay and it
1098 -> produces energy in the form of radiation
1100.88 -> atoms with unstable nuclei are also
1103.76 -> easier to split with nuclear fission
1106.64 -> hence why they're used in nuclear
1108.48 -> weapons
1109.76 -> now little boy's design was very simple
1112.48 -> the bomb had two separate pieces of
1114.559 -> uranium 235 inside it the plug and the
1118.4 -> target
1119.36 -> upon detonation several thousand pounds
1122.48 -> of conventional explosive was set off
1125.039 -> inside the shell which fired the plug
1127.84 -> down a barrel and onto the target
1130.4 -> the two pieces of uranium smashed
1132.48 -> together compressing the atoms close
1134.559 -> enough to instigate a fission reaction
1137.679 -> which grew in power exponentially until
1140.24 -> it exploded out from the bomb's shell in
1143.2 -> a fearsome fireball
1145.12 -> all nuclear weapons produce this
1147.12 -> fireball and it expands so fast that in
1150.72 -> a one megaton hydrogen bomb which is far
1153.919 -> more powerful than little boy was
1156.24 -> it can reach 440 feet across in less
1159.919 -> than a millisecond
1161.84 -> you see little boy was actually pretty
1164 -> inefficient which is why nobody ever
1166.24 -> made any bigger more powerful versions
1168.88 -> of the weapon
1170.16 -> fat man the bomb dropped on nagasaki had
1173.039 -> a very different design
1174.88 -> instead of
1175.96 -> uranium-235 fat man was powered by
1178.559 -> plutonium-239
1180.96 -> however the plutonium-239 used had trace
1184.72 -> amounts of
1185.96 -> plutonium-240 in it
1188 -> this is a different kind of plutonium
1190.08 -> called an isotope plutonium-240 has a
1193.6 -> higher fission rate than
1195.799 -> plutonium-239 which means if the same
1198.96 -> gun type design as little boy was used
1201.84 -> it would have begun fission before the
1203.679 -> two masses of plutonium had been brought
1205.6 -> together
1206.799 -> this would have made it so inefficient
1209.2 -> it wouldn't have been worth using so
1211.28 -> another design was thought up
1213.44 -> for fat man one plutonium sphere was
1216.24 -> held in the center of the bomb
1218.48 -> around this a layer of uranium was
1221.039 -> placed this layer of uranium held the
1223.76 -> plutonium in place and helped reflect
1226.559 -> neutrons back to the core improving the
1229.36 -> efficiency of the fission reaction
1232 -> blocks of conventional explosives were
1234.32 -> then precisely placed around this to
1237.12 -> produce a symmetrical implosion when
1239.76 -> activated which would compress the
1242.24 -> plutonium sphere
1244.159 -> once compressed a device inside the
1246.48 -> plutonium was crushed and injected
1249.2 -> neutrons into the radioactive metal
1251.76 -> kickstarting the fission reaction and
1253.679 -> setting off the nuke but there's one
1255.76 -> more thing that needed to be considered
1257.679 -> for both bombs how the detonation would
1260.48 -> be triggered in the first place
1262.559 -> impact with the ground would have done
1264.32 -> the trick but the ground would also have
1266.559 -> absorbed a lot of the explosion and
1269.039 -> limited its radius
1270.64 -> instead for maximum destructive
1272.88 -> potential the bombs had to be detonated
1275.6 -> in the air
1276.96 -> to do this both were equipped with
1278.799 -> specialized circuitry that could detect
1281.28 -> their height from the ground and
1283.039 -> detonate at just the right moment
1285.6 -> as well as affecting more area an aerial
1288.08 -> explosion sends out a shock wave that
1290.4 -> smashes into the ground rebounds and
1293.2 -> then combines with the initial blast to
1295.679 -> form an even bigger shock wave
1298.48 -> so the crews of the planes dropping the
1300.4 -> bombs
1301.52 -> really had to skedaddle fast well in the
1304.799 -> modern world we don't have to drop these
1306.96 -> deadly destroyers from planes anymore we
1309.84 -> can fire them straight into the air on
1312.24 -> automated missiles
1314 -> ballistic missiles are about 20 times
1316.24 -> faster than traditional bombers
1318.4 -> and can carry hydrogen-powered nuclear
1320.72 -> warheads far deadlier than the atom
1323.28 -> bombs dropped on japan
1325.36 -> luckily we've also got some pretty nifty
1328.48 -> anti-missile defense systems so which
1331.28 -> countries have nukes today any guesses
1333.76 -> who has the most
1335.12 -> because of how secretive the world's
1336.96 -> governments are about their nuclear
1338.72 -> stockpiles we can't be 100 sure on the
1342.48 -> exact figures but as of 2021 estimates
1346.88 -> russia has the most nukes with a world
1349.28 -> ending 6255.
1353.2 -> hot on their heels in second place we
1355.2 -> have the usa with a considerable
1359.039 -> and 5550.
1360.4 -> the other seven nuclear-capable nations
1363.28 -> have a lot less with north korea owning
1366.159 -> the least somewhere between forty and
1368.88 -> fifty
1369.919 -> and though forty nukes doesn't sound
1372.32 -> like much compared to over 6 000 that's
1375.6 -> still enough firepower to completely
1377.84 -> wipe new york city off the map
1380.32 -> and then some
1381.76 -> which makes me wonder and what would it
1383.84 -> be like if the unthinkable happened and
1386.4 -> the world really did descend into
1389.12 -> full-blown nuclear warfare
1391.679 -> as a global community we're currently
1393.76 -> sat on over 13 000 nuclear warheads
1397.919 -> however this number is a little
1399.52 -> misleading due to disarmament efforts
1402.48 -> only three thousand to four thousand are
1405.36 -> actually active and the rest are
1407.6 -> decommissioned this is relatively low
1410.799 -> compared with 1986 when the total number
1414 -> of active warheads hit a whopping world
1416.64 -> high of seventy thousand three hundred
1420.559 -> of course four thousand nuclear missiles
1423.039 -> could still do a pretty hefty amount of
1425.36 -> damage
1426.32 -> if even a tenth of them found their
1428.559 -> target the loss of human life would be
1431.039 -> catastrophic
1432.48 -> and not just from the explosions and
1434.88 -> radiation from huge firestorms too
1438.96 -> yeah as if nuclear weapons weren't bad
1441.279 -> enough at hiroshima all the individual
1444.4 -> fires caused by the explosion
1446.48 -> amalgamated into one
1448.559 -> terrible tempest of flames
1450.96 -> hot air rose and created burning
1453.44 -> hurricane strength wind that turned
1456.159 -> inward towards the fire and fanned it
1459.279 -> this made it rage even harder destroying
1462.4 -> everything in its path for almost four
1464.88 -> and a half square miles before
1466.96 -> eventually dying out
1469.279 -> one apocalyptic theory called nuclear
1472.08 -> winter claims that if enough bombs went
1474.72 -> off
1475.52 -> thousands of these furious firestorms
1478.159 -> would burn their way across the globe
1480.559 -> kicking up hundreds of millions of tons
1483.039 -> of smoke and ash as they did so this
1486 -> would form a thick belt of particles
1488.559 -> encircling the northern atmosphere
1490.88 -> plunging our world into darkness
1493.919 -> lack of sunlight would cause dramatic
1495.84 -> falls in temperatures and destroy much
1498.24 -> of earth's vegetation and animal life
1501.12 -> with crops failing animals dying and
1504 -> cities and infrastructure destroyed
1506.48 -> surviving humans would be left in a cold
1509.12 -> irradiated wasteland and the dark clouds
1512.159 -> could remain for a whole decade
1515.12 -> in other words
1516.4 -> it wouldn't be very fun
1519.279 -> hold on though before you go and spend
1521.6 -> your life savings on a fallout shelter
1523.76 -> and a thousand tins of beans
1526.32 -> you should know that we're probably not
1528.4 -> heading toward armageddon many times
1530.4 -> soon
1531.279 -> mankind has possessed the power to
1533.12 -> destroy itself since the end of world
1535.039 -> war ii despite this no nuclear weapon
1538.159 -> has ever been used outside of a test
1540.48 -> since 1945
1542.799 -> why
1543.679 -> well nuclear warfare doesn't benefit
1546.24 -> anyone if one country launches a nuclear
1549.44 -> attack on another the defending country
1551.919 -> is likely to launch a counter-nuclear
1553.919 -> attack in response and both parties
1556.32 -> would be sent to their doom
1558.559 -> we call this mutually assured
1560.799 -> destruction and it's not ideal this
1564.48 -> worked pretty well during the cold war
1566.72 -> but today it's a bit more complex with
1569.919 -> countries around the world developing
1571.76 -> blisteringly fast hypersonic missiles
1574.799 -> conventional defense systems just won't
1576.799 -> cut it anymore
1578.32 -> not only do hypersonic missiles fly
1580.48 -> faster than a mile a second they're also
1583.76 -> more maneuverable than their ballistic
1585.84 -> counterparts making them supremely tough
1588.72 -> to defend against
1590.24 -> even so mutually assured destruction
1592.799 -> still applies the u.s russia and china
1596.159 -> are all developing the technology
1598.24 -> alongside a number of other countries
1600.64 -> because of this ironically an attack is
1603.679 -> far less likely than if just one country
1606.72 -> had the power
1608.159 -> okay i know that's not the most
1610.159 -> comforting thing to hear but hey weapons
1612.72 -> of mass destruction aren't very
1614.96 -> comforting
1616.08 -> i guess that's why you never see any
1617.84 -> cuddly nuke toys in kids stores
1620.72 -> anyway the modern world is much more
1622.72 -> focused on using nuclear energy for
1625.12 -> constructive uses than the destructive
1629.12 -> in fact about 10 percent of the world's
1631.6 -> electricity is now nuclear and that's a
1634.159 -> good thing it doesn't pollute the
1635.679 -> atmosphere and it's about 10 million
1638 -> times more efficient than burning fossil
1640.399 -> fuels
1641.36 -> nuclear research has also helped doctors
1643.76 -> in the fight against cancer allowing
1645.84 -> them to predict the amount of radiation
1648 -> needed to kill tumors without damaging
1650.64 -> healthy cells
1652 -> we even use radiation to kill harmful
1654.24 -> bacteria on our food so it's not all
1657.76 -> doom and gloom and thanks to nuclear
1659.84 -> technology we're actually taking some
1661.919 -> steps towards creating a better world
1664.799 -> let's just hope we don't blow that world
1666.64 -> into smithereens before we get there
1668.88 -> right
1670.799 -> so what do you think of all this would
1673.44 -> we be better off if we'd never
1675.44 -> discovered nuclear energy or has the
1678 -> threat of nuclear weaponry actually
1680.32 -> prevented another global scale conflict
1683.679 -> let me know down in the comments below
1685.52 -> and thanks for watching
