Total Warhammer 3 Review: Destroy Elves™ | Nuke The French™

Total Warhammer 3 Review: Destroy Elves™ | Nuke The French™

Total Warhammer 3 Review: Destroy Elves™ | Nuke The French™

Now that Immortal Empires is out, we can take a look at the entire Total War: Warhammer series. Spoiler alert: it’s fun.

Total Warhammer III:

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00:00 Intro
00:22 Premise
02:04 Empire and Basic Mechanics
06:12 Vampire Counts
07:20 DWARFS
08:51 This Video is BIASED
09:36 The French
10:16 DA BOYZ
11:17 The Skaven
12:38 Elves
13:22 The Cooler Elves
13:48 Vampire Coast
15:13 China
15:59 Chaos (may or may not be a ladder)
17:51 Conclusion
18:23 Credits

#review #totalwarwarhammer3


0 -> Do you like dwarves? Do you hate elves? 
2.64 -> Do you wish you could change the French climate... 
4.88 -> Permanently? If so, you've got a very weird set of  
7.76 -> preferences, but that's why I like you. Welcome to Total Warhammer 3. 
12.16 -> Immortal Empires just dropped and it’s very  stable. I daresay it even has too much polish. 
17.68 -> So this video is also about the first  2 games, and (almost) all of the DLC.
22.64 -> If you're unfamiliar with Warhammer, good! It is the pinnacle of nerd shit made by a  
27.52 -> horrible company that nobody likes. Oh, sorry, was that too harsh? 
31.6 -> No, by all means, please! Go spend 400 dollars on a buncha figurines, and  
35.84 -> hang out with a bunch of pretentious nerds so they  can lecture you about how it's not "a game", it's  
40.72 -> "The Hobby", and how their army is so pristine  and valuable that you can only handle it with  
44.88 -> double-layered surgical gloves, but they can smear  cheeto grease on your guys until the end of time. 
50.56 -> Yes. Game sux, fight me. The setting, on the other hand, is incredible. 
55.2 -> It's like someone read Lord of the Rings  and missed every single theme and moral  
58.96 -> lesson you could possibly derive from it. "Oh, what's that? 'Your own personal battle  
63.6 -> to resist the temptations of evil are  as righteous as a thousand battles'? 
66.88 -> Pfft. Fuck that! Infinite Rats." Every faction is funmaxxed to 11,  
72.56 -> which makes the setting (and the 40k  version) perfect for adaptations. 
76.24 -> And this game is one of the best  adaptations I have ever seen.  
80.08 -> But how can I say it's a great adaptation  if I don't know anything about Warhammer? 
83.92 -> Because I'm not talking about Warhammer. Like I said, it's nerd shit. 
88.88 -> We play video games on this channel. Total Warhammer adapted the established  
93.04 -> Total War gameplay to fit with the Warhammer  setting, and instead of being a niche game that  
97.28 -> only appeals to fans of both, it turned out  so good that it appeals to fans of neither. 
102.16 -> Like me. The fun video game got  
104 -> me interested in the ridiculous lore, and the  vast Warhammer setting creates a plethora of  
108.8 -> opportunities to create new gameplay mechanics,  or put a creative spin on existing ones.
113.28 -> I see video games as a massive  interdisciplinary collaboration.  
116.72 -> So I want to talk about how stuff like  music, sound, and art design all feed  
120.88 -> into the core experience. But uhh,  these videos exist so *king crimson*
124.8 -> Human factions in fantasy tend to be  straightforward and no-nonsense. So naturally,  
129.04 -> Warhammer's human faction is based on the most  convoluted, nonsense shit in human history:  
134.24 -> The Holy Roman Empire. To make a long (his)tory  short, "hey guys lets invade France." "No." "Oh  
140.24 -> fuck I'm being invaded by the Ottomans  again please help." "Ugh, fiiiiiine." 
150.88 -> If you've played a Total War game, The Empire's  arsenal should be just the right blend of familiar  
155.92 -> and unfamiliar. If you haven't, it's just  an RTS where you control entire regiments.  
160.16 -> The main thing ya gotta learn is morale. Units  have a red health bar like in every other game,  
164.56 -> but all the health in the world means nothing  if they run away. That's what morale represents:  
168.96 -> how close the unit is to realizing "Oh fuck,  I am in a battle, I am going to die." You can  
173.92 -> keep morale up by helping them feel safe and  comfortable, so keep your formations tight,  
178 -> flanks secure, and leaders close by. *show leader  is alone* Why doesn't he have an escort? Because  
182.08 -> he IS the escort. Yeah, if I saw my general throw  a fucking fireball, my morale'd go up too. Then  
188.64 -> it'd go right back down when I see Steve--wait  fuck this is Germany--"Valmir Van Vonvolkvan" get  
194.32 -> his head ripped off by a vampire. Yeah, if that  didn't rout me, seeing his headless corpse get  
199.6 -> back up and join the enemy army definitely would. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Combat isn't just  
206.48 -> a back-and-forth spook-off. Combat is actually  based around the single most important invention  
210.96 -> in human history: the pointy stick. Hand a  couple out to your buddies and you're laughin'.  
214.96 -> But the pointy stick's only good if you can  actually get to your stab wound recipients.  
219.04 -> This is why we express-mail them smaller,  pointier sticks from our bows, crossbows,  
224.08 -> and yes: guns. If you think about it, a gunshot  is just a really long-distance stab wound. But  
229.28 -> that's just semantics, we've really gotten away  from the spirit of this whole exercise, y'know:  
233.2 -> holdin' a pointy stick with your own 2 hands and  personally disemboweling enemies of the state.  
238.16 -> Which also includes the state, this is the Holy  Roman Empire after all. But uhh, yeah. Fuck those  
242.72 -> archers. They probably can't hear me, so let's  go deliver the message, personally. *cavalry  
252 -> charge* Pop quiz! What are these called? Calvary?  (buzzer sound) Nope! It is "cavalry". Anyone who  
257.28 -> say's "calvary" is fucking wrong, 'cause I highly  doubt they're referring to "an open-air depiction  
262.56 -> of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ." Fuck I  got distracted. So that's the basic Total War  
267.36 -> Triangle, in way too many words, and I didn't  even cover exhaustion. Yeah, troops get tired  
272.32 -> if they have to run around or go uphill, but  I always forget about that. I'm just like,  
276.16 -> "Ah c'mon, you only ran seven miles, uphill, twice  because I fucked up a formation move. How are you  
282.72 -> losing this fight?" Yeah, I'm- kind of dumb. This  core stupidity is the foundation of my playstyle.  
288.96 -> Remember the words of Sun Tzu: "A real man  oughtta be a little stupid." ** Therefore,  
293.52 -> it's not a "misplay" to run an army with  19 rocket batteries. That whole triangle  
298.16 -> business of "spearman pokes horsey", "horsey  pokes gun man", "gun man shoots man man"  
302.16 -> doesn't matter when their entire army is getting  the Ted Kaczynski Special. Spearman? More like  
307.92 -> Smearman! Cause now he's a smear on a fucking  ground. But hangon, back up. Why only 19? 'Cause  
314.24 -> ya gotta make room for Gelt. *I am supreme!* 
317.68 -> Basically in the world of Warhammer, all  wizards have to pick an element, and Gelt  
321.6 -> picked metal. This got him bullied relentlessly  at wizard school, 'cause he picked the lamest  
325.68 -> element while everyone was obsessed with the Chad  College of Bright. "Oh, what's that? “Soulblight”?  
331.76 -> “Light of Battle”? I've just been spamming The  Burning Head, bro." But then Gelt realized,  
336.48 -> "Hangon, money is power. And I can turn anything  into gold... HMMMMM!" So, after turning lead to  
342.96 -> gold, and people's bones to lead, Gelt dethroned  the brainlet fire school, and became the Supreme  
350.72 -> Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic. AKA: a fucking  nerd who's only a general because nepotism and  
352.241 -> makes terrible speeches. "Some of you may die,  but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.  
352.334 -> But don't worry! I'll use my magic to make your  zombified corpse's death quick and painless. Now  
352.431 -> march! We gotta collect a shiny for the bossman." His Mortal Empires campaign is really funny.  
355.12 -> Instead of having to fight humans both  living and dead, the emperor just asks,  
358.88 -> "Hey man, I've got my hands full over here,  could ya do me a solid and murder everything  
363.36 -> in a 3 mile radius?" And murder you shall.  *maybe a short gelt explosions compilation*
372.56 -> But how can you kill... what's already  dead? I mean, rockets work pretty well but,  
377.28 -> it's-it's a transition, just roll with  it. The map is basically just Earth,  
380.32 -> what'd you expect to find in Fantasy Romania?  Yeah. That's right. Vampires. They're called  
384.88 -> Vampire Counts 'cause they're technically  still part of The Empire, but they always  
388.24 -> vote for themselves so it doesn't really count.  Haha. Get it? Count? What you won't be counting  
394.08 -> is their numbers, because jesus christ *showing  A LOT of undead units on the march*. Turns out,  
397.92 -> "Total War" is just free  real estate for necromancers. 
400.8 -> The main gimmick here is that your units are  undead. Ya can't fear for your life if you  
405.04 -> don't have one. The entire army is being magically  puppeteered, and when that magic juice runs out,  
410 -> the army crumbles to dust. And what is that magic  juice? Morale. Instead of routing, your units  
415.44 -> just die. That's cool! That's fun! It's a simple  change to a basic mechanic that has far-reaching  
420.72 -> implications for how you play. Now you don't have  to worry about your human shield wall getting cold  
424.56 -> feet... Y'know 'cause they're already cold. Instead, you've gotta focus on your leaders.  
428.88 -> This ain't Lich King rules. If they go down, the  army goes with them. Granted, they don't go down  
434.08 -> easily, but I've got just the tool for the job.  *dwarf artillery murdering the vampire leader*
442.08 -> I. Fucking. Love. Dwarves. Between this game,  Deep Rock, Gimli, Wind Rose, and the entire high  
444.642 -> fantasy genre, these spiteful little bastards have  won my heart. They've got brotherhood, tenacity,  
446.48 -> a knack for engineering, and a burning hatred  for anything even remotely resembling an elf. And  
451.6 -> for the record, it's "dwarfs" because that is the  grammatically correct English plural for "dwarf".  
456.48 -> "Dwarves" isn't a word. It was made up by Tolkein.  His "dwarves" are characterized as a proud race,  
462.8 -> stern and unbreakably stubborn defenders of order.  Y'know, 'cause they're Germans. I mean really,  
469.36 -> think about it! They're grumpy, they're good  engineers, they stubbornly adhere to rules  
473.36 -> and procedures, they like beer, and they're  racist! Dwarves are just Germans and nothing  
479.36 -> you can say will change my mind. Warhammer took  these traits and ran with them, albeit not very  
484.24 -> quickly *showing dwarfs running (they're slow)*.  Very dangerous over short distances though.  
487.04 -> In Warhammer, they are so stubborn, so proud, and  so spiteful that they remember every single person  
493.6 -> who has ever wronged them. They hold onto these  grudges until the end of time, so Dwarf domestic  
498.88 -> and foreign affairs are largely driven by The  Book of Grudges, a giant shitlist of wrongs  
504.24 -> that need righting. Kinda like My Name is Earl,  but instead of an apology, it's several volleys  
508.72 -> of high-caliber munitions from a mile away. This playstyle synergizes with my aforementioned  
513.76 -> idiocy, making me a master practitioner of The Way  of The Brainlet. "Flanking maneuvers?" "Terrain  
519.12 -> bonuses?" Pffft! How 'bout I throw rocks at  you until you go away? Duzzat sound good?  
524.16 -> 'Cause it sounds great to me! *watching enemies  get killed by grudge throwers with audio*
531.28 -> I gotta level with you. I'm not an rts player.  Essence of brainlet is fundamentally incompatible  
536.8 -> with the genre. What I want to do is watch my  T-rex bitch-slap someone out of existence. What  
541.76 -> I should do is tell my kroxigors to get outta the  way before *explosion*. Yes, this is a me problem,  
552.56 -> although I would advise reconsidering your "skill  issue" comment, since that's the whole point of  
557.76 -> the video. I'm not an RTS fan. I'm not a Warhammer  fan (thank god) *warhammer thing price*. Me  
562.64 -> enjoying this game at all is significant. But I  don't enjoy it. I fucking love it. Its diverse  
568.4 -> swathe of content lets me pick what I like, and  the setting is so violent and racist that it's  
573.2 -> fun to hate what I don't like. Case in point: The French. 
587.84 -> I will always claim to hate the French, because  they were the dominant European land power up  
591.92 -> until the unification of Germany and I think  its funny to perpetuate that nationalistic  
595.92 -> European rivalry as an American living in the 21st  century, but this game gives me an actual reason.  
602.08 -> Y'see: they're the cavalry faction. I'm sorry, I  can't enjoy watching them plow finnish femboys;  
607.28 -> I have 13 other units to micro. The most fun I  had with them was forming all my heavy cavalry  
612.16 -> into a giant penis. My only weakness was the  pincer formation, 'cause y-yknow... *SNIP*
616.56 -> On the flipside, here is a faction that I love  to death. *some funny greenskin voiceline idk* 
622.96 -> Fantasy orcs tend to be brutish, sadistic killing  machines. *extra credits orc thing* Not because  
626.96 -> its a racial allegory ya fuckin' weirdo, it's  'cause they're a metaphor for the corrupting  
631.04 -> influence of absolute power. This theme is nowhere  to found in Warhammer though, 'cause the orcs:  
636 -> just really like fighting. *another greenskin  voice line* That's it. That's the whole story. No  
641.2 -> thoughts, head empty, just WAAAUUGHH!!! They spell  everything wrong, have a violence-based economy,  
649.2 -> and their social standing is based entirely  around how mean and green you are. And remember:  
653.68 -> its subtractive colors, 'cause we're talking about  pigmentation. So the greener you are, the darker  
658.08 -> you look, which means the Black Orcs are the top  of the food chain. See? Toldya it wasn't racist. 
662.88 -> The greenskins are great for people like me. I'm  not too good with formations, terrain bonuses,  
667.76 -> or sneak attacks, but neither are they. They're  just here for a scrap, and so am I. That would've  
673.2 -> been a segue into their upgrade system, but  again: this video exists sooo... Infinite rats!
678.8 -> "Hello, yes. Did you order a new subway  tunnel?" "Well, we built one anyway,  
682.64 -> directly underneath your treasury." Welcome to: New York City. This is basically the  
687.2 -> logical extension of the Mouse Utopia Experiment.  We've got infinite rats, with 0 sense of empathy  
692.88 -> or compassion, and they're all packin'. Did  you know, the rate of firearms homicides has  
697.76 -> drastically increased in the past few years?  With your help, we can get it: even higher. 
703.04 -> How do other factions avoid friendly fire? The  dwarfs outrange their enemies, the empire goes  
708 -> around them, the elves shoot over their allies,  and the Skaven shoot through them. Skaven infantry  
713.52 -> suck dick, and they know it. They will run away  at the slightest inconvenience, and even get  
715.358 -> buffs just for running away. They're not gonna  stick around while you rotate your flankers,  
717.52 -> so you've just gotta seize the opportuni-  NOW FIRE RRRATLINGS FIRE-KILL YES-YES! 
722.64 -> Everyone else is stuck with like  late medieval/early modern tech,  
725.6 -> but the Skaven use space rocks to make straight-up  laser beams it is so fun. And the only reason they  
730.72 -> haven't conquered the world yet, is that everyone  hates them. Every race on the planet can put  
735.52 -> aside their differences and agree, "Yeah, fuck  the Skaven.", including the Skaven. That's not  
740.32 -> gonna stop me though, as the Way of Brainlet  dictates that I must purge every unworthy elf  
745.6 -> in holy fire. Naturally, this involves the most  feared and respected tactic of all: actual nukes.  
753.28 -> Don't worry about them. They deserved it. Maybe if  I use 2 they'll make me some anime or some shit.
757.92 -> I have another fantasy bias: I hate elves. Its  prolly just 'cause of Deep Rock, but they fuckin  
763.12 -> deserve it. With their dumb, smug faces and  sense of superiority, they just suck. And the  
767.837 -> people that're into elves are even worse. That  said, Warhammer has some fun with the concept.  
770.8 -> Here we've got wood elves, high elves, and dark  elves. Wood elves are like 50% the elf stereotype  
775.76 -> of treehugging weirdos, with the other 50% being  "Cây đang nói tiếng việt". High Elves are the  
780.16 -> standard kind of elves that I hate. Warhammer high  elves are a significant improvement, by virtue of  
785.84 -> being infinitely more punchable. They really like  their spearmen, and those aforementioned tabletop  
790.32 -> nerds will get REALLY uppity if your tactics don't  involve a lore-friendly quote "staunch line of  
795.92 -> spears" endquote. Shh, nobody tell 'em that I-  form a checkerboard pattern to exploit the AI,  
801.2 -> that'd really piss 'em off. Finally,  we have dark elves. *n'wah clip*  
806.72 -> No, they aren't just a little racist every now and  then, they are COMICALLY EVIL. Like, kick a baby  
811.84 -> and laugh maniacally kind of evil. Their economy  is based... On slavery. Their supreme leader is  
817.76 -> Darth Vader. Their home region is a barren  wasteland. They use their naval superiority  
823.6 -> to bully the global south. They... Also live  in America. I'm- not sure what that means...
828.24 -> Gotta cover vampire coast because  they're incredible (Main Plot) 
828.4 -> Let’s talk about what's probably my  favorite faction. Yes, I love the dwarfs,  
832.16 -> but the Vampire Coast has taken funmaxxing to  a whole new level. *that part from the trailer*  
851.44 -> Unlike the vampire counts,  who have no ranged units,  
854.24 -> almost every single Vampire Coast unit has  an unreasonable amount of firepower. Sure,  
859.28 -> they might not be fast, versatile,  accurate, or even remotely clever,  
863.6 -> but neither is the enemy *show a still shot  of an enemy corpse* At least, not anymore. 
866.48 -> The typical swashbuckling pirate sense of  bravado and lack of self-preservation work  
871.2 -> perfectly with being undead. You can absolutely  afford to throw caution to the wind and choke the  
878.48 -> air with bullets and cannonballs alike. And if  they compromise your gun lines, eh. It's fine,  
883.36 -> you can always make more. Or, you can reform half  a battalion into: the worst unit in the game,  
888.96 -> which is coincidentally a cornerstone of the  Brainlet Style. Oh man, those are some really  
893.84 -> cool high-tier infantry. Better hope they don't  get bunched up, 'cause *bloated corpse explosion*.  
899.6 -> And if someone calls you bad, just remember the  words of Sun Tzu: "To win without fighting is the  
904.8 -> epitome of skill. To lose to a fucking bloated  corpse army is the epitome of skill issues."
913.52 -> Speaking of Sun Tzu, *china will grow larger* While the other factions put some kinda crazy  
918.4 -> spin on established fantasy concepts, Cathay  is just fantasy China (‘cause their models  
923.36 -> sold like shit). Their aesthetics and gameplay are  ripped straight outta actual Chinese history and  
928.08 -> mythology. And frankly: that's almost more  batshit than the made-up stuff. "Ahh yes,  
933.52 -> make sure the Yin and Yang are in harmony, or  else your auras will become most inauspicious."  
938.96 -> Except I don't really care. I'm too busy drowning  in gold, since my Silk Road rakes in fat stacks  
944.96 -> from those "ai-gwai-lo". No, you can't have any, I  need it. *the scrooge mcduck clip where he throws  
948.964 -> 1 penny to a beggar, but its the Cathay leader  and the other cathay leader* I have a Great Wall,  
950.48 -> and a doomsday timer, and I know enough  Chinese history to know what that means. 
954.56 -> *bastion invasion army spawned* Oh... That's a bit anticlimactic. Lemme explain.
959.6 -> In real life the endgame event was just The  Mongols. In Warhammer, it’s: The Fun Police.  
965.36 -> I’m serious. The four chaos gods exist solely to  curtail the ridiculousness of any given faction.  
971.84 -> Ya can’t be too fighty, or you’ll fall to  Khorne. Ya can’t be too cartoonishly evil,  
976.4 -> or you’ll fall to Slaanesh. I.. don’t  know enough lore to finish that analogy,  
980.48 -> but the gameplay gets it across just fine. Y'see: Tzeentch *The Trickster and Changer  
984.2 -> of Ways* turns The Enemy into enemies.  Slaanesh *the Prince of Pleasure* turns  
988 -> enemy units into friendly units. Nurgle *The  Lord of Pestilence* turns all units into no  
992.16 -> units. And Khorne *The Blood God and Lord  of Murder* turns no units: into enemy units. 
996.96 -> Slaanesh and Khorne are based around, or  should I say, "cringed around" melee infantry,  
1001.52 -> so uhh. Boring. Lame. Nurgle has a lot of campaign  mechanics, and we haven't talked about those for  
1006.4 -> a reason, so that just leaves my favorite one:  Tzeentch, who is very balanced. First of all,  
1011.76 -> the roster is very brainlet-compatible.  Most of your units spam magic missiles,  
1017.68 -> and ALL of your units get a free Halo Shield.  Uh- whoops, I'm taking too much damage. I'll  
1022.16 -> just pull back and use my passive, free,  infinite healing ability. Second: the magic.  
1031.28 -> Magic in Warhammer works by channeling the  ever-changing "Winds of Magic". Tzeentch,  
1036.24 -> The Lord of Change, has direct access to  everyone's magic juice. So, while the enemy is  
1041.84 -> bogged down by your seven thousand missile  units, you can just swoop in, steal their magic,  
1046.96 -> and use it to open a black hole. Fun fact, this strategy taught me  
1051.6 -> a very important lore lesson. You see: the  Lizardmen were magically bio-engineered or  
1056.24 -> whatever to fight Chaos. At first, I didn't  understand why. I mean dinosaurs are fun and all,  
1061.52 -> but why do they have to be reptiles? *unable  to target lizardman leader with spell* Oh.  
1064.96 -> Yeah it turns out: Temptation, deception, and  corruption only work if you have a fucking brain.
1071.52 -> So that was Total Warhammer 2. I don't care about  the series. I don't care about the franchise. But  
1077.84 -> holy fuck is it fun. It is the ultimate  exemplar of what a good theme can do.
