India - Summary since 1900

India - Summary since 1900

India - Summary since 1900

Let’s retrace on an animated map a summary of the history of the Indian subcontinent from 1900 to the present day.
English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit
Original French version:    • L’Inde - Résumé sur cartes  
Russian version:    • Индия с 1900-го года - на карте  
Arabic version:    • الهند - ملخص تاريخها الحديث  
Spanish version:    • India - Resumen en mapas de la histor…  
Portuguese version (Brazil):    • Índia - Resumo e História desde 1900  
Japanese version:    • インドの歴史  
German version:    • Indien - 120 Jahre Geschichte auf ein…  
Music: Distant Love - Causmic (YouTube library)
Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Introduction
00:36 Revolts
01:38 WWII
02:35 Independence
03:33 Jammu and Kashmir
04:16 “The largest democracy in the world”
04:51 China
05:29 Second Indo-Pakistani war
06:07 Bangladesh
06:57 Separatist movements
07:49 Sri Lanka
08:37 Religious tensions
09:21 Present day

#geohistory #history #india #pakistan #china #jammuandkashmir


0.089 -> We begin in the early 20th century,
2.309 -> when the vast Indian subcontinent is dominated by the British Empire for nearly 150 years.
9.32 -> The region is divided into provinces directly administered by the British Empire, and hundreds
14.83 -> of princely states indirectly under the British crown, including Jammu and Kashmir to the north.
20.98 -> The colony of India enriches the British Empire,
24 -> including by providing tea, coffee, cotton, and various tax receipts.
29.04 -> Portugal and France still control small areas although these are highly dependent on the British colony.
39.44 -> While in the 19th century anti-British revolts are quelled,
43.12 -> from the early 20th century nationalist movements regain momentum.
47.74 -> During the First World War, about one and a half million Indians are drafted in to fight on European fronts
54.42 -> and across the British Empire.
56.88 -> Despite their loyalty and sacrifice, Indians do not see their overall conditions improving
61.66 -> after the end of the war, thus intensifying protests against colonial rule.
66.8 -> Following increasingly violent and deadly repression by Britain,
70.62 -> Mahatma Gandhi becomes a figure of resistance by promoting non-violence and civil disobedience,
76.7 -> including the boycotting of British products.
79.95 -> The Indian National Congress spearheads the revolt,
82.9 -> calling for the creation of an independent and secular India.
86.7 -> But India’s Muslim minority do not want a country dominated by Hindus.
91.44 -> Their political representatives, the Muslim League, calls for the creation of an independent Muslim state.
101.88 -> In Europe, the Second World War breaks out.
104.62 -> The British Empire focuses all their available resources in the war against Nazi Germany.
110.26 -> In total, over 2.5 million Indians would fight in different fronts around the world.
115.76 -> When the Congress Party calls on people not to participate in WWII efforts
120.42 -> and demands the departure of the British,
123.18 -> party leaders and tens of thousands of civilians are imprisoned.
127.689 -> The Muslim League, meanwhile, cooperates with Britain to remain in their good books.
132.95 -> Britain finds itself struggling against Japan, which is allied with Germany, when it takes over Burma.
138.52 -> This cuts an important supply of rice in the region,
141.68 -> which was a major factor in the Bengal famine of 1943 causing 2 to 4 million deaths.
148.54 -> To calm things down, Britain promises to discuss India’s independence after the end of WWII.
158.9 -> In 1947, Britain meets the Congress Party and the Muslim League to negotiate the country's independence.
165.76 -> By now, the gap between Hindus and Muslims widens to the point that Britain,
169.9 -> fearing a civil war supports the idea of carving out two states.
174.209 -> Thus on August 14, 1947, the Muslim country Pakistan is born, divided into a western and an eastern part.
182.64 -> And on and August 15, 1947, the Indian Union is born, a secular country with a large Hindu majority.
190.02 -> Initially, some princely states refuse to join either of the new countries,
194.72 -> while violence between Hindus and Muslims erupts along the new borders.
199.08 -> This results in the displacement of millions of people from one country to the other based on their religion.
205.82 -> In the south, Britain still retains Ceylon for a few months despite fighting between Hindus and Buddhists.
216 -> The Hindu maharaja of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, which has a majority Muslim population,
221.64 -> doesn’t initially join either India or Pakistan.
225.16 -> When Pakistani troops infiltrate the border in an attempt to seize the state,
229.16 -> the Maharaja asks India for military assistance in exchange for integration into the country.
235.1 -> This is the beginning of the first Indo-Pakistan war.
239.1 -> After two years of fighting, the United Nations negotiates a ceasefire and draws a temporary border.
245.58 -> This border isn’t completed because of the Siachen glacier in the north-east,
249.8 -> uninhabited and almost inaccessible.
252.64 -> It would be claimed by both countries.
258.64 -> India becomes a federal parliamentary republic,
261.62 -> and 171 million citizens are eligible to vote in the first elections in the country.
267.64 -> As the world is divided into two camps by the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States,
273.26 -> India opts for neutrality by becoming a non-aligned.
276.74 -> This brings it diplomatically closer to African and Asian countries.
281.2 -> But a visit by the Indian prime minister to the USSR marks a rapprochement between the two countries,
287.18 -> which does not please its Chinese neighbor.
293.58 -> After China takes over Tibet and the Dalai Lama flees to India,
297.44 -> tensions rise between the two countries.
300.02 -> Moreover, China refuses to recognize the 1914 McMahon line drawn by Britain in the east of India,
307.32 -> and claims a territory of Kashmir.
309.74 -> In 1962, China attacks India and quickly captures the two territories.
315.4 -> China then declares a unilateral ceasefire, retains control of Aksai Chin
320.1 -> and withdraws from Arunachal Pradesh, although not recognizing the border.
324.96 -> Hereafter, China fosters closer diplomatic ties with Pakistan.
332.88 -> Pakistan tries to capitalize on India’s defeat to China.
336.7 -> Pakistani soldiers disguised as civilians infiltrate parts of Kashmir controlled by India,
341.6 -> and push the local Muslim population to revolt.
345.12 -> When Indian forces counter the infiltration, it sparks the second Indo-Pakistani war.
350.6 -> Both countries try and invade the other’s territory.
353.76 -> But seeing the Indian army come dangerously close to Lahore,
357.6 -> China threatens to intervene on Pakistan’s behalf.
360.72 -> The UN steps in and obtains a ceasefire, followed by a return to pre-war boundaries.
370.32 -> In 1970, a separatist party in East Pakistan gains a landslide election victory.
376.44 -> In response, the Pakistani army takes over and violently suppresses independence movements.
382.3 -> Millions of civilians, mainly from the country’s Hindu minority, go and seek refuge in India.
388.4 -> India signs a treaty of military cooperation with the Soviet Union and,
392.1 -> in response to Pakistani air strikes in north India, intervenes to expel its troops from East Pakistan.
398.94 -> The United States then intervenes on Pakistan’s behalf to negotiate a ceasefire.
403.88 -> Bangladesh is recognized as a new independent state, while Pakistan finds itself weakened.
409.56 -> Three years later, India surprises the world by conducting its first nuclear tests,
414.82 -> sparking international concern.
420.64 -> India increasingly faces separatist actions from Assamese, Sikh and Kashmiri groups
426.22 -> demanding independence.
428.02 -> Sikhs are practitioners of Sikhism, a monotheistic religion dating from the fifteenth century.
433.96 -> The majority of Sikhs live in Punjab where a radical rebel group takes up arms
439.02 -> to demand independence of the region.
441.76 -> The group occupies the Golden Temple, the religion’s most sacred shrine.
446.54 -> After the failure of negotiations, the Indian army storms the temple and neutralises the occupants.
452.789 -> In retaliation, Indian prime minister Indhira Gandhi is assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards.
458.78 -> This is followed by region-wide riots between Sikhs and Hindus.
463.22 -> Finally, moderate Sikhs coming into power in Punjab would calm the situation.
472.12 -> In Sri Lanka, civil war takes place between an armed separatist group from the Tamil minority who are Hindu,
478.2 -> and the Sinhalese government who are majority Buddhist.
481.56 -> India, with its sizeable Tamil community, supports its brethren in the war
486.06 -> and parachutes supplies to besieged cities.
489.64 -> Eventually, India and Sri Lanka negotiate a ceasefire,
493.02 -> according to which the latter must accept some Tamil claims
496.5 -> in exchange for India sending a Peacekeeping Force to help end the civil war.
501.98 -> Although large-scale military operations were not originally envisaged,
506 -> the Indian army engages in a series of battles against the Tamil separatists.
510.7 -> To the point that the Sri Lankan government
513.02 -> finally demands the departure of the Indian army from the country.
520.04 -> In 1992, right-wing Hindus destroy the Babri Masjid mosque dating from the sixteenth century,
526.5 -> which they believe is built on a sacred site for the Hindu religion.
530.88 -> This angers Muslims and revives religious tensions in the country.
535.48 -> Deadly attacks erupt, and for the first time, the city of Mumbai is affected by terrorist bombings.
541.98 -> India accuses Pakistan of supporting the attack, which it denies.
546.4 -> Both countries conduct nuclear tests, drawing wide international condemnation and sanctions.
552.56 -> In Kashmir, Pakistani fighters infiltrate into the Indian side.
556.9 -> The Indian army counters and quickly regains control of the area.
564.7 -> After the September 11 attacks, the United States and India move closer
569.6 -> to cooperate in the fight against Islamist terrorism emanating from Pakistan.
574.56 -> China meanwhile strengthens its relationship with Pakistan.
578.62 -> Several Indian cities suffer terror attacks, the most audacious of which
583.02 -> is the Mumbai attacks of November 2008.
586.16 -> Despite some attempts at finding a breakthrough, Indo-Pakistani ties remain tense,
591.26 -> mainly over the contested region of Kashmir.
594.32 -> Here is the map from Pakistan’s point of view,
597.04 -> and here is the map according to India.
