How to Grow TONS of Mint (And Not Let it Take Over)

How to Grow TONS of Mint (And Not Let it Take Over)

How to Grow TONS of Mint (And Not Let it Take Over)

Join @jacquesinthegarden and I as we grow multiple different varieties of mint and discuss ways to prevent it from spreading, propagate it, and harvest at the optimal time for freshness and flavor.

00:00 - Intro
00:08 - Quick Mint Tips
00:42 - Mint Varieties
01:57 - Propagation By Division
04:12 - Propagation By Cuttings
06:45 - Mint In Containers
07:48 - Clean Up \u0026 Harvest


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1.36 -> in today's video i'm going to show you
2.32 -> how to grow one of the most popular
3.76 -> herbs of all time mint without letting
6.879 -> it take over your garden i have a ton of
8.559 -> different varieties of mint in this
9.679 -> raised bed which i'm excited to share
11.04 -> with you but first just a couple quick
12.799 -> tips on mint care it's a simple plant to
15.759 -> grow guys very simple you want ample
18.8 -> light not too much though it can be in a
20.8 -> little bit of shade you want a moist
23.439 -> soil that is rich in organic matter the
25.519 -> real one thing you can do wrong with
27.039 -> mint as far as its care goes is just
29.519 -> letting the soil dry out there's these
31.679 -> rhizomes in there there's roots in there
33.6 -> it tends to want a lot of water it's a
36.16 -> fast grower so just don't let it dry out
38.48 -> and now let's go through a little bit of
40.239 -> the history of this plant and some of
41.44 -> the coolest varieties you can grow so
43.2 -> mint is a fascinating plant it's origins
45.52 -> are somewhat unknown it's kind of all
47.28 -> around the world now and no one can
48.559 -> really trace it down to one particular
50.32 -> location
51.44 -> one thing that's crazy about it is while
53.199 -> there are tons of different varieties
54.879 -> which i'll mention in a second they all
56.8 -> share the same stem characteristic the
59.76 -> stems themselves if you really give them
61.6 -> a feel are sort of squarish in shape
64.4 -> they're not really round
66.479 -> besides that the leaf the flavor of the
68.32 -> smell all varies greatly so here's a
70.64 -> couple varieties that i personally like
72.56 -> some classics this one's spearmint the
74.88 -> classic one that you can find in a gum
76.64 -> what's interesting about this one is you
78.24 -> can't really grow it from seed it must
79.92 -> be propagated vegetatively which i'll
81.68 -> show you in a second you've got
83.04 -> peppermint here that's just an absolute
84.64 -> classic and then here's an example of
86.72 -> one a little bit overgrown if i do say
88.56 -> so this is pineapple mint
90.799 -> and it really does have that scent
92.72 -> there's also apple mint orange mint
95.28 -> chocolate mint all sorts of different
97.04 -> types that really do smell the way that
99.68 -> they're named not necessarily taste
101.92 -> sometimes i can't really map the taste
103.68 -> to the to the scent but hey it's still
106.32 -> something fun to experiment with if you
107.92 -> go out to the store i might have five or
109.6 -> ten different varieties of mint popping
111.52 -> in all over the garden and they grow
114.32 -> particularly well in containers which
116.24 -> i'm going to show you right now so here
118.24 -> is a pretty neglected pot of mint you
120.96 -> can see it probably was nice and bushy
123.119 -> at some point in the past but now it's
125.52 -> kind of scraggly and just some outskirts
127.52 -> of little cuttings here that have tried
130.239 -> to survive so what we're going to do is
131.92 -> a full on reset you can see this pots
133.84 -> even a little bit broken here roots are
135.76 -> trying to come out so what we want to do
138.239 -> is we might have to massage this out
139.68 -> just a bit let's get it out here all
142 -> right this is a little more stuck in
143.44 -> than we thought isn't it guys what mint
145.52 -> wants to do
146.8 -> is run and if you don't let it run
149.12 -> you end up getting a situation where
151.92 -> maybe it's even the mint that caused
153.599 -> that crack in that pot because it really
155.36 -> wants to go so this is really tight in
157.28 -> here
158.239 -> there we go that did it as you can see
161.44 -> here the rhizomes they want to run they
163.12 -> want to produce more mint and then
164.879 -> there's just some normal roots as well
166.56 -> so this is where you got to get a little
167.76 -> brutal and you really don't need to be
169.84 -> afraid whatsoever you can take scissors
171.92 -> you can take shears whatever i'm going
173.44 -> to take a little small handsaw and
176.8 -> actually just cut this apart
178.959 -> because what what's crazy about mint in
180.959 -> containers is it really does tend to
183.2 -> displace the soil
184.959 -> so as you can see this was obviously
186.4 -> once full
187.92 -> of soil but if we cut this in half
190.08 -> yeah there's soil in here for sure but
192 -> there's also a ton
193.599 -> of root mass and so let's say i wanted
195.599 -> four new mint plants well that's very
196.959 -> easy i'll just cut this
199.12 -> into
200.319 -> quarters here cut this one right here
202.879 -> what i can do is kind of
205.68 -> tease this apart as well i can kind of
208.159 -> hack off the bottom
211.44 -> we don't really need that stuff down
212.959 -> there
213.92 -> we still have some mint going up top
216.879 -> you can pull out some of these at least
220.159 -> all we need is this much
222 -> that's really it and then if we were to
223.92 -> take
224.84 -> this and pot it back up in a fresh pot
227.76 -> of soil in fact we could probably even
229.44 -> use
230.799 -> some of this stuff here now that it's
232.64 -> been freed
234.239 -> of the mint mayhem
236 -> but what you would do is just reset into
238.48 -> a new container
241.12 -> pop it in just like this
243.2 -> put some soil around it and you're good
245.12 -> to go and you could do this with this
246.4 -> mint with this mint whatever so this is
248.64 -> a good way to reset an overgrown mint
250.959 -> container hey this is jacques from jock
252.879 -> in the garden and today we're going to
254.239 -> be talking about propagating mint so
256.639 -> what you're going to need is a clip a
258.479 -> knife something like that
260.32 -> a nice pot of soil or multiple pots
262.96 -> and if you want also you could just use
264.479 -> a cup of water so the first thing we're
266.56 -> going to do
267.52 -> is come into the mint and we're going to
269.52 -> just look for a nice branch
271.759 -> that we don't mind slipping away so i'm
273.759 -> going to come in here
275.12 -> and what you want to get is a branch
277.28 -> that has multiple leaf nodes because
279.04 -> what we're going to do
280.479 -> is actually strip off those leaves and
282.479 -> i'll talk a little bit about why we're
283.759 -> doing that the other option you do have
286.32 -> is actually to dig around the plant but
288.24 -> i'm going to bring the camera in closer
289.6 -> and show you what i'm talking about what
291.28 -> we want to do is get in close to where
293.199 -> the plant is actually contacting the
294.96 -> soil and we're going to in particular
296.88 -> look at this section right here where we
298.88 -> have multiple branches making contact
301.36 -> with the soil so what i'm going to do
304 -> is i'm going to come in and clip where i
306.24 -> see the start of these
308.24 -> and then we'll take a closer look
311.12 -> up yeah so that's exactly what i was
312.88 -> thinking this actually has roots so you
315.28 -> could see
316.24 -> right
317.039 -> right there next to my thumb there's a
318.479 -> couple little roots hanging out and
320.56 -> these roots are totally fine to
322.4 -> transplant now oh there's a good shot so
324.56 -> you could actually just shove this into
325.68 -> pot of soil which we're going to do
327.039 -> right now what you can see on the
328.8 -> example that i actually clipped from the
330.16 -> ground is that the roots are coming out
331.84 -> where the leaf nodes are so what we want
333.68 -> to do
334.56 -> is take a section of mint that has
336.4 -> multiple leaf nodes and we're going to
338.16 -> actually strip those leaves off by just
340.16 -> simply running our fingers down
342 -> so now any one of these points where the
343.6 -> leaves originally were can now produce
345.68 -> roots
346.639 -> so what we'll do is we'll just take a
347.919 -> cup of water
349.44 -> throw the cutting in after maybe a week
351.6 -> you'll start seeing little roots and in
353.52 -> two weeks or so you'll start seeing much
355.039 -> more roots and at that point you could
356.24 -> just transplant it out so that's option
358.4 -> one that's the easiest
360.319 -> the other option you have is to take
361.68 -> some soil and just directly grow your
363.84 -> plant
364.639 -> it's the same principle you want to take
366.24 -> a section of plant
368 -> i'm going to go ahead and trim that and
369.84 -> find where there's a leaf node
372.16 -> strip the leaves off you could even go
374 -> back a couple
375.44 -> and you have a few options here you
376.88 -> could just shove it in the pot
380 -> keep it somewhere semi-shaded and make
381.759 -> sure it gets enough moisture and that
383.44 -> will produce roots
384.88 -> the other option you have is that you
386.479 -> could also just lay it down in some soil
388.479 -> like this
390.08 -> take a little extra bury it in
392.88 -> so that's really all there is to it you
394.479 -> could just let that sit in a couple
396.8 -> weeks time this will start producing
398 -> roots in these pots you'll be able to
399.759 -> see them coming out the side at that
401.28 -> point you could really just plant it out
403.28 -> and that's as easy as it is for mint
405.039 -> propagation if you want to control your
407.039 -> mint the only foolproof way is to force
410.08 -> it to grow in something like this where
412.08 -> it can't spread just a classic container
414.4 -> so here's a mint that we have it's not
416.639 -> too root bound this is something that
418.16 -> you might find at the local nursery and
419.919 -> when you're potting it up from what you
421.52 -> buy at the nursery
423.28 -> it spreads so quickly that i would say
426.16 -> you know typically when you like pot up
427.36 -> a house plant you say oh you potted up
429.039 -> an inch bigger than the pot it's already
430.88 -> in with mint you could go a little bit
432.72 -> larger this is just about at that inch
435.36 -> point so what i would do is i would just
437.759 -> scratch the sides up just a little bit
439.84 -> just to kind of loosen the root matter
442.639 -> it really does get crazy with mint you
444.479 -> would not believe how fast it can tangle
446.479 -> itself up so you want to open it up a
448.319 -> little bit
449.599 -> and then just pop it in and what you'll
451.12 -> do is take some potting soil and just
452.56 -> backfill around this and this will grow
454.8 -> like this for pretty much an entire
457.039 -> season and then you get into some of the
458.96 -> propagation techniques that help you
460.96 -> take one mint plant and either turn it
462.96 -> into many or reset it when it outgrows
465.759 -> this pot and start the process all over
468.16 -> again we're back out here in this front
469.759 -> mint bed and i want to do a little
470.8 -> cleanup and harvest and kind of talk
472.639 -> about some of the ways that you can do
474.16 -> this and guess who just showed up
476.24 -> babka's hungry for some mint so let's
477.84 -> harvest some for her
479.36 -> as well so mint unlike a lot of herbs or
482.639 -> greens you know something like lettuce
484.24 -> you probably want to come out harvest it
485.68 -> right in the beginning of the morning
486.96 -> with mint
488.16 -> right about now it's about 11 a.m is a
490.16 -> great time to harvest it so i can come
492.24 -> through and just harvest more or less as
494.4 -> much as i want and when you harvest you
496.639 -> want to cut right above a leaf node
498.72 -> because you're going to get branching
500.319 -> out both sides so i can also sort of
502.24 -> landscape and prune this mint at the
505.199 -> same time that i'm harvesting it's a
506.72 -> great time because the aromatics are
509.12 -> high right before noon so you kind of
511.44 -> get it at its peak freshness so i'm
513.44 -> taking a few sprigs there that's going
515.12 -> to force this to bush up quite a bit and
517.279 -> i want to clean up some of these other
518.8 -> ones here too and then we can talk about
521.12 -> some of the uses for mint some of our
523.2 -> favorite uses is what we call herb water
526.24 -> which is basically just taking a mason
528.56 -> jar full of water you can throw in mints
531.04 -> and sprigs and maybe every few days just
532.959 -> replace them mint grows so fast you're
534.72 -> going to have no problem doing that at
536.32 -> all and then just one final thing i
538.08 -> wanted to touch on as you grow mint in
539.839 -> your garden is yeah i have maybe one two
542.56 -> three four five six different types of
544.16 -> mint here sometimes it has been shown
546.72 -> that planting them all together can tend
548.959 -> to make their flavors blend out and
551.76 -> become indistinguishable from one
553.279 -> another so i haven't noticed it too much
555.76 -> in my garden but a few gardeners that i
557.44 -> respect have told me that that's the
558.72 -> case so one thing i'm thinking about
560.399 -> doing is maybe putting in dividers i
562.64 -> still want mint in this bed and i want
565.36 -> all the varieties that i have but if i
566.8 -> put in some dividers not only does that
568.48 -> prevent spreading but also perhaps it
571.44 -> separates the mint out a little bit and
573.279 -> maybe that flavor combination doesn't
575.6 -> happen i don't know it's something i'm
576.959 -> going to have to try here in the garden
578.48 -> so as i harvest this mint i really
579.92 -> encourage you to give it a grow this
581.519 -> season it is one of the easier things
583.6 -> remember containers are your best friend
585.44 -> if you don't want to worry about mint
586.959 -> until next time good luck in the garden
588.959 -> and keep on growing come here
591.92 -> okay she doesn't want to play with me
593.2 -> right now so i'm just going to take my
594.399 -> mint and go inside
