How to use Crop and Resize in Procreate

How to use Crop and Resize in Procreate

How to use Crop and Resize in Procreate

Master how to Crop and Resize your artwork for digital and printing purposes.

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Artwork by Wangjie Li.

This video was made with using Procreate 5X


0 -> Cropping and resizing, put simply, is about adding or removing pixels from our canvas.
4.922 -> We can find Crop and Resize in actions, then canvas...
8.814 -> ...and just here at the top.
10.75 -> Now then, the grid that we see overlaid, shows the area that will become our new canvas.
15.545 -> We can change the cropping of our canvas manually by dragging from the edges, or the corners of this grid.
21.228 -> We can drag with one finger to reposition the grid.
24.088 -> Every time we make an edit we get a notification at the top,
27.094 -> telling us how many layers we'll have if we committed changes at this point.
30.764 -> We can also use two fingers to move around, zoom and rotate as usual.
34.903 -> Okay, let's move on to settings, here at the top.
37.511 -> At the bottom of our settings is a slider for rotation.
40.541 -> This lets us rotate the original canvas contents, left or right, up to 45 degrees.
45.286 -> Before we get too ahead, if we need to at any point...
47.83 -> we can reset any of the edits we've made by tapping reset, just next to the settings button.
52.567 -> Back in our setting, here at the top, we can input numerical values for height and width.
57.066 -> These values can be input as either Millimeters, Centimeters, Inches or Pixels.
61.746 -> So let's go 2000 pixels across... and hit done.
65.431 -> ...That's great but if we need a uniform crop we can link the height and width input
69.651 -> by checking this little chain link icon between the value fields.
73.136 -> Now if we go 2000 wide again, then the height will adjust as well,
76.471 -> maintaining our height width ratio... which is lovely.
79.395 -> Now, just under height and width, we can edit the dots per inch of our canvas.
83.422 -> Changing the dots per inch does not change the amount of pixels we have.
86.864 -> 2000 pixels across is still 2000 pixels across... So DPI does not affect our layer limit.
92.823 -> It does however, change the physically measured allocation of those pixels...
96.659 -> which would be more important for printing an artwork.
99.492 -> Resample, we're going to look at last... under this is snapping.
102.699 -> Having this toggled on will snap our grid to various segments of our original canvas contents.
107.521 -> It's super handy, so we'll just keep snapping on.
109.658 -> Now, let's take a look at Resample Canvas. Let's reset this again.
113.349 -> So up until now we've only been adding and removing pixels from our canvas...
117.5 -> but the contents of that canvas, our artwork, hasn't changed.
120.837 -> Let's go ahead and toggle resample canvas on.
123.155 -> Now by inputting new values, say 2000 pixels across again...
126.987 -> we're no longer resizing the grid around our artwork...
129.778 -> but instead, we're taking whatever is sitting inside of our grid
132.968 -> and then 'resampling' or 'redrawing' that content with this new amount of pixels.
137.547 -> Having resample canvas toggled on, will link the height and width.
140.968 -> Moving and resizing the grid manually after this won't change the ratio...
144.887 -> but more importantly, it won't change our height and width values.
148.157 -> However we position or scale our grid now, its contents is going to be redrawn at our set 2000 pixels across.
154.804 -> If we need a different ratio for our canvas, then we'll need to define that first,
158.756 -> before setting resample canvas on.
160.922 -> It's worth a mention that Crop and Resize uses Bicubic Interpolation when resampling.
165.689 -> Now, we can discard these changes and leave Crop and Resize by hitting cancel, just here.
170.681 -> Or we commit this to being our new canvas size by hitting done in the top right corner.
175.474 -> [Music]
