Worst Nuclear Accidents in History

Worst Nuclear Accidents in History

Worst Nuclear Accidents in History

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Nuclear energy creates an uneasy feeling of danger for many people: ancient and dangerous minerals are concentrated to awaken seemingly unnatural powers, creating toxic elements that, if they escape, can and have killed people in horrible ways. How many people has nuclear energy killed and how?

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Normal Day, UltraVioletIdea,Justin Rinehimer mattcorran, Fiachrá Ó Dubhthaigh, Joseph Gledhill, Lucas Sprigings, Victor Tenorio, Christopher Peck, HackerAllies, Elizaveta Saigina, Médéric Hurier, TheWillest, Daan Blankers, Frank Berríos, Omer Sonido, DankPods, Richard Schatz, Annegret Schubert, Dan Gudorf, M4rc, Miguel Lopez, Erhan Kurnaz, Christoph Lorenz, Elliot Wilson, Isabel Adele, Nik Boyes, Ethan Frank, Sven Grimm, Adam Butler, A Steen, Taylor, William DeVore, Paweł Waraksa, Tim Wiedenmann, Tu Anh Schroeter, Nikolina Konestabo, Вячеслав Савран, Georgi Karavasilev, Daniel Wiedmann, Ferenc Szalai, Lyn Llama, KLED, Rae Carter, Lord Kanelsnegle, Cam the Purple Dragon, Tanner Smith, Thomas Nelson, Carl Mattick, Kenan Kigunda, Jon, Aleksandar Pavlović, Stefan Deleanu, Eetu Kolehmainen, DiamondBeazt, Nima Esmaeelpour, Jeremy Reid, Emcee Maze, Brandon Tomas, Moi -, Ivory Lake, Jose Antonio Galiano, Tomas, Osama Elbastawisy, Quairai, ryan jokuti, Inigo Quilez, Kay, Sebastian Sertich, Phyrostyxx, MiNX6, Michał Kochański, Oscar Leo Vedro Yeager, Chaze Yeap, Vladislav Zolotaryov, Anomalies, Jake Ryan Swanson, Frederick Henri, Andrei Petcu, Austin King, Jet quon, James Thorne, Ben Hoffmann, Silviu V. Socol, Jakub Kołakowski, Mattanias Schut, Mike Desposito, Titan, NA, Sergio, Eduardo Bernal, Adam Dąbrowski, Clemens Freitag, Pablo Alonso Rodríguez, Sebastian Kuhnow, Marova, Turkka and Maria, Danton Sá, Aaron Johnson, Fish Samich, Anusha Rao, FelixL, Timothy Gomez, phoenixgamer, Peter, Caroline Deluce, crypticcelery, Steve Davis, Sean Smith, Normal Day, UltraVioletIdea, Justin Rinehimer, Elliot Wilson, Ivan Lacković, Hoxsey Dave Creek
Fiachrá Ó Dubhthaigh
Joseph Gledhill
Lucas Sprigings
Victor Tenorio
Christopher Peck
Elizaveta Saigina
Médéric Hurier
Daan Blankers
Frank Berríos
Omer Sonido
Richard Schatz
Annegret Schubert
Dan Gudorf
Miguel Lopez
Erhan Kurnaz
Christoph Lorenz
Elliot Wilson
Isabel Adele
Nik Boyes
Ethan Frank
Sven Grimm
Adam Butler
A Steen
William DeVore
Paweł Waraksa
Tim Wiedenmann
Tu Anh Schroeter
Nikolina Konestabo
Вячеслав Савран
Georgi Karavasilev
Daniel Wiedmann
Ferenc Szalai
Lyn Llama
Rae Carter
Lord Kanelsnegle
Cam the Purple Dragon
Tanner Smith
Thomas Nelson
Carl Mattick
Kenan Kigunda
Aleksandar Pavlović
Stefan Deleanu
Eetu Kolehmainen
Nima Esmaeelpour
Jeremy Reid
Emcee Maze
Brandon Tomas
Ivory Lake
Jose Antonio Galiano
Osama Elbastawisy
ryan jokuti
Inigo Quilez
Sebastian Sertich
Michał Kochański
Oscar Leo Vedro Yeager
Chaze Yeap
Vladislav Zolotaryov
Jake Ryan Swanson
Frederick Henri
Andrei Petcu
Austin King
Jet quon
James Thorne
Ben Hoffmann
Silviu V. Socol
Jakub Kołakowski
Mattanias Schut
Mike Desposito
Eduardo Bernal
Adam Dąbrowski
Clemens Freitag
Pablo Alonso Rodríguez
Sebastian Kuhnow
Turkka and Maria
Danton Sá
Fish Samich
Anusha Rao
Timothy Gomez
Caroline Deluce


1.36 -> nuclear energy creates an uneasy feeling
3.679 -> of danger for many people ancient and
6.08 -> dangerous minerals are concentrated to
8.16 -> awaken seemingly unnatural powers
10.4 -> creating horribly toxic elements that if
12.88 -> they escape can and have killed people
15.28 -> in horrible ways
16.88 -> how many people has nuclear energy
18.72 -> killed and how
22.46 -> [Music]
27.599 -> nuclear energy has been a thing since
29.439 -> 1951 and since then there have been
32.399 -> around 30 reported accidents globally
35.44 -> most of them were pretty minor compared
37.2 -> to the two disasters everybody is
38.719 -> familiar with fukushima and chernobyl
42 -> chernobyl is undoubtedly the worst
44 -> nuclear accident in history for a number
45.92 -> of reasons
47.2 -> the reactor technology was old and
49.12 -> ill-prepared for emergencies and the
51.039 -> government response was slow and more
53.039 -> concerned about image than damage
54.8 -> control
56.239 -> still only 31 people died directly in
58.879 -> the accident
60.399 -> but what makes nuclear energy scary is
62.719 -> not reactors blowing up but the
64.64 -> radiation they release
66.799 -> so the real question is how many deaths
68.88 -> through cancer and other diseases will
70.72 -> chernobyl cause
72.799 -> here things get really complicated
74.72 -> because you dip right into controversy
76.72 -> and just discussing the different
78.32 -> estimates and how they were calculated
80.4 -> deserves a video of its own
82.479 -> the most pessimistic estimate comes from
84.479 -> a study commissioned by the european
85.92 -> green party and projects up to 60 000
88.72 -> premature deaths by the year 2065.
91.92 -> most scientific studies come up with
94.079 -> numbers much lower than this
96.24 -> the who has estimated that in total the
99.119 -> long-term death toll will be around four
101.28 -> thousand
102.64 -> while the un scientific committee on the
104.479 -> effects of atomic radiation concluded
106.64 -> that even this figure could be too high
109.119 -> for more details on this check our
110.96 -> research document
113.119 -> the second big nuclear accident was
114.96 -> fukushima daiichi in 2011.
117.92 -> fukushima did not only operate with much
119.92 -> better technology that was less
121.6 -> dangerous in the first place much better
123.92 -> security measures were in place and the
125.92 -> official response was fast and decisive
128.959 -> and so the current death toll is only
131.28 -> 573
133.2 -> the major difference here is that these
134.959 -> deaths were not a consequence of
136.56 -> radiation they were indirect deaths from
139.04 -> the stress of the evacuation of the
140.72 -> areas around the reactors and occurred
143.2 -> almost entirely in older populations
146.239 -> estimates of the possible long-term
148.16 -> deaths from radiation vary widely from
150.48 -> none at all to about one thousand
153.12 -> in terms of the other long-term
154.72 -> consequences an increase in thyroid
156.8 -> cancer in children has been observed but
158.879 -> according to the who this is related to
161.36 -> the increased screening rate
164.08 -> by 2018 there had been only one
166.239 -> confirmed death among workers as a
168.08 -> result of radiation-induced lung cancer
171.599 -> now let's compare this to renewable
173.92 -> energy
175.599 -> solar wind and geothermal energy
178.159 -> basically only cause deaths as a result
180.4 -> of construction and maintenance
182.159 -> accidents
183.36 -> unfortunately their current share of
185.36 -> global energy is pretty low
187.68 -> the major player in renewable energy is
189.92 -> hydropower which mostly means building
192.08 -> dams and letting water flow through
193.68 -> turbines from a higher elevation to a
195.92 -> lower elevation
197.76 -> in total hydro has been the most fatal
200.4 -> in terms of accidents with hundreds of
202.48 -> thousands of deaths in the last half
204.159 -> century
205.84 -> one accident clearly stands out the 1975
209.2 -> bangko hydroelectric dam failure in
211.2 -> china which has striking similarities to
213.76 -> chernobyl
214.799 -> old technology poor design and poor
217.519 -> management by authoritarian governments
219.519 -> concerned about appearances
221.84 -> in a nutshell a massive typhoon
224 -> triggered intense flooding that
225.76 -> destroyed the dam and subsequently a
228.4 -> number of smaller dams in a chain
230.08 -> reaction unleashing a flood of over 15
232.64 -> billion cubic meters of water in total
235.439 -> kilometer wide waves as high as
237.28 -> buildings devastated thousands of square
239.36 -> kilometers of countryside and countless
241.519 -> communities
242.799 -> all in all the death toll from just this
244.799 -> one accident and its direct consequences
247.2 -> is estimated to lie between 85 000 to
250 -> 240 000
252.4 -> but all of these deaths caused by
254.159 -> nuclear and renewable energy are
256.239 -> actually negligible in comparison to the
258.479 -> real killer energy source
260.56 -> fossil fuel the most widely used source
263.04 -> of energy and electricity
265.84 -> when we burn fossil fuels to heat up
267.6 -> water and make turbines spin or to cause
270.08 -> mini explosions to move cars with
271.84 -> internal combustion engines gases like
274.16 -> ozone sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide and
277.199 -> nitrogen dioxide are released into the
279.28 -> atmosphere
280.639 -> breathing in these gases disrupts lung
282.639 -> function which aggravates chronic
284.24 -> conditions like asthma and bronchitis
286.479 -> and causes a wide range of respiratory
288.72 -> and cardiovascular diseases
291.12 -> but even more dangerous is the fine
293.28 -> particle pollution burning fossil fuels
295.36 -> causes a mixture of solid and liquid
298.08 -> droplets of poisonous substances as
300.16 -> small as 2.5 microns in diameter
303.039 -> they easily find their way deep into
304.8 -> your lungs and increase the risk of
306.88 -> deadly diseases like lung cancer stroke
309.52 -> and heart disease
311.28 -> fossil fuel related air pollution is the
313.52 -> number one cause of environmental
315.199 -> related deaths in the world
317.52 -> according to the who it accounts for 29
320.72 -> of all cases of lung cancer 17 of deaths
324.08 -> from acute lower respiratory infection
326.32 -> 24 from stroke 25 from ischemic heart
329.919 -> disease and 43 from chronic obstructive
332.96 -> pulmonary disease
334.96 -> all in all outside air pollution adds up
337.36 -> to the deaths of 4 million people each
339.6 -> year
340.72 -> what makes air pollution especially
342.639 -> problematic and sinister is the fact
344.96 -> that the damage it causes happens very
347.12 -> gradually which makes it hard for our
349.199 -> brains that didn't evolve with subtle
351.6 -> dangers in mind to realize the scope of
353.919 -> the problem
355.36 -> collectively air pollution from fossil
357.6 -> fuels is estimated to have killed around
360.639 -> 100 million people in the past 50 years
364.96 -> but wait is that really fair
368 -> fossil fuels also provide over 80
370 -> percent of global energy so it makes
372 -> sense that they cause the most deaths
374.4 -> so let's compare deaths per energy unit
378.319 -> deaths per energy unit produce
381.28 -> a few studies have compared the death
383.039 -> rates from different energy sources per
384.96 -> one terawatt hour
386.8 -> that's about the annual energy
388.24 -> consumption of 27 000 eu citizens or 12
392.4 -> 600 u.s citizens
394.88 -> to produce that much energy for one year
397.039 -> coal causes 25 deaths oil causes 18 and
400.8 -> natural gas 3.
402.72 -> renewable energy causes one death every
404.88 -> few decades
406.16 -> and nuclear in the worst case
408.4 -> nuclear energy would cause one death
410.56 -> every 14 years
412.56 -> one study even found that nuclear energy
414.88 -> actually saved 2 million lives between
416.96 -> 1971 and 2009 by displacing fossil fuels
420.96 -> from the global energy mix
423.36 -> the numbers are clear even when using
425.52 -> wildly pessimistic numbers nuclear
428 -> energy is among the safest forms of
430.08 -> energy generation and at a time when
432.479 -> we're struggling to slow down rapid
434.24 -> climate change it's a really valuable
436.479 -> low carbon option
438.16 -> however all these facts still leave one
440.56 -> major argument that is fielded against
442.319 -> nuclear power
443.759 -> opponents of nuclear energy argue that
445.68 -> nuclear waste and its lack of long-term
447.84 -> storage solutions is an unacceptable
450.4 -> problem and risk while proponents of
452.88 -> nuclear energy say that until renewable
455.36 -> energies are able to cover the complete
457.12 -> energy demands of mankind it's arguably
460 -> safer to store nuclear waste for the
461.52 -> time being than to inhale poisonous
463.84 -> gases and promote rapid climate change
467.199 -> but a detailed discussion about nuclear
469.039 -> waste would go too far here more about
471.199 -> it in our sources let us know if you'd
473.759 -> like a whole video about it
476.72 -> so looking at the comparative death
478.56 -> rates it's a bit concerning that some
480.639 -> countries are replacing nuclear energy
482.639 -> with fossil fuels mostly coal
485.84 -> especially germany and japan have been
487.759 -> the most active in dismantling their
489.44 -> nuclear fleet
491.12 -> in a ploy to appease the public the
492.96 -> german government shut down 11 of its 17
495.52 -> nuclear facilities and plans to close
497.52 -> the remaining reactors in 2022
500.639 -> the immediate gap in energy production
502.879 -> was filled by temporarily increasing
504.879 -> coal production the energy source with
507.12 -> the largest health impacts and the worst
509.12 -> consequences for climate change
511.68 -> a 2019 analysis concluded that as a
514.24 -> consequence the nuclear phase-out has
516.479 -> led to 1100 avoidable deaths per year in
519.76 -> germany due to the increased air
521.519 -> pollution in the years after 2010
524.24 -> so in conclusion nuclear energy feels
527.279 -> way more dangerous than it actually is
529.68 -> no matter how you look at it the one
531.68 -> thing we should strive to get rid of as
533.36 -> quickly as possible of fossil fuels to
535.839 -> prevent the deaths they cause each year
538.08 -> and to slow down climate change
540.959 -> regardless of how much you personally
542.959 -> care about climate change issues or
545.12 -> which energy source you favor saving
547.76 -> millions of lives should be something we
550.32 -> can all agree on
553.12 -> maybe you've actually made some kind of
554.959 -> resolution to try and be more
556.399 -> sustainable this year
558.08 -> or maybe your goals are more about you
560.399 -> as a person and you'd like to pick up
562.32 -> some new skills still being stuck mostly
565.36 -> inside is the perfect time to work on
567.68 -> that plan
569.36 -> we've partnered with skillshare an
571.36 -> online learning community that offers
573.279 -> thousands of classes for all skill
574.959 -> levels in tons of creative skills like
577.279 -> illustration animation or film and video
581.36 -> but you could also dive into classes
583.12 -> about productivity growing houseplants
585.76 -> or interior design all perfect for
588.08 -> making your time at home more enjoyable
590.32 -> and learning something new you get
592.48 -> unlimited access to all classes for less
594.48 -> than ten dollars a month with an annual
596.08 -> premium membership and the first one
598.24 -> thousand quotes viewers to click the
600 -> link in the description will get a free
601.76 -> trial and if you can't decide which
603.68 -> class to take maybe get started with
605.519 -> something super practical like learning
607.44 -> how to best approach your creative
608.959 -> process
610.079 -> we liked productivity for creatives
612.8 -> build a system that brings out your best
614.88 -> by thomas frank
616.32 -> but whatever makes you feel good and
618.16 -> gives you new ideas is worth a try if
620.56 -> you want to get creative with new skills
622.8 -> and support klutzkazak give it a go
626.81 -> [Music]
638.88 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzfpyo-q-RM