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Hey Everyone!
Todays video is the best baby stroller review. I would have to say that the Guava Family Roam Crossover Stroller is one of the best strollers 2020. Have you heard of them before? If not, you are in luck. This stroller is so versatile that it can even double as a jogging stroller. I am going to do an unboxing, set up and review. You will even get a stroller demo, where I can showcase how fantastic this stroller really is. Let me know if you have any questions. I will be happy to answer them in the comments section. XO

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Instagram: @karolynnriddle
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#guavafamily #beststrollers2020 #bestbabystroller


0.56 -> What's up everyone! Welcome back to my channel! If you're new here my name is
3.66 -> Karolynn and I cover all things motherhood, lifestyle, and baby product reviews
7.84 -> Today is going to be an exciting one i'm going
10.16 -> to review the new Guava Family stroller. It's right
13.36 -> there and I am super excited to tell you all about it. So without further ado
17.12 -> let's get into it!
29.44 -> The stroller that I'm reviewing today is by the Guava Family.
32.5 -> It's their Roam Crossover Stroller.
34.62 -> Their website says that it retails for $650
38.44 -> but is on sale right now for $500. Their website states that it's compact,
42.879 -> has airless tires, is a smoother ride, and seamlessly changes between a walk
47.68 -> run or roam. After I show you the unboxing I'm going to show you a
51.039 -> close-up of all of these features then give my opinion at the end.
54.48 -> All right so Guava states that their stroller is 50%
57.76 -> smaller than traditional joggers. I will say that I was quite impressed with how
60.96 -> compact it truly is. Not only is it compact but it's super
64.239 -> easy to open and close, but I will note right out of the box
67.84 -> it's a bit stiff. So that's just something to keep in mind
70.88 -> that opening and closing it is going to be a little difficult in the very
74.32 -> beginning. I think one of the best features about
76.799 -> this stroller is that the handlebar is adjustable from 34 inches to 45 inches.
81.439 -> So it doesn't matter how tall or short you are
83.52 -> it is adjustable and I love that. So this little lever is your remote lock on your
87.68 -> front wheel it helps you transition between a walk
90.24 -> run or just roaming around what i like about this is that it's on your
93.6 -> handlebar so you don't have to worry about dealing with your actual
96.64 -> wheel on your stroller. So this right now is moving around in like a 360. However,
100.48 -> when you want to run you just lock it into place and the wheel will
103.8 -> only go forward which is a nice safety feature that I think
107.2 -> everyone should really have.
109.58 -> So this feature is your front wheel tracking
111.8 -> adjustment. Basically if you start to veer left you'll turn the knob clockwise.
115.68 -> If you veer right you'll turn it counterclockwise and that
118.399 -> way your wheel is always going in a straight line.
120.64 -> Parking wheel brake on this stroller is super simple you're just gonna push and
124.159 -> that's gonna put it into a park and it's not gonna go anywhere and then to
127.28 -> release that break you're gonna pull up.
130.08 -> All right so let's get into putting
131.44 -> baby in the actual stroller. I can say that it did take me a few
135.12 -> seconds to figure out how to release the seat harness because there's those
137.76 -> center red buttons but there's also these
140.08 -> side buttons that you have to press simultaneously and I didn't know that
143.2 -> until I read the directions. So shame on me for not reading directions that's
146.64 -> what they're there for. Anyways my son is four months old this
149.44 -> is actually made for somebody that is six months old or bigger, but as you can
153.28 -> tell I think he fits just fine in this and he
156.64 -> seems to like it. Obviously he likes eating it as well.
158.879 -> Um the one thing I will make mention is those little seat protector strap things
162.879 -> that he's got, they didn't move. Unless i'm missing something
165.92 -> completely that was kind of annoying to me is the fact that I couldn't like
169.12 -> adjust them upward or downward so I just kind of left them there like that and I
172.72 -> tucked in the excess buckle parts into them so that's what you see going
176.56 -> on right here, but you can see that he is a
178.48 -> happy boy he really uh, he really likes it.
182.48 -> [Music]
190.16 -> I'm trying to give you an idea of what my son actually looks like in this
193.04 -> stroller. He is only four months old and this is geared for six months and up, but
196.64 -> you know he's gonna grow into it so it is what it is. Reclining the seat on
200.56 -> this stroller was super easy you're just gonna push and hold a little lever and
204 -> then the seat will go down and then for the upright or normal position you're
206.799 -> just gonna pull up on the back of the seat strap and then push the seat back
210.4 -> up. All right guys we have to talk about this adjusting sun cover
214.159 -> I thoroughly love this not only is it a really nice material and it has the mesh
219.28 -> on the top or the very tip of it but it was so
222.239 -> fluid just opening it you had no issues. It also has a little peekaboo
226.959 -> window. You just open that up on the top of the
229.2 -> canopy and you can see the baby or if you need
231.44 -> extra airflow. The one big perk about this is that you can see it completely
236.56 -> covers my son. I have yet to find strollers where
239.599 -> the canopy part actually covers the baby in full. I'm not worried about the sun
244.239 -> hitting them or anything. This, this is perfect!
251.84 -> So on this particular day we were unable to go outside because the wind was
256 -> really bad and it was just a nasty day but i'm trying to give you kind of
259.199 -> a 360 view so that way you can get an idea of what this stroller really looks
263.759 -> like with me with it and with the baby in it. At the end of
266.8 -> this i'll have like a video so that you can see us on an
269.92 -> actual walk it'll be a different day but just to give you an idea.
273.02 -> All right so this is us outdoors on a walk. Sorry for the outfit change it is
277.759 -> a different day. I actually wasn't sure I was gonna get this footage because it's
281.12 -> been pouring rain here in England um,
283.52 -> unfortunately so we've been homebound for quite some time as you can
287.44 -> see this is us on our walk I'm gonna do some swivels
290.16 -> so that way you can see what it looks like. At the end of this
292.8 -> clip I will show you us packing it and unpacking it from our Jeep so you get an
296.4 -> idea of what it looks like in and out of a vehicle.
298.88 -> Of all the footage I showed you today this is probably the most important, in
302.479 -> my opinion, because you're using your stroller
304.8 -> in and out of your vehicle all the time. When it comes to a stroller I want
308.56 -> something that's going to be easy to remove and easy to pack up and
312.96 -> this it just it, was it, was just too easy I
316.4 -> highly recommend this. I didn't have any problems
319.52 -> packing it away pulling it out it fit in my car
323.12 -> and that's why I really wanted to show you so I would say I definitely
326.639 -> recommend this stroller to everyone. As you can see while i'm packing it away
330.639 -> it's just a one-handed motion it's so simple and then i'm putting it in the
334.72 -> vehicle and then i'm closing the door and you're just you're just good to go.
338.479 -> My overall opinion on the Guava Family stroller is going to be a positive one. I
342.479 -> think with kids in tow you're looking for
344.72 -> something that is compact, lightweight, and versatile and this just
347.84 -> it ticks all those boxes. I thoroughly love this!
351.039 -> All right guys that's all i've got for this video. I hope you enjoyed this
353.919 -> review! If you did please give it a big thumbs
356.16 -> up and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and I will see you next time!
