History of the Jews - Summary on a Map

History of the Jews - Summary on a Map

History of the Jews - Summary on a Map

Let’s look at a map and retrace the history and major events of the Jewish people throughout the world.

Part two of this video is titled “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict” and was posted in March 2018, summarising the conflict since 1917.    • Israel-Palestine conflict - Summary o…  

English translation \u0026 voiceover : Rahul Venkit    / @rahulvenkit  

Original video in French:    • Histoire des juifs - Résumé depuis 75…  

Music: Spookster - Wayne Jones (From YouTube library)


0 -> A century ago, a conflict arose which would quickly become
3.79 -> one of the most complex and controversial in the world.
7.32 -> A conflict between two very different people for the same territory.
12.16 -> To understand its origins, let's retrace the history of the Jewish people on a map.
17.48 -> The Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be explained in a following video.
26.64 -> The story begins in 750 BC
29.06 -> when the Near East was divided into many small kingdoms and city-states.
33.86 -> They were wedged between the Assyrian Empire to the north and Egypt in the south.
39 -> Among them was the Kingdom of Israel whose people worshipped several gods, including Yahweh.
45.42 -> In 722 BC, the capital Samaria fell to the Assyrian empire.
51.24 -> Part of the population then fled to the Kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem.
55.78 -> But they would be followed by the Assyrian army as they continued their expansion towards the south.
61.2 -> The region then remains under their control for a century until the fall of Nineveh to the Babylonians.
67.2 -> Egypt and Babylon would then compete for territories of the old empire.
71.26 -> But the Babylonians quickly take over and project their power in the region.
75.8 -> Jerusalem resists this new rule and rebels.
79.34 -> The Babylonian army then returns to besiege and destroy the city.
83.78 -> Much of the population is then moved to the capital.
87.3 -> In 539 BC, the Achaemenid Persian empire takes over Babylon.
92.68 -> The new king authorizes a free passage for Judeans, prompting many to return to Jerusalem.
98.92 -> They would then rebuild the city and organize the foundations of Jewish culture
103.38 -> by building the Temple of Solomon and writing the Torah.
111.56 -> In 334 BC, the ambitious young Macedonian king, Alexander the Great,
116.72 -> set out with his army to conquer the known world.
120.02 -> In just over 10 years, he rakes up a huge territory and builds many cities.
125 -> But, exhausted by conquest, he died at age 32 in Babylon without an heir of governing age.
131.7 -> The empire was then divided by his generals into various Hellenic kingdoms.
136.8 -> Judea came under the control of the Ptolemaic dynasty.
140.94 -> A Jewish community settles in the new city of Alexandria and the Torah is translated into Greek.
147.54 -> Following a war against the Seleucid dynasty,
151.54 -> Hellenic and Jewish culture developed friction to the point that
155.26 -> one of the altars of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem was dedicated to the worship of Zeus.
161.18 -> A traditionalist, anti-Hellenic Jewish militia is organized and takes control of Jerusalem in 164 BC.
168.9 -> The temple is restored and the kingdom of Judea becomes independent.
173.98 -> A century later the region was conquered by the Roman army.
178.18 -> The Judeans would organize two major revolts against the new regime, which were violently crushed.
183.88 -> The first revolt in 66 provoked the siege of Jerusalem followed by the destruction of its temple.
190.06 -> The only wall of the enclosure that survived would become known as the Wailing Wall.
195.3 -> During the second revolt, the city was razed and a great part of the population slaughtered.
201.06 -> This time, the Jews were forbidden a safe passage to Judea.
205.52 -> Many migrated to Galilee and across the empire.
213.18 -> Towards the end of the Roman empire, Christianity was the dominant religion
217.26 -> and Jerusalem a place of pilgrimage.
220.02 -> The largely well-to-do Jewish community in the Mediterranean Basin
223.72 -> began to be persecuted, especially in the Visigoths and Byzantine empires.
229.9 -> In the 7th century, following the birth of Islam, begins an Arab conquest.
235.28 -> In some cases Jews support the conquest in the hope of better conditions.
240.02 -> They are tolerated by the Arabs and only polytheistic peoples are forcibly converted.
245.52 -> In Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is built, making the city holy to the three monotheistic religions.
252.4 -> The Arabs arrive at the Iberian Peninsula, which they call Al-Andalus.
257.16 -> Here, 5% of the population is Jewish, ushering in a golden age of culture.
262.68 -> Meanwhile in Europe, Jews are not only tolerated as people who witnessed times before Christ,
268.62 -> but also as the sole traders between Catholics and Muslims.
272.76 -> This allows Jews to gradually establish themselves in all of Western Europe.
283.76 -> In the 11th century, the Seljuk Turks, a Central Asian people,
287.8 -> began their expansion and reached Jerusalem.
290.54 -> They persecute Christians and forbid pilgrimages to the city.
294.8 -> In response, Christians in Europe organized crusades --
298.04 -> military and religious expeditions to the holy city.
302.16 -> Along the way, they massacred Jewish communities
305.3 -> who they now consider a deicide people, who killed Jesus Christ.
309.66 -> In 1347, Genoese merchant boats from Caffa helped spread the Black Death.
316.42 -> In five years, the disease wreaks havoc in Europe, killing almost half its population.
321.7 -> A rumor spreads accusing Jews of poisoning wells,
325.86 -> resulting in their persecution mainly along the Rhine and Rhone region and their eventual expulsion.
332.22 -> In Spain, the Reconquista ends. The Catholic kings serve an ultimatum to the Jews to either convert or leave.
340.3 -> The majority, who choose to leave, settle along the Mediterranean coast,
344.36 -> mainly in the Ottoman Empire, where they are welcomed.
353.24 -> The Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth becomes a haven for Jews from Western Europe
357.84 -> due to favourable migration policies.
360.2 -> In the 17th century, the region hosts more than 300,000 or about half of the Jews in the world.
367.44 -> But everything changed in 1648 with the revolt of the Cossacks Ukrainian peasants
372.72 -> against the nobility and the Jews.
375.44 -> They accused the Jews of having a privileged relationship with those in power.
379.56 -> More than 100,000 Jewish people are killed or flee the region.
383.98 -> This episode would weaken the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,
387.46 -> besieged on all sides by neighboring powers.
390.56 -> In 150 years, the region falls and its territory is carved up.
395.66 -> The Jewish community is divided and 900,000 of them find themselves in the Russian empire,
401.54 -> where they are not welcome.
403.2 -> They quickly become the targets of attacks called "pogroms" -- a Russian term meaning "devastation".
408.86 -> Given the lack of response from authorities, these attacks become more frequent and deadly.
418.12 -> The Jews then emigrated to the United States and Western Europe,
421.48 -> which in the meantime, has improved their living conditions.
424.8 -> It is in this context that the first Zionist Congress is held in Basel in 1897,
430.84 -> contemplating the founding of a new homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine.
435.62 -> But the Ottoman Empire is fiercely opposed to the project.
439.84 -> A few years later, the First World War breaks out.
443.96 -> The Ottoman Empire fought alongside Germany.
446.9 -> When the Allies were in trouble and desperately sought further support,
450.54 -> the then-British minister of Foreign Affairs Arthur Balfour wrote an open letter,
455.58 -> promising a Jewish homeland in Palestine in return for Jewish support.
459.92 -> In parallel, they support the Arab rebellion against the Ottoman Empire
464.56 -> by promising them independence in the liberated territories.
467.86 -> At the end of the war, the map of the Middle East was redrawn and divided up between the European powers.
474.24 -> Palestine comes under the British mandate,
476.94 -> marking the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict...

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR9sWRzbdJw