Is Small, Fast, & Cheap the Future of Nuclear Energy?

Is Small, Fast, & Cheap the Future of Nuclear Energy?

Is Small, Fast, & Cheap the Future of Nuclear Energy?

Nuclear is reliable, works 24/7, and generates a lot of power, all for essentially zero carbon. Get an exclusive Surfshark deal! Enter promo code UNDECIDED for an extra 3 months free at That comes at a price, though. Nuclear plants are really expensive, legislatively challenging, difficult to scale, and have a hotly debated reputation. But what if there was a way to build smaller, cheaper, and safer nuclear power plants sized for individual businesses or small communities? It might sound like an Atomic Age dream, but it’s already here. Are small modular reactors the path towards a nuclear future? And is nuclear power really as bad as many of us think it is?

13:06 Last Energy has said it’s under $100M

Check out the full interview with Bret Kugelmass from Last Energy:    • 164: Just Go Nuclear?   or here

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0 -> A portion of this video is  brought to you by Surfshark. 
2.7 -> Nuclear is reliable, works 24/7, and  generates a lot of power, all for  
7.38 -> essentially zero carbon. That comes at a price,  though. Nuclear plants are really expensive,  
11.58 -> legislatively challenging, difficult to  scale, and have a hotly debated reputation.  
16.8 -> But what if there was a way to build smaller,  cheaper, and safer nuclear facilities sized for  
21.78 -> individual businesses or small communities?  It might sound like an Atomic Age dream,  
25.8 -> but it’s already here. Is shrinking and  modularizing nuclear facilities the path  
30.36 -> towards a nuclear future? And is nuclear  really as bad as many of us think it is?
34.08 -> I’m Matt Ferrell … welcome to Undecided.
38.1 -> “Just go nuclear” is a common refrain in the  comments sections of my videos when I discuss  
47.04 -> clean energy production. Nuclear power has a lot  to offer, both as a part of our energy mix as we  
51.6 -> wait for renewables to fill in the gaps left by  fossil fuels, and as a partner with renewables in  
57.54 -> general. One major problem that continues  to drag this 70-year-old technology down,  
61.56 -> though, is the size and complexity of nuclear  power plants. And that’s not even getting into  
66 -> the “big three” hurdles associated with nuclear:  its hazards, the waste it produces, and its cost.
71.1 -> The U.S.-based company Last Energy is attempting  to address these issues, but not by reinventing  
76.14 -> the wheel, so to speak. They’re taking well  tested technology and shrinking it down into  
80.46 -> modular nuclear power plants known as Small  Modular Reactors (or SMRs). These occupy only  
85.8 -> half an acre of land, but they’re capable of  producing 20 megawatts of electricity. They fit  
90.6 -> neatly within the dimensions of the coal power  plants they can replace, all while being much,  
94.38 -> much more compact than traditional nuclear  power plants. They’re also strong enough to  
97.86 -> power individual, energy-intensive sites  like factories and data centers. But if  
102.24 -> they’re not reinventing the wheel and  bringing some new technology to the mix,  
104.88 -> how does making nuclear power  plants smaller make them better?
108.6 -> To understand that, we have to go  back to those “big three” obstacles  
111.42 -> to adopting nuclear power. We can’t really  disentangle small modular reactors without it.
117.9 -> Let’s start by addressing the  dangers associated with nuclear  
120.9 -> energy. Wouldn’t building a bunch of  SMRs increase the chance of catastrophe?
124.74 -> Well, believe it or not, nuclear power is  actually one of the least deadly forms of  
128.28 -> energy on the planet. It sits right between solar  and wind and way below fossil fuels, which cause  
133.44 -> an estimated 3.6 million deaths a year. To put  this into perspective, Our World In Data looked  
138.72 -> at deaths from pollution and accidents related to  power generation. Its 2020 report on the safety  
143.46 -> of energy sources found that the death rate of  wind is 0.04 per TWh of electricity. For solar,  
150.18 -> it’s 0.02. And nuclear energy? Again sandwiched  right between the two with a death rate of 0.03  
156.12 -> per TWh. Meanwhile, coal topped the charts at  32.72 deaths per terawatt-hour. Keep in mind that  
162.72 -> the entire planet used an estimated 22,848 TWh in  2019. That comes out to a lot of human suffering  
170.1 -> caused by fossil fuels. Consider that fossil  fuel energy sources require mines and drilling  
174.3 -> operations, which often account for many injuries  and fatalities, especially across a global market.
178.92 -> That of course does not mean that the  suffering caused by nuclear meltdowns is  
182.7 -> any less significant. While the epidemiology  on these cases is still hotly debated,  
186.78 -> it's generally agreed that 30 to 60 people  died as a direct result of Chernobyl,  
190.98 -> the worst of history’s three major nuclear  disasters (the others being Fukushima and  
195.36 -> Three-Mile Island). It was no doubt a tragedy  that caused incredible hardship, considering  
199.86 -> these losses alongside the injuries, evacuations,  and cancer experienced in the aftermath. However,  
204.96 -> looking at the long view, we’ve had nuclear  plants since the 50s. There are 413 active  
210.42 -> nuclear power plants in the world today, but there  have been only three serious disasters in total.
214.68 -> It’s also worth noting that Chernobyl was an  RBMK reactor developed by the Soviet Union,  
218.94 -> which is very different from the pressurized-water  reactors (or PWRs) that make up the vast majority  
224.46 -> of reactors around the world today. The specifics  of these reactors could be their own video,  
228.36 -> but suffice to say RBMKs had a number of  design flaws that made them a lot less safe  
232.86 -> than PWRs. In a nutshell, a PWR is just a much  better design with decades of safe operation.
239.88 -> How does Last Energy’s small modular reactor  deal with the potential dangers of nuclear  
243.54 -> energy? Their reactors are also PWRs, with  the (now common) additional safety feature of  
248.64 -> an underground site. If a meltdown happens, the  risk of harmful particles escaping into the air  
253.14 -> is greatly reduced. Plus, smaller reactors don’t  run as hot, so they’re less likely to melt down.  
258.54 -> A smaller reactor will also have fewer moving  parts, thus fewer potential failure points.
263.52 -> While the risk of airborne radioactive  particle releases is lower, the underground  
267 -> site must be carefully chosen to avoid  potential contamination of groundwater,  
270.54 -> both during normal operation and during flooding,  
273.3 -> where rainwater could be contaminated  before running off into the watershed.
276.72 -> So, when you take into account the  number of disasters relative to the  
279.6 -> number of power plants, technological  advances, and new safety procedures,  
282.9 -> the dangers of nuclear energy even in the event of  a meltdown are far less of an issue than before.
287.46 -> But what about nuclear waste and how  Last Energy is planning to handle that?
292.2 -> Before we get to that, there’s something  else that I don’t think is a waste … and  
295.26 -> that’s today’s sponsor, Surfshark. I always  recommend using a VPN when using public Wifi,  
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345.48 -> Link is in the description below. Thanks to  Surfshark and to all of you for supporting  
348.9 -> the channel. Back to the question about nuclear  waste and how Last Energy is going to handle it.
353.64 -> The vast majority of reactors here in the U.S.  use a “once through” nuclear fuel cycle. To  
358.26 -> keep the explanation simple, the uranium ore is  mined, enriched into the right kind of uranium,  
362.34 -> turned into fuel pellets, and used in a reactor.  Then those spent pellets become radioactive  
367.14 -> waste that needs to be stored somewhere. And  yes, I was just as disappointed as you are to  
371.64 -> learn that radioactive waste is just li’l gray  pellets and not glowing green ninja turtle ooze. 
376.5 -> It’s important to note that only 3% of  that waste is the scary stuff that will  
379.98 -> be harmful for thousands of years to come.  We don’t make very much of it either — just  
383.64 -> around half an Olympic swimming pool per year —  which sounds like a lot, but really isn’t when  
388.44 -> you consider just how much carbon-free energy  we’re getting in the deal. You can also rest a  
392.58 -> little easier knowing there are zero recorded  deaths attributed to nuclear waste leakage.
397.2 -> How do we safely store it, though? The most  common method, at least here in the United States,  
400.32 -> is called “dry casking.” First, all those rod  assemblies take a refreshing dip at the bottom  
405.18 -> of a spent fuel pool. Water is of course great  at cooling things off, but it's also remarkably  
410.04 -> good at dampening radiation. Once everything is  nice and inert, usually in a few years’ time,  
414.84 -> the rods are then placed in stainless-steel  canisters, which are welded shut. Boom,  
419.16 -> there’s your dry cask. The casks are only rated to  last about 40 years, but the waste can be re-homed  
424.62 -> to a new cask, or moved to a more permanent  storage facility, the most promising of which  
429.42 -> being Deep Geological Disposal (DGD) Facilities.  These do what exactly they say on the tin:  
434.76 -> We place the casks deep underground in  geologically stable regions and entomb them  
439.5 -> under tons of concrete and earth. There’s just one  not-so-little thing: there aren’t any long-term  
445.32 -> storage facilities currently operational, which  means most nuclear facilities have to keep those  
450.06 -> casks on site, at least for now. Good news  though, Finland is set to open the first DGD  
455.7 -> facility later this year, so help is coming. Still, this is not the kind of problem you  
460.5 -> can ignore, especially if nuclear power reaches  the popularity some want it to. With hundreds of  
465.12 -> facilities storing literal tons of this harmful  stuff for — no joke — up to 24,000 years, there’s  
470.7 -> a lot of possible points of failure. Solutions  like dry casking and deep geological storage might  
475.08 -> be good enough for now, but are they 24,000-year  proof solutions? It's difficult to say.
482.4 -> What’s Last Energy doing to mitigate the issue  of nuclear waste? Their power plants can last  
486.48 -> about 40 years, but about every six years they’ll  swap the old reactor for a new one — a lot like  
491.76 -> replacing a battery, just, y’know, nuclear-sized.  Here's the neat part: the old reactor continues to  
497.4 -> house all the spent fuel inside. After all,  it was safe when we were smashing atoms to  
501.72 -> create electricity. It’ll be even safer now  that the fuel is spent. Then Last Energy can  
506.16 -> just haul the whole reactor-slash-waste-cask  off with minimal danger or chance of spillage.  
510.84 -> But … we could also look at recycling that waste  into more energy. How? A closed fuel cycle.
517.68 -> Because more than 90% of the potential  energy remains in spent nuclear fuel,  
522 -> even after five years of operation in a  reactor, spent waste could actually be  
526.14 -> reused as a nuclear fuel. Better yet, every  time that waste goes through the fuel cycle,  
530.46 -> the halflife of the radioactive elements  are reduced down to hundreds of years,  
534.36 -> which is obviously a much more manageable  timeframe than 24,000 years. The United  
539.22 -> States currently does not recycle its  nuclear waste, though other countries do.
543.06 -> Japan has been leading the R&D charge in recycling  this waste. The Japanese Federation of Electric  
547.92 -> Power Companies argues that on top of making  the waste safer, its closed fuel cycle adds  
552.66 -> another layer of energy security, reduces  dependence on foreign imports of uranium,  
556.38 -> and allows for getting the most energy out  of the uranium already purchased. What’s  
561.06 -> not to like? Last Energy isn’t promising  this, but it's theoretically an option.
565.38 -> Now that we’ve established that nuclear energy  is much safer than you might have thought,  
568.8 -> here comes the next big question: The same  probably goes for the high costs, right? As  
573.66 -> much as the “just go nuclear” crowd likes to point  out its huge benefits, the cost of nuclear power  
577.86 -> is one of the biggest limiting factors. It’s just  more expensive. Nuclear power plants are indeed  
583.14 -> really expensive in terms of both “capital”  costs and operating costs. Capital refers to  
588.06 -> components of the initial price tag: stuff like  site preparation, engineering, manufacturing,  
592.26 -> construction, commissioning, permitting, financing  … you get the idea. Altogether, initial costs  
598.26 -> for your average 110 MW plant are about $6-10  billion. Ouch. These costs are a lot higher than  
605.64 -> other forms of energy production because nuclear  plants are both very complex and naturally held  
610.02 -> to extremely high safety and design standards.  Almost every part of the process from beginning  
614.04 -> to end requires extensive work at the hands of  multiple highly qualified experts. And it's a  
618.84 -> long process too, with the average construction  time for even the most modern plants taking about  
623.94 -> 9.2 years to complete. That can leave a lot of  room for potential design changes, tech upgrades,  
629.34 -> and a variety of lawsuits to crop up, all of  which compound the existing time and money issues.
634.68 -> Meanwhile, the operations tend to be  costly, too. Nuclear fuel isn’t cheap,  
638.34 -> and neither is the professional labor it takes  to run a nuclear power plant. But extra expenses  
643.08 -> come from standardization, or more accurately, the  lack of it. Unlike oil, gas, or other industries,  
648.6 -> nuclear energy never established a standardized  set of tools. This adds to the cost because you  
653.22 -> can’t just pop down to the nuclear energy store  and grab a universal plutonium rod or pipe  
657.36 -> fitting. Most nuclear power plants are bespoke. In contrast, France runs dozens of very similar,  
662.64 -> standardized nuclear power plants. Besides  reducing overall costs, it provides a mechanism  
666.96 -> for additional safety. If something begins to  fail at one power plant, all of the others can  
671.1 -> be quickly checked and repaired. Based on this  model, a company that can provide a standardized  
675.84 -> nuclear power plant can be much safer and less  expensive, as they share standardized parts.
680.82 -> And if you thought nuclear was  expensive on first blush, just wait,  
684.96 -> there’s more. The measure known as levelized cost  of energy, or LCOE, represents the lifetime cost  
690.9 -> divided by energy production, which makes it  easier to fairly compare technologies. LCOE  
696.12 -> accounts for not just the large installation  fees that projects face, but also how much  
700.08 -> bang you’re getting for your buck stretched  out over the entire span of the project.
704.34 -> According to the 2022 annual World Nuclear  Industry Status Report (WNISR), solar has  
709.2 -> an LCOE of $36 per MWh, wind clocks in at  $38 per MWh, and coal costs $108 per MWh.  
718.14 -> Not good for coal (one of the many reasons it’s  dying off). But nuclear power costs around $167  
724.26 -> per MWh, making this the most expensive form of  the energy production amongst methods surveyed,  
729.3 -> and the only one to actually go up in price  during the study period (2009-2021). Yikes.
737.22 -> Just based on economies of scale and how  difficult it is to get a plant approved,  
740.52 -> you’d think the bigger plants would be more cost  effective, but here more than anywhere else,  
744.78 -> Last Energy’s strategy of miniaturization and  standardization pays off. With their modular,  
749.88 -> factory line, plug n’ play approach,  Last Energy can deploy their SMRs  
753.78 -> blindingly fast, in less than two years.  And because they are small and modular,  
758.46 -> these reactors actually scale quite well: you  can always upgrade simply by adding another  
762.78 -> module. Here's their CEO, Brett Kugelmass,  who I interviewed for my Still TBD podcast.
767.04 -> “...since we're delivering literally the  exact same thing every single time. We  
771.24 -> don't have to have run through a $20 or $30  million exercise for each individual plant.  
777.84 -> We can hit the copy and paste button based  on the application we submitted last time.
781.92 -> They’re fast and easy to construct, but how  much will one of these reactors actually run  
784.92 -> you? Around $123 million. It’s also  way cheaper than a standard-sized,  
790.44 -> beefy-boy nuclear plant with its, again,  minimum $6 billion dollar price tag and almost  
795.84 -> decade-long construction time. If  something does need to be repaired,  
799.2 -> that’s where the benefits of standardization come  in again. No more time-consuming custom designing,  
804 -> followed by review boards, followed by machining,  followed by testing and more machining…you get the  
808.44 -> picture. I think Last Energy CEO Brett  Kugelmass put it best when said this:
810.78 -> "We are innovative at how uninnovative  we are. We're just not tackling a physics  
815.7 -> challenge. Instead, we're tackling a supply  chain procurement and economic challenge.”
819.48 -> Now, this is the part of the video where I’d  normally say something along the lines of “Gee,  
823.02 -> this tech is cool, let’s hope it  works and hits the market soon,”  
825.12 -> but these plants are already  out there. Poland, the UK,  
828.54 -> and others have already purchased reactors  from Last Energy and more are on the way.
832.38 -> “This is a big week. You're catching me at the end  
834.12 -> of the greatest week of my life… This  week. We sold over 30 power plants…”
838.86 -> Go ahead fill in your Undecided bingo card free  space, because here, as always, there’s no one  
844.08 -> solution to rule them all. No silver bullet.  There’s no “just go nuclear” or “just go solar”  
849.66 -> to this debate. It’s going to take a mix of  solutions. The danger nuclear energy poses  
854.22 -> to people and the environment pales in comparison  to harm caused by fossil fuels. At the same time,  
859.08 -> nuclear waste is a real concern that doesn’t  have a clear, permanent solution at the moment.  
863.58 -> And as good as the death rates look for nuclear  compared to other forms of energy production,  
867.78 -> that doesn’t tell the whole story about the  impacts on a population affected by a nuclear  
872.52 -> disaster. Ultimately, nuclear may not be _the_  solution, but it’s _a_ solution. If we can get  
878.16 -> nuclear’s high price tag under control, reduce  its footprint, and speed up its deployment as  
882.48 -> Last Energy is trying to do, then it could be  an essential part of the green energy mix going  
886.68 -> forward. We just don’t have the time or the  luxury to let the perfect be the enemy of the  
890.76 -> good … and nuclear energy, especially in this  small modular reactor form, looks really good.
896.1 -> So what do you think? Jump into the  comments and let me know. And be sure  
899.82 -> to check out my follow up podcast  Still TBD where we'll be discussing  
902.58 -> some of your feedback. Thanks to all of  my patrons, who get ad free versions of  
906.18 -> every video. And thanks to all of you for  watching. I’ll see you in the next one.
