HI, welcome to my channel. I wanted to share my review of the BabyZen Yoyo+, this has gone from travel stroller to my day to day one. Honestly is that we love it, despite the few drawbacks.

#BabyZen #BabyZenYoyo+ #Babygirl #TravelStroller #Babytravelhacks #BabyTraveltips

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Thanks for watching
Faith x


4.72 -> hey guys welcome to my youtube channel
6.399 -> my name is faith and today's video is
8.16 -> all about the baby zen yo-yo plus
10.48 -> so my name is faith i'm a mum of two i
12.559 -> have a four-year-old son
13.679 -> leo and my daughter nia is four months
15.519 -> old and i just wanted to share why we
17.76 -> love the baby zen yo-yo plus and why we
20 -> got it
20.8 -> um so initially i'm one of those people
22.88 -> who actually has two buggies i do have
24.64 -> the upper baby vista
26.08 -> i got that with my son we actually use
28.16 -> it still when we going off-road
30.56 -> when we're doing long country walks
32 -> we've got that big basket
33.68 -> big wheels it's really comfortable but i
36.399 -> live in london
37.68 -> and i don't have a huge car so when my
40.8 -> daughter was born and especially now
42.399 -> that my son started reception
44.079 -> we needed something that was a bit
45.28 -> smaller i did a lot of research
47.44 -> and the babies then kept on coming up um
50.559 -> one of my friend has it she swears by it
53.039 -> i've seen a couple of friends get it
54.32 -> when they're going away on holiday
55.92 -> and they all have such great reviews
57.36 -> about it and i thought you know what i'm
58.559 -> going to try it off for myself and this
60.16 -> is my experience
61.199 -> so today i'm going to show you how i put
62.879 -> it together i have it in the newborn
64.559 -> pack
65.199 -> i also have it in the six month plus
67.6 -> pack
68.24 -> and because i have a a toddler for a
70.159 -> four-year-old i also have the buggy
72.24 -> board as well
73.84 -> and i also have the travel bag so i'll
75.52 -> share with you some of the stuff we have
77.119 -> how we put it together
78.4 -> the things that we really like about it
80.64 -> and some of the things that i don't
82.159 -> love as much because i you know
84.08 -> especially when i compare it to the
85.28 -> vista
86.4 -> the zen is really light all you have to
88.159 -> do basically is just
91.68 -> and it's done it's lifted and it's ready
94.32 -> to go
95.119 -> so we're going to do the new bond uh
97.28 -> base first so my daughter is four months
99.04 -> so she is still in the newborn
100.72 -> this one comes in three parts so you
102.799 -> have basically this is the actual
104.72 -> newborn pack which goes on here you have
107.84 -> this
108.479 -> which is basically like the bassinet and
110.799 -> then it also has a little cute
112.56 -> newborn headrest so i'm gonna put it
114.399 -> together it's really easy and really
116 -> simple
116.88 -> so i think you can see putting it
118.479 -> together is not difficult it is
120 -> straightforward
121.119 -> um it does come with a little booklet
122.64 -> with all the directions i
124.32 -> did watch a couple of youtube videos on
125.92 -> how to put it together and
127.84 -> they give you a lot more detail like the
129.36 -> directions so this video is just
130.8 -> basically showing you how long it would
132.239 -> normally take me to put it together it
133.84 -> takes about five to ten minutes
136.239 -> uh with the new one pack because that
137.68 -> simply it's easier there's less to do
150.12 -> [Music]
158.319 -> with the straps they only work one way
160.48 -> in so if you try and put it in the wrong
161.76 -> way it literally won't work
163.28 -> um and that's the same for a lot of
165.36 -> parts of the zen
166.64 -> that if it doesn't go in then you know
168.959 -> you've not done it right
170 -> like it's really forward you wouldn't be
171.599 -> able to install it incorrectly
173.36 -> and that's my experience anyway and yeah
176.08 -> so we kind of put it all together and
177.68 -> then we're done and we can move on
216.799 -> so this is how we strap knight in
220.319 -> put it in
225.88 -> [Music]
237.68 -> so it's really easy as well to fold it
239.599 -> down so you just
241.599 -> flip it over take your baby out
246.63 -> [Music]
252.799 -> so basically i thought i would be a
254.799 -> and try the one-handed fold didn't
256.72 -> work out that great for me obviously as
258.4 -> you can see but i'm going to be
259.28 -> authentic
259.84 -> sometimes this does happen but it is
261.68 -> really simple um and when you're done
263.759 -> you just kind of carry on your shoulder
265.199 -> when you arrive wherever you're going
266.32 -> you just flip it open and voila you're
268.32 -> done and it's all good to go
271.04 -> so taking it down is actually really
272.639 -> simple it's just the same thing in
274.16 -> reverse a lot of is just unclipping and
276.08 -> taking off the velcro
278.16 -> and then you just change it over and
279.84 -> then you can put it onto the six
281.6 -> month plus version um that's the great
285.04 -> thing about the zen it's like loads of
286.4 -> velcro straps and loads of clip ones
288.16 -> it's not
288.72 -> difficult there's no screwdrivers and a
290.8 -> lot of building it's just yeah you get
292.4 -> on with it
293.36 -> again i say have a look at the videos on
295.6 -> youtube
296.4 -> and double check with the actual uh
298.479 -> instruction manuals
299.919 -> um but it's not difficult anyone can
302.72 -> build this and actually quite quickly i
304.32 -> think to build the six-month plus
305.84 -> probably took me about
307.28 -> i'd say 15-20 minutes max and that was
310.24 -> with kind of stopping and double
311.68 -> checking and making sure that i did
313.039 -> everything right and got every single
314.639 -> strap so yeah
315.52 -> definitely have a go at that
324.1 -> [Music]
337.88 -> [Music]
344.97 -> [Music]
351.919 -> so putting the baby in again is really
353.759 -> simple um once it's heated put the
355.759 -> straps on
356.4 -> remember again the straps only go in the
358.16 -> right way so if you try and
359.919 -> connect them and if you know and it's
361.36 -> not there it won't work anyway
366.38 -> [Music]
377.29 -> [Music]
379.199 -> um it does have a really good recline so
381.6 -> it goes you can just pull the strap on
383.12 -> the back and it does lie flat it's got a
384.96 -> huge canopy it's great for when you're
386.639 -> out and about and they're just falling
387.919 -> asleep
388.639 -> um so to put it down is actually really
390.4 -> easy and what i've proven because this
392.639 -> time as a able to do it one-handed is
394.08 -> that with a bit of practice anyone can
395.6 -> do it
412.76 -> [Music]
414.08 -> um so we also have the board so this is
416.4 -> really easy
417.44 -> you just put those wheels in just one
419.599 -> wheel
420.88 -> thick
427.68 -> and with the board
432.8 -> it just you pull these two
438.08 -> it's done it also has a seat
443.44 -> that's it is a board
451.52 -> do you like the seat yeah
455.31 -> [Music]
459.599 -> so the other thing that we have is the
461.52 -> travel bag so you can actually fold the
463.52 -> whole buggy
464.479 -> put it inside and over your shoulder if
466.24 -> you're at the airport and then just put
467.68 -> it onto the cabin and we use this on the
469.44 -> fly
470 -> so we find it very useful the last thing
471.599 -> that i got was the foot mat
473.199 -> it's this one it's in this thing it's so
476.4 -> pretty
477.12 -> and it's so nice and so soft i really
479.039 -> like the color which is why i wanted
480.639 -> this one for the slightly older one and
482 -> a little bit more unisex
483.84 -> um and it's basically really nice so
485.599 -> it's september now so we're coming up
487.52 -> onto the colder months we're gonna
488.72 -> really
489.44 -> make a lot of use out of this and love
491.599 -> about the zen and why i would recommend
493.199 -> it it's really small
495.44 -> it's really easy to push around into
497.44 -> maneuver even with another child in the
499.28 -> back
499.68 -> so even when leo is sitting on the board
501.68 -> or standing on it
502.879 -> we can still easily maneuver we can
505.199 -> steer it one-handed so that's really
506.8 -> nice and easy
508.08 -> um it's just it's such a smooth
511.28 -> um drive i don't know if you drive a
514.08 -> buggy but basically it's quite smooth
515.919 -> um actually really easy to fold it's
518.56 -> easy to put together it's easy to then
520.399 -> fold down
521.279 -> it's it folds up really small so if you
524 -> see the boot of my cart that
525.519 -> space it takes out it's amazing
527.12 -> especially when compared to the vista
529.04 -> which took up pretty much all of my this
532.32 -> folds takes some small space and i still
534.32 -> have a lot of space left for other
535.44 -> things so that's amazing
536.88 -> it has the board so if we're doing the
538.399 -> school run my son if he's tired and
540 -> doesn't want to walk or doesn't want to
541.2 -> take the scooter he can actually just
542.56 -> sit down and i'll push some bots along
544.72 -> um i really like the accessories the
546.64 -> coffee cup is great because i
548.16 -> drink tons of coffee the things i don't
550.08 -> love so the basket is so
552.48 -> tiny especially when you compare it to
554.8 -> the upper baby vista so the vista has
556.56 -> this huge buggy with a huge basket i
558.48 -> could fit a ton of stuff in there
560.48 -> so i do find that a bit of a struggle it
562.72 -> is an adjustment to make having come
564.399 -> from adding a really big buggy to
565.839 -> something that's really tiny
567.04 -> i think the only thing i can normally
568.48 -> fit in here is um the board so this is
571.04 -> what i tend to do i tend to take out the
572.72 -> seat
574.959 -> paint it there and then i just hook this
578.24 -> up so this
579.12 -> actually has a little hook and you can
582 -> just
583.92 -> um and you can just hook it up and it's
587.12 -> done
587.76 -> so when you have that it needs other
589.2 -> thing you put in there is the carrier so
591.44 -> i do have to
592.72 -> hook my bag um at the moment i use a
594.72 -> backpack anyway so i have that on my
596.32 -> back but have it on
597.44 -> the bar um it's great so in terms of
600.16 -> like what you can actually carry for it
601.68 -> it's not
602.24 -> it's not one of those strollers that
603.44 -> you're gonna go shopping with and put a
604.72 -> whole bunch of stuff underneath that's
605.839 -> just not gonna happen
607.36 -> um and it's actually quite pricey so
610.079 -> that's the other drawback so if it's
611.76 -> this is your like your travel or just
613.68 -> like a buggy
614.959 -> you know once you've got so everything
616.48 -> is sold separately you buy the bag in
617.92 -> its own you buy the cup on its own the
619.44 -> rain cover on its own the mosquito net
621.2 -> the board
622.16 -> um even the foot mark that's like 99
624.48 -> pounds the board is like another 99
626.16 -> pounds
626.959 -> when it all adds up you'll have to spend
628.72 -> maybe seven 800 pounds
630.64 -> um when you compare for example to my
632.959 -> vista which probably costs about the
634.399 -> same but it is a much more sturdier
636.959 -> the weight is more um you can take more
639.2 -> stuff on it
640.079 -> you can use it a lot more often so you
641.76 -> can't really use this like on
643.12 -> some of the country box that we do we
644.72 -> can't really use this buggy because the
646.32 -> wheels are just too small
648.48 -> and the terrain isn't great but if you
650.56 -> have narrow streets if you have buses if
652.72 -> you have trains this thing is amazing
654.959 -> so it has its drawbacks it has the
656.72 -> advantages but overall the advantages do
659.68 -> outweigh any drawbacks it is a really
661.92 -> beautiful buggy the color is beautiful i
663.839 -> love that you can change these so
665.839 -> the newborn pack is in red it's this
668.16 -> beautiful top for this color
669.6 -> we have um you can change it to a teal
671.92 -> i've seen a ginger color which i'm you
674 -> know i'm quite tempted
675.68 -> um so you can kind of change it around
677.44 -> and have like a different style
679.12 -> um but obviously as i said that you know
681.6 -> the accessories are really expensive and
683.36 -> you have to buy them all separately you
684.72 -> can't just get a pack
685.839 -> i do recommend facebook marketplace
689.279 -> you can literally buy um a lot of this
691.839 -> stuff some of it's hardly been used and
694.079 -> you can just if you just want to change
695.519 -> around
695.92 -> i think that's uh i think that's
697.6 -> everything um
698.959 -> yeah thanks for watching thanks bye
