The First Circumnavigation of the Earth by Magellan & Elcano - Summary on a Map

The First Circumnavigation of the Earth by Magellan & Elcano - Summary on a Map

The First Circumnavigation of the Earth by Magellan & Elcano - Summary on a Map

Let’s retrace the Magellan expedition to the Spice Islands, completed by Juan Sebastián Elcano. This is the first video in a new series about Famous Explorers.
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English translation \u0026 voiceover: Matthew Bates
Original French version:    • Le tour du monde de Magellan et Elcan…  
Russian version:    • Первое кругосветное плавание Магеллан…  
Arabic version:    • رحلة ماجلان و إلكانو  
Spanish version:    • La primera vuelta al mundo - Historia…  
Portuguese version (Brazil): Coming soon
Japanese version:    • マゼランとエルカーノによる史上初の世界一周  
German version:    • Die erste Weltumsegelung von Magellan…  
Music: Made for Geo History
Software: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Context
02:04 Magellan expedition
03:18 Strait of Magellan
05:09 In the Philippines
06:15 Arrival in the Spice Islands or the Moluccas
07:34 Elcano in Cape Verde
08:25 Arrival in Sanlucar
08:46 Henrique of Malacca

#geohistory #history #magellan #circumnavigation #world #explorer


0.56 -> In 1480, somewhere in the north of Portugal,  Ferdinand Magellan is born.
6 -> Around this time, Portugal begins maritime explorations along the African coast in search of new trade routes.
13.348 -> One of the country's dreams is to open a new sea route to the Indies,
17.15 -> from where come spices, which are luxury products in Europe.
21.669 -> Soon, the Spanish monarchies also organize explorations, but towards the West, thus reaching America,
28.864 -> which was heretofore unknown in Europe.
31.879 -> To avoid conflicts over the newly discovered territories, the two  powers agree, in 1494,
37.974 -> to divide the world between them.
40.348 -> Spain can claim the new lands located west of the Tordesillas meridian, while Portugal can claim those to the east.
48 -> In 1513, in America, the Spanish conquistador Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
54.567 -> is the first European to discover a sea on the other side of the American lands, which he names the South Sea.
61.951 -> Ferdinand Magellan, who had sailed for many years on behalf of Portugal,
66.711 -> notably in the Indian Ocean, hears about this discovery,
70.549 -> and begins to dream of finding a new maritime route to the Spice Islands that will bypass America by heading west.
78.352 -> But the Portuguese king opposes the project, as the Portuguese already control the route to the Indies via Africa.
86.105 -> In 1517 Magellan tries his luck with the young Spanish king Charles V, who is more interested.
93.862 -> Indeed, if Magellan's plan works, it will open a maritime route to the Indies without passing through Portuguese territories,
101.703 -> in accordance with the Treaty of Tordesillas.
104.409 -> Spain could thus import spices directly and compete with Portugal,
109.591 -> which is getting richer very quickly as it controls trade in the Indian Ocean.
115.052 -> The project is therefore accepted.
117.509 -> Learning of this, the Portuguese king, to protect his interests, wants to prevent the expedition at all costs.
124.531 -> On September 20th 1519, Ferdinand Magellan leaves Sanlucar with five ships and 239 men.
133.607 -> After a stopover in Tenerife, the expedition heads for the land of Brazil.
138.891 -> Then, after passing the Rio de la Plata, it ventures into the unknown,
144.045 -> following the coast in search of a passage to the South Sea.
147.946 -> At the end of March, as the climate cools in the southern hemisphere,
152.14 -> the expedition chooses to spend the winter in a place Magellan names Puerto San Julian.
158.17 -> As soon as they settle in, a mutiny is organized against Magellan by the captains of the other ships.
164.81 -> They consider the expedition a failure, with some of them wanting to return to Spain.
170.183 -> Magellan violently takes control, killing and quartering some of the rebels.
175.05 -> At this location, the expedition meets tall locals that they nickname “Patagones”,
180.706 -> which later  will give the name Patagonia to the region.
184.52 -> In May, one of the ships is sent to explore to the south, but it sinks.
189.41 -> After 5 months of waiting, with the return of good weather, the four remaining ships set out again.
195.766 -> After resupplying in another bay, they reach, on October 21st, a strait that Magellan names “of All Saints”,  
203.76 -> which will carry later his name.
206.307 -> As they enter the strait, the expedition sees many fires lit by natives on the mainland.
212.124 -> Magellan then names the region “Tierra del Fuego”, meaning “land of fire”.
217.756 -> A little further on, the expedition comes upon a bifurcation,
222.143 -> whereupon they separate to explore the two different parts.
225.783 -> After nightfall, Captain Estevao Gomes seizes the opportunity to turn back and return to Spain.
232.882 -> There, he will accuse Magellan of treason.
236.294 -> Gomes will be jailed, and the family of Magellan will be placed under strict surveillance until his return.
243.892 -> On November 28th, 1520, the three remaining ships finally leave the strait and enter a large sea.
251.746 -> They quickly venture deep into it, beginning a long crossing during which water and food run out.
258.719 -> The expedition only comes across two uninhabited and inhospitable islets.
264.104 -> Starving, the crew eat rats, sawdust, and even the ox hides covering the masts.
270.674 -> Further, the lack of fresh food causes a vitamin C deficiency, with the crew suffering from scurvy.
277.941 -> The crossing is made in mild weather, without coming across any storms.
282.939 -> Magellan then names this ocean “Pacific”, meaning “peaceful”.
287.381 -> On March 6th, after 99 days navigating these waters, an island is finally spotted, which they head for.
295.056 -> As the crew is about to trade with the locals, the latter start to steal objects from the Spaniards,
301.073 -> including a small boat.
302.998 -> Magellan is forced to quickly leave the island, which he nicknames the “Island of Thieves”.
309.039 -> The expedition then reaches an archipelago that will later be called the Philippines.
314.521 -> Here, contact with the local population proceeds in a better fashion,
318.915 -> allowing the Spaniards to trade European objects for fresh food.
323.329 -> To impress the locals, Magellan regularly fires cannons.
327.603 -> When he arrives in Cebu, he forms an alliance with the most powerful ruler in the region, the Rajah Humabon.
335.164 -> The local population is converted to Catholicism.
338.701 -> But on the nearby island of Mactan a local chief called Lapu-Lapu refuses to recognize Spanish sovereignty.
346.639 -> Magellan leaves with 60 men to fight him.
350.039 -> But as soon as they disembark, they face about 1500 locals, and Ferdinand Magellan is killed.
357.354 -> A few days later, about twenty Spaniards go to a banquet organized by the Rajah Humabon,
363.505 -> but it is an ambush, and they are massacred.
367.393 -> Only 108 men manage to flee the island.
370.674 -> They separate into two of the remaining three ships, and burn the third.
375.881 -> On November 7th, 1521, the expedition finally reaches the spice islands, which are called the Moluccas.
383.414 -> They fill up their ships with cloves and provisions.
386.607 -> The objective has been reached, but the challenge for the new commander, Juan Sebastian Elcano,
393.314 -> is now to reach Spanish lands without being captured by the Portuguese, who are sailing the seas in search of them.
400.924 -> Another problem, the ship “Trinidad” is taking on water.
404.827 -> Elcano then decides to leave the ship in place for the time it will take to make repairs.
410.418 -> The Trinidad will then head East, with the goal of reaching the Spanish lands in America.
416.006 -> Elcano leaves with the other ship, “Victoria”, heading to the West.
420.773 -> On February 12th, 1522, he enters the Indian Ocean,
425.452 -> which he crosses far to the south to avoid being spotted by the  Portuguese.
430.462 -> To the East, after having suffered through storms, “Trinidad” is forced to return to the Moluccas,
436.247 -> where, exhausted, the 17 remaining crew members surrender to a Portuguese ship.
442.104 -> For its part, “Victoria” rounds the Cape of Good Hope far from the coast, then sails back to Europe.
448.75 -> But short of food and drinking water, a large part of the crew is dying of scurvy.
454.386 -> Elcano is forced to stop at the Portuguese islands of Cape Verde.
459.239 -> Knowing that they are wanted, Elcano and the crew hide their identity and pretend to be returning from America.
466.205 -> During a conversation, they discover that it is a Thursday, while the expedition's logbook says that it’s a Wednesday.
473.428 -> Not understanding this discrepancy, they think they have made a mistake.
477.838 -> Thirteen sailors get off the ship and go to buy food.
481.518 -> But they are unmasked, probably because one of them had uses cloves as payment, and cloves only grow in the Moluccas.
489.539 -> The Portuguese, realizing they are dealing with crew members from Magellan's expedition,
494.901 -> immediately arrest the disembarked  sailors.
497.669 -> Elcano and the rest of his crew barely manage to flee further west in order to reach the Spanish route back from America.
505.198 -> On September 6th, 1522, after an expedition of almost 3 years,
510.861 -> Elcano arrives in Sanlucar with 17 survivors.
515.37 -> The numerous spices brought back in the holds largely pay back the costs for the expedition.
520.92 -> They are thus the first people to have  sailed around the world…
526.418 -> nless, that is, it could possibly be Henrique de Malacca.
530.876 -> Henrique is a slave of uncertain origins, bought 11 years earlier in Malacca by Magellan,
537.651 -> who was then traveling on behalf of Portugal.
540.726 -> Henrique had followed his master to the Iberian Peninsula,
544.766 -> from where he took part in the xpedition to the Spice Islands.
548.315 -> In Cebu, he spoke Malay with  the local population.
552.09 -> But after Magellan's death, he wasn’t released, as the captains wanted to keep him on as an interpreter.
559.177 -> He was the lone survivor of the banquet ambush, and was most-likely probably in on it.
565.242 -> It isn’t known what happened to him afterwards,
567.877 -> but if he did manage to return to his native land before Elcano arrived in Spain,
574.215 -> he would be the first man to have circumnavigated  the globe,
577.313 -> taking 11 years to do so.
