Obamanation: Crash Course US History #47

Obamanation: Crash Course US History #47

Obamanation: Crash Course US History #47

In which John Green teaches you about recent history. By which we mean VERY recent history. John covers the end of George W. Bush’s administration presidency of Barack Obama (so far). Some people would say, “It’s too soon to try to interpret the historical importance of such recent events!” To those people, we answer, “You’re right.” Nonetheless, it’s worthwhile to take a look at the America we live in right now as a way of looking back at how far we’ve come. Anyway, John will teach you about Obama’s election, some of his policies like the Affordable Care Act, the 2009 stimulus, and the continuation of the war on terror. If you still can’t reconcile a history course teaching such recent stuff, just think of this one as a current events episode.

Hey teachers and students - Check out CommonLit’s free collection of reading passages and curriculum resources to learn more about the events of this episode. President Barack Obama leaned into discussions on race in his 2013 remarks on the Trayvon Martin ruling: https://www.commonlit.org/texts/presi
President Obama responded to economic inequality and partisanship in his 2015 State of the Union Address: https://www.commonlit.org/en/texts/pr

Introduction 00:00
The 2008 Financial Crash 0:42
The Housing Bubble 1:37
The Stock Market Crash 3:30
Rising Unemployment 3:50
Big Bank Bailouts 4:21
The End of the Bush Years 5:09
Barack Obama 5:28
Mystery Document 6:22
Obama’s Campaign Promises 7:38
Economic Recovery 9:36
The Affordable Care Act/“Obamacare” 10:38
Backlash Against Obama \u0026 The Tea Party 11:47
Obama’s Second Term 12:50
Ideological Questions 13:27
Credits 14:51

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0.07 -> Hi, I’m John Green, this is CrashCourse U.S. history and we’ve finally done it,
3.86 -> we’ve reached the end of history!
5.72 -> Ahh.
6.72 -> Stan, says that history never ends but whatever we’ve reached the part that Me From the
9.7 -> Present is in.
10.7 -> So we aren’t going to cover the astonishing results of the 2016 presidential election.
14.86 -> What we are going to do is try to talk about historical events that are also current events.
19.83 -> Future John Green here to tell you that in a stunning turn of events the 2020 presidential
23.859 -> election will be won by - Harry Styles.
25.64 -> I know that he’s English and under 35 but we’re going to change the constitution to
29.56 -> make it possible.
30.56 -> Because… that’s how much we love Harry Styles in 2020.
37.79 -> Intro So when we last left George W Bush, his approval
44.809 -> rating was dropping to the lowest number in President of the United States approval rating
49.11 -> history.
50.11 -> And the U.S. was facing what turned out to be the 2nd worst economic crises in the past
53.21 -> 150 years.
54.21 -> A crisis that remains unnamed because we’re kind of still in it.
57.53 -> But I’d like to propose a couple names: the Wall Street Wamboozle, the Financial Fartstorm.
61.87 -> However, knowing historians they will inevitably call it like The Major Recession of 2008 - 2012.
68.04 -> Booooo!
69.04 -> So what caused the Financial Fartstorm that began in late 2008?
72.27 -> Well, it was a mixture of public and private activities that tilted towards short-term
77.15 -> economic thinking, speculation and irresponsible spending.
80.729 -> First, there are the Federal Reserve’s policies of keeping interest rates freakishly low in
85.079 -> response to the 2001-2002 recession.
87.52 -> Now, this worked, but the recession ended and interest rates stayed low.
92.579 -> And this, combined with unscrupulous mortgage lenders, encouraged people to buy houses that
96.83 -> they could not afford.
97.939 -> In the early 2000s, many millions of Americans, including certain Crash Course US History
103.09 -> hosts, bought real estate assuming that its value would increase rapidly and forever,
107.56 -> so that when you were unable to make payments, you’d just sell it, pay off the mortgage,
112.11 -> and make a tidy profit.
113.11 -> It turns out this was essentially a pyramid scheme and, my friends, I was not at the top
118.29 -> of the pyramid.
119.29 -> So back then you could buy a house with a so-called NINJA loan which sadly this did
122.621 -> not involve mutant ninja turtles or pizza.
125.38 -> Ninja stands for No Income, No Job, and No Assets.
129.14 -> Traditionally, people in this situation can’t borrow hundreds of thousands of dollars, but
132.83 -> in the early 2000’s, these loans were giving the benign sounding designation “subprime.”
137.76 -> So it’s important to understand that it wasn’t just like big Wall Street banks financing
142.14 -> huge deals with debt, regular people were doing it - like me.
145.55 -> All this created a classic housing bubble, which was doomed to burst.
149.73 -> Also, with the interest on government Treasury Bills effectively zero, investors had to look
154.41 -> elsewhere for better returns, which led to the idea of issuing securities – these bond-like
159.52 -> instruments that were backed by mortgages.
162.11 -> The thinking was that the interest people paid on their mortgages would supply the underlying
166.45 -> value of the security, the way that like tax revenues are the source of value of a government
171.34 -> bond.
172.34 -> Now of course there’d be a minority of people who’d fail to pay off their securitised
175.66 -> mortgages, but most people would pay because, you know, they’d want to keep their houses.
179.28 -> But it turns out that if you haven’t paid any money to own your house, you don’t feel
184.25 -> all that invested in it.
185.56 -> Now there are even more reasons why these securities were terrible ideas, but the important
188.59 -> thing is that when the mortgages turned bad, these securities became toxic assets.
193.56 -> Basically, the people who held them suddenly didn’t know what they were worth if anything
197.62 -> and banks overreacted to this uncertainty as banks like to do by not lending out any
202.82 -> money.
203.82 -> And that’s called a credit freeze, which is very bad.
205.94 -> So that’s how a housing bubble turned into a full-fledged financial crisis.
209.77 -> Alright Let’s go to the ThoughtBubble.
211.53 -> When banks stop lending, business can’t function.
214.6 -> So the stock market collapsed, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping from above
218.54 -> 14,000 to around 8,000 which wiped out about $7trillion of shareholder wealth.
224.93 -> And a majority of Americans had money invested in the stock market, much of it in the form
229.74 -> of retirement funds.
230.74 -> With it being harder to borrow money, Americans finally cut back on their spending, which
234.47 -> resulted in many businesses failing and by the end of 2008, 2.5 million jobs had been
240.22 -> lost, many of which were in manufacturing and construction.
242.79 -> And because those were both male-dominated fields, it led to another change, by mid-2009
247.79 -> more women than men held paying jobs for the first time in American history.
251.62 -> In the last three months of 2008 and the first three months of 2009 our GDP dropped 6%.
257.03 -> And World Trade cratered and that led to unemployment and misery worldwide.
261.63 -> The event that triggered the chaos was the failure of the investment bank Lehman Brothers
265.72 -> in September, just 2 months before the presidential election.
268.97 -> The Bush Administration tried to stop the damage by getting Congress to pass the Troubled
272.47 -> Assets Relief Program, or TARP, which was basically a $700 billion bailout for banks
277.47 -> like Citigroup and Bank of America, insurance companies like AIG and mortgage insurers Fannie
282.87 -> Mae and Freddie Mac.
284.39 -> Regular individuals also received tarps, but they had to buy them and they weren’t as
288.55 -> cool.
289.55 -> Anyway, these bailouts were probably necessary to stop a complete failure of the financial
292.711 -> system but they were very unpopular.
295.59 -> Most of the banks that received a rescue from the taxpayers didn’t help the homeowners
299.13 -> facing foreclosure, and despite receiving millions of federal dollars, AIG continued
305.12 -> to pay huge bonuses to its top executives.
307.99 -> Thanks, Thoughtbubble.
308.99 -> So, the end of the Bush years looked a lot like the end of the Hoover years.
313.28 -> After a decade of Americans spending more than they had, government taking a back seat
318.26 -> to business interests and deregulation of industries going hand in hand with increasing
322.51 -> corruption, Barack Obama was faced with America’s biggest economic challenge since the Great
327.46 -> Depression.
328.46 -> Oh, by the way, we got a new president, Barack Obama, who 50 years before his election couldn’t
332.3 -> have sat in the front of a bus in Alabama.
334.67 -> So I know all the green parts of not-America are mad at us for causing the great financial
338.76 -> meltdown and whatever, and fair enough, but we do make some progress now and again
342.76 -> Barack Obama was young, he was relatively new on the national scene, and represented
347.23 -> change.
348.23 -> He appealed to young people and minorities, and he harnessed the power of social media
352.07 -> to communicate with supporters, and get out the vote, and also raise TONS of money.
357.17 -> Also, he was on the cover of US Weekly.
358.48 -> You didn’t see Martin Van Buren on the cover of US Weekly.
361.02 -> What’s that?
362.02 -> It didn’t exist?
363.02 -> Of course it existed!
364.02 -> In 2008 Obama’s election At the time Obama’s election seemed a political watershed and
366.97 -> not just because he was the first African American president.
369.95 -> He appeared to break Republicans’ solid hold on the south, he won Virginia, and North
374.41 -> Carolina and Florida, and his supporters represented a coalition of African Americans, and Hispanics,
380.73 -> white liberals and, especially, young people.
382.66 -> Oh, it’s time for the mystery document?
383.95 -> I hope it’s from that US Weekly profile.
387.34 -> The rules here are simple - he said for the final time.
389.73 -> I’ll tell you one thing that’s going to change here at Crash Course, no more shock
393.03 -> pens.
394.03 -> I guess the author of the Mystery Document, if I’m wrong I get shocked.
396.6 -> Alright, let’s see what we got here today.
400.23 -> “For everywhere we look, there is work to be done.
403.03 -> The state of our economy calls for action, bold and swift.
406.43 -> And we will act, not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth.
411.34 -> We will build the roads and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines that feed our commerce
416.16 -> and bind us together.
417.669 -> We’ll restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology’s wonders to raise
422.87 -> health care’s quality and lower its cost.
425.8 -> We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories.
431.23 -> And we will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a
436.001 -> new age.
437.001 -> All this we can do.
438.53 -> All this we will do.”
440.69 -> Speaking of things that we will do, I will get this right it’s Barack Obama’s first
445.7 -> inaugural!
446.7 -> Ba-bam!
447.7 -> No more shocks.
448.7 -> The getting shocked part of my life has come to an end.
451.55 -> Hopefully in Crash Course Literature when I get things right I’ll get a puppy and
454.14 -> when I get things wrong I’ll get a rainbow!
456.01 -> Stan says that my only reward is not being punished.
458.12 -> So Obama promised to change the culture of Washington.
461.49 -> He would end partisan squabbling…. sorry I couldn’t even get through that sentence.
465.04 -> To be fair, he did end the squabbling, it became full blown yelling.
468.53 -> He also wanted a foreign policy based on diplomacy, he wanted to reduce inequality and increase
473.21 -> access to health care, he wanted to curb “greed and irresponsibility” that had helped bring
477.93 -> on the economic crisis, and he wanted to end the Bush tax cuts.
481.96 -> He also wanted to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and, as critics mocked, reverse
486.881 -> global warming.
487.881 -> That’s a tall order So how has he done?
490.39 -> Not bad.
491.39 -> Well, some would say not great either.
492.59 -> For instance he launched diplomatic outreach to the Muslim world, but a lot of this was
496.06 -> more rhetoric than action, as in his verbal support for the revolution that overthrew
500.68 -> Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.
502.139 -> And he did keep some of his campaign promises, for instance he signed into law the Lily Ledbetter
506.43 -> Fair Pay Act, which made it easier for women to sue when they had been systemically underpaid
511.12 -> and he also reversed an earlier executive order that limited women’s reproductive
515.14 -> rights.
516.14 -> And speaking of women he appointed two of them to the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan and
518.98 -> Sonia Sotomayor, the court’s first Hispanic melmber.
521.68 -> He also followed through on his promise to end the war in Iraq, although to be fair the
525.05 -> Bush administration had really set him up for success there.
527.94 -> And he increased the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan as part of a longer term plan
531.68 -> to end the war there, which has sort of worked?
533.89 -> He also authorized a successful military operation that killed Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011.
540.05 -> I was in Amsterdam at the time, and the Dutch media came to my house to ask me how Americans
544.33 -> felt about this and I said, “Good!”
546.79 -> On the other hand Obama has been criticized internationally for backing off his promise
550.27 -> to close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, and he has largely followed the Bush administration's
555.01 -> policies with the war on terror.
556.73 -> But the Obama administration has deployed far more unmanned drones to kill suspected
560.81 -> militants around the world.
562.2 -> Despite provoking outrage on the left and the right, Americans generally appear to support
566.06 -> the use of drones and extra-legal assassination of accused terrorists.
570.19 -> Obama also kept in place Bush’s executive power and in fact expanded it in some ways
573.99 -> with NSA’s PRISM program.
576.2 -> What about that financial mess he inherited?
578.15 -> Well, Obama was fortunate to have a Democratic Congress for his first term in office, so
581.991 -> he could push through a lot of legislation.
584.2 -> This included a sweeping stimulus package with nearly $800 Billion in new spending,
589.45 -> most of it on infrastructure, that was signed into law on February 17, 2009, just 28 days
595.38 -> into Obama’s presidency.
596.51 -> In the end, the recovery act cost $787 billion - more than the government had spent on a
601.64 -> package of programs ever.
603.97 -> More than the Great Society.
605.48 -> More than the New Deal.
606.48 -> Did it work,?
607.48 -> Well it depends on who you ask.
609.14 -> Among 9 large studies, 6 found that the stimulus did have a positive effect on growth and employment,
614.029 -> 3 found that it had little or no effect, and economists are equally divided.
617.81 -> The stimulus is estimated to have saved about 3 million jobs, but it also increased the
621.55 -> deficit quite a bit.
622.61 -> So Liberal economists see America’s current 7% unemployment rate as evidence that the
626.95 -> stimulus’ Keynesian policies should have gone further, while conservatives say that
631.5 -> the stimulus exploded the federal deficit and debt.
634.42 -> Regardless, the recovery for the past few years has been steady, but quite slow.
638.31 -> Lastly, let’s turn to Obama’s signature policy proposal the Affordable Care Act, better
642.68 -> known as Obamacare.
644.17 -> The Affordable Care Act is arguably the most significant piece of social legislation since
648.21 -> Medicare.
649.21 -> And it seeks to move the United States into the ranks of countries with universal health
652.97 -> care.
653.97 -> A list that includes every industrialized nation on Earth.
656.08 -> We’re number one among countries that don’t have universal health care.
659.44 -> So Obamacare aims to reduce the number of Americans without health insurance by making
663.22 -> it easier and less expensive for the uninsured to buy it privately.
666.94 -> It’s not a government insurance plan and the government will subsidize those who can’t
670.97 -> afford insurance.
671.97 -> That’s going to be expensive, but fortunately our health care system is so astonishly inefficient
676.57 -> that there are lots of places to save money and the Congressional Budget Office at least
680.25 -> thinks it’s going to be a wash.
682.06 -> But controversially, the acts insurance mandate means that if you don’t have insurance from
686.72 -> your employer you MUST buy it or else you have to pay a penalty.
690.6 -> In 2012 the core of the law was upheld by the Supreme Court when they ruled that thiants
694.57 -> was a constitutional use of the government’s taxing power.
697.6 -> As for Obama’s success at ending partisan politics, not one Congressional Republican
701.85 -> voted for Obamacare, and many used it to campaign against Democrats in the 2010 mid-term elections.
707.51 -> And while the success of the Affordable Care Act won’t be able to be determined for many
710.709 -> years there was a huge backlash against both Obama and his policies, on Facebook, and Twitter,
716.76 -> and also the mysterious world of non-the-Internet One of these responses was The Tea Party,
721.06 -> a reference to the Boston Tea Party and an acronym for Taxed Enough Already.
725.43 -> For the record, I just want to say that the vast majority of American’s taxes are lower
729.77 -> now than they have been at any point in the last one hundred years.
733.07 -> But the Tea Party is also very concerned that deficits are out of control and that rising
736.899 -> government spending is going to ruin America.
739.48 -> Bolstered by 80 or so new Tea Party congresspeople, the Republicans took control of the House
744.07 -> in 2010 and John, it’s pronounced, Boehner became the Speaker of The House.
748.74 -> All these Tea Party freshmen took their mandate to cut taxes and reduce spending very seriously,
753.86 -> and that made it difficult for Boehner to compromise with the Obama administration.
757.72 -> Over in the Senate, Democrats held a slim majority, but because of the filibuster needed
762.12 -> 60 votes to do anything, which made them look very dysfunctional
765.85 -> In fact, the 111th congress was one of the least productive in American history.
770.34 -> Obama was re-elected president in 2012, the Republicans continued to control The House,
774.52 -> the Democrats continued to have slim majority in the Senate, and now America is facing something
779.029 -> of a political crisis.
780.39 -> Unwillingness to compromise precipitated a series of mini-fiscal crises over things like
785.279 -> the budget and raising the debt ceiling.
787.66 -> Things that Congress used to be able to hash out back when their business was governing
792.02 -> not ideological rigidity.
794.24 -> Meanwhile, the economy has slowly added jobs and looks halfway decent at the moment mostly
799.36 -> because Europe looks so bad.
801.7 -> Yay?
802.7 -> That qualified questioning yay is about the last word I have to say on American history.
807.69 -> The particular brands of ideological certainty that we see today may seem new but if you
811.63 -> look at American history you realize that this has been going on for a long time.
815.589 -> The Tea Party is right that the founding fathers would be astonished by the extend of the American
820.44 -> government and the extent to which it’s involved in the lives of Americans.
823.6 -> And progressives are right that people around the world have benefited from government investment
827.67 -> in healthcare and infrastructure and transportation.
830.48 -> We have to ask ourselves again, “What does freedom really mean?”
834.54 -> Can you be free when you live in poverty or when you’re one injury away from bankruptcy?
838.779 -> Can you be free when the government can go to a secret court to read your text messages?
842.71 -> We know that you can’t be free if you’re dead, so is the government’s job to protect
845.8 -> you not only by having a standing army but also making you wear your seat belt?
849.67 -> Those are ultimately ideological questions, but we have to grapple with them in a real
853.72 -> practical way.
855.22 -> And the great story of American governance is compromise.
858.24 -> But that is also often been the tragedy of American governance as when the Constitutional
862.48 -> Convention compromised over whether African American people were people.
866.54 -> So if you’ve learned anything this year, I hope its been that the American story that
869.55 -> we find ourselves in now isn’t entirely novel.
873.03 -> And I think we have much to learn from those who came before us, both from their successes
876.88 -> and their many, many failures.
879.5 -> Thank you so much for watching Crash Course US History next we will be discussing literature.
883.839 -> Your first reading assignment The Odyssey.
886.15 -> It’s a great book, I promise, you’re gonna like it.
889.87 -> Thanks again for watching.
890.87 -> I’ll see ya then.
891.91 -> Crash Course US History is made with the help of all of these nice people and it exists
895.56 -> because of your continuing support through Subbable.com.
898.529 -> There is a link right there that you can click to voluntarily subscribe and keep this show,
904.22 -> you know, rolling.
905.42 -> Thank you, so much, to everyone that has watched and supported this show over the last two
909.79 -> years.
910.79 -> I’m wearing the same shirt that I wore on the 1st episode of Crash Course World History
912.14 -> to celebrate two successful years of teaching history!
915.56 -> This has been one of the great professional joys of my life and I’m so grateful to everyone
918.46 -> that has helped make the show and everyone who has watched it.
921.37 -> You can find a full list of your reading for Crash Course Literature in the doobly-doo.
925.48 -> Thank you again for watching, and as we say in my hometown, “Don’t forget to be awesome

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUfh2ebjLOg