THIA Detailed Overview - Learn how to use your SR Portables THIA Solar Generator

THIA Detailed Overview - Learn how to use your SR Portables THIA Solar Generator

THIA Detailed Overview - Learn how to use your SR Portables THIA Solar Generator

Learn how to easily use your solar generator THIA from SR portables. From AC/DC information, to applications, how to operate, to charging from 40W Solar Panel. Take the power with you with this hand held solar generator anytime anywhere.


4.7 -> let's have a look to start with at what
7.68 -> we get uh when we unbox it so obviously
10.74 -> the unit itself we'll have a quick
12.719 -> rundown of that in just a moment we also
15.179 -> get these really handy little night
16.859 -> light we'll give a demonstration of that
19.32 -> soon
20.16 -> we get our AC charger
23.039 -> we get a universal 12 volt lead we can
25.439 -> hook that up to cigarette lighter
26.939 -> different 12 volt sockets this is great
29.22 -> for in vehicle charging and separately
32.16 -> sold we also have this solar panel which
35.46 -> we'll talk about later on when we
36.78 -> explain all the options when it looks at
38.6 -> different ways to charge and restore
41.04 -> power
42.059 -> yeah
44.12 -> let's get up close and really have a
47.16 -> good look at the unit itself operating
49.62 -> it is honestly Child's Play really user
52.62 -> friendly you can quite clearly tell
54.719 -> what's switched on and what isn't very
57.36 -> well labeled and really easy to
59.28 -> understand things like battery life so
61.199 -> let's just run through that let's have a
63 -> look at the inputs and outputs first
64.44 -> we've got a really high power genuine
67.2 -> torch this torch is easily usable over
70.5 -> 30 50 or more meters you'll find it
74.28 -> amazing to use especially overnight
76.32 -> looking down a Long Trail
78.24 -> or into the distance and it also has two
81.06 -> power modes
82.32 -> so you can actually save a little bit of
84 -> energy or turn it to full power to
86.759 -> really blast right down a trail as you
89.52 -> can see here Universal AC out pure sign
92.6 -> with an international socket which is
95.04 -> really handy as well
96.72 -> looking around the other side of the
98.28 -> unit there's no lack of different
100.5 -> outputs as you can see so we've got a
103.079 -> range here on the bottom of 12 volt
105.54 -> universal sockets and two amps a piece
107.7 -> and then obviously USBS which are
110.52 -> endless uh
111.96 -> uses for those iPads charging iPhones
115.74 -> charging just about anything you can
117.84 -> plug a USB into we've got our charging
120.84 -> socket and our on off switch and these
123.84 -> are our two control buttons to operate
126.24 -> the whole unit is really simple using
128.94 -> these basic three control buttons let's
131.58 -> have a look at that now
133.319 -> to turn the unit on we just hold it for
135.66 -> a few seconds and it comes on we've got
138.239 -> four lights here which is great
140.52 -> indicating we are fully charged and it's
143.4 -> really simple to see as we're using the
145.2 -> device if those lights fall away we can
147.78 -> understand exactly how much charge we've
149.64 -> got left
150.66 -> we then have a button over here which is
153.06 -> for the lamp and we can see if we touch
155.34 -> that once the lamp comes on again it
159.18 -> comes on with the higher intensity and
161.7 -> the third touch it turns off again
163.98 -> really user friendly and absolute
165.84 -> Child's Play to operate we then have
168.18 -> that other button the third button which
170.04 -> says torch and inverter if we give that
173.4 -> a quick press you can see there that
175.56 -> torch comes on it's really bright
177.959 -> second press again the greater intensity
180.78 -> for the torch which is fantastic and a
183.9 -> third press and instantly the torch goes
186 -> off
186.66 -> what you'll also see is if I hold this
188.94 -> now for a few seconds which is a great
190.86 -> safety feature so I hold that torch and
194.04 -> inverter button for a couple of seconds
197.04 -> and you'll see the inverter light has
198.9 -> now come on
200.459 -> I'll also frankly hear a small fan what
203.94 -> that means is the AC socket is now live
207.26 -> so again this makes it something that's
209.819 -> not easy to accidentally switch on it
212.34 -> means the operator has to understand
213.84 -> that they've consciously held that
215.4 -> button and it also indicates with the
217.62 -> fan and the light that we now have AC
219.959 -> active so let's turn the unit off
223.92 -> again piece of cake and actually give
226.379 -> some examples of that
231.78 -> okay let's plug a few things in and have
234.12 -> a little bit of a play we've covered the
235.739 -> basic operation which is really simple
237.54 -> so again hold the button a few seconds
240.959 -> we've got a full charge which is great
244.14 -> so if we want to operate some of the DC
247.26 -> devices we've got this great good of
250.14 -> light bulb as mentioned before this
252.239 -> comes standard with the unit we've got a
254.459 -> lovely little extension cord it even has
256.68 -> a little bracket ideal for hanging off a
259.199 -> tent and this great little switch that
262.38 -> allows us to turn that off and on so
265.32 -> really really Universal definitely um
267.9 -> handy on any campsite any whole range of
270.419 -> applications USB
273.18 -> is simple and obvious
275.58 -> there we are charging the phone whilst
278.58 -> charging the phone especially in a
280.68 -> little camping Situation off we go with
283.139 -> the light and if we want to we can kick
285.54 -> in the lamp as well so as you can see
287.759 -> this unit can produce ample light for
290.699 -> night camping hiking Bush walking it's
293.82 -> unbelievable little power pack in terms
295.919 -> of light and charging small devices
297.479 -> really handy so that's the DC side of it
301.32 -> let's have a look at the AC
304.28 -> now as much as this unit's small
307.5 -> and very compact I definitely wouldn't
309.9 -> call it a toy it actually packs a punch
311.94 -> we've got a 100 watt pure sign AC output
315.5 -> so if we go ahead and plug that in
319.44 -> and following the instructions before we
322.5 -> hold on that button for a few seconds
325.259 -> we've now seen our inverter lighters
327.419 -> come on
328.32 -> and as you can see by the flooding of
330.84 -> the lights we have a lot of power coming
333.36 -> out the back of the unit as I said 100
335.039 -> Watts ac
336.74 -> 130 watt hour battery meaning that a
340.02 -> whole range of devices can be run for a
342.9 -> good amount of time charging laptops
345.24 -> running small appliances but definitely
348.6 -> for lighting up a whole campsite or even
350.699 -> half an oval there's plenty of power
352.919 -> there we might turn that off there
354.36 -> before we blind ourselves
358.32 -> so again if we want to turn the inverter
360.24 -> off just a couple of seconds on the
361.74 -> button again Child's Play Simple
364.08 -> operation we can activate our lamp
367.08 -> quick touch we can activate our torch
369.78 -> and anytime the unit's on all of the DC
373.08 -> is available for use super simple to use
375.72 -> and easy to operate
377.58 -> now we're going to have a look at trying
378.78 -> to put power back in the unit we've got
380.52 -> a range of ways of doing it by the time
383.1 -> the unit's flat that means you've had
384.66 -> hours and hours of fun which is a great
386.639 -> thing but let's talk about ways to boost
388.919 -> that battery back up a big part of Sr
391.74 -> Portables and Renewables is renewable
393.66 -> energy so we'll cover the solar panel in
396.18 -> just a moment
397.259 -> but of course there's a couple of other
398.94 -> options we talked about the universal 12
401.52 -> volt lead can be hooked to cigarette
403.5 -> lighter other Jacks other sort of 12
405.9 -> volt supplies in the vehicle and that
408.12 -> means on your way to and from the trip
409.86 -> you're charging up the battery every
411.72 -> time which is great we also have an AC
414.84 -> adapter again super user friendly the
417.72 -> units are very smart and self-managed
419.94 -> you'll notice when I Supply power to the
422.52 -> unit this one's fully charged but you'll
425.759 -> see the unit actually do a cycle through
427.8 -> to say that it's charging and it's
429.9 -> flashing four dots as you watch the unit
432.72 -> charge original it'll flash one then two
435.96 -> then three and then four dots indicating
438.84 -> that it's fully charged again
440.94 -> communicating to the user exactly where
443.16 -> we are in the charge cycle especially if
445.5 -> you've got it in the car and you're
446.58 -> giving it that little top up on your way
448.199 -> to a trip
449.34 -> let's have a look at one of the other
451.08 -> great options and that is free renewable
453.72 -> energy
454.68 -> this great little 40 watt solar panel is
457.62 -> an accessory already pre-wired let's
460.38 -> have a look at how simple that is
462.599 -> simply same socket Plug and Play connect
466.139 -> and charge this great little solar panel
469.259 -> is really robust quite weatherproof
472.02 -> comes in this great little carry case as
474.36 -> you can see and simply arrive anywhere
477.78 -> you need to at your campsite
480.599 -> and pop the solar panel out
483.06 -> and instantly we're charging so they're
486.539 -> a great little accessory to take away on
489.36 -> a campsite this panel being 40 watts and
493.08 -> the unit being 130 amp hours you know
496.08 -> comfortably in three maybe four hours
498.599 -> you've got an absolute full charge what
501.72 -> that means is I've got camping and
503.94 -> lights and phone charge all night and in
506.58 -> three to four hours probably by
508.139 -> lunchtime the next day I'm fully charged
510.599 -> ready for another evening's worth of
512.279 -> camping so again DC charge AC charge
515.659 -> solar charge plenty of options to put
518.279 -> power back in great little unit Again by
520.5 -> Sr Portables
