How to use the Scheduler node in IBM App Connect Enterprise

How to use the Scheduler node in IBM App Connect Enterprise

How to use the Scheduler node in IBM App Connect Enterprise

In this video, we demonstrate how to use the Scheduler node that was added in IBM App Connect Enterprise with examples of the functionality aspects.


0.24 -> Hi, I'm Sanjay Nagchowdhury, Development Lead  for the IBM App Connect Enterprise product. 
5.52 -> In this video, I will demonstrate how to use  the Scheduler node. The node was added in IBM  
11.58 -> App Connect Enterprise version So I'm showing the documentation page  
19.02 -> here which describes the new function  that was added in the mod releases. 
23.46 -> And in version we  provided the Scheduler node. 
28.38 -> It's fully documented in the IBM  documentation and in the documentation topic,  
34.56 -> you can see how to configure the node and see  the different node properties that are needed. 
40.38 -> So I'm going to describe how to use  this node, let's take you through a  
46.26 -> couple of aspects of the node. The first is that you need to  
50.22 -> configure when the flow should be run. So it can either be run at specific  
55.86 -> intervals such as every 2 seconds or every 10  minutes or it can be run on specific dates and  
63 -> times such as every Tuesday at 11:45. The second aspect that you need to  
69.6 -> configure on the node is that what should be  propagated from the Scheduler node itself,  
75.3 -> it can be one of three things. By default, it can be a JSON message  
80.04 -> and the JSON message that is propagated  has a consistent format with a message  
85.44 -> that is propagated from the Scheduler node  that you might be using in Designer flows. 
90.3 -> So this allows you to use the Discovery Connector  nodes in the message flow with a Scheduler node. 
96.78 -> And you will see if it has the  same behaviour as Designer flows. 
101.04 -> The second option is to use the same  output message as the one that is  
105.54 -> propagated from the Timeout Notification node. So this allows you to migrate from the Timeout  
111.48 -> Notification node to using the Scheduler node. And the third option is to use a user defined  
117.3 -> message which means that a Compute node is not  needed downstream to update the message body. 
124.02 -> You can specify the message body in  advance without needing a Compute node. 
129.66 -> I'm going to describe some of the differences  between the Scheduler node and the Timeout  
135 -> Notification node and Timeout Control nodes. First of all, the Scheduler node  
139.68 -> has no external dependency. You may have existing flows which are using  
144.12 -> the Timeout Notification and Timeout Control node  and you would have had a dependency on using MQ. 
150.36 -> The Scheduler node does not require MQ. It is built on native code. 
154.74 -> So there's no reliance on Node.js or a JVM. If you want to optimize the start-up time of  
161.34 -> the integration server so that it turns off using  Node.js or JVM, you can do that and still use the  
168.18 -> Scheduler node. The Scheduler node can specify  an interval and that interval can be in seconds,  
174 -> minutes and hours but the Timeout Notification  node only supports seconds. A Calendar date  
181.02 -> and time can also be specified on the Scheduler  node which is not available on the other nodes. 
186.06 -> The Scheduler node also has support for running  in a specific time zone and has an option to  
192.84 -> specify whether a message should be sent to the  flow when the message flow is first deployed,  
199.08 -> which is not available on the other nodes. Let's go through some examples of  
205.8 -> using the Scheduler node. I have a flow here which is  
210.06 -> using the Scheduler node, the Scheduler node is  in the Timer draw in the Toolbox section of the  
216.48 -> pallet in the message flow editor, I have  a Scheduler node wired up to a Trace node. 
225.3 -> And I'm going to specify to use an interval  of every 20 seconds and it will propagate  
232.68 -> the message using the default Scheduler format  which is specified on the output message tab. 
242.28 -> The Trace node is writing a file to  a file in the TEST_SERVER directory. 
248.34 -> I'm just going to clear out the file and  save the message flow, then let's deploy it. 
260.04 -> And if I open the file, you could see that  straight away a message has been sent to the flow. 
269.52 -> And this is because of the Scheduler node I'd  specified the option to send a message into the  
276.78 -> flow when the message flow is first deployed, it's  configured to send a message every 20 seconds. 
282.12 -> So if I refresh the flow, I can see that  another message has been sent to the flow. 
288.36 -> The JSON message that is sent contains the  last event time and the current event time. 
293.88 -> If I'd specified a Schedule Identifier, then  that would have been in the JSON message as well. 
300.36 -> I will give a demonstration of that shortly. Let's stop this and use the other  
307.68 -> mode which is Calendar. So let's specify Calendar. 
311.94 -> The time is currently 5:11. I'm going to say let's run it every day  
321.9 -> at 14 minutes past five. 
328.26 -> Let's save that. And now let's deploy  
332.46 -> that to the flow and let's open the file. So here you can see that the message was sent. 
343.08 -> And if I open the web browser, then if I  look at the flow and look at activity log,  
352.74 -> I can see when the next message is scheduled to  be sent into the flow so it will be sent at 5:14. 
363.72 -> So it's now 5:14 I look at the file 
367.5 -> I can see that I've received  a message now at 5:14. 
373.32 -> OK. So that was  
375.06 -> using the Calendar mode let's stop that 
378.06 -> let's show how to use the Identifier and  why you might want to use the Identifier. 
385.98 -> Let's go back to using interval  and let's leave it 20 seconds. 
390.18 -> Let's specify an Identifier of say  demo every 20 seconds, save that. 
398.1 -> And let's add another Scheduler node,  
403.02 -> let's specify an Identifier of demo every 10  seconds and change the interval to 10 seconds. 
414.84 -> I can wire this up to the same Trace node. And what this means is that when you have nodes  
422.28 -> downstream in your flow, you can do different  logic in your flow depending on which Scheduler  
429.06 -> node propagated the message so you may want to  do something different for the different messages  
435.24 -> that were emitted from the Scheduler node. So if I deploy this  
446.4 -> and scroll down, you can see that on  deployed we've got this message here  
451.56 -> you can see the Scheduler identifies  where it has demo every 20 seconds. 
455.46 -> And there's another one from the  other Scheduler node which says  
460.56 -> demo every 10 seconds in the Identifier. So I would expect another message to be  
467.46 -> shown for the thread, which picked up the message  for every 10 seconds, so if I update the flow,  
475.32 -> you can see that there was another message  that was sent after 10 seconds and then both  
481.92 -> nodes sent in the message after that as well. So this might be handy if you have specific  
489.18 -> messages to be sent at specific times  and you want to handle that differently. 
493.68 -> And you can do that by using the Schedule  Identifier. You may want to migrate from  
499.86 -> using the Timeout Notification format and  you can do that by specifying to use that  
506.04 -> format in the output message tab of the node. So if I select Timeout Notification node format  
513.12 -> here, and let's just clear the file so that it's  easier to see. If I now deploy the flow again,  
526.98 -> the message that's propagated when using  the Timeout node has an empty message body,  
533.64 -> but has a properties tree only that is showing. 
540.12 -> If I look at the message itself  using the flow exerciser,  
546.06 -> then you can see that it only has a  properties tree under the message tree. 
552.72 -> And in the localEnvironment, you can  see that there is a section for Timeout  
558.06 -> Request as well as Scheduler. So this allows you to migrate  
562.44 -> your flows from using the existing Timeout  Notification node to using the Scheduler node. 
569.16 -> Finally let's look at the  third option in the output  
573.6 -> message which is to use a message assembly file. So you need to specify a message assembly file. 
579.12 -> I already have one so I click browse,  I can select my message assembly. 
584.28 -> If I open the file, you can see that it  has some JSON data under the message tree. 
592.02 -> So specify first name Sanjay,  last name Nagchowdhury. 
596.52 -> And if I save that, let's delete  the entry should output dot file. 
606.36 -> If I deploy this message flow to the integration  server and look at the output, you can see that  
614.82 -> it's using the message tree from the message  assembly that I had specified on the node. 
621.42 -> So this means that you don't need a Compute  Node downstream to update the message,  
627.36 -> you can just simply specify the  message assembly to be used in  
632.82 -> advance and configure the node  to use that message assembly. 
640.68 -> The nodes can be overridden through BAR overrides. So if I open the BAR file,  
650.94 -> you can specify the different  node properties as BAR overrides. 
658.32 -> So in this video, I have demonstrated the  Scheduler node that was added in 
663.9 -> The basic tab has options for you to specify  an interval or a Calendar date and time. 
670.62 -> The type of output message can be  specified using three different options,  
673.92 -> a Scheduler format or a format  which is the same as the Timeout  
678.24 -> Notification node or using a message assembly. The activity log has activity log entries and  
684.6 -> they can be viewed and BAR overrides can be  specified for the different node properties.
