The Nuclear Option

The Nuclear Option

The Nuclear Option

“Climate change is the existential threat!” warns Bernie Sanders and others. But if he really believed that, he should support nuclear — the only technology that has a track record of rapidly replacing fossil fuels.

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50 years ago, the fastest decarbonization ever happened when France successfully switched to nuclear power.

But environmentalists in the U.S. rarely support nuclear. Some even protest against it.

“I live in terror of the next accident,” Harvey Wasserman, who runs the group Solartopia, tells me. “It’s a virtual inevitability that we’re going to have another disaster.”

But NO ONE died from the one serious nuclear accident in the US, 3 Mile Island.

Fukushima was overblown, too.

Chernobyl was terrible, but that was a bad plant sloppily constructed to please Soviet dictators. No nuclear facility like that will be built again.

Nuclear is better than the alternatives.

You can watch our debate in the video above.


0.16 -> do you worry about the climate the world
2.32 -> is going to end in 12 years if we don't
4 -> address climate change
5.2 -> climate change is the existential threat
8.639 -> i don't think it's existential but
10.719 -> climate change may become a real
12.719 -> problem so it's odd that the activists
15.44 -> rarely mention
16.48 -> nuclear power today around 75 percent of
19.92 -> france's power
20.96 -> comes from nuclear energy and much of
23.439 -> sweden's too
24.8 -> nuclear energy cut their carbon
26.64 -> emissions but now
28.24 -> frightened activists want nothing to do
30.16 -> with it we're calling
31.679 -> for shut down the future of earth
35.12 -> is not going to be brought to us by
36.399 -> nuclear power at grand central station
38.96 -> these protesters
40.079 -> imitated a nuclear meltdown
46.399 -> absurdly nuclear power came to a near
48.96 -> halt in america
50.079 -> 40 years ago because of a partial
52.239 -> meltdown at three mile island
53.92 -> pennsylvania
54.879 -> the united states worst commercial
57.039 -> nuclear power
58 -> accident that worst accident killed no
60.719 -> one
61.28 -> it would have been largely forgotten
62.96 -> except that by coincidence
64.64 -> days before hollywood released a movie
67.439 -> that suggested
68.4 -> an accident could burn a hole all the
70.479 -> way to china
72 -> today only a handful of people know what
75.28 -> it really means
78.56 -> and they're scared people saw that and
81.439 -> freaked out
82.32 -> environmentalist josh goldstein says
84.4 -> nuclear power can save us
86 -> from climate change and we'd have more
88.24 -> nuclear power
89.119 -> were it not for that movie and the media
91.52 -> hysteria that followed
93.28 -> the first step in a nuclear nightmare it
95.84 -> led to the no
96.88 -> nukes concert in 1979 in new york
101.84 -> i live in terror of the next accident
105.36 -> activist harvey wasserman turned
107.2 -> anti-nuclear after three mile island
109.6 -> it's a virtual inevitability that we're
112.24 -> going to have another disaster
114 -> his argument has basically won the
116.64 -> nuclear industry
117.92 -> is being dismantled what was so terrible
120.799 -> about three mile island
122.56 -> no one died i'm one of two journalists
125.92 -> who went into central pennsylvania after
128.8 -> the accident three mile island
130.64 -> interviewing people they're showing me
132.319 -> their tumors their hair loss
134.56 -> their lesions but it's bunk it's been
137.44 -> studied
138.16 -> people didn't die people lose hair and
140.8 -> have
141.28 -> get cancer and they attribute it to
143.44 -> three mile island
144.72 -> but it's not true having been there
147.36 -> since
148.08 -> my clear assertion that people were
150.72 -> killed at three mile island
152.319 -> actual scientists couldn't find a threat
154.48 -> to health
155.36 -> three mile island was here where there's
157.84 -> less cancer than in most of the state
160 -> nobody was harmed at three mile island
163.04 -> but what about the fukushima disaster
165.44 -> the tsunami was real
168.879 -> and we were told there were dangerous
170.879 -> radiation leaks
172.239 -> there was heightened radiation but it
174.319 -> was all at this low level
175.76 -> below what we consider to be safe the
177.76 -> radiation never amounted
179.84 -> to dangerous to beyond normal approved
182.64 -> levels
183.28 -> that's right what harmed people was when
185.599 -> everyone freaked out and ordered a
187.519 -> massive sudden evacuation ripped people
190.319 -> out of hospital rooms
191.68 -> people panicked and that caused suicide
194.56 -> depression
195.599 -> all kinds of terrible effects the fear
198.08 -> of radioactivity
199.76 -> really did kill people there has been a
201.68 -> nuclear accident in the soviet union
205.92 -> one accident did kill people chernobyl
208.799 -> it happened in the old socialist
210.56 -> soviet union where those who built the
212.879 -> plant cut corners to please the
214.799 -> dictators
216 -> investigations revealed both procedural
218.56 -> and design errors
220 -> no chernobyl-like plant will be built
222 -> again but even including chernobyl's
224.64 -> deaths
225.44 -> nuclear power is much safer than coal
228.4 -> oil
228.879 -> natural gas almost as safe as wind and
232.159 -> solar
232.879 -> facts are on your side how are you
235.36 -> losing this battle
236.64 -> there's been a campaign of
238.799 -> fear-mongering around
240.159 -> radioactivity and radiation and nuclear
242.319 -> power for
243.28 -> decades now nuclear waste we're told the
246.08 -> waste from nuclear plants will kill us
248.64 -> a serious health hazard what about the
250.64 -> waste that's concentrated
252.72 -> and it lives just about forever if you
255.519 -> took
255.84 -> all the nuclear waste all the spent fuel
257.919 -> from all america's reactors
259.919 -> for 60 years it would fit into a walmart
262.88 -> it's literally a small
264.24 -> problem we kill many many more people by
266.96 -> using a lot of fossil fuels
268.72 -> many environmentalists say nuclear power
271.52 -> is the only solution to climate change
274.16 -> you do not cool the planet with a
277.199 -> radioactive fire
279.919 -> that burns at 570 degrees fahrenheit
283.44 -> the speediest drop in greenhouse gas
285.759 -> pollution on record occurred in france
288.479 -> when that country transitioned to
290.4 -> nuclear i guarantee you
292.639 -> france will not be building any more
295.28 -> nuclear power
296.08 -> plants yes the anti-nuclear movements
298.639 -> stop nuclear and europe too
300.72 -> but other places in the world are
302.4 -> building them like crazy china is
304.24 -> putting a nuclear reactor on the grid
306.16 -> every two to three months
307.52 -> and america may soon finish one
310.88 -> 15 years after approval was sought still
313.84 -> isn't operating
315.039 -> it took six years just to get permission
317.28 -> to build
318.479 -> it didn't always take so long blue dots
321.199 -> on this graph show construction time
323.28 -> before a three-mile island and in red
325.919 -> what
326.32 -> happened to plants being built after
328.96 -> because america more than
330.32 -> doubled construction time and cost by
333.199 -> increasing regulations
334.96 -> takes 12 years to build the plant
336.72 -> because there are so many regulations
339.12 -> you want more
340.32 -> uh yes actually i do we can have clean
343.44 -> power from nuclear plants
345.28 -> if silly people like you weren't scaring
347.84 -> people
348.56 -> about the wrong things if you want to
350.639 -> accuse us of having
352.4 -> raised the cost of building new nuclear
355.36 -> plants
355.919 -> by demanding more regulation i plead
358.8 -> guilty
359.6 -> activists like him say countries can
361.759 -> power themselves with rooftop
363.759 -> solar panels and wind improving
366.8 -> technology has lowered their prices so
369.12 -> they're now as cheap as nuclear
371.199 -> but there's a problem what do we do when
373.52 -> the wind doesn't blow
374.96 -> or the sun doesn't shine well usually
378.08 -> it's one or the other when it isn't he
380.8 -> says
381.44 -> store energy and batteries we are having
384.24 -> a
384.639 -> major technological and industrial
387.84 -> revolution
389.039 -> in battery capacity batteries are
391.44 -> environmentally
392.72 -> nasty they can be and they need that
395.28 -> needs to be dealt with
396.4 -> the idea that a miracle battery is going
398.16 -> to come along and save us
400 -> it's completely untested nuclear energy
402.56 -> has been tested
403.68 -> it could reduce greenhouse gases and
406.08 -> keep energy cheap
407.68 -> if only we didn't fear it so much the
410.56 -> whole regulatory system is crazy because
412.88 -> we're regulating
413.919 -> this energy source as though it were the
416 -> most dangerous thing out there and it's
417.84 -> actually the safest thing
419.12 -> it is it's been pretty safe for 70 years
422.4 -> when we first entered the new world
425.44 -> of the atomic age
427.37 -> [Music]
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459.039 -> you
