Mini-Nuclear Reactors Are Coming, and They Could Reinvent the Energy Industry

Mini-Nuclear Reactors Are Coming, and They Could Reinvent the Energy Industry

Mini-Nuclear Reactors Are Coming, and They Could Reinvent the Energy Industry

Nuclear power may be making a comeback as researchers develop reactors that are smaller than ever before.

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Read More:
NUCLEAR 101: How Does a Nuclear Reactor Work?
“The main job of a reactor is to house and control nuclear fission—a process where atoms split and release energy.”

Smaller, safer, cheaper: One company aims to reinvent the nuclear reactor and save a warming planet
“For now, NuScale’s reactors exist mostly as computer models. But in an industrial area north of town here, the company has built a full-size mock-up of the upper portion of a reactor.”

Nuclear Power in the World Today
“There is a clear need for new generating capacity around the world, both to replace old fossil fuel units, especially coal-fired ones, which emit a lot of carbon dioxide, and to meet increased demand for electricity in many countries.”

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2.31 -> Pat, we have a reactor trip on Unit 5. Containment is isolated. Demon water is isolated. CVCS
9.96 -> is isolated. DHR is in service. And pressurizer heater trips has occurred. All safety functions
17.18 -> are green. Understand. We've got a reactor trip on Unit 5 and all safety functions are green.
22.56 -> That's correct.
24.48 -> Ryan, can you take over the plant response to Unit 5?
27.82 -> You're in the middle of a simulated reactor trip. Something happened
31.56 -> that’s causing an emergency shutdown.
34.16 -> Ryan I have acknowledged the alarms. Understand
37.3 -> that you've acknowledged the alarms. This demonstration took place at NuScale, a next
43.57 -> generation nuclear power company that wants to operate a string of up to 12 small reactors
49.15 -> from a single control room. And their new model might just revive the nuclear power industry.
58.02 -> When you think nuclear, you might imagine a plant like this: enormous cooling
62.94 -> towers, generators, steam billowing out the top. They’ve been a part of our energy
67.689 -> mix for decades all working to harness the power of splitting uranium atoms. Or in other
73.31 -> words: Nuclear power, to put it simply, is the most complicated way to boil water. What
78.64 -> you’re trying to do is to take the energy that’s produced by splitting uranium nuclei
85.45 -> and convert it into steam. That steam then goes to a turbine which turns a shaft which
90.759 -> then turns a generator to produce electricity.When the splitting happens, it produces radioactive
95.96 -> materials. Much of the nuclear plant is really focused on trying to make sure that these
101.61 -> radioactive materials never escape out into the biosphere.
107.74 -> There are hundreds of reactors
109.569 -> boiling water across the globe, and you might actually be living near one. But the nuclear
114.94 -> industry today is experiencing some major shifts. The 3 Mile Island and Fukushima disasters
121.63 -> prompted countries like Germany and Switzerland to dismantle their nuclear power infrastructure.
127.619 -> Despite efforts from Russia and China to kick-start new projects, global construction is currently
132.689 -> on a down-swing. Here in the U.S., aging reactors are retiring, and Westinghouse, one
138.6 -> of the biggest names in nuclear, recently filed for bankruptcy.
144.4 -> The argument the nuclear
145.74 -> industry used to make is that even though nuclear power plants are expensive to build
151.12 -> they are cheap to operate and therefore profitable. That equation has changed in the last seven
157.34 -> or eight years. There have been a combination of two things that have been happening. One
160.54 -> is that as these plants’ age, the cost of keeping them operational has been increasing
166.52 -> because simultaneously and more importantly, the cost of alternative sources of energy
171.321 -> has declined dramatically. The second thing I would say is that, the argument used to
175.319 -> be, oh, we’ve learned a lot from mistakes in the past. We will be able to lower the
179.68 -> cost and how fast these reactors are built, and that has not happened. The South Carolina
185.48 -> project was so expensive, the company pulled out of it after spending about $9 billion,
191 -> that's essentially been abandoned.
192.29 -> The Georgia plant is now running at around $25 to $27 billion, compared to
196.42 -> a few billion dollars that was the initial expectation. I think the result of that is
200.84 -> nobody in their right mind should be thinking about building another large nuclear plant in the country.
207.62 -> It’s a tough situation, especially with reports of rising CO2 emissions
212.1 -> and calls for alternatives to meet climate goals. And that’s where these next generation
216.9 -> reactors enter the conversation for multiple countries.
220.79 -> Hoping to solve the problems of cost and scale, this new nuclear fleet are called SMRs or
226.37 -> Small Modular Reactors. Small in this context just means it’s producing less
232.31 -> than 300 megawatts of electricity. The plants that were being built in South Carolina, the
237.92 -> ones being built in Georgia generate about 1,100 megawatts of electricity. Modular means
242.97 -> that you can make these things in a factory. You're manufacturing all your high quality
247.53 -> components in parallel you're doing all your civil construction on site. You’re making
251.95 -> the pool, you’re building the building. And then when the buildings are done, you transport
256.48 -> the modules to the site and you install them. Beyond these two there’s really nothing
260.46 -> that constrains you about the design of the reactor. There are literally dozens and dozens
267.64 -> of SMR designs. Portable nuclear power has a back to the future feel to it. Pursued since
273.36 -> the Cold War, several designs have found their way inside nuclear submarines and university labs.
279.26 -> After decades of attempts,
280.9 -> SMRs haven't been the mainstream source of power for local communities just yet,
285.94 -> but that might change with NuScale.
290.36 -> This all started with a project that was funded by the Department of Energy
293.57 -> back in 2000. We were working with the Idaho National Laboratory at the time and we came
297.65 -> up with this concept for something small that could be built in a factory. So inside our
302.64 -> modules, we start off with the containment vessel. It's about 76 feet long and 15 feet
307.58 -> in diameter, it’s big cylinder. Inside that containment vessel the reactor vessel
311.449 -> houses the fuel, the steam generator. It's a helical coil steam generator. Everything
315.61 -> you need for power to produce steam is inside that one little vessel. Now the containment
320.78 -> and the reactor vessel sit underwater below ground. And you can add on, two, three up
325.52 -> to 12 modules in a single pool. So it's scalable because you don't have to add them all at
329.5 -> once, you can do them in increments. Each module will produce about 60 megawatts electric.
333.569 -> If you think about homes, it's somewhere around fifty thousand homes would be powered by one
338.569 -> module. There aren't any additional cooling pumps or generators that could fail in an
343.63 -> emergency, a lesson learned from previous disasters. Because a key element NuScale
349.31 -> really emphasized with us, is safety. Passive safety really describes the ability to perform
355.31 -> a safety function without power. For our design, the reactors will safely shut themselves
360 -> down without any operator action or computer action, without any AC or DC power, and they'll
365.319 -> remain cooled for an indefinite period of time, without the need to add water. When
370.37 -> you lose power, the control rods actually fall into the reactor vessel into the core
375.24 -> and they're held up normally by electromagnets. So you lose power, they disengage and they
380.099 -> fall. So you go from two hundred megawatts thermal to about 10 or 11 megawatts in a second
385.169 -> or so. If you look at the control room here, you'll see that a lot of things that we do
391.18 -> really don't require operator action at all. All the procedures come up on the screens
394.69 -> themselves and they help you execute the procedures, and they’ll help correct you if you make
399.34 -> a mistake it's a smart control room. Which all seems quite miraculous — to have a nuclear
404.949 -> control room run mostly on its own. NuScale’s timeline has more tick marks ahead. Their
411.211 -> plant operations are still just on paper or at prototype stage. They’re aiming to turn
416.651 -> on their first commercial plant near the Idaho National Laboratory by 2026, which brings
422.259 -> the project full circle. We finished our design certification application. It's a
427.13 -> pretty comprehensive checklist, so application alone was 12,000 pages. We're on track to
432.3 -> get this design certified with the final safety evaluation report coming out in September
437.83 -> of 2020. So, that’s the target. And within their application, NuScale is asking the U.S.
443.83 -> Nuclear Regulatory Commission for a different kind of zoning boundary. In the United States,
449.919 -> there's a requirement that you have an emergency planning zone around your plant and that zone
453.93 -> is a 10 mile radius. The reason we can request a smaller emergency planning zone is because
459.27 -> of the very high level of safety that we offer. If we go back to their animation, the reactor’s
464.169 -> sitting in a pool that’s below ground with a biological shield on top of that and in
468.57 -> a seismic category which is earthquake proof, hurricane proof type building.
472.84 -> In our analysis, we show that we don't exceed regulatory doses under
476.44 -> the worst case accident conditions at the site boundary so that changes the game significantly in
480.889 -> that we can be in closer proximity to population centers. If you have an SMR and it has an
486.4 -> accident, it would have less amount of radioactive material to disperse it would have less energy
491.229 -> to disperse. These are laws of physics in certain complicated circumstances that are
496.06 -> hard to predict in advance. If you think about the kind of accidents we’ve seen in the
500.509 -> past it is almost always been a bunch of circumstances which nobody had envisioned. If you’re
506.34 -> thinking about the community and you go and say, “Look, we want to build this nuclear
511.83 -> plant near you but there is a small chance that something might go wrong it’s quite
516.011 -> possible you might have to leave your house and never come back because it’s going to
520.11 -> be contaminated with radioactivity. How do you feel about it?” Quite a few people would
525.66 -> say, “No, I don’t think I would want that. Despite this risk potential, the hundreds of reactors
531.97 -> operating worldwide have had a pretty safe track record, and overall have caused less
536.92 -> loss of life than coal or natural gas. The design & safety of future reactors in the
542.04 -> US are assessed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. But there’s some context to
547.11 -> this agency that bears keeping in mind: The NRC’s fortunes, in a sense, depend on the
554.45 -> industry that it is regulating. If the nuclear industry were to essentially shrink and vanish,
561.08 -> the NRC would essentially have to vanish too. The NRC and NuScale have been talking to each
565.81 -> other for years now and trying to say, “Okay, here's our rules. Here's how you interpret
570.45 -> these rules. Here's how we can modify our design. All of which does not seem to me to
575.44 -> be a thoroughly independent process. There’s been a reported history of regulatory capture
580.68 -> in the nuclear industry, but it shouldn’t come as any surprise. What entity other
585.68 -> than a state government can take on the capital and risk associated with investing in nuclear?
590.79 -> Government funding does play an important part. The question, of course, to ask is whether
594.63 -> the government should be spending its money on this pursuit. Of course, that’s a different
598.1 -> question. The new nuclear power movement is appealing to governments who see the potential: One
603.12 -> module could produce 60 million gallons of clean desalinated water per day. So a 12 pack
608.7 -> would be enough to provide all the water needs for a city the size of Cape Town South Africa.
613.64 -> On the flip side, SMRs could exacerbate pre-existing geopolitical tensions.
619.08 -> China has said they are also developing SMRs. The first place that they want to deploy are on
625.92 -> these deserted islands, in the South China Sea that are in disputes. If you’re concerned
631.41 -> about proliferation, then SMRs are not small in any meaningful sense. With these forces
637.08 -> ahead, eyes will be on NuScale as  they work to reshape the industry and roll out what
642.05 -> they are betting on to be a smart, scalable model of nuclear power.
647.66 -> Their hope is that a safer design, an automated control room, and other key features will overcome the hurdles
653.93 -> that caused previous ventures to fail. However, there are still open questions over nuclear
659.529 -> waste, protecting against proliferation, and how a truly passive nuclear plant operates
664.6 -> in real time. But until this
666.76 -> model is put to the test, the ultimate question for nuclear - of whether smaller really is
671.8 -> better - remains an open one.
