नमस्ते दोस्तों! The Ranveer Show हिंदी के 185th Episode में आप सभी का स्वागत है. आज के Podcast में हमारे साथ जुड़ चुके हैं हमारे देश के Legendary Scientist Rajagopala Chidambaram, इन्होंने देश के Nuclear Programs में बड़ा Role निभाया है। इन्हें कई लोग Indian Oppenheimer भी कहते है।
इस Podcast में हम बात करेंगे ढ़ेर सारी बातें Pokhran Nuclear Test, Nuclear Weapons, C V Raman, Satyendra Nath Bose के बारे में।
साथ ही साथ हम बात करेंगे Hydrogen Bomb, Isotopes, Climate Change, Future Of Spaceships, Oppenheimer की कहानी के बारे में और भी ढ़ेर सारी बातें।
मैं आशा करता हूँ कि ये Video आप सभी Viewers को पसंद आएगा। खास तौर पर उन सभी को जिन्हें Nuclear Science के किस्सों के बारे में जानने में Interest है।
How India Conducted Nuclear Tests, Hiroshima Nagashaki, How Do We Detect Secret Nuclear Tests जैसी चीज़ों के बारे में हम Discuss करेंगे इस Hindi Podcast में सिर्फ और सिर्फ आपके Favourite BeerBiceps Hindi Channel Ranveer Allahbadia पर।
(00:00) : Episode की शुरूआत (02:45) : भारत के महान Scientists (03:35) : लोग Rajagopala Chidambaram को Indian Oppenheimer क्यूं कहते है? (07:28) : भारत की Nuclear History (11:02) : Non-Proliferation Treaty क्या है? (12:36) : भारत को Nuclear Power बनने में देर क्यूं हुई? (15:20) : क्या कई देश Secret Nuclear Tests कर रहे है? (16:42) : Nuclear Explosion का Effect (19:06) : Nuclear Fusion और Nuclear Fission (23:26) : Spaceships का Future (24:24) : How Can We Use Nuclear Energy? (26:20) : Nuclear Power Plants In India (27:03) : Aspiring Scientists के लिए Message (29:47) : Thank You For Watching
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0 -> And he said that we are five people,
Russia, America, UK, France and China.
9.44 -> He put a date.
11.96 -> The first thing he tested
was the nuclear weapon state.
18.96 -> After this, no one can test it.
21.56 -> .Why? Just like that.
-Just like that.
26.92 -> Because power comes to them.
28.92 -> Power will stay with them.
31.44 -> And India has always opposed this NPT.
35.92 -> They said that we don't believe it.
38.96 -> The good thing is that today
no one wants to test it anywhere.
43.6 -> After Hiroshima Nagasaki, people
say they want nuclear deterrence.
51.12 -> Nuclear deterrence.
53.421 -> Stay away from nuclear weapons.
54.754 -> That is, we have it.
57.44 -> If you tease me, I will shoot you back.
60.52 -> There is a lot of hype for Openheimer.
64.187 -> Know more about Indian
Openheimer, friends.
67.72 -> We started this podcast for India.
70.72 -> And the legends of India that are
not being celebrated for many years,
76.56 -> now we will celebrate on TRS together.
80.24 -> Chidambaram Sir is a
legendary scientist of our country.
84.6 -> He has played a big role in our nuclear
program, in our nuclear tests.
91.24 -> You will know a lot about
him in today's podcast.
94.526 -> You will know a lot about Openheimer.
96.76 -> And you will know a lot
about nuclear science.
100.48 -> We should celebrate
such people in our country.
104.369 -> So friends, please watch the podcast
till the end and share it with people.
107.528 -> Such people are the
intellectual military of our country.
111.2 -> Jai Hind.
112.2 -> Learn a lot from today's podcast.
114.12 -> And change a lot about yourself.
117.12 -> Because in today's episode,
there is a legend of India.
138.506 -> Rajagopala Chidambaram Sir,
welcome to TRS.
142.96 -> How are you?
143.68 -> -Thank you. I am fine.
-Just fine?
147.2 -> I am always fine.
I am fine today too.
149.96 -> Okay. Love it, love it.
151.88 -> I am very excited to talk to you.
154.32 -> Thank you.
156.36 -> In the history of our country,
there are some fathers of science.
160.753 -> You are one of them.
162.112 -> I feel like I am talking to a saint today.
164.993 -> How do you feel about living such a life?
168.04 -> You have done a lot in your
life from science perspective.
170.4 -> There are a lot of
famous scientists in India.
175.2 -> There is C.V. Raman who got Nobel Prize.
181.24 -> There is Satyendra Nath Bose.
184.2 -> And there are two types of
particles in particle physics.
190.2 -> If the spin is half, then
it is called Fermion.
196.32 -> Fermion came from
name of Enrico Fermi.
200.32 -> If the spin is one,
then it is called Boson.
204.994 -> They named the particle
after Satyendra Nath Bose.
209.201 -> So, all the fundamental particles
of the world are either Fermion.
213.56 -> Otherwise, they are Boson.
215.52 -> Sorry, sir. I am asking
you such a question.
218.2 -> The youth all over the country and
now fascinated about oppenheimer.
223.473 -> Many people call you Indian Oppenheimer.
228.291 -> -Do you have such a...
-No, I don't feel such way.
232.735 -> You spoke about politeness,
give me a chance to be polite.
238.56 -> Oppenheimer was a big person.
240.44 -> He did a great job in the beginning.
244.24 -> Of course, he was not alone.
246.08 -> All the famous American scientists
were gathered in one place.
252.457 -> For the Manhattan Project.
254.56 -> There were a lot of great scientists.
There was Hans Bethe.
257.68 -> There were a lot of them.
259.36 -> They all did this together.
262 -> We have a lot of scientists here.
264.913 -> We have a lot of famous scientists.
They are everywhere.
270.103 -> People call you Indian Oppenheimer.
273.032 -> Maybe it is because of the hype.
274.96 -> But why is this?
276 -> You yourself tell people.
278.873 -> No, it is such a thing that in 1969,
285.215 -> Raja Ramanna had called me and said,
288.76 -> what used to happen at that time,
291.12 -> a new field was starting.
294 -> Peaceful nuclear explosion.
297.761 -> It had a big field. International Atomic
Energy Agency had this program.
303.24 -> Eisenhower said, start it.
306.44 -> He said, Swords into plowshares.
309.48 -> -Means?
310.76 -> Make the sword into a plowshare.
314.808 -> That this nuclear weapon, the explosive
has so much force in it,
320.36 -> use it for peaceful purposes.
324.935 -> For cutting the canals. To
make the canals. To break it.
331.16 -> Right now, we put the
explosive and break the rock.
334.36 -> If they break it with big explosive,
so this is a big, big, big thing.
339.92 -> When the gas comes, when they dig,
342.8 -> oiler gas, hydrocarbon gas comes out,
that was inside it.
347.99 -> They put it from here and make a hole.
350.52 -> So from the fractures,
they come out and the gas comes out.
355.96 -> Natural gas, they say.
357.44 -> Go there and make a nuclear explosion.
361.4 -> The rock there will break.
364.4 -> Don't let the radio activity come up.
366.401 -> The control is very deep.
368.12 -> So you can stimulate the gas.
371.24 -> More gas can come.
373.12 -> All of these are peaceful purposes.
376.8 -> Of the nuclear explosion.
380.48 -> And for this, they started the meeting.
383.419 -> International Atomic Energy Agency.
386.491 -> And Sishnayan Ramana said,
you go and attend and come.
391.68 -> So we went and attended.
394.2 -> And Ramanna said,
find an application in India too.
398.4 -> This copper ore.
401.137 -> What do we do with it?
It's down, we make a hole in it,
405.2 -> from here, we send dilute
sulphuric acid and pull it up.
410.52 -> It is easy to bring one more up.
413.76 -> But from here, when the acid
comes back, there is copper in it.
420.24 -> So we found an application
to break the copper ore from the nuclear.
425.36 -> So the copper will come out more.
428.36 -> So we went there and told in the
International Atomic Energy Agency
433.04 -> that we can do a very
important application.
436.72 -> When India started
this work,
439.2 -> they said that there is no
peaceful nuclear application.
443.346 -> So they stopped the meeting.
444.6 -> After that, there were no meetings held.
447.886 -> So there have been two big events
451.32 -> in the last 50 years
about India's nuclear history.
457.12 -> Whatever you experienced,
459.44 -> first, share it with your
audience with your own views.
465.2 -> The nuclear tests that took
place in 1998 and I think in 1974.
470.2 -> Why is this important in India's history?
474.48 -> Today's Gen Z, born after 1998,
or Gen Alpha, born after 2005,
480.2 -> what should they know about these tests?
483.2 -> Because it is a very
key part of Indian history,
485.52 -> modern Indian history.
487 -> So why did these tests take place
and what was the result of them?
491.48 -> Explain it.
493.12 -> It is as such that when
the '74 test happened,
497.562 -> we call it Peaceful Nuclear
Explosion Experiment.
503.8 -> Because as I told you earlier,
506.303 -> I will tell you a little bit more
that these meetings were happening
510.04 -> in the Vienna
International Atomic Agency.
513.32 -> There are many applications
in Peaceful Nuclear Explosion.
518.44 -> See, common chemical explosives
are used in many places.
526.501 -> But its power, in the same volume,
529.72 -> the power of Nuclear Explosion is
much more than a chemical explosion.
537.52 -> To break it, to break the rock,
explosives are used.
542.84 -> What are the applications for these?
547.16 -> Its meetings were going on a lot,
in 1969.
554.578 -> Were you born?
555.911 -> -Me? No.
-How can you be born?
558.28 -> So from that time, from
1969, Raja Ramanna,
564.84 -> who was our director of physics group,
567.16 -> said that go and attend this meeting.
570.12 -> So that was one type of...
one type of explosion.
575.28 -> Because it is very strong.
578.76 -> In a small volume, its power is so
much, it is used in the application.
586.89 -> We also applied its application,
to break the copper ore,
593.39 -> put in the sulfuric acid,
dilute sulfuric acid and remove.
598.84 -> So it can come out very easily.
603.92 -> Copper mining.
605.56 -> So in 1974, we called it
Peaceful Nuclear Explosion.
612.88 -> But the Americans started saying
that explosives are explosives, nuclear.
619.32 -> Physics is the same.
620.84 -> We said yes, it is the same.
623.08 -> If they make it,
they can make it.
624.88 -> The packaging is different.
626.72 -> So they closed that meeting.
629.24 -> Where did this come from?
India that's making nuclear explosive.
635.105 -> After that, in 1998, when Vajpayee Ji
came, he told us that it is a weapon.
645.24 -> He declared it.
646.36 -> When we tested it.
648.36 -> And we knew that there
was only one chance to test it.
653.76 -> So we did five tests together.
655.92 -> Wait a minute, sorry.
656.96 -> We will have to pause.
I have a lot of questions about '74.
662.96 -> What did Americans had to do with it?
664.84 -> Why did they interfere that what
India is doing and what it is not doing?
669.08 -> Because you know,
it is a treaty.
672.24 -> -It is called a non-proliferation treaty.
676.351 -> And they said that
we are five people.
680.72 -> Russia, America,
UK, France and China.
686 -> They put a date.
688.24 -> The first test that was done,
it was a nuclear weapon state.
695.56 -> After that,
no one can test it.
697.994 -> Why?
699.16 -> -Just like that.
-Just like that.
702.92 -> If the rich say,
we are rich, you stay poor.
706.32 -> will you ask them why?
709.36 -> Because power comes to them.
711.24 -> Power will stay with them.
713.44 -> And India always
opposed this NPT.
718.24 -> They said that they don't believe it.
722.417 -> After that, they
said, it is not like that,
725.179 -> Americans can do useful explosions.
728.92 -> And if you need anything,
we are here. We will do it.
733.52 -> We said,
we will do it.
736.24 -> And they didn't agree.
738.56 -> So we gave a peaceful nuclear
explosion in '74 and the papers too.
745.8 -> What will we do with it?
They didn't agree.
749.409 -> And the meeting was closed.
As I said, the meeting was closed.
753.2 -> What happened in 1998
was a nuclear weapon test.
756.68 -> What happened between '74 and '98?
758.8 -> And why the test didn't happen?
761.586 -> In some countries, the first test and
the second test didn't have much interval.
770.44 -> What happened?
773.04 -> After the other prime ministers
came, the nuclear option was open.
780.44 -> They said, we have nuclear
weapons, but we won't do the test.
785.92 -> It was such a preparation.
789.92 -> -Should I tell you a joke?
792.745 -> So I said, I am not in any election,
in election...
798.745 -> -Should I speak in English?
802.24 -> Keeping the nuclear
option open indefinitely.
806 -> It's like keeping your marriage
option open indefinitely.
810.84 -> Wow.
812.56 -> If you keep it too long, at some
stage you become unfit for marriage.
818.427 -> Okay.
818.88 -> This was our problem.
821.88 -> We had to do a lot of work for it.
823.68 -> When the test wasn't going on,
825.12 -> the rest of the people
were continuously testing.
828.6 -> They said, they had been
improving the explosive,
831.72 -> but they didn't do the test.
833.32 -> They just kept the
computer on and improved it.
836.8 -> In 1998, I said, maybe
this is the last chance,
840.911 -> the rest of the people
stopped doing the test.
843.88 -> That's why we did five tests.
846.12 -> One was Fission Explosive.
848.36 -> It was advanced.
Fission Explosive.
851.04 -> It's on nuclear fission.
853 -> The other was Fusion Explosive.
855.72 -> It's called thermo nuclear fusion.
Trigger is fission explosive.
860.44 -> And the other three, which I call
little ones, less than one kilo ton.
865.32 -> We saw all the things we had
to look about physics theory.
873.8 -> We did five tests in two days.
876.52 -> Basically, if you have to improve
the nuclear weapons of your country,
881.24 -> then it is very important to test.
883.32 -> -Not anymore.
-Not anymore? Why?
886.36 -> The other thing is,
890.48 -> the main theory that has been proved,
you can keep it as a foundation...
896.04 -> You made the automobile engine.
898.76 -> Yes.
899.908 -> Now you made it
into a Mercedes car.
903.92 -> You can test the engine again.
You can improve the engine.
907.585 -> Without it.
908.53 -> Because the main internal combustion
principle, you have understood.
911.96 -> For that, whatever we
had to know in the future,
916.2 -> we did all that in five tests.
918.4 -> We took the information at that time.
919.68 -> Okay.
920.48 -> But even today, the country
of the world does nuclear tests?
923.36 -> -No, nobody tests.
925.587 -> Secretly doing it?
Secretly doing it?
927.8 -> What happens when they do it secretly?
930.68 -> When there is a big explosion in the earth
seismic waves comes from four sides.
938.4 -> And there's a seismometer
in the entire world.
941.48 -> -Okay.
-They have made it to see the earthquake.
945.728 -> -Yes.
-Where has the earthquake happened?
949.68 -> Wherever it happened,
the people there are gone.
952.2 -> Other people also come to know of it.
954.6 -> But the signal of the earthquake,
957.76 -> and the signal of the nuclear
explosive, is a little different.
963.16 -> Why does the earthquake occur?
965 -> A big piece of earth rub each other.
968.44 -> It starts the earthquake.
970.36 -> This is a point explosion.
972.08 -> There are different
waves coming out of it.
975.92 -> There is a difference between the two.
978.92 -> And this is a very scientific area.
981.16 -> There is an earthquake
and a nuclear explosion,
983.52 -> an underground nuclear explosion,
everyone knows what's above.
986.993 -> Everyone knows about the satellites.
988.32 -> They do it in the underground,
the difference will show.
991.526 -> They can't keep it a secret.
993.16 -> -Everyone will know about it.
996.36 -> Everyone will come to know.
It is very difficult to keep it a secret.
1001.76 -> Okay.
1002.48 -> I am asking you this question, so that the
common people know about nuclear weapons.
1008.08 -> Just like you described
the effect on rocks,
1013.08 -> hypothetically,
if a nuclear bomb breaks in a city,
1018.927 -> then the people and buildings around it,
will be vaporized.
1023.72 -> But what happens after a radius?
1026.2 -> That is, some people and
buildings will become gas soon.
1030.04 -> It is such that, we know the
explosion took place in two places,
1034.629 -> in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
1037.32 -> Its optimum depth, optimum
height, comes in every one.
1044.32 -> Because the most damage is from blasts.
1049.8 -> Blast, it has an optimum height.
1053.56 -> Optimum height means?
1054.6 -> If you make it this high,
the more damage it will cause to the city.
1059.88 -> Oh, okay.
1061.68 -> If you keep it low,
its power goes to the ground as well.
1066.227 -> Okay.
1066.88 -> If you go very high,
it reduces its power till it reaches here.
1072.8 -> Okay.
1073.6 -> When they destroyed Hiroshima
and Nagasaki one kilometer,
1078 -> the Americans destroyed it,
1079.555 -> and there, by doing
a lot of research we got to know,
1082.92 -> till one kilometer,
everything disappeared.
1085.88 -> And their kilotons,
the fission was 12-15 kilos,
1089.92 -> one kilotons is enough for the yield.
1093.88 -> Its radius of yield,
is a linear parameter.
1101.48 -> It needs to be disposed at a height of
two kilometers for 8 times more usage.
1108 -> Two kilometers.
1110.2 -> Who wants two kilometers?
1113.04 -> They have put it in
the center of the city.
1116.04 -> So, the main city is gone.
1118.56 -> The good thing is,
no one wants do it anywhere nowadays.
1122.84 -> After Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
people want, say, nuclear deterrence.
1130.88 -> Nuclear deterrence.
1132.64 -> Stay away from nuclear weapons.
1134.84 -> That is we have it, if you
poke me, I'll poke you back.
1140.56 -> Okay.
1141.781 -> That's why they don't poke each other.
It's balanced.
1146.64 -> Let's talk more about nuclear science,
but from a science fiction angle.
1151.2 -> So, as you said,
peaceful nuclear tests.
1157.28 -> So, peaceful nuclear tests.
meaning, by testing the nuclear bomb,
1162.72 -> you learned about your nuclear technology,
1164.48 -> and used that technology
for a peaceful purpose.
1167.64 -> Like you were using it for copper mining.
1171.435 -> But there is a theory that if we, I
believe, learn to control the fusion,
1178.32 -> if we learn to control the
nuclear fusion completely,
1181.12 -> then we can make spaceships
that can walk in space for centuries.
1185.79 -> Correct?
1186.72 -> Actually, the fusion
is for energy.
1191.68 -> It's mainly for energy.
1193.649 -> Nuclear power?
1194.84 -> Yes, nuclear power.
1195.903 -> There can be two types of nuclear power.
1197.92 -> One is fission,
which runs your nuclear reactor.
1202.04 -> So, we will connect
these two light isotopes.
1206.64 -> There's hydrogen isotopes.
1209.12 -> There's normal hydrogen.
1210.6 -> See, each atom has
two types of particles.
1214.48 -> Proton, which has charge.
1216.64 -> Neutron which does
not have charge in this.
1218.68 -> Yes.
1219.56 -> The electron that does rounds around it,
is the number one with the proton.
1228.32 -> If there are two protons in it,
then there will be two electrons in it.
1232.52 -> If there are 10 protons
in it, 6 protons in it, the carbons,
1235.88 -> then 6 electrons will go out.
It keeps revolving out.
1239.801 -> No matter how much
neutron you put in it,
1242.52 -> it will not change the
chemical properties.
1244.76 -> The nuclear properties change.
1248.96 -> In the same way, there are three
types of isotopes in hydrogen.
1253.735 -> If there are only protons,
then they are called hydrogen.
1256.28 -> If you add one neutron,
it is called deuterium.
1259.36 -> Another neutron
is called tritium.
1263.32 -> And tritium is unstable.
1265.08 -> This is too much for me.
1267.16 -> So, one of them
sends an electron out.
1270.96 -> So, if you remove one electron
from from neutron, it becomes positive.
1276.48 -> neutron becomes proton,
then it becomes helium.
1280.84 -> So, to make it,
why did I start with the isotope?
1286.52 -> Because you were talking
about nuclear reactors.
1288.8 -> In the fusion.
1289.52 -> In the same way,
1291.2 -> the two isotopes of hydrogen,
deuterium and tritium,
1294.843 -> there is only one proton in it.
1297.12 -> There is one proton, and neutron
more in it. The other has two protons.
1299.945 -> When we connect these two,
1304 -> then we don't want
to get close to each other.
1308.52 -> Because both of them
are positively charged,
1310.64 -> and they run away from each other.
1312.48 -> But if you bring them
from the core of kinetic energy,
1315.4 -> then they have to meet each other.
1316.995 -> For example, if someone
dashes in the crowd.
1319.6 -> If two people come in a speed,
then they will hit each other.
1322.2 -> At that time, there is a nuclear reaction.
1324.68 -> And the energy that comes out of it,
1328.08 -> is called fusion energy.
Because they both combined.
1332.12 -> And the mass of the new
isotope, is less than that.
1336.04 -> Where will the rest of the mass go?
1337.72 -> We will have to call Einstein.
1339.24 -> E is equal to mc squared.
1340.88 -> And that becomes fusion energy.
1343.16 -> So, to make plasma for this,
1345.263 -> they are trying to get
close to each other.
1348.44 -> In hydrogen bomb,
it happens so early
1351.56 -> that they don't get time to run away.
1354.84 -> The thermonuclear fusion explosive.
1358 -> But the plasma that keeps spinning in it,
1360.68 -> it has to be held by a magnetic field.
1363.8 -> It is not a simple magnetic field.
1366.12 -> It is called Tokamak.
1367.88 -> The one that keeps
spinning in the round.
1373.4 -> Then the temperature keeps increasing.
1375.08 -> When the temperature increases,
they have to get close to each other.
1380.96 -> Because of kinetic energy.
1382.8 -> After some temperature, after some
density, the fusion energy starts.
1389.641 -> And to control it,
people are learning now.
1394.28 -> Here too, our IPR, Institute
of Plasma Research,
1397.44 -> Gandhi Nagar, Ahmedabad,
it's also going on here too.
1401.16 -> Aditya, there is a Tokamak there too.
1404.914 -> It is going revolving in the world.
1406.24 -> Will there be such spaceships?
1408.843 -> Will there be nuclear powered spaceships?
1411.621 -> Spaceship is already there, but there
is a fear, if it crashes somewhere,
1422.513 -> with nuclear material,
it is not good.
1425.16 -> This is a little nervousness.
1428.4 -> Otherwise, it will have
to be destroyed in space.
1431.08 -> Crash somewhere, as in,
if it crashes on the Earth.
1433.6 -> If there is a crash on Earth,
there will be no bomb.
1436.19 -> There will be a little
radioactivity spread across.
1439.04 -> But there are also ways
to destroy it from here.
1442.48 -> With missile.
1444.16 -> When it is not working properly,
it will not be able to come down.
1448.72 -> Okay.
1449.366 -> Power is so much that...
1452.281 -> experimental is done here.
1457.52 -> Wow. Okay.
1459.972 -> I won't ask more questions about that.
1461.861 -> But does nuclear
power have clean power?
1466.234 -> It doesn't have pollution.
1468.457 -> Pollution means...
one is pollution.
1472.92 -> Second is climate change.
1474.48 -> Yes.
1475.32 -> Why does climate change happen?
1476.52 -> When carbon dioxide is emitted,
1478.76 -> it goes up and sits there.
1480.72 -> The infrared that comes out from here
does not let it go out.
1484.76 -> And global warming starts.
1487.28 -> Because of fossil fuel,
we did not to all these,
1490.79 -> all advanced nations
have done this.
1493.04 -> They have more than 10 times
fossil fuel plants.
1498.64 -> The Earth has increased by one degree.
1502.16 -> -If you compare it to the 1800s.
1505.2 -> If it is more than two degrees, then
in the climate will ve very dangerous,
1510.32 -> glaciers will start to melt.
1513.12 -> So, we will have to stop by one
and a half degrees.
1516.72 -> To stop by one and a half degrees,
1519.565 -> we will have to leave
fossil fuel burning.
1521.994 -> Yes.
1523.24 -> Solar energy is good.
1525 -> There is no doubt in it.
1526.92 -> But it is intermittent.
1528.8 -> It comes sometimes, it goes sometimes.
1530.633 -> When the sun comes out,
you can make it.
1532.88 -> It is set, the sun is gone,
1535.76 -> it does not come out.
1537.24 -> So, to make it,
you have to make a battery.
1539.84 -> To make a battery, lithium
ion battery, you need it.
1545.515 -> Nuclear is the biggest thing.
1550.24 -> If we want to fight climate change,
1553.04 -> so, nuclear energy has
become an important option.
1557.16 -> The challenge in it is that
installation is expensive.
1560.72 -> And it takes alot of research
to make a good nuclear power plant.
1565.04 -> -Come again, what did you say?
-What is the challenge for nuclear power?
1568.977 -> The challenge is safety.
1570.564 -> We have full power to do it.
1573.675 -> There is so much experience these days.
1575.68 -> That it is very difficult to control it.
1579.323 -> So, nuclear power plants
are being set up in India?
1582.8 -> Yes, they are being set up now.
1585.04 -> Okay.
1585.88 -> But now, this government has given
a block order for a 700 MW plant.
1592.48 -> Even in this,
there are companies.
1596.72 -> If we make one reactor,
complicated equipment, to make one,
1603 -> we have to put an assembly line.
1606.32 -> If we give 10 orders,
we have to put an assembly line,
1609.328 -> and the cost will be reduced.
1611.685 -> Any product.
1613.76 -> This is the thing.
1615.56 -> This government has given
a block order for 10 plants.
1620.84 -> It is a good thing.
1622.4 -> It will increase.
1623.791 -> There are lots of aspiring
scientists watching you right now.
1627.36 -> What advice would you like to give them?
1629.88 -> See,
it is like this.
1634.36 -> Should tell you what
Swami Vivekananda said?
1638 -> Sure.
1639.04 -> Who said this 100 years back.
1642.2 -> And he said, the old theology
was that you are an atheist,
1651.2 -> if you don't believe in God.
1654.04 -> The new theology is
you are an atheist,
1658.6 -> if you don't believe in yourself.
1661.64 -> The first thing all young
fellows should have, self-belief.
1669.12 -> That has been my principle.
1671.68 -> I start with the present,
with the concept.
1677.505 -> There is nothing India cannot do.
1681.68 -> I belong to an institution bar.
What is the corollary of that?
1687.32 -> There is nothing Bar cannot do
within its area of specialization.
1694.4 -> What is the corollary of that?
1697.48 -> That is nothing I cannot do
in my area of competence.
1703.28 -> That is what the young
fellows should have, self-belief.
1708.88 -> There is nothing I cannot do
in my area of competence.
1717.08 -> Self-belief.
1718.8 -> Then you have optimism.
1722.481 -> Will it happen, what if this happens,
what if something goes wrong.
1727.681 -> Forget everything, forget.
1730.8 -> If you must do it,
you can do it.
1733.88 -> Optimism.
1736.15 -> Passion.
1738.15 -> Whatever you do,
do it with all your might.
1741.6 -> If you have done something incomplete,
you keep your hands here and there.
1747.6 -> What do you say?
1752.593 -> Self-belief.
Optimism and passion.
1755.847 -> That is what young people should have.
1757.44 -> R. Chidambaram sir,
that was today's podcast.
1763.04 -> I would like to say
that I liked talking to you,
1765.678 -> learning from you,
and whatever you did for the country,
1768.877 -> youth and generally,
1771.8 -> I think the full population
is very, very grateful.
1773.96 -> So thank you for everything
you've done for the country, sir.
1776.12 -> I salute people like you.
1777.363 -> -People like you are the real heroes.
-Thank you, thank you.
1779.871 -> And thank you for giving me an
opportunity to interact with you.
1783.36 -> It was a pleasure.
1785 -> Pleasure was ours, so thank you so much.
1787.84 -> So this was today's episode, friends.
1789.92 -> I really like these scientific episodes.
1792.44 -> Where we are celebrating
science and India.
1795.64 -> Please tell us how you want
more guests on the podcast.
1800.44 -> We have started
bringing a lot of scientists.
1802.88 -> Please keep following TRS English
and TRS Hindi on both the podcasts.
1806.6 -> Keep supporting us.
1808.36 -> Keep learning.
1809.88 -> Because of your knowledge,
we will take India forward together.
1814.68 -> Thank you to Chidambaram sir.
1816.68 -> Thank you to you, the viewer.
1818.24 -> And TRS and the whole
team will be back very soon.