Ziryab: The World's First Rock Star • Puppet History

Ziryab: The World's First Rock Star • Puppet History

Ziryab: The World's First Rock Star • Puppet History

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Watcher. A network from Steven Lim, Ryan Bergara, and Shane Madej.


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Created and hosted by Shane Madej
Featuring: Ryan Bergara, Zach Kornfeld
Writer: Garrett Werner
Research: Liz Pierce
Editor: Josh Richardson
Camera Operator/Sound Mixer: Matt Real
Motion Graphics Animators: Mike Fox, Julia Capuano
Graphic Artist: Crystal Cheng
Additional Music By: Patrick Volker
Production Coordinator: Brittney Lee
Creative Director of Post Production: Anthony Frederick
Head of Development: Katie LeBlanc
Production Manager: Nicole Beaudoin
Executive Producers: Steven Lim, Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara, Katie LeBlanc

Music Provided by Audio Network
SFX by Audioblocks
Logo Designed by Jennet Liaw
Logo Sound Design by Yuta Endo (@yuuutaendo)

Image Credits:
Men in the decorated palace of Shah Shujah Ool Moolk, Afghan. Coloured lithograph by R. Carrick after Lieutenant James Rattray, c. 1847. CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Jo Dusepo, Large-bodied Syrian oud with floating bridge (left) and Zenne oud (right). CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


0.19 -> [Music]
6.48 -> welcome one and all to puppet history
8.4 -> today we'll be taking an ever whining
10.16 -> look
10.559 -> at yet another chapter in the heavy
12.48 -> heavy book we call history while our
14.32 -> guests ruthlessly compete for the
16 -> covenant title of history master
18 -> i am obviously your beloved host the
20.24 -> professor
21.199 -> thank you brian bergara are you ready
24.96 -> yeah let's do it i'm feeling good about
26.72 -> this oh well that's a change
28.72 -> special guest zach cornfeld are you
31.679 -> ready i'm ready professor let's do this
34.64 -> then let's crack in
39.84 -> to begin zach and ryan tell me what's it
42.719 -> like to be an
43.76 -> influencer i really want to know
47.6 -> uh ryan what's it like i think i'm going
49.44 -> to let you take this one first
51.12 -> just because you're the guest and all
52.559 -> you know it's a it's a word that i'd say
55.039 -> we don't love
55.92 -> well i'll change it i'll change it hey
57.68 -> tell me what's it like to be
59.92 -> a celebrity i don't really consider
63.6 -> myself a celebrity i just consider
65.439 -> myself
66 -> someone who people recognize my stupid
68.32 -> face i do
69.2 -> disagree with that ryan we did go to
71.439 -> starbucks once and they said and what's
73.119 -> your name and you said
74.159 -> ryan bergara celebrity okay i actually
77.52 -> thought that was a
78.64 -> interaction that was happening in
79.92 -> confidence that would stay between the
81.439 -> two of us but i could see that there's
82.88 -> no boundaries with you
84 -> ryan what's that tattoo that you have on
85.6 -> your inner thigh is it okay
87.28 -> now i am mega celebo ryan bergara and it
90.32 -> kind of goes across the center so you
92.32 -> gotta really
94.32 -> now that we've started things off in a
95.68 -> nasty note i'll have you know professor
97.36 -> i'm gonna take a big piss in this cup
99.119 -> after this thing is done
101.2 -> oh my goodness all right oh my god so
103.68 -> that's what being a celebrity is like
105.28 -> huh
105.759 -> i mean you're the one who's gonna clean
107.119 -> it so yeah dude nah dude i'm just gonna
109.119 -> leave it
110 -> entering the howard hughes phase of
112.84 -> celebrity
114.24 -> i only ask because our subject today was
116.64 -> undoubtedly
117.52 -> an influencer style music food you name
120.24 -> it this fella influenced it
121.84 -> back in the 9th century and if you're
123.92 -> thinking sure i bet kings and rulers
126.24 -> back then had all kinds of influence
128.319 -> well bob
129.039 -> i've got news this was no king in fact
131.84 -> he was more or less
132.959 -> a servant today we're talking about
134.959 -> zyriab the beeper of iberia
137.36 -> syria syria i feel like i have the least
140.72 -> cool of the z
141.599 -> names like why couldn't i be ziri
143.44 -> obcornfell that's way dope oh i was
145.36 -> going to say zorn
146.959 -> yeah abu el hassan ali benatha
151.84 -> better known by the nickname of zyriab
153.92 -> made his way through life as a mola
156.48 -> mola is most often translated as client
159.28 -> but it's perhaps easiest to think of it
161.28 -> as a musical servant basically ziriyab
163.92 -> was a musician who relied on the
165.44 -> patronage of wealthy rulers
167.2 -> picture a royal court and some musicians
169.36 -> sitting off on the side ready to perform
171.2 -> for the whims of an emir or caliph at a
173.2 -> moment's notice one of those fellas
175.04 -> is ziriab i have a question uh if it
178 -> wasn't
178.64 -> a bad look to own uh musical slaves
182 -> would you guys have those that feels
184.64 -> like a loaded question professor
186.4 -> huh what do you mean a living dj
189.519 -> what about i would rather maybe just
191.599 -> spotify picture this
193.2 -> it's lunchtime you're gonna make a ham
194.879 -> sandwich and you say
196.4 -> dj it's lunchtime and then the dj goes
200.72 -> then it just goes off we don't know much
204.4 -> about ziriob's early life but we do know
206.799 -> he was born in the 780s
208.64 -> ce was probably black and was the son of
211.36 -> a man named
212.08 -> nafa who himself was likely also a mola
214.959 -> as well as a convert to islam
216.959 -> around the turn of the 9th century
218.72 -> ziriyab studied music in baghdad under
220.959 -> ishak l mosley who was the most
222.959 -> accomplished musician for the caliph
224.879 -> haroon al-rashid
226.239 -> legend has it that one day isaac was
228.239 -> performing for haroon when haroon wanted
230.319 -> to hear something
231.28 -> a little different haroon singled out
233.28 -> syria and told isak
234.879 -> to hand his instrument the ood over to
237.439 -> his young apprentice
240.08 -> a nude a sort of like a clarinet
243.439 -> b sort of like a loot or c sort of like
246.959 -> a harp
247.84 -> okay all right well by the way i'll give
249.92 -> you a bonus point
250.959 -> if you draw the instrument oh no now
253.439 -> you're throwing in extra stuff i'd
254.72 -> already put the pen back on my cap yeah
256.32 -> sorry dude
258 -> sorry dude shut up huh
261.84 -> a rotten jelly bean for the beef boy no
264 -> this one this is going to be cut out of
265.28 -> the episode so i think not sir
267.44 -> no it's going to be good no it'll be
269.199 -> here ryan what do you got i'm going to
270.72 -> go with c
271.68 -> harpo uh not oprah like harp check the
274.24 -> heart the instrument
275.199 -> zack what do you got look we're all
277.12 -> picturing the classic guy playing the
279.199 -> harp or playing the little guitar
280.96 -> i think that's a misdirection i'm going
283.36 -> a he's a sax man
289.04 -> points to neither of you damn it but uh
291.919 -> i'll give a point to zach because it's a
293.44 -> pretty drawing yay
295.12 -> oh there it is the food is a forefather
298.16 -> to the loot with a fretless neck
300.08 -> and a pear-shaped body most importantly
302.56 -> it was to zyria of what the upside-down
304.639 -> guitar was to jimi hendrix
306.56 -> when haroon told east hawk to let ziryab
308.8 -> take a turn on his ood
310.24 -> ziriyab asked if he could instead fetch
312.479 -> his own urg
313.52 -> as he had modified his instrument so it
315.919 -> could play his own custom songs
318.08 -> this was exactly the type of novelty
320.72 -> that harun was looking for and ziryab
323.12 -> songs delighted the caliph
325.759 -> after this performance what did esak
327.919 -> have to say to his young pupil
330.24 -> a the student has become the teacher
333.199 -> please
333.84 -> modify my ood and teach me your songs
336.88 -> b i've nothing left to teach time to
339.919 -> walk into the sea
341.52 -> or see if you don't get the hell out of
344 -> baghdad i will fully murder you
346.96 -> yeah fully murder you he's not cutting
349.759 -> corners
350.639 -> okay ryan what do you got i'm gonna go
353.12 -> with c
353.84 -> upstage me one more time you little
355.84 -> piece of and it'll be the last
357.36 -> thing you ever do
358.88 -> i'm going with b for bath time let's get
361.199 -> a little washer in the ocean
362.88 -> halftime okay a point for ryan
366.32 -> [Laughter]
368.319 -> paraphrasing a bit but yeah seeing his
370.4 -> role as a most influential musician
372.56 -> in serious jeopardy ishaq told zyriab to
375.199 -> hit the pricks or else
376.8 -> not liking the sound of that or else
378.96 -> syria chose the brits
380.8 -> after baghdad we lose track of xerion
382.8 -> first spell eventually probably around
384.8 -> 816
385.6 -> ce zyriab made his way to modern day
388 -> tunisia where the star wars are from
391.44 -> there he found patronage in the court of
393.28 -> ziadet allah in a mirror in the
395.12 -> yellalabia dynasty
396.72 -> that gig however would be short-lived
398.72 -> aziryab fell out of favor with his new
400.96 -> employer
402.16 -> why a he sang a song the emir found
405.44 -> insulting b he slept with the emir's
408.4 -> favorite concubine
409.759 -> or c he drunkenly slapped the amir's
412.639 -> court vizier
413.84 -> i'm really trying to help ryan win one
415.599 -> of these we all are
417.12 -> shooting from the hip over here there
418.72 -> ain't nothing you can do because uh
420.96 -> it's pretty determined it's not
422.16 -> predetermined we have a complex
424 -> victory algorithm anyways i put uh b for
426.88 -> banged where he shouldn't okay
428.639 -> zach b for boy rock stars
431.68 -> oh no the company inc points to no one
435.36 -> jesus christ
436.319 -> damn it around 821 ce zyriab sang a song
439.919 -> based on a poem
440.88 -> by the renowned hero poet ontario
443.36 -> ontario was half black
444.72 -> and ziadet allah who was himself of
447.039 -> mixed race
447.84 -> decided that zyria was insulting him he
450.56 -> ordered ziriyab to be hit on the nape of
452.8 -> the neck
453.52 -> warning the musician that if he was
454.96 -> still in africa in three days time
456.88 -> he would be beheaded it's very funny to
459.44 -> me that someone in an
460.96 -> order says something so specific
463.84 -> hit that man on the nape of his neck
466.96 -> give him a little spanking that he won't
468.72 -> forget nick his
470 -> clavicle for the second time now zyriab
472.879 -> was out of a job for offending someone
474.8 -> in this case however there was a
476.879 -> valuable lesson that syria couldn't have
479.199 -> failed to grasp
480.4 -> if you want a steady gig in this
481.84 -> industry above all else
483.52 -> make sure you always please your patron
485.919 -> i'm getting real uh
487.44 -> inside luellen davis vibes from this guy
489.599 -> i don't know that if i'm supposed to be
491.12 -> picturing oscar
492 -> isaac but good luck getting me to stop i
494.16 -> mean who can blame you that guy's a
495.919 ->
496.56 -> marble sculpture holy i thought his
498.8 -> character eric and ryza skywalker was
500.8 -> pretty weak but yeah i think he's
502.08 -> otherwise man
503.039 -> i would say the whole film came out a
504.72 -> little gooey and runny
506.319 -> that's a nice way to describe dog
513.519 -> because i hate that movie man
515.599 -> it's so bad
517.279 -> okay moving along oh did someone say
521.599 -> why oh it's a beast of chevaton no i i
524.72 -> didn't say wine why
526 -> why i think you mean why not
530.48 -> ah okay i'm here today to talk about
532.64 -> bright cellars what's that jeff
534.399 -> well it's a wine company that lets you
536 -> take a heavy little quiz to figure out
537.519 -> the wine
538.24 -> for you but i mostly eat jelly beans and
540.48 -> spiders i don't know anything about wine
542.64 -> you don't need to the questions are
545.04 -> simple like
545.68 -> hey what's your favorite kind of
546.8 -> chocolate ah dark
549.04 -> boom you are one step closer to your
551.44 -> perfect wine oh baby that's a breeze
553.76 -> answer a few more of those and you'll
555.04 -> get six custom picked wines along with
556.959 -> wine education cards telling you where
558.72 -> it's from
559.36 -> what temperature to serve it at and what
561.279 -> to pair it with and if you don't like
563.12 -> one of your wines
564 -> bright cellars delight guarantee means
566.24 -> they'll replace the bottle with your
567.68 -> next box
568.64 -> hey uh i almost hesitate to ask but what
570.959 -> are you pairing your wine with these
572.48 -> days
572.88 -> huh oh no no i don't need peasants
576.16 -> anymore
577.279 -> i'm vegan now so a lot of eggplants and
579.76 -> stuff but in my box i got a delicious
581.76 -> rising tail cabernet sauvignon that i
584 -> paired with cheese and pinatas just like
585.92 -> the card said
586.8 -> and it was heaven babe oh wow anyway if
589.68 -> you use the link in the video
590.64 -> description below you'll receive a
592.32 -> whopping fifty percent off your first
594.32 -> six
594.72 -> bottles that's a lot yeah well thanks
597.44 -> again to bright sellers i'm off to prowl
599.6 -> some french pastures
603.44 -> uh what a guy anyway where were we oh
606.079 -> yes
607.519 -> ziriyab moved farther west in the
609.279 -> mediterranean setting sail for the
611.12 -> iberian peninsula
612.72 -> since the early 8th century most of
614.8 -> present-day spain and portugal
616.56 -> a region then known as al-andalus had
619.04 -> been ruled by the islamic umayyads
621.44 -> ziryab set his sights on becoming the
623.2 -> client of the empire's leader
624.8 -> the umayyad emir al-haqam the first in
627.36 -> cordoba
628.24 -> when zyriab arrived in modern-day
630 -> al-jasiras on the southern tip of spain
631.92 -> in 822 ce
633.6 -> he received some bad news about his plan
637.2 -> uh-oh what happened hey the emir had
640.8 -> banned all music in cordoba
643.279 -> b the emir was dead or c
646.32 -> ethek his old teacher had already taken
648.88 -> the job he was hoping to get
650.56 -> oh man i want it to be footloose
653.92 -> because then we could have kevin bacon
655.279 -> graphics
655.97 -> [Music]
658.079 -> oh bacon that sounds delicious
661.44 -> okay anyways i'm gonna go with c
664.72 -> remember me i want the saga to continue
667.6 -> i also went see revenge of the sith
669.839 -> nice i love it i love it all right let's
672.32 -> find out
673.36 -> i think it's just fun to have a
674.399 -> character return you know i do too
676.399 -> i hope you're right i hope we're both
677.6 -> right i hope you get some jelly beans
679.04 -> ryan you deserve a couple
680.64 -> it ain't gonna matter how many i have
681.839 -> i'll tell you it's a complex algorithm
683.839 -> not a well-insulated curtain no it's not
688.16 -> smell that undilution air yes sir forget
690.8 -> the fact that i've been literally chased
692.16 -> out of two jobs already
693.2 -> my lucky ship's about to come in just as
695.279 -> soon as i get to the court of amir
697.04 -> al-haqam and show him how musical i am
700.72 -> pardon me did you say you're hoping to
702.48 -> be a client of a mere
703.76 -> al-haqam kind friend yes i am what's
706.32 -> your name
707.04 -> i'm almansoor and i'm afraid your plan's
709.68 -> not gonna work
710.639 -> a mirror how come he did oh i mean
714.079 -> rick very sad but now what am i gonna do
716.72 -> well
717.2 -> don't fret oh i thought you were gonna
720.88 -> say more there it was a joke
722.72 -> since the ooh doesn't have any frets
725.76 -> anyway the new amir also loves music in
728.48 -> fact i'm one of his musicians
730.639 -> come with me and i'll introduce you did
732.8 -> i call it or what this dang town is
734.8 -> where i'm meant to be
737.279 -> i should have known when i picked the
738.399 -> same answer as ryan yeah
740.32 -> you should think of me as your true
741.519 -> south
743.839 -> wow it was like i was transported into
746.32 -> another time
747.2 -> uh points to no one ziriob's bad news
749.92 -> turned out to be good news
751.44 -> by may 822 ce zyriab was received by the
754.959 -> emir with according to one account
756.959 -> more than open arms before ziriyab even
759.68 -> got to cordoba the emir sent to eunuch
761.92 -> to meet him with mules and food for his
764.079 -> whole family
764.959 -> that's right ziryab was a wandering
767.04 -> musician with
768.079 -> mouths to feed this far into the story
769.92 -> it's the first time we hear of your
771.2 -> family tale as old as time you you want
773.519 -> to create that barrier between your
775.36 -> onstage persona
776.959 -> and your rockstar you don't hear about
778.48 -> david bowie raising a little kid
780.48 -> right you know that he had one but
782.079 -> that's not what it's about he's the myth
783.76 -> he's the legend he's zeriob
785.6 -> just wish i wanted new more that's it
787.12 -> yeah i wish you knew more too
790 -> young was shown to a mansion where
792.16 -> anything he or his family wanted was at
794.959 -> their beck and call
796.24 -> three days later zyria met with the emir
798.639 -> abdal rahman
799.76 -> and apparently made quite the impression
802.16 -> al-rahman immediately gave him a
804.079 -> sizeable salary and according to one
806.16 -> report would listen to no other singers
808.72 -> in his court
809.76 -> this was like you indoja cat yeah say so
812.32 -> still slapped oh see i knew it
814.079 -> still a banger i listen i listen to it
816.48 -> all the time don't you get this don't
818.16 -> you cat that
819.68 -> this was only the start of abdal
821.36 -> rahman's obsession with his favorite
823.44 -> musician
824.399 -> apart from his salary the sultan gave
826.24 -> zyrio multiple houses and considerable
828.72 -> land holdings
829.6 -> he even gave salaries to ziryab's sons
832.079 -> to ensure they wouldn't take away from
833.76 -> what he felt ziriyab deserved
835.839 -> syria was invited to the emir's parties
837.92 -> and drank the amir's palm wine
839.68 -> the emir eventually even had a secret
842.32 -> door installed so ziriob could enter his
844.399 -> room without anyone knowing
846.32 -> oh they're so they're they're
849.36 ->
849.76 -> let's they could just be really good
852.72 -> friends that wanted private time maybe
854.16 -> they were
854.639 -> showing each other their baseball card
856.16 -> collection or something like that well
857.6 -> they were showing each other some
859.12 -> ball collection
862.24 -> not your best work i don't mean to be
864 -> crude here but how big was the secret
866 -> door
866.56 -> oh no ryan was it um like circular maybe
870.399 -> oh no ryan
875.199 -> with all this attention being paid to
877.279 -> zyriab it's only reasonable to wonder
879.76 -> could he deliver the goods well ziriyab
882.639 -> is said to have memorized
884.079 -> ten thousand songs these apart from all
887.04 -> the songs he came up with himself
889.04 -> whoa that's more songs that were on my
891.68 -> ipod shuffle
892.8 -> this is strange to imagine this man as
895.04 -> essentially
895.92 -> a human ipod that's a fun graphic
898.079 -> someone's gonna have to make
900.72 -> and it wasn't just new songs he created
903.04 -> he's credited with inventing an entirely
905.76 -> new form of music
907.18 -> [Music]
908.8 -> the nova is a suite of songs all
911.04 -> appearing independent
912.399 -> but actually related to one another
914.399 -> through a shared theme
916.24 -> one nova might take anywhere from five
918.399 -> to nine hours to perform
920.32 -> this dude is starting to sound like the
921.839 -> peter jackson of music it's like alright
924.079 -> we don't need three movies of this just
926.24 -> just give us one that's actually good
928.32 -> cut that run time down look they were
930.399 -> figuring it out
931.519 -> you know you start with the big old
934.16 -> chunk of something and then you whittle
935.68 -> it down until it becomes doja cat
939.12 -> this is history zyriab also added a
941.6 -> fifth string to the u
942.88 -> which was colored red and was meant to
944.72 -> influence the listener's soul
946.56 -> some report he even changed the
948.079 -> materials used in the ood
949.759 -> using wolf guts for the lower strings
951.759 -> and an eagle talon as a pick
954 -> dude that's metal as jamming on
956.8 -> wolf cuts
957.6 -> theatricality i love this it's kind of
960.24 -> like a trolls world tour
961.839 -> it's exactly like trolls world tour now
965.12 -> when ziriov was performing his nine hour
967.36 -> long compositions he wasn't sweating it
969.44 -> out up there alone
970.639 -> al-rahman's court featured 12 male
972.8 -> musicians including
974.24 -> al mansour and at least 38 female slave
977.759 -> singers
978.32 -> these women would perform for the royal
980.079 -> court from behind a curtain where they
981.6 -> could be heard but not seen when men
983.519 -> were present
984.24 -> this is like a mike pence situation
986 -> mother what nine-hour song would you
988.16 -> like to hear
992.72 -> two of these women in particular gizlan
994.88 -> and were critical to zyriob's success
998 -> why a musical notation wasn't invented
1000.8 -> yet
1001.199 -> so they memorized his songs as he wrote
1003.36 -> them while in a drunken stupor
1005.759 -> b they had vocal ranges that went
1007.839 -> unmatched for centuries
1010.079 -> or c they would poison any rival
1012.56 -> musicians who came to court
1014.639 -> uh ryan i just think they had uh bees
1016.88 -> and bitching pipes
1018.079 -> i hate agreeing with you ryan the
1020.959 -> fact that we know their names i think
1022.72 -> it's a dream girls situation
1024.559 -> why don't we find out through the magic
1027.439 -> of theater
1028.88 -> i'll be your dream girls
1033.579 -> [Music]
1036.839 -> skeptics
1040.319 -> come in here oh jesus christ yes what do
1043.199 -> you want zeriab
1044.16 -> a new song a new song his version has
1046.079 -> once again visited me during my slumbers
1048.48 -> okay all right your breath smells rank
1050.32 -> dude how much palm wine did you drink
1052 -> quick write this song down do what now
1053.919 -> oh right not invented yet okay memorize
1056.08 -> this
1056.559 -> scat scat scap do swap pop
1059.84 -> scrap scrub scan sway bump got it wait
1062.32 -> one more time for me
1063.44 -> scap scaps cap do sway it really just
1066.32 -> really hit that
1067.2 -> bump we'll hit the bump we got it go
1069.44 -> back to sleep
1070.24 -> okay good cause i'm not gonna remember
1071.679 -> that in the morning you never do
1075.76 -> classic classic he's uh indulging on the
1077.919 -> muses so to speak
1079.2 -> i get it okay well points to no one
1083.2 -> again look i love giving out these jelly
1085.039 -> beans but you guys are making it tough
1086.24 -> yeah i guess he didn't have voice memos
1088 -> or siri or anything like that yeah what
1089.679 -> a godsend
1090.4 -> i think i've gotten absolutely none of
1092.559 -> these right
1093.76 -> and yet somehow i got a feeling you're
1096.48 -> looking pretty good for the finish line
1098.08 -> here
1098.4 -> ryan i'm just here to learn you know
1099.6 -> it's not about who wins and who loses
1101.679 -> i just i love history man what a show of
1104 -> humility a jelly bean for zach
1106.84 -> yeah apparently inspiration came to
1109.84 -> ziryab while he slept off whatever he'd
1111.679 -> gotten up to the previous night
1113.36 -> gizlan and huneda also known as ziryab's
1116.16 -> song holders
1117.2 -> would memorize his drunken ramblings
1119.28 -> then go back to the other slave singers
1121.28 -> and teach them the song
1122.96 -> when ziriab awoke the next morning
1124.799 -> gizlan and huneda
1126.08 -> would play and sing for him his own song
1128.72 -> which he would then memorize
1130.559 -> all because there wasn't yet such a
1132.4 -> thing as musical notation
1134.4 -> while zyriab is the name remembered in
1136.16 -> history gizlan and huneda truly were the
1139.2 -> unsung heroes of his career now i
1142.32 -> mentioned up top that zyriab was an
1144.24 -> influencer and as any hairy styles will
1146.559 -> tell you it takes more than just some
1148.24 -> musical clout to achieve those hallowed
1150.16 -> ranks
1150.64 -> it takes style it takes charisma it
1153.2 -> takes an underwhelming role in dunkirk
1155.76 -> and ziryab had two of those things in
1158 -> spades what do you have against harry
1159.76 -> styles
1160.32 -> nothing i said he had style and charisma
1162.88 -> and an underwhelming performance in
1164.72 -> dunkirk no an underwhelming role
1166.88 -> in dunkirk the role was underwhelming he
1169.12 -> wanted more of harry
1170.48 -> give me more harry name and aspect of
1173.52 -> cordoba and life
1174.48 -> and ziriob impacted it fashion well
1177.12 -> before
1177.6 -> ziriov everyone would switch from summer
1179.679 -> to winter wardrobes on special days of
1181.84 -> the year
1182.48 -> but it was ziriov who started the trend
1184.64 -> of gradually changing clothes
1186.32 -> over the course of the year wearing
1188.16 -> lighter silks in the spring and more
1189.84 -> colorful
1190.48 -> heavier clothes as the mornings got
1192.24 -> colder toward the end of summer
1194.08 -> you goddamn iconic class zaryava love it
1196.96 -> this guy's like kanye west oh you don't
1198.64 -> think that's a big deal
1199.84 -> well i'm just getting started ziriov was
1202.24 -> learning in astronomy
1203.679 -> geography history poetry and basically
1206.64 -> everything else
1207.36 -> he introduced more effective underarm
1209.2 -> deodorants to cordoba
1210.799 -> why he even got folks to start drinking
1213.039 -> out of glasses instead of metal cups
1215.28 -> apparently xerion's hairstyle was so
1217.679 -> damn cute
1218.799 -> everyone made their servants slaves and
1220.96 -> eunuchs adopted
1222.32 -> that is so demeaning they're not
1225.6 -> a poodle
1226.72 -> my god it was cut straight across the
1229.44 -> forehead
1230.32 -> just above the eyebrows and then it was
1232.48 -> tucked back behind the ears
1234.799 -> and uh it sort of flowed at the temples
1237.36 -> i'm having a hard time picturing it
1238.799 -> that's okay i guess i have to wait till
1240.559 -> the episode comes out yeah you'll have
1241.679 -> to wait
1242.24 -> i'm just kidding i don't watch this show
1243.679 -> i know i know you don't
1245.76 -> zerob introduced sleeping on leather
1247.52 -> beds and eating from leather placemats
1249.52 -> why he even got people hooked on trendy
1251.84 -> new vegetables
1252.88 -> particularly asparage what's that
1256.96 -> what is us farage this is an open-ended
1260.799 -> question but i bet you can get there
1262.64 -> come on try your best
1263.919 -> is this like a vegetable that we know or
1265.76 -> am i like what kind of veggies know it
1267.28 -> well
1267.679 -> we know it oh well then i gotta
1269.76 -> change my answer
1271.039 -> did you put down a vegetable you don't
1272.799 -> know about well i put a vegetable family
1276.159 -> oh okay all right ryan uh a kind of like
1278.799 -> asparagus he's an influencer the
1280.96 -> asparagus makes your p smell funny i
1282.96 -> think people would think that's novel
1284.48 -> zach would you put give me the beat boys
1286.72 -> i'm trying to keep it in the musical
1288.159 -> family
1288.88 -> love your enthusiasm zack but a point
1291.28 -> for ryan
1292.64 -> yes xeriob didn't change the smell of
1294.559 -> iberia with just deodorant
1297.039 -> no one in cordoba ate asparagus until
1299.44 -> ziriobs started munching on it he really
1301.52 -> impacted every corner of society
1304.159 -> man that town must have been smelly as
1306 -> as happens when someone gets very
1308.4 -> popular
1309.039 -> very quickly ziryab had his share of fun
1311.679 -> poked at him while he was
1312.88 -> revolutionizing life as cordobans knew
1314.88 -> it hater's gonna hate
1316.159 -> a renowned local poet and frequent
1318 -> companion of the emir would regularly
1319.84 -> poke good-hearted fun at syria
1321.84 -> ziriyab however eventually got upset at
1324 -> how many jokes he was the butt of
1325.679 -> and complained to his pal and patron the
1327.84 -> emir
1329.12 -> what happened next a the emir forced the
1331.919 -> poet to eat a dolphin raw
1333.6 -> and in its entirety b the poet was
1336.159 -> thrown in prison with a sentence to last
1338.24 -> quote
1338.72 -> however long xerib wants you to stay in
1340.64 -> there or see
1342.08 -> the emir so enjoyed seeing someone get
1344.4 -> under zeriab skin
1345.52 -> that he commissioned the world's first
1347.12 -> book of jokes titled anzeri of smell
1349.76 -> and other lampoons okay let's go with
1352.88 -> uh b time to go to jail and zach i'm
1356.159 -> going
1356.88 -> hey it's dolphin time i just can't
1360.48 -> eating a dolphin is such a perplexing
1363.6 -> answer that i want that to be true
1366.799 -> if it's not the answer i need to have us
1369.36 -> talk with you after this to find out
1371.12 -> what's going on in your brain that you
1372.72 -> came up with that
1373.679 -> i don't encourage our viewers to eat
1376.559 -> dolphins
1377.44 -> uh do as i say not as i do
1380.96 -> point to ryan yes the emir tossed the
1384.32 -> poet in the clink until zeriyov and
1386.24 -> zeriya malone said to let him out which
1388.4 -> was
1388.799 -> apparently a while eventually one of the
1391.76 -> amir's viziers visited ziriyab and
1394.159 -> asked him to get over it zuriov finally
1396.72 -> allowed the poet to be released
1398.48 -> land holdings and salaries may be nice
1400.88 -> but ziriob remember
1402.159 -> basically just a musical servant had
1404.4 -> managed to earn the power to imprison
1406.64 -> anyone who crossed him wow can you guys
1409.44 -> imagine if like uh
1410.72 -> adele had the power to send you to
1412.64 -> prison on a whim
1414.08 -> i feel like she does oh god because of
1417.039 -> syria's musical feats his profound
1419.2 -> influence on andalusian culture
1421.12 -> and his sometimes questionable
1422.72 -> interpersonal conduct it's not much of a
1424.64 -> stretch to call him the world's first
1426.72 -> rock star
1428 -> questions surround how much of xeriob's
1429.919 -> biography is real and what parts may
1431.919 -> have been aggrandized
1433.039 -> biographies about the man are largely
1434.96 -> based on another lost and extremely
1437.039 -> flattering bio
1438.24 -> thought to have been written by one of
1439.6 -> his descendants any mythologizing
1441.6 -> however
1442.159 -> fits the image of a rock star or any
1444.08 -> celebrity perfectly
1445.6 -> they're larger than life and we like it
1447.36 -> that way look at the lives of those we
1449.36 -> follow online
1450.159 -> those who define our culture today do we
1452.72 -> believe
1453.2 -> these lives on instagram are 100 real or
1456.159 -> do we buy
1456.88 -> into the exaggerations sure we like to
1459.2 -> pretend richard gere has an affinity for
1461.2 -> gerbils and ellen degeneres cares about
1463.2 -> other people
1463.84 -> because that's part of the fun no matter
1465.84 -> how much of xeriops life you take at
1467.76 -> face value
1468.64 -> what can't be denied is that zyria made
1471.039 -> a lasting mark
1472 -> he was an influencer i love it i i
1475.76 -> can't believe it's taking me this long
1477.12 -> in life to learn about the world's first
1479.039 -> rock star the dude's awesome
1480.72 -> he had some questionable personality
1482.4 -> traits but
1484 -> rock stars are like that thus concludes
1486.559 -> our history lesson
1487.679 -> i'm going to go tally the scores to see
1489.6 -> who receives the covenant cup
1491.36 -> the title of history master while i do
1493.76 -> that please enjoy this special
1495.36 -> performance
1496.159 -> from zeriob's ood with a special song he
1499.2 -> allegedly wrote
1500.24 -> based on a dream he had while in a
1502.4 -> drunken stupor
1503.6 -> oh boy good luck you know ryan no matter
1506.159 -> whatever happens first of all i feel
1507.6 -> great about your chances but i'm just
1509.12 -> thrilled that we got to learn about
1510.32 -> history together
1511.2 -> really nice to hang out with you buddy i
1512.48 -> wish i could share that sentiment
1514 -> because
1515.279 -> frankly i'm trapped here so really i'm
1517.84 -> just destined to lose forever
1519.87 -> [Music]
1525.52 -> this is an obvious love song i've
1527.12 -> written using the zeriove method
1528.88 -> i dreamt of the lyrics i woke up and i
1531.52 -> screamed at them at some women so
1533.12 -> without further ado
1534.32 -> it's a perfect song well i spent a
1537.279 -> sunday shopping with my friend the lion
1539.12 -> tamer even though she snogged
1548.22 -> [Music]
1557.62 -> [Music]
1565.52 -> i drank some wine and fell asleep and
1567.12 -> when i woke i realized my brilliant
1568.96 -> brain it dreamt up
1569.84 -> all the words are you following alone
1574.88 -> a birthday party magellan's uncle was a
1578.4 -> senator from gary indiana named elroy
1581.2 -> squirt the third
1582.96 -> he was confused about his nephew being
1584.96 -> turned into a spider so he asked what
1587.12 -> had a curse
1588.72 -> tried to reply but got distracted when
1590.64 -> the lion tamer put a tongue in hell boys
1592.96 -> left most here
1594.72 -> thank the lord me dear old man when at
1596.4 -> the party fathers baby because she
1598 -> totally
1598.64 -> shed our tears play those lips fuzz man
1602.559 -> it's a good song all the best songs
1605.12 -> you've probably ever heard
1607.039 -> i love this solo almost as much as the
1609.279 -> professor
1610.08 -> how much sense this song makes
1613.52 -> i said a ding dang dong this is the
1615.52 -> greatest love song your preachers have
1617.36 -> truly ever heard
1619.52 -> have you ever been regaled with as
1621.2 -> romantic as that of
1623.12 -> royce square the third
1628.69 -> [Music]
1633.12 -> a perfectly good song that was uh that
1636.72 -> was
1637.36 -> wow wow wow wow wow
1640.72 -> what an odd performance and maybe a good
1642.96 -> case for writing songs
1644.399 -> while conscious anyway our team crunched
1646.799 -> the numbers and our complex victory
1648.88 -> algorithm
1649.6 -> has declared that this week's history
1651.679 -> master is
1659.679 -> well another one to add to the docket
1662.24 -> what's that your ledger just gets redder
1664 -> and redder as the day goes
1665.44 -> you watch yourself this sounds like
1667.279 -> libel does it
1668.96 -> yeah i can get litigious you piece of
1671.76 ->
1673.76 -> oh my god wow wow you guys
1676.799 -> thank you a trophy and oh my god ryan
1679.76 -> look at this you get all this
1681.36 -> professor merch dude have you never
1683.2 -> gotten one of these no
1684.799 -> well he's trying his best to put this
1686.72 -> pin next to a pin of myself we can be
1688.32 -> little buddies
1689.76 -> little pals zach thank you so much for
1692.559 -> being here ryan thanks for trying
1694.399 -> everybody else thank you for watching
1695.76 -> puppet history where the details are
1697.44 -> always a little
1698.399 -> fuzzy we'll see you next time everybody
1711.26 -> [Music]
1715.12 -> elroy sweat the third

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRnwDuN2y_c