How to use the Elements Panel

How to use the Elements Panel

How to use the Elements Panel

Discover the full potential of Codux’s Elements Panel in this quick, practical walkthrough.

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0 -> in this video we're going to learn how to manage  our components and navigate around the elements  
4.14 -> panel we'll learn how we can restructure our  components add new elements to those components  
8.94 -> and even create new components we're going to  start off in Codux with this music application  
13.38 -> where if we start to interact around we see that  we have some Dynamic States but ultimately what  
17.82 -> we want to do is manage the components inside  of this project and even add some new ones if  
22.44 -> I navigate back to the Home tab I can see all  the different components I have available in  
26.1 -> this project including the album which if I click  and navigate through I can see a preview of that  
32.1 -> particular component this particular view is  going to be our board view where if I go ahead  
36.6 -> and select this album board I can see I get some  new options including the properties where I can  
42.48 -> start to change things like props including if I  wanted to update the artist name to something like  
46.68 -> Colby Fayock we can see it immediately update for  this particular preview now if I wanted to edit  
52.38 -> the component itself I can head up to my elements  panel and I can select the edit component option  
58.08 -> where I can see all the different elements that  compose this particular component including what  
63.06 -> seems to be a card component that wraps all the  children that are available inside including a  
68.82 -> title artist and conditionally an image now say  for instance I want to start to edit some of  
73.8 -> the styles of this component and in particular I  want to edit the drop shadow and replace it with  
77.94 -> a border if I head up to this preview option  I can see that a little bit more clearly but  
82.74 -> instead of actually editing this component it  looks like I need to edit the card component so  
87.18 -> what I'm going to do is select the edit button of  the card component where if I select the root div  
92.1 -> in the elements panel I can start to see all the  properties associated with that particular div  
96.66 -> wrapper including going to the Styles panel where  I can change any style I want but once I'm done I  
101.94 -> can see that I'm pretty happy with how this looks  for this single view but I want to look at it  
105.6 -> compared to the rest of the album so if I navigate  back up to the app tab I can see exactly how that  
110.64 -> looks with all of the different albums in place  now heading back to the album tab what if I wanted  
115.38 -> to switch up how some of these elements are placed  inside of this component such as what if I wanted  
119.76 -> to to move the artist Above the actual album title  switching back to select mode we can see that as  
125.28 -> I'm hovering over all these elements I get boxes  that show what elements are that I can select if  
131.04 -> I go ahead and select the title we can see that  as I open up the different panels I get all the  
135.48 -> options pertaining to that title but what I want  to do is move this below the artist name so I'm  
140.46 -> going to Simply drag this below and we can see  that we get that blue bar there that designates  
144.66 -> where I'm going to drop it and once I drop it we  can see that I now have it underneath the artist  
149.4 -> name now I think I actually prefer the title above  the artist name so I'm going to hit command Z and  
154.5 -> just undo that change now if we start to look  inside the elements panel at all the different  
158.16 -> elements available we see we have some special  items including the children condition we even  
163.86 -> get something called an expression starting with  condition this is going to give us the ability to  
168.48 -> show something whether it's true or false where  in our example here we're going to dynamically  
173.22 -> show this music icon based off of this something  is playing we can see that this currently isn't  
178.38 -> showing meaning it's currently false meaning  it's not rendering anything to the page if we  
183.6 -> navigate up to the album board we can start to  look at the properties where if we set this is  
188.4 -> playing Boolean to true we can now see that music  note that's because our condition now sees that  
193.98 -> as true so it's rendering the content based off  of that condition if we want to see exactly how  
199.38 -> that works we can right click the element inside  of our elements panel and select view code where  
204.54 -> we can see exactly what's making this display  where in this case it's the is playing property  
210.36 -> that's defined on the component as another similar  example I can head back up to the app tab where  
215.46 -> inside of my player what if I wanted to turn this  into a new component inside of my project home I'm  
220.74 -> going to go ahead and select new component where  I can Define what I want this new component to be  
225.3 -> called such as now playing where I'm going to go  ahead and click create Kodak scaffold my component  
230.58 -> complete with some example text as well as a  board that I can use to configure how I preview  
235.44 -> this particular component now to start to try to  recreate my now playing component the first thing  
240.48 -> I want to do is add some text so I'm going to go  back to the elements panel I'm going to select add  
244.74 -> elements where I'm going to look for the paragraph  tag where once I find that I'm going to drag that  
249.66 -> right into my div root but now we probably don't  need this other text nodes I'm going to go ahead  
254.28 -> and right click it and I'm going to click delete  element I'm also going to update the text inside  
258.6 -> of my paragraph just to something simple such  as artist name just so that we have an idea of  
264.72 -> where we're starting from one of the nice things  with kodux is not only do we get access to all the  
269.1 -> basic elements we can also configure external  libraries where I configured a few react icons  
274.8 -> where I can now take my headphones and drag that  right into my component so not only can I drag  
280.26 -> around things on the stage I can head over to my  elements panel and drag those headphones into the  
285.06 -> paragraph tag there now I want to make sure that  this looks good so what I'm going to do is Select  
289.14 -> my paragraph tag and head over to the Styles  panel where I need to create a new class I'm  
293.88 -> going to go ahead and click create or apply new  class I'm going to call this playing I'm going  
298.5 -> to create that class where now once I create it  I have access to add any styles that I want now I  
304.44 -> went ahead and added the styling needed but let's  start to think about how we can actually make this  
308.46 -> Dynamic now as we saw before if we right click  this element and click view code we can see that  
313.92 -> code right inside of Codux but if I instead want  to actually edit this inside of VSCode I can right  
319.38 -> click that and click open in VSCode this will  open the right file in the right location that  
324.54 -> I need to have extra flexibility for being able to  work with the actual code inside of my natural IDE  
330.06 -> environment so we know that we need to add some  Dynamic data to this so we can head back up to our  
335.22 -> props where the first thing I'm going to do is add  Maya artist which I'm going to make a string but  
340.02 -> then we also have our title which is similarly  going to be a string I'm going to then add my  
344.7 -> artist and title props and to make sure that  we're reproducing this component the same as the  
349.92 -> original code we can see that we had the artist  hyphen title so I'm going to do the same and set  
354.84 -> up my artist hyphen title now if we head back to  the component we can see that we no longer have  
359.76 -> had that text in the preview but as we know before  we can head back up to our board where we now have  
365.28 -> access to the board elements where if we start  to modify the properties we can set an artist  
369.9 -> of Colby Fayock we can add a title of super cool  album where we now have that preview available  
377.22 -> whenever we're editing that component now to  actually add this to my project I'm going to head  
381.9 -> back over to the app tab where I'm going to select  add elements I'm going to go to Project Library  
386.46 -> components where I can see all the components that  I have available or I can alternatively search  
391.32 -> for now playing where I find my component and I  can now drag that into the app now if we want to  
397.44 -> start to set some values for that if we head over  to the properties panel we can see that we can  
401.22 -> start to set some of these props to see what they  look like so if we start to set the artist we use  
405.3 -> Colby Fayock again if we use a title of cool album  mix we can see that it starts to pop up now as we  
412.86 -> probably realized we don't want these to be static  values we want them to be based off the state so  
416.58 -> if we see this little code icon when we hover over  the prop we can click kit and it pops it up right  
421.44 -> inside of Codux where we can start to grab our  original values of the playing the artist and I  
426.18 -> can go ahead and replace that I can also replace  my playing dot title and we can see that they  
431.22 -> start to pop up now the only issue is this isn't  currently utilizing the conditional statement in  
436.44 -> order to only show if it's playing so what I'm  going to do is first get rid of the old component  
440.94 -> and then I'm going to replace it with the new now  playing component we can see that it doesn't show  
445.92 -> but if I start to open up the interactive mode and  click on an album we can see that it's playing but  
450.96 -> with just a few clicks we were able to see how we  were able to easily manage our existing component  
455.34 -> and even add new components right inside of  the Codux editor Codux brings some powerful  
460.2 -> ways for how we can visually edit and manage our  components right inside of a UI if you haven't  
465.6 -> yet tried out Codux make sure you head over to  the Codux website and try it for free and if you  
469.98 -> like this video make sure you hit Thumbs Up And  subscribe for more Codux tutorials tips and tricks
