Cancel your 4K Netflix NOW - Nvidia Shield TV Review

Cancel your 4K Netflix NOW - Nvidia Shield TV Review

Cancel your 4K Netflix NOW - Nvidia Shield TV Review

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The new NVIDIA Shield TV’s shipped with a new feature NVIDIA calls “AI Upscaling”, promising to make upscaled content look close to the upscaled native resolution… but is it just another AI gimmick? Let’s find out.

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LMG Clips:
Channel Super Fun:
Carpool Critics:

Title: Laszlo - Supernova
Video Link:    • [Electro] - Laszl…  
iTunes Download Link:
Artist Link:

Outro Screen Music Credit: Approaching Nirvana - Sugar High    / approachingnirvana  

Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0


0.08 -> chances are you're spending a good
1.36 -> amount of your time indoors and based on
3.439 -> the fact that both youtube and netflix
5.68 -> had to cut their stream quality to keep
7.44 -> up with demand it seems like a lot of
9.76 -> that time is being spent watching videos
11.84 -> online
12.96 -> like
14 -> right
14.92 -> now given that then it seems like now is
18.4 -> a perfect time to investigate nvidia's
20.88 -> claims about last year's new shield tv
24.88 -> because it has an awesome feature called
27.119 -> ai upscaling which nvidia claims can
29.92 -> take lower quality content let's say
32.399 -> 1080p and with the power of machine
34.559 -> learning upscale said content to look
37.36 -> like native 4k
39.68 -> sounds like a load of horse to me but
42.32 -> jake assures me that it's actually
44.96 -> really really cool so
47.28 -> let's proceed
50.079 -> with this segue to our sponsor honey is
53.199 -> a free web browser extension that will
55.12 -> find you the best promo codes in the
57.44 -> checkout on shopping websites like
59.039 -> amazon ebay and more get it today at
61.359 -> ltt it's free
73.04 -> both the shield tv and shield tv pro
75.6 -> feature nvidia's updated tiger x1 plus
78.24 -> 16 nanometer processor a fully fledged
80.96 -> android tv experience and support for 4k
84.159 -> hdr video across basically every
86.479 -> platform you can imagine along with cec
88.88 -> control on supported devices meaning
90.72 -> that you can use your tv remote to
92.479 -> control it
93.6 -> and other than looks the only difference
96.4 -> between the two of them is their ram and
98.88 -> storage configs along with support for
101.04 -> running a plex media server which is
102.88 -> kind of like your own self-hosted
104.479 -> private netflix and support for nvidia
107.119 -> share for capturing gameplay and
108.799 -> streaming to twitch
110.24 -> it's also worth noting that the
111.52 -> decreased ram on the base model shield
113.84 -> means that it's unable to play some of
115.84 -> the aaa games which were ported over to
118 -> android which nvidia had dubbed advanced
120.56 -> android gaming or as i call it
123.439 -> on the subject of gaming you might have
124.96 -> noticed the lack of a shield game
126.96 -> controller and the seemingly downgraded
130.479 -> specs
131.599 -> the biggest reason for it seems to be
133.44 -> that this time around nvidia is back to
136.16 -> pushing the android tv aspect of the
138.56 -> shield hard with gaming falling to quite
141.52 -> literally the 13th section on the
144.16 -> product page remember guys this is a
146.16 -> product from nvidia
148.48 -> i guess it kind of makes sense though i
149.84 -> mean i already have a switch and a
152.48 -> gaming pc so for me my shield is a
155.44 -> streaming device first and a game
157.36 -> console
158.4 -> two or three times a year when family
160.4 -> comes over
161.519 -> this shift also makes it more price
163.519 -> competitive without affecting the user
165.28 -> experience much since
166.879 -> why would you use this when basically
168.4 -> any bluetooth controller that you
169.92 -> already own is gonna work just fine with
172.16 -> a shield so with that in mind the focus
174.56 -> of our review is going to be around
176.72 -> media streaming
178.48 -> starting with the remote
180.72 -> i cannot say that i've seen a remote
182.72 -> quite like this one before it's a bit
185.04 -> heavier than your average remote but i
187.92 -> will say the triangular feel does give
190 -> it a surprisingly comfortable hand feel
192.08 -> the buttons feel
193.519 -> pretty nice actually and thanks to the
195.36 -> inclusion of an accelerometer the remote
197.599 -> can actually scent when you pick it up
199.44 -> and turn on the adjustable back lighting
201.76 -> neat
202.8 -> the rest of the design is really nothing
205.12 -> special honestly aside from the gigantic
207.84 -> netflix button on the bottom which
209.68 -> honestly i found kind of annoying
211.44 -> because it's so easy to accidentally
213.519 -> press the good news is that you can use
215.519 -> the button remapper app to change what
217.68 -> any of these buttons do there's also a
219.92 -> buzzer inside the remote to make it
221.599 -> easier to find in case you lose it every
223.599 -> remote should have this feature once
226.319 -> it's on the setup procedure is brain
228 -> dead easy pair your android phone or
229.92 -> iphone sign your life away a few times
231.76 -> and get greeted by the android tv home
234.4 -> screen with recommended content oozing
236.879 -> from every one of its pores honestly
238.959 -> that's about my only complaint about
241.76 -> android tv and then by extension the
244 -> shield experience it's a little pushy
246.4 -> that is what one two three four
249.2 -> five that is five rows dedicated to just
253.04 -> youtube what even is this fortunately
255.68 -> you can click left on each row because
257.68 -> nobody cares about trending and
260.479 -> get rid of it now we can finally take a
262.479 -> look at what might be the coolest
264.32 -> feature of this device nvidia's
266.8 -> proprietary ai upscaling uses a
269.04 -> combination of traditional upscaling
271.28 -> where the image is simply stretched to
273.68 -> fit the resolution combined with the
275.84 -> power of a highly trained neural network
277.919 -> to provide an experience that's close to
280.72 -> if you were actually watching content
282.4 -> that's native to whatever resolution
284.479 -> you're upscaling to so in my case that's
286.8 -> 4k so jake's provided a couple of clips
289.68 -> for us to try out to see just how good
292.24 -> this ai upscaling is conveniently nvidia
294.96 -> actually provides a handy-dandy little
297.36 -> hotkey that you can press to see a
299.44 -> side-by-side of what basic versus ai
303.039 -> enhanced upscaling looks like this is a
305.36 -> 1080p clip but if we hold this button we
308 -> can actually see a before and after and
310.479 -> there's certain things that i would say
312.16 -> do not work as well you end up with a
313.919 -> little bit of weird shimmering and
315.28 -> background focus sometimes
317.199 -> but
318.08 -> man
319.84 -> textures the way they manage to improve
322.72 -> especially things like
324.4 -> hair
325.44 -> and environmental textures is
328.72 -> absolutely mind-blowing
331.44 -> there's a little bit that we're going to
332.56 -> look at later
334.72 -> that's
335.6 -> quite impressive a little bit less so on
337.44 -> him just because he's so close that
338.96 -> there's not a lot of extra detail to
340.4 -> pull out of it but this wood here
344 -> actually here is pretty impressive too
346.88 -> this is way more than just a sharpening
349.12 -> filter look at that wood stone
353.199 -> hair
354.479 -> actually these little berries here look
357.039 -> markedly better with the upscaling
358.8 -> versus without
360.08 -> things that are moving really fast it
361.84 -> seems to have a bit more wow the
363.44 -> difference in these mountains here
365.68 -> is night and day
367.6 -> this too i feel like i got to sit a
369.44 -> little bit further back here sorry guys
370.96 -> i'm just going to be completely out of
372.08 -> the frame here right now it's being fed
374.08 -> with a 20 megabit 1080p stream
376.8 -> this is a great movie by the way knives
378.4 -> out definitely worth a watch anyway
381.919 -> in live action the effect is definitely
384.72 -> more subtle
386.08 -> but
386.96 -> it's noticeable as i swipe across things
389.52 -> like the textures of clothing hair so a
393.12 -> lot of the same things that were better
395.44 -> in the animation are also better here
398.56 -> it's not overdone though that's the
400.16 -> problem with cheapo like i guess non-ai
402.88 -> upscaling is that it tends to just kind
405.6 -> of sharpen everything whereas here you
408.08 -> can really tell that it's being applied
410.96 -> strategically like it doesn't sharpen
413.919 -> this thing in the background here
416.72 -> it only sharpens what you need to
418.479 -> sharpen
421.44 -> like the stubble here that's the detail
423.28 -> that really stands out to the eye when
424.8 -> you're sitting back at couch distance i
426.72 -> don't know what else to say other than
428.08 -> that nvidia's new ai upscaling tech is
431.36 -> not just another silly marketing gimmick
433.84 -> with ai slapped on it
436.4 -> it really does work
439.12 -> and i guess that's just kind of the
441.599 -> theme like why would you spend 200
444.479 -> on a shield
445.919 -> they just
447.12 -> work you know whether it's jake daily
448.88 -> driving these two for the last month at
450.88 -> home or the fact that i've been daily
452.8 -> driving this thing since it came out in
454.479 -> 2017 once you clean up the home screen
457.039 -> and get your apps installed it's just
459.039 -> kind of a flawless experience it updates
461.84 -> automatically it's easy for less tech
464.08 -> literate people to use because they
465.28 -> don't have to learn how to cast from
466.479 -> their phone and of the limited times
468.8 -> that jake tried nvidia game stream
470.4 -> apparently it worked perfectly i don't
472.16 -> know i don't really use it anymore with
473.599 -> my 2017 model but because i've got a
476.08 -> gaming pc there now but there you have
478.4 -> it and
479.919 -> probably the biggest standout he says is
482.319 -> that the issues with his old chromecast
484.319 -> or xbox one or actually i've had these
487.039 -> issues with my pc before too where
489.12 -> certain video codecs will just buffer
491.12 -> for no reason our content will be slow
492.879 -> to initially load the shield tvs have
495.36 -> had five years to get to the point where
497.039 -> they just freaking work and
499.759 -> here we are nvidia's got support nailed
501.759 -> down for pretty much every streaming
503.759 -> service and video codec that you can
505.52 -> think of
506.4 -> and for a media streaming box i really
508.56 -> don't think there's much more that we
509.919 -> can ask for so if you're in the market
512.08 -> for something of this nature and you've
513.76 -> got the extra cash to spend compared to
515.68 -> a roku or a chromecast a shield tv is
519.279 -> highly recommended your storage could
522 -> die at any moment right now even and
525.279 -> backblaze has got you covered just in
527.519 -> case it happens backblaze offers easy
529.76 -> and affordable storage starting at just
531.92 -> six dollars per month you can back up
534.24 -> your personal and or your business data
536.8 -> and even use it as a b2 storage solution
540.16 -> they've got over 50 billion files
542.88 -> restored in their history and they've
544.8 -> got over an exabyte of data stored on
547.519 -> their service you can back up almost
549.36 -> anything you can restore files anywhere
551.839 -> and they've even got a mobile app so you
553.279 -> can access your files on the go
555.2 -> if you don't have fast enough internet
557.2 -> to restore your files that way you can
558.959 -> actually get them restored by mail even
561.12 -> so you just purchase a restore via hard
562.959 -> drive they will overnight fedex your
564.959 -> data to them and then after you copy the
567.04 -> data onto your new storage device you
569.04 -> can return the hard drive to them for a
570.399 -> refund isn't that crazy unlimited data
573.6 -> backup at a fixed price get a fully
575.839 -> featured 15 day free trial at
577.6 -> ltt to try it out and then
580.959 -> when you're ready well you're going to
582.72 -> be ready you know because it's great
584.959 -> protect yourself from potential bad
586.32 -> times i've got it linked below if you
588.48 -> guys enjoyed this video and you're
589.68 -> perhaps looking for an inexpensive tv to
592.16 -> pair your new shield tv with maybe check
594.24 -> out our roundup of cheap tvs where i had
596.56 -> to pick out which ones were which prices
599.12 -> with a punishment if i got them wrong
601.68 -> dun dun
