Create INTERACTIVE Excel Dashboards With Option Buttons | How to use Radio Buttons

Create INTERACTIVE Excel Dashboards With Option Buttons | How to use Radio Buttons

Create INTERACTIVE Excel Dashboards With Option Buttons | How to use Radio Buttons

Radio buttons or Option buttons in Microsoft Excel are a great way to add interactivity. In this video I’ll show you how you can allow a user to choose the data they want to see on a chart. You’ll learn to switch the chart view based on user selection. I’ll show you how to add the developer tab to Excel, how to use form controls and how to group radio buttons together in case you have more than one set of option buttons.

We’ll also cover how to use the FILTER and the SWITCH functions in Excel for the data preparation. And finally I’ll show you a trick to make your chart range dynamic to avoid gaps or missing data in the chart. This way your chart range and chart axis adjusts based on the size of your data.

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00:00 How to Create an Interactive Chart with Radio / Option Buttons
00:14 How to Insert Option Buttons in Excel
04:07 Prepare the Raw Data for the Chart
06:38 Insert and Format The Chart
08:16 How to Make Chart Ranges Dynamic
12:14 How to Create Dynamic Chart Titles
13:27 Wrap Up

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0.08 -> Today, you're gonna learn how you can switch  between Charts with a Radio Button in Excel.  
4.32 -> This is an easy trick that you can use when  you're setting up interactive dashboards.
14.08 -> Okay, so I have the sales data for different  apps by division. I want to create radio buttons  
18.88 -> for the division, this way I can control  what sales data shows up in the chart.  
23.52 -> Now, as you can see, my source data is  unfortunately messy. Before I create the chart,  
29.04 -> I need to clean up the data that I want in  the chart. I don't want to change my source,  
34.88 -> I just want to add an in-between table that gets  the job done. This is going to be my data prep.
42.24 -> But before I get my hands dirty,  let's add our radio buttons.  
46.8 -> To do that, you need the Developer Tab.  So if you don't see this Developer Tab,  
51.44 -> you can easily add it to your Ribbon. Just  Right-Mouse Click, go to Customize the Ribbon,  
56.72 -> place a Checkmark beside Developer, and then  click on OK. Then you're going to see this,  
62.24 -> and then you can go ahead and insert your radio  buttons, which you can do from Insert Controls  
67.92 -> under Form Controls. Here is the radio button,  or the Option Button. Now just click on it  
75.76 -> and then draw it out here. Click inside and let's  overwrite this, so instead of Option Button 1,  
82.48 -> I want to have Game here. So, this is one of the  divisions that I have. Then I want to add two  
89.2 -> more option buttons, one for Utility and  another for Productivity. So here, I can  
94.56 -> hold down Control, so I'm going to click on this,  hold down Control, and then drag this to the side.  
101.2 -> That's going to create a second copy, and now  a third copy. Okay, so select the second one.  
107.36 -> You can also Right-Mouse Click and Edit Text if  that's easier. Then let's go with Productivity,  
114 -> and last one is Utility. Okay, so I have these  set up, and let's just arrange them wherever  
121.44 -> we want to have them in a report. Now, what  happens when I click on one? I get this black  
127.36 -> dot in the middle, and notice that it's smart; it  knows that they belong together. I can't select  
133.92 -> two of these at the same time. Now, the reason  it thinks that they belong together is because I  
140.4 -> don't have them inside a group. So, whenever  I add another option button to this sheet,  
147.28 -> it's automatically going to belong to this set. If  I want to create different sets of option buttons,  
153.28 -> I need to put them inside a grouping that looks  like this, so that's a Group Box. If you click it,  
160 -> drag it out here, and carefully place  your option buttons in a Group Box,  
166.24 -> then they're going to be independent to other  option buttons that you might have on that sheet.
172.08 -> Now, in this case, I don't need this grouping  because these are going to be the only option  
177.2 -> buttons I have on this sheet. Now, after I add  these, the next step is to select one of them.  
183.84 -> Right-Mouse Click, go to Format Control, and add  a Cell Link to it. This way we know what option  
190.32 -> button has been selected. So, where are we going  to put the cell link? Let's put it in Cell F1.  
196.8 -> So first, I'll link here. I'm just going to go  and click on F1. That's going to put the results  
201.6 -> of this option button. The result is whatever  is selected. So notice when I'm on Game, we  
207.76 -> see one. When I'm on Productivity, we see two.  I'm just going to bring this to this side here,  
214.56 -> so that we can easily see what's selected. Then  when I click on Utility, we see three. Now, how  
220.64 -> did it add a Cell Link to these when I only added it  to Game? Well, because they automatically belong  
227.52 -> together, If you Right-Mouse Click on any other  one, go to Format Control, you're going to see F1  
234.08 -> in the other ones as well, right? So this was  automatically added when we added the cell link  
241.28 -> to one of these option buttons. That saves us the  work of having to do this for each of these. Okay,  
248 -> so far so good. Next step in the process is  to grab the data that I need. So, if someone  
253.36 -> selects Game, I need the App and Sales of  the Game division here. How do I do that? I can  
259.92 -> use the FILTER Function. Let's add the headers here.  So, I want App, and I want Sales. Now, right  
266.4 -> here we're going to start off with FILTER. This  is a function in Office365. It needs an Array.  
271.68 -> The Array is the result that I want to get back.  In this case, I want the App Column and the  
277.2 -> Sales Column, so I'm going to select those. The  Include Argument is what I want to have included.  
282.56 -> This is similar to the logical test that you do in  the If Statement, except that we can reference  
289.44 -> an entire column and not just a single cell. So  here, I want to check whether Division equals  
297.2 -> the Division that's selected here. Now, what's the  problem? Well, Division here is reflected as a  
303.12 -> number, because Game was the first option button  that I inserted, it gets a value of one. When I  
309.92 -> select Productivity, it was the second option  button, it gets a two. I need to somehow translate  
316.32 -> these numbers into the Divisions. So, if it's one,  I want Game. There are different ways you can do  
322.8 -> this. One function that I haven't yet covered  on the channel is the SWITCH Function. So,  
329.28 -> that's the one that we're going to use in  this case. This function is really easy to  
333.12 -> use. You can tell it to switch one value for  another value. All you need is an expression.  
339.84 -> This is F1. This cell has the value that I want to  switch. Next is the value itself. So, if it's a 1,  
347.36 -> what do I want? I want the result to be Game.  If it's 2, I want it to be Productivity. And if  
355.04 -> it's 3, I want it to be Utility. I'm not sure if  I spelled everything correctly, we're going to see  
362.08 -> in a second if the formula works correctly or not.  So, I'm going to close the bracket for SWITCH,  
367.2 -> close it again for FILTER, press Enter,  and this works! This is Arcade. It's the  
374.08 -> first game app. Then I have deRambler, Fightrr,  and so on. And when I switch to Productivity,  
379.92 -> I get the App and Sales for the  Productivity Division and Utility.
384.96 -> Okay, so far so good. Let's also  add some number formatting to this.  
390.4 -> It works great. So if I wanted a dynamic table,  I'd already have one, but I want to go beyond  
396.56 -> this. I want to add a Chart. Let's highlight the  Range. So, I'm going to include the headers. Here,  
402.72 -> go to Insert, and let's insert a Bar  Chart. Right her we have a 2D Bar. Okay,  
409.6 -> so I'm going to place it right here. Let's  organize these a bit better, just holding down  
415.44 -> Control, selecting these, and let's bring them a  bit over, so it's above my Chart. Let's quickly  
422.8 -> adjust some settings. I'm going to remove the  Labels here. Right-Mouse Click on the Data Bars,  
428.8 -> and add the Data Labels to these. Okay, let's also  remove the Grid Lines. Okay, so far so good. What  
437.28 -> do we have here? We have Twistrr showing  up first, then Perino, Kryptis, Fightrr,  
442.56 -> and so on. Now, it would be nice if we could  automatically sort this. That's easy to do,  
449.28 -> because we can use the SORT Function here. Right  after the equals, we're going to add a SORT.  
455.36 -> The Array is the result that we have  from FILTER, which is all of this,  
460.72 -> and then we can specify which column we want  to sort. This is the first column, and then  
466.4 -> the second column. So, that's easy. I'm going to  go with the second column, and then we can decide  
471.68 -> if I want it in ascending and descending order.  Now, notice because Excel shows the last app here  
478.96 -> first, I want to go in this case with ascending.  So, with a 1, Close Bracket, press Enter,  
486.48 -> and now we get everything properly sorted,  right? Because the biggest one is going to end  
492 -> up last year, which is going to show up first  in the chart. Okay, so this looks great. Now,  
497.12 -> let's switch to Productivity. That's good, and  Utility. It looks like we have a problem here.  
503.68 -> Utility has less apps than Game, so we get  a gap right here, and actually Productivity  
512.16 -> has more apps than Game, so we are missing  something. We are missing that last app here.
519.84 -> If your data has the same number of categories,  you don't have to do anything right. You'd be done  
526.56 -> right now at this point. But because we have  this issue of varying number of categories,  
532.48 -> we need to take this a step further. We need to  make our chart smarter, so it can detect the range  
538.24 -> it needs to plot. Now, Chart Ranges unfortunately  can't take Direct Formulas. They can only take  
544.16 -> Cell References. If we Right-Mouse Click, go to  Select Data, this is our Sales Value. So,  
550.56 -> if I go to Edit, we can see the Series Values are  these. This is a Direct Cell Reference. I cannot  
557.12 -> add a formula here, or I can't use Hash to get  Dynamic Ranges. Instead, I need to use the Name  
565.2 -> Manager to create a dynamic range and then here I  can use the name. I know it sounds a bit complex,  
572 -> but it's actually quite easy to set up. We're  just going to go to the Name Manager. So let's  
577.04 -> go to Formulas, Name Manager. Right here, we're  going to add a new name. The first dynamic range  
583.6 -> can be for our Values, and the second one is going  to be for our Apps. Right, because our chart has  
590.08 -> both values and apps. Both of these ranges  need to be made dynamic. So for the first one,  
596.4 -> I'll just call it myVal for  values, and for the dynamic range,  
601.6 -> well, I want to take advantage of the spilling  right of this hash, so I'm going to go to E3#,  
608.72 -> which is going to take the entire range. So if  we just take a look at this, if I click on OK,  
614.32 -> and then I click on this, notice that this  area is selected - it's taking the whole range.  
619.84 -> But I don't want the whole range. Instead, I just  want the Sales Column. So let's go and edit this  
626.64 -> and then put this inside the INDEX Function.  That's my whole range. Now in the INDEX function,  
633.12 -> after we specify the range, we have the Row  Argument. Well, I want to include every single  
639.28 -> row here, so we can skip that. The next argument  in INDEX is the column number. I want the sales  
646.88 -> column, so that's the second one in this range  here, right? So that's it. Now I have a dynamic  
653.52 -> range that references the sales column. So I'm  going to click on OK, and when I click on this,  
658.96 -> it's only this column. To create the dynamic  range for app, that's really easy. I'm just  
664.32 -> going to copy this, click on New, call it myApp,  paste the Formula here. The only thing I need to  
672.24 -> change is this right? I want the first column  instead of the second column. Click on OK. OK,  
678.16 -> so now I have myApp and myVal. Click on Close.  Let's go back to our chart. Right-Mouse Click,  
686.4 -> select Data. For the series, Click on Edit. For  series values, here you need to carefully  
693.52 -> delete the Range Reference, keep the Sheet Name  (so my sheet is called Data), keep that name,  
699.76 -> and this is going to be myVal, and click on  OK. Let's go and update the categories as well,  
706 -> so that's the horizontal axis. Click on Edit,  carefully delete that last portion where we  
712.24 -> have the cell referencing, and put in myApp.  Click on OK and click on OK. Now let's test this.  
720.4 -> Click on Productivity. Do we get everything? Take  a look at this - our range updated WenCaL  
726.88 -> is there. Click on Utility, our range got smaller.  So we created a fully dynamic chart range.  
734.72 -> Now, as a last step, just to take this one  step further, let's also create a dynamic  
740 -> chart title. Now, just like chart ranges,  chart titles can't have formulas in them,  
745.92 -> but you can reference the cell that has a  formula. So somewhere to the side of your report,  
751.36 -> you can already write the function that you need.  So we're going to go with "=Sales for Division:". We  
758.72 -> have to put these in quotation marks. I'm going  to put a Column, Space, and Quotation Mark, and I  
765.36 -> want to combine it with this. But here, I'm going  to use the SWITCH Function. So, since I've already  
771.44 -> written that out here, let's go and cheat and copy  this part of the Function. Press Escape to leave  
778.96 -> to this part here. So, right after the quotation  mark, we're going to connect this with an "&", and  
785.68 -> add the SWITCH Function. Click on Enter, we have  Sales for Division: Game. Now, I need to connect  
792.64 -> this to this, so click on the Chart Title, then  go to the Formula Bar, type in an Equal, and  
799.12 -> select the cell where you wrote the formula.  Now we have a fully dynamic chart title as well.  
807.04 -> I hope you found this trick useful. Now  you can apply this technique to other  
810.48 -> types of form controls as well, not just radio  buttons. Before you leave, hit that thumbs up,  
816.32 -> subscribe if you aren't subscribed, and  I'm gonna see you in the next video.
