In part one of this video series we reviewed circular saw parts and uses.  Part two of this series covers the two most basics types of circular saw cuts (cross cuts and rip cuts) so that you can be comfortable using this saw today. In addition to learning about the two types of circular saw cuts, we will also discuss blade selection, safety, and other tips and tricks.


Straight Edge Clamp:
Circular Saw -
Measuring Tape -
Speed Square -
24 tooth blade -
60 tooth blade-
Levels -

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0.03 -> if you've missed part 1 of this video series  then take the time click the link and go watch  
4.14 -> that video in that video or talk about the various  parts of the circular saw and its basic uses but  
9.99 -> now in this video we're cutting stuff thanks for  joining me alright first things first which type  
15.66 -> of saw blade to use I have two different types  in front of you the first one right here is is  
20.97 -> the normal blade that comes with a saw this is  a 24 tooth 7 and quarter-inch saw blade now this  
28.14 -> is good for for one thing and it's eating wood  it's super fast it cuts very very fast the only  
34.8 -> downside to this blade is it's cut quality now  when the blade is is is new it cuts pretty clean  
41.34 -> even on plywood but as it gets older man you  got to look out the next on the list is a 60  
48.24 -> tooth saw blade this blade is what I use to cut  finished plywood amazing enough it produces a  
55.26 -> very clean cut with little to no tear out so  I don't want you to think that these are the  
59.67 -> only two saw blades out there because there's  not these are the the ends of the spectrum if  
64.95 -> you will there's there's blades in between there  but what I want you to learn from this is I want  
69.24 -> you to learn to ask yourself two questions before  you even plug this all in the first question is  
74.07 -> what am i cutting and second how do I want that  cut to turn out so putting those questions to  
79.53 -> use I'm gonna go ahead and go with the 60 tooth  blade here because I'm really more interested  
85.08 -> for this demonstration for a clean cut they aim  for a faster one so while I attach this blade I  
90.99 -> want to talk just for a few seconds about safety  now of course when you're working with these saws  
96.66 -> changing out the blades or doing anything  like that please remember to unplug them or  
100.89 -> disconnect the battery and of course lastly I  would wear some safety glasses at least to the  
106.53 -> minimum while you're using these saws because  they love to throw sawdust and I love to throw  
111.36 -> bits of chunks of plywood around in the air all  right they have it let's do some cutting all  
118.77 -> right so we're all set up ready to go the first  thing that we're gonna do is make a crosscut on  
124.74 -> this dimensional or 2x4 right here one of the  most invaluable tools that you'll have that goes  
129.93 -> along with this circular saw is a speed square  I'm to make another video on this specifically  
135.78 -> about the details of this but it's just a square  and it's a great way to take a pencil and make  
141.96 -> a square line on a piece of board or anything  else before we make a cut what we need to do  
147.81 -> is set the blade depth so if I put the saw down  on the piece of material the blade needs to be  
157.35 -> set lower than the material itself by about 1/8  to 1/4 of an inch so just about like that and  
165.63 -> we lock it down with the lever so let me toss on  pair of glasses here if you look also now at the  
173.4 -> front of the saw blade you can see that there is  a zero line and this zero line represents where  
180.93 -> the blade is cutting exactly so we are going to  line up the zero line with our pencil line for  
188.28 -> our cross cutter and you're gonna squeeze the  trigger to get the blade going first and then  
193.17 -> slowly push the saw into the material making sure  that your cutting on the side of the pencil line  
198.33 -> that is the piece you don't want and as you can  see the material falls right to the floor it's  
207.12 -> unsupported so that the material won't get bound  up what you don't want to do is ever cut in such a  
213.33 -> fashion like this whether you're trying to cut  the center and is supported on on either end  
219.63 -> if you try to do this the board is going to bend  in the middle and bind up on the saw let me show  
227.04 -> you then a cross cut with the speed square we're  going to put the speed square down on the board  
234.39 -> and we're going to hold it and we're gonna allow  the the shoe of the saw to ride against the nice  
241.56 -> straight edge squeeze the trigger to get the blade  fully up to speed before you go into the material
251.26 -> and push the sauce slowly through the material  trying to keep the shoe tied up against the speed  
258.67 -> square and there you have it alright so now that  you got the cross cut down let's shift our gears  
268.6 -> and talk about plywood and ripping plywood to  length and width so there's a few ways that you  
274.15 -> can actually do this with this circular saw the  first way would be in no particular order would  
281.71 -> be taking a straight edge like a level drawing  a line with a pencil and then you can freehand  
288.82 -> that just like we were doing cut in the cross cut  in the two by fours another option is to use the  
295.9 -> straight edge and a clamp and one on the other  side and you clamp these down to your specific  
305.26 -> distance and you take the edge of the shoe  and you ride the saw against the edge of the  
311.47 -> straight line or the level in this case that's  an option another option would be to use they  
317.83 -> sell these tools right here it's a guide and  it's got clamps on either side and it's same  
324.7 -> principle but these can go on here and then you  clamp down and you use a circular saw again same  
333.94 -> thing right in the shoe against the straight  edge and yet there's one more option that you  
338.8 -> can do and that option is to use this I don't  know jig that comes with the saw it slides into  
344.98 -> the front of the saw like this and you can  adjust it accordingly and then this piece of  
351.4 -> metal rides on the edge of the plywood and helps  you to rip it all the way down works pretty good  
357.55 -> I can't say I ever really used it much but so  those are some of the options I wanted to make  
362.62 -> you aware of those first but we're gonna  snap some lines here or do some free cuts  
367.15 -> and let's get right at it let's go alright so  we're going to put down the line on this side
374.33 -> let's just call it an inch-and-a-half so  I'm making a mark just and a half on the  
379.4 -> other side and what I'll do is I'll actually  use a straight edge to draw the line for me  
387.77 -> you could use a chalk line as well this okay  and so first things first take that out we'll  
401.63 -> set our blade depth now my eyes going to  stay in this case on that zero line so as  
412.82 -> I'm pushing I'm following the pencil line  and the zero line with my eye here we go
432.24 -> all right salt comes to a stop and you take  a look and it's pretty wavy but that's it if  
441.06 -> you're making some rough cuts this is perfectly  acceptable through sheathing a house or doing  
445.08 -> anything like that that things don't have to  be perfect that's kind of the fast way to do  
448.92 -> it and of course if you're looking for more of  something perfect then I would use one of the  
454.71 -> methods that I mentioned before something like  this or a straightedge or even a track saw which  
460.98 -> I didn't mention before and companies like Festool  and I think Craig make these systems where it's  
467.07 -> a track that you just set down on the plywood  and the saw has grooves in the bottom and the  
472.74 -> track has grooves and it just slides in it's very  fast and and super nice but also very expensive  
478.68 -> so that might be an option but if you're first  getting started out it might be too much money  
483.42 -> for you some of these systems again may be a  little bit slower but they work just as well  
487.71 -> all right so the last thing I'm gonna show you  I drew another straight line on our plywood is  
493.56 -> more of a technique as I said before I was using  my eye to view the pencil line and to line up  
501.39 -> the zero mark sometimes that doesn't work out  well and your eye can get off and you can get  
508.83 -> off your line especially when the material  is very short because when the saws overtop  
512.94 -> you lose your line it goes away and so what  I normally do is as I'm cutting I'm actually  
521.61 -> not looking at the zero line but I'm looking at  the blade as it's cutting through and I'm using  
528.6 -> the blade as the guide to guide me through that  pencil line and it looks something like this so  
537.12 -> as I'm pushing the saw through I am watching  the blade away at the pencil line well there  
547.64 -> you have it that's the basics of this circular  saw I hope this video has been helpful for you  
552.68 -> guys just getting started and just getting to  know the circular saw I will be of course making  
557.15 -> more advanced one where we're talking more about  plunge cuts and bevels and all the other things  
562.34 -> that this saw can do so look for that coming  out here soon on my website thank you guys so  
568.4 -> much for hanging out with me today in the shop  and I look forward to seeing you guys again soon
