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Kevin MacLeod - Impact Allegretto
Kevin MacLeod - BTS Prolog
Kevin MacLeod - Decision

The Mighty Kingdom by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…)
♦Sources :
The Roots of the Filipino Nation: Volume 2 by University of the Philippines Press:
#History #Documentary


2.96 -> the history of what is today the
5.12 -> philippines started with the arrival of
7.52 -> its first humans it is believed they
10 -> used rafts or boats around 60 000 years
13.28 -> ago with groups of diverse people
16.08 -> settling in the archipelago some of
18.56 -> these groups started to develop and
20.56 -> expand into bigger settlements and in
23.039 -> the next thousands of years they evolved
25.68 -> into what some scholars believe to be
27.92 -> considered early states austronesians
31.119 -> and afterwards speakers of the
33.16 -> malayo-polynesian languages began to
35.68 -> arrive in successive waves beginning
37.92 -> about 4000 bc according to the existing
41.52 -> evidence a jade culture existed on these
44.32 -> lands starting with the neolithic era by
47.52 -> 1000 bc it is believed that the
50.32 -> inhabitants of the archipelago had
52.559 -> developed into four distinct kinds of
54.96 -> people tribal groups warrior societies
58.559 -> the petsy plutocracy and the harbor
61.44 -> civilizations
63.12 -> also important to note is the fact that
65.36 -> the metallurgy reached the archipelago
67.92 -> due to trade with india around 300 to
71.439 -> 700 a.d the seafaring people of the
74.4 -> islands began to trade with the
76.159 -> indianized kingdoms in the malay
78.32 -> archipelago and the nearby east asian
81.119 -> principalities adopting influences from
83.68 -> both buddhism
85.439 -> and hinduism
87.68 -> some cultures of present-day vietnam
90.079 -> showed evidence of an extensive trade
92.24 -> network artifacts and goods were traded
94.88 -> such as glass agate or gold there were
98 -> also other items present in the region
100 -> which were most likely imported
102 -> including ear ornaments that have been
103.759 -> found in archaeological sites in the
105.92 -> philippines thailand and taiwan the
108.88 -> indian culture influenced the southeast
111.119 -> asian region starting with the first
113.36 -> century during the period of the south
116.079 -> indian pallava dynasty and the north
118.32 -> indian gupta empire indian culture
121.04 -> spread to southeast asia and it reached
123.84 -> the philippines which led to the
125.52 -> establishment of new kingdoms largely
128.239 -> influenced by the indian culture and
130.319 -> traditions the date inscribed in the
132.72 -> oldest philippine document found so far
135.44 -> the laguna copperplate inscription is
138.16 -> 900 a.d from the details of the document
141.68 -> written in cowie's script the bearer of
144.08 -> a debt nam warren along with his
146.319 -> children is cleared of a debt by the
148.56 -> ruler of tondo this is the earliest
151.84 -> document that shows the use of
153.68 -> mathematics in pre-colonial philippine
156.48 -> societies a standard system of weights
159.28 -> and measures is also demonstrated by the
161.76 -> use of precise measurement for gold and
164.4 -> other items as well as in astronomy from
167.519 -> the various sanskrit terms and titles
170 -> seen in the document the culture and
171.84 -> society of the manila bay were that of
174.239 -> hindu old malay amalgamation similar to
177.12 -> the cultures of java peninsular malaysia
179.84 -> and sumatra at the time in the years
182.48 -> leading up to 1000 there were already
185.12 -> several maritime societies existing in
187.68 -> the islands but there was no unifying
190.239 -> political state encompassing the entire
192.959 -> philippine archipelago instead the
195.68 -> region was divided into numerous
197.84 -> semi-autonomous city-states under the
199.92 -> rule of the plutocracy while a number of
202.48 -> states existed alongside the highland
205.44 -> societies these smaller structures
208.239 -> alternated between being part of or
210.72 -> being influenced by
212.48 -> larger asian empires like maya pahit
217.519 -> around 1225 the nation of mai a buddhist
221.599 -> pre-hispanic philippine island state
223.76 -> centered in mondoro flourished
225.92 -> attracting traders and shipping from the
228.239 -> kingdom of ryukyu to the empire of japan
231.76 -> ciao jakua a customs inspector in fukian
235.04 -> province china wrote the description of
237.599 -> the barbarous peoples describing trade
240.08 -> with this pre-colonial state its people
242.879 -> were noted for their honesty in trade
246.239 -> much of what is now indonesia was ruled
248.959 -> by the hindu maya pachit empire during
251.92 -> the 1300s this empire ruled over luzon
255.2 -> island and the sulu archipelago as more
258.16 -> and more influence was on these islands
260.639 -> skirmishes and battles also existed some
263.919 -> local tribes were waging incessant
266.24 -> guerrilla warfare against them
268.08 -> eventually the kingdoms of luzon
270.24 -> regained independence from maya pahit
272.639 -> after the battle of manila 1365.
276.08 -> sulu also re-established independence
278.56 -> and in vengeance assaulted the mayapahit
281.199 -> province of brunei before a fleet from
283.6 -> the capital drove them out the start of
286.32 -> the islamic era in indonesia set the
288.72 -> collapse of the mayapahits as its
290.8 -> provinces eventually seceded and became
293.6 -> independent sultanates in 1380 makdum
297.36 -> kareem an arab trader born in johor
300.32 -> arrived in sulo from malacca and brought
303.039 -> islam to the philippines additionally
306.08 -> sharif ul hashem an arab muslim explorer
309.44 -> established the sultanate of sulu by
312.16 -> converting its previous ruler the hindu
314.72 -> king raja bhagwinda to islam and then
318 -> marrying his daughter the sultanate of
320.479 -> maghin de neo rose to prominence at the
322.8 -> end of the 15th century meanwhile the
325.68 -> religion was introduced to the area by
328.16 -> muslim missionaries and traders from the
330.32 -> middle east indian and malay regions who
333.039 -> propagated islam to sulu and maguindanao
336.479 -> as before when buddhist and hindu
338.639 -> cultures influenced the archipelago the
341.12 -> same case happened with the muslim
343.199 -> culture upon the secession of brunei
345.759 -> from the maya pahit empire they imported
348.479 -> the arab emir from mecca sheriff ali and
351.6 -> became an independent sultanate the new
354.24 -> religion started to grow roots in the
356.479 -> philippines through conquest and
358.319 -> conversion of local leaders in the next
360.8 -> decades moreover islam was further
364 -> strengthened by the arrival to the
365.6 -> philippines of traders and proselytizers
368.72 -> from malaysia and indonesia
375.36 -> in 1521
377.759 -> the spanish reached the archipelago
379.84 -> through the expedition around the world
382.16 -> led by portuguese-born spanish explorer
385.199 -> ferdinand magellan
390.88 -> claiming the islands he saw for the
392.96 -> spanish empire he established friendly
395.36 -> relations with some of the local leaders
397.84 -> and converted some of them to roman
399.759 -> catholicism because the philippines are
402.24 -> a large archipelago the spaniards
404.88 -> started to explore many islands however
408 -> the explorer ferdinand magellan was
410.8 -> killed during the battle of maktan
413.199 -> against the local ruler lapu lapu over
416.16 -> the next several decades other spanish
418.639 -> expeditions were dispatched to the
420.56 -> islands in 1543 an expedition was led to
424.24 -> the islands naming them philippines in
426.639 -> honor of philip of austria who became
428.96 -> philip ii of spain on january 16 1556.
433.84 -> the name was then extended to the entire
436.319 -> archipelago later on in the spanish era
439.759 -> european colonization began in earnest
442.479 -> when spanish explorer miguel lopez de la
445.039 -> gatsby arrived from mexico in 1565 and
449.12 -> forms the first european settlements in
451.52 -> cebu through diplomatic and military
454.16 -> annexation of some lands incorporating
456.639 -> local states including the kingdom of
458.72 -> tondo the spaniards established manila
461.44 -> as the capital of the spanish east
463.68 -> indies in 1578 the castillan war erupted
468 -> between the christian spaniards and
469.919 -> muslim bruneians over control of the
472.479 -> philippine archipelago the christian
474.8 -> troops were so diverse due to generally
477.599 -> being made up of people under the
479.759 -> spanish rule including native americans
482.8 -> namely aztecs mayans and incans who were
486 -> gathered and sent from mexico and south
488.319 -> america to be led by spanish officers
490.96 -> that had worked together with native
492.639 -> filipinos in military campaigns across
495.599 -> southeast asia the muslim side was also
498.639 -> very diverse though they were supported
500.8 -> by the ottoman empire with their troops
503.199 -> consisting of malay warriors and
505.36 -> expeditionary forces sent by the
507.44 -> ottomans which included mainly turks
509.919 -> egyptians swahili's somalis indians and
513.279 -> others the conflict ended with a status
515.76 -> quo antebellum just 20 years after the
519.12 -> conquest of luzon remarkable progress
522.08 -> existed in the work of colonization of
524.64 -> the islands and the spread of
526.32 -> christianity a cathedral was built in
529.12 -> the city of manila with an episcopal
531.44 -> palace other monastery in churches were
533.92 -> built across islands and more and more
536.399 -> people started to convert to
538.32 -> christianity furthermore spanish and
541.2 -> mexican families settled in the new
543.279 -> lands creating stronger communities much
546.16 -> of the archipelago came under spanish
548.56 -> rule creating the first unified
550.88 -> political structure known as the
552.8 -> philippines spanish colonial rule saw
555.519 -> the introduction of christianity the
557.44 -> code of law and the oldest modern
559.839 -> university in asia the philippines was
562.16 -> ruled by the mexico-based vice royalty
564.56 -> of new spain and after the colony was
567.36 -> directly governed by spain many of the
570.24 -> local people revolted in the next
572.16 -> centuries due to some abuses made by the
574.56 -> spanish authorities their rule ended
576.959 -> after the american spanish war at the
579.2 -> end of the 19th century in 1898 the
582.72 -> philippines became a territory of the
585.279 -> united states the united states then
587.839 -> established the insular governments to
590.08 -> rule the philippines in 1907 the elected
593.2 -> assembly was set up with popular
595.36 -> elections
596.48 -> the u.s promised independence in the
598.959 -> jones acts to the country and the
601.04 -> philippine commonwealth was established
603.2 -> in 1935 as a 10-year interim step period
607.12 -> to full independence but before gaining
610.16 -> total freedom in 1942 during world war
614.079 -> ii the philippines was occupied by
616.64 -> japanese forces by 1945 the us liberated
621.04 -> the philippines and the treaty of manila
623.36 -> in 1946 established an independent
626.56 -> philippine republic the period of their
628.88 -> independence was marked by internal
630.88 -> skirmishes and a smaller period of
633.04 -> dictatorship but also huge progress and
635.92 -> development with manuel roxas becoming
638.399 -> the first president of the independent
640.48 -> republic of the philippines the united
642.959 -> states seceded its sovereignty over the
644.88 -> philippines on july 4 1946 as scheduled
649.04 -> however the philippine economy remained
651.519 -> highly dependent on united states
653.6 -> markets roxas died suddenly of a heart
656.32 -> attack in april 1948 and the vice
659.12 -> president elpidio cuarino ruled the
661.36 -> country until 1953.
663.92 -> some communist partisans existed in the
666.32 -> islands but were defeated in the 50s
668.8 -> additionally an important event happened
671.2 -> in the middle of the 1960s ferdinand
674.079 -> marcos took power in 1965
677.04 -> and ruled until
678.68 -> 1986. this era included the final years
682.24 -> of the third republic from 1965 to 1972
686.399 -> and the philippines under martial law
688.72 -> 1972-1981
691.839 -> his reign was marked by dictatorship and
694.88 -> instability in 1986 ferdinand marcos was
698.959 -> removed from power and replaced by maria
701.36 -> corazon aquino up to the present day
704.48 -> five other presidents ruled the
706.72 -> philippines
717.27 -> [Music]
723.71 -> [Music]
727.279 -> you
