Baby Jogger City Versa Pram / Stroller Review
Baby Jogger City Versa Pram / Stroller Review
See more at http://goo.gl/0wJSDq Baby Jogger City Versa stroller review we show you the versa out \u0026 about, \u0026 how it fits into a small car.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this video is the personal opinion of the author. It is not an endorsement. It is for informational purposes only. the viewer must make their own investigations and form their own opinion as to the suitability of the product. The viewer must not use this video in place of manufacturer’s instructions or product manual(s)
16.25 -> Hi I am Kristy from knowhoreviews.com.au and
today I am reviewing the Baby Jogger City
23.69 -> Versa.
24.69 -> Now if you are familiar with Baby Jogger,
you know that they have got a very popular
28.91 -> pram called the Baby Jogger City Select and
the Baby Jogger City Mini.
34.73 -> Well this is basically all the great ideas
on both of those prams merged into one and
39.73 -> we have the Versa that also got some new details
or extras that they have unpacked in the Versa
46.519 -> that are pretty exciting so let’s have a
49.23 -> The actual Versa itself is 9.5 Kilos in weight.
53.46 -> It is a single stroller that goes from 6 months
up to 22.5 Kilos.
60.329 -> So you have a huge weight range to go with
63.71 -> You do need to buy the basinet attachment
if you like to use this pram from birth.
68.83 -> However that is an additional thing that you
can purchase from Baby Jogger.
72.97 -> The length of the pram is 100cm, the width
of the pram is just 59cm so it’s still a
80.479 -> nice narrow pram and the height is 81 at is
lowest and 106 at the highest with the handle
86.63 -> bar all the way up.
87.99 -> So this with great new features, the actual
Versa has an adjustable handle that you just
94.6 -> push the two buttons in on either side and
you can adjust the handle, it clicks in a
99.41 -> place where you got the full, that all the
way up and then you can take it all the way
104.35 -> down if you like with the shorter should your
other children need to have to push of their
108.42 -> brother or sister.
109.42 -> It has a fantastic fold something very different
for baby jogger and a really great recline
115.939 -> which I am going to show you.
117.49 -> You can have the seat facing two ways, so
you can have facing out or you can have it
122.03 -> facing you just like the Baby Jogger City
125.659 -> It comes in four colors, but it always has
this really sleek black frame and the canopy
131.45 -> itself has three fantastic large panels with
two peekaboo windows and magnet closures,
138.05 -> so no need to worry about waking a sleeping
140.98 -> So let’s show you this fantastic fold so
that you can have a look at how it works.
147.599 -> So, on the back here on the seat you have
got this grey lever here which actually reclines
153.34 -> the seat and below that is a button that has
two grey levers.
158.5 -> Squeeze that and you actually fold the seat
all the way forward.
162.349 -> Just turn around so that you can see.
164.37 -> So once you have the seat forward, then they
have got this fantastic pull handle, it’s
168.25 -> nice and padded and you just pull up and that’s
171.569 -> It actually has an automatic lock but just
remove if you don't want it but it is actually
176.9 -> something really handy to have.
178.78 -> To unfold you just need to flip off the automatic
lock which is back here, open up your handle,
186.359 -> it clicks in the place and then you just fold
your seat and you are ready to go.
191.56 -> Something really cool about it and you don't
get this in many strollers is you can actually
196.019 -> fold it the same way with the seat facing
in reverse.
199.409 -> So to undo seat press these two grey buttons
while slipping up and then slide off, you
206.5 -> just spin it around line up and you will hear
click into place as it goes in, beautiful.
213.76 -> Then again to fold is the exact same thing
at the back so it’s facing the right way
217.53 -> so that you can see what I am doing, so you
press that, fold the seat down and handle
222.2 -> is all the way down here now, you pull that
up and it’s locked.
227.049 -> That’s fantastic it actually does not change
the dimensions at all.
229.94 -> The fold dimensions we have length 84 cm long,
it’s still 59cm wide and the depth is only
238.9 -> 22cm so it is actually really good depth as
well once its folded.
242.409 -> So again we will just unfold that.
244.84 -> Here unclick off the automatic lock and put
your seat up and you are ready to go.
257.359 -> The break on the City Versa is the same as
the Baby Jogger City Select so it just this
262.76 -> handle here it’s got a, you got a pull down
that little knob, toggles forward to release
267.38 -> it and then you just push it up.
269.13 -> To undo you pull up towards you and down so
it is easy to do with one hand which is great
274.22 -> and there is no worry about it you know hurting
your thumbs.
276.699 -> The Baby Jogger Versa has some fantastic additions
they changed in this so it has this beautiful
282.6 -> padded seat, a bit of a new pattern and the
fabric is really durable.
286.97 -> The harness has had a bit of a change to some
of the other additions that you may have seen
291.57 -> where we don't have another hook off to up
to the next level; it’s actually a slide
296.38 -> and thread.
297.38 -> So you got the distance there on the harness
and the actual clip itself, well the mechanism
302.12 -> is a little bit different this time where
its a few more pieces fantastic when actually
306.44 -> you want to take baby out because it kind
of just falls apart and there is no need to
309.88 -> unthread harness straps to get baby out, but
getting back here can be a little bit fiddly
314.75 -> because you need slot this back in and then
put it back in to the clips so if you have
318.74 -> a bot of a wiggly baby, that might take some
little more time to do.
322.91 -> The sun canopy it doesn’t have adjust full
level as it does with the City Select, but
327.46 -> it still got a really great height.
329.43 -> So the width of the seat itself across its
got really nice roomy padded seat, it’s
335.11 -> got board in the bottom so it’s got great
support, its 30cm, the seat back height from
339.96 -> the bottom of the seat to just the back of
the seat itself is 54.6cm and from the seat
345.479 -> to the very top of the canopy is 60cm.
351.04 -> The seat depth from the back to the front
here with the knee is 24cm.
355.21 -> Like with the City Select the actual foot
rest here can actually be extended out as
360.24 -> well.
361.24 -> So you see this little grey button, if actually
push that in you can pull that down, and you
364.03 -> can actually extend that up for your taller
children and we just put that back to smaller
368.57 -> and you just do that to both the sides and
that gives you another bit of use out of it.
372.41 -> But again you can just pop that down for once
when they get really big, and their feet needs
375.8 -> to be down here on this fixed foot bar.
378.03 -> Now one big change that I absolutely love
with the Versa is the way that the seat reclines
383.259 -> and actually has this little lift, you just
lift it up and it actually reclines back,
388.49 -> you have three recline positions, that the
first and that’s the second and that’s
391.57 -> the third.
392.57 -> So as I said it’s not fully flat that’s
why you need to have the bassinet attachment
397.6 -> if you want to use this with a newborn.
400.05 -> But it’s absolutely fantastic, really simple
to use, I love that feature I think it’s
404.8 -> one of the top things.
406.41 -> Now storage for the Versa, lets spin it around
quickly and you can just see we have got this
410.49 -> great big mesh pocket on the back of the seat
baby jogger are fantastic for doing that.
415.41 -> The have also got a handle strap on the back
of the seat here which is sort of a seat storage
419.6 -> strap which has a little clip you can put
up there.
421.19 -> You can just attach few things to that, it’s
quite handy, hanging keys on to it so it’s
425.53 -> really easy to access when you are going to
428.33 -> Now it’s got a fantastic basket it’s definitely
in-between the City Select and City Mini for
435.19 -> size.
436.19 -> It has the elasticised sides that you can
get in easily and it has got nice scooped
439.18 -> bar here so you can get a good nappy bag in
there and also once you reverse it from the
445.61 -> front it just huge and you get really good
448.06 -> The wheels for the City Vera, as mentioned
before the back has suspension and so does
453.13 -> the front.
454.13 -> To lock you just need to press the grey lever
up and that’s now locked into place and
457.91 -> push back down if you want to swivel again.
460.46 -> To remove its really simple it’s just a
matter of actually pushing the grey button
464.069 -> down and the wheel will pop off, great for
when you need to store into the storage or
469.49 -> travel bag.
470.539 -> The back wheels are just as easy to remove;
you actually just need to push this lever
476.63 -> down and that pop off so it’s really good
and quick on the go.
480.85 -> Now both wheels are 20cm, quick release, EVA
so there is no air in the tires, that’s
488.34 -> great so don't have to worry about having
to pump them up and they are lockable from
493.449 -> the front so it means you can handle some
of that multi terrain.
496.47 -> Because of the Versa’s compact fold as shown
again here for you now, when folded on its
503.22 -> side it will fit into a small car boot.
507.139 -> And there just showing out and about the Versa.
511.24 -> You can purchase accessories to compliment
your pram that have car seat adapters for
513.079 -> 5 major brands, a rain cover, a foot-muff,
the basinet attachment to use for new born,
517.089 -> the belly bar, the child snack tray and a
toddler glider board.
523.08 -> And here is our 2.5 year old in the Versa
and here is our 1 year old tester in the Versa.
531.37 -> And for a mom’s take on the Baby Jogger
City Versa.
534.911 -> This is a great new addition to the Baby Jogger
539.31 -> I absolutely love the way the seat reclines
I think its brilliant that you can fold with
544.19 -> the seat facing you or facing away, it is
just great that you don't have to worry about
549.79 -> all these extra steps before you can fold
it so it’s nice and simple and it’s got
553.48 -> that quick fold.
554.48 -> It would be absolutely perfect if there back
wheels were that little bit bigger like on
559.95 -> the GT and it would be that little bit more
multi-terrain so may be in next addition.
564.68 -> The storage is great that’s why i love the
use of the back of the seat for some handy
570.18 -> storage and they have some great accessories
so this is a fantastic all round pram.
575.94 -> Make sure you subscribe to our website so
you can get exclusive updates on our recent
581.17 -> review releases, our competitions and our
baby products notifications.
586.34 -> The recommended retail price for the Baby
Jogger City Versa is $749.95
590.921 -> And that’s the review for the Baby Jogger
City Versa and I am Kristy from knowhowReviews.com.au
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvoUFd_NypY