The World Record History of Sly 2's Most Iconic Episode

The World Record History of Sly 2's Most Iconic Episode

The World Record History of Sly 2's Most Iconic Episode

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Part Selection:
0:00:00 Introduction + Sponsor
0:02:31 Part 1: A Tour Around Paris
0:05:55 Part 2: The Good Ol’ Days
0:09:20 Part 3: An Ice Cold Cube
0:14:35 Part 4: Menace From the North, Eh?
0:18:59 Part 5: Continential Clash
0:24:42 Part 6: Loading…
0:30:06 Part 7: En Halv Time
0:36:55 Part 8: The Korean Gold Rush
0:41:23 Part 9: The Calm
0:47:08 Part 10: The Storm
0:52:05 Part 11: The Hurricane
1:03:37 Part 12: TBA

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6.56 -> Sly 2: Band of Thieves, is a PlayStation 2  classic. Released by Sucker Punch in 2004,  
12.16 -> this beloved sequel took the platforming stealth  genre to the next level. With settings taking  
16.64 -> place all over the world, memorable villains and  the ability to play as all 3 cooper gang members,  
22.32 -> the game is held in high regard as one of the all  time greats for the console. With any great game,  
28.16 -> people will eventually attempt to speedrun it, and  push the limits to see how fast it can be beaten.  
32.96 -> In Sly 2, the history goes very deep for  all of the game's individual episodes,  
37.52 -> and no episode is as optimized as the first one.  
41.12 -> This is the World Record History of Sly 2’s most  iconic episode. Episode 1: The Black Chateau.
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115.68 -> So.. Let’s get the obvious out of the way. If  you’ve played Sly 2 or watched anyone speedrun it,  
120.96 -> you’ll know that the game is really really  long. Completing all 8 episodes in the game  
125.52 -> in a single sitting can take up your entire  day, and thus, full-game speedrunning for Sly 2  
131.28 -> wasn’t popular in the early days. Instead  people focused more on individual episode runs,  
136.48 -> since the length was a lot more favorable.  So if one wanted to start out by speedrunning  
140.88 -> Episode 1, where would they have  to start? Well.. Let’s take a look.
158.32 -> Sly 2’s gameplay is centered around completing  jobs, with markers scattered across the world  
162.72 -> that starts each one, kinda like the  mission markers in GTA. The different  
166.88 -> jobs are spread across several days, where  we eventually work our way to the operation.  
171.2 -> In order to speedrun Sly 2 in the quickest  manner, the goal is to complete every job swiftly,  
175.76 -> while minimizing time spent traveling to the next  one. And avoid guard detection while you’re at it.  
181.04 -> So let’s take a look at the jobs for episode 1.  The start to each episode always takes the form  
185.52 -> of a reconnaissance day, a day 0 of sorts. Day  0 only contains two jobs, Satellite Sabotage,  
192.16 -> which involves activating 3 satellite’s around  the map, and breaking and entering, which has  
196.48 -> us fight a bunch of rats in a wine cellar with  murray and take some photos. Day 1 starts with  
201.76 -> Bug Dimitri’s Office, which has us carry a bugged  painting to swap it with Dimitri’s real painting,  
206.96 -> so we can listen in on his conversations. Next up  is Follow Dimitri which is where we get our first  
212.24 -> proper look at our episode 1 antagonist. Dimitri’s  been printing fake money using the clockwerk tail  
229.2 -> feathers, which is our goal to steal at the  end of the episode. To get there we have to  
233.44 -> tail him around in this job to see what he’s up  to, and as we learn.. he’s a bit of a character.  
243.36 -> For the final job of Day 1 we have to go back to  the safe house to swap to Murray, for Waterpump  
248.16 -> Destruction. A short and simple job where we  have to destroy the city’s main Waterpump,  
252.16 -> by throwing guards into the machine. Day 2 starts  out with Murray once again. His job “Silence the  
257.76 -> Alarms” has us destroy 3 alarms spread across  the map, by throwing whatever is around us into  
262.64 -> them 3 times each. “Theater Pickpocketing”  has Sly go into the theater to steal 6 keys,  
268.32 -> he then uses them to slow the fans down in the  room so he can reach the chandelier at the top,  
272.48 -> where he uses a turret to disable some of the  security. “Moonlight Rendezvous” is basically just  
277.36 -> an autoscroller where we follow neyla around the  map without falling too far behind, and lastly for  
282.24 -> day 2 is Disco Demolitions, a bentley job where  we have to blow up 4 separate pillars to send the  
287.2 -> giant disco ball to its demise. For the third and  final day, it’s time for the episode's conclusion,  
293.6 -> Operation: Thunder Beak. This has the entire  cooper gang involved and starts out with  
297.92 -> bentley and murray, where we have to access the  water tower by defeating some rats. Bentley gets  
302.32 -> yeeted up there by Murray, and blows a hole to the  entrance. Once inside we turn 5 valves and this  
307.76 -> shuts off the water fountain in the main area. A  guard has been sent out to get a repair truck, but  
312.48 -> Sly steals the key and hands it off to the others.  Sly then climbs the giant peacock, to prepare to  
317.84 -> catch the hook from the stolen truck. Guards then  start swarming the truck, and we have to defend  
322.8 -> it, and defeat them all. Concluding the rat brawl,  the hook pulls down the giant peacock and it  
327.92 -> smashes a hole in the fountain where we can access  the printing room. This is where we get to square  
332.88 -> off against Dimitri, and it’s also where we get to  learn about his uhh.. interesting way of speaking.
349.04 -> Once the final hit has been dealt,  that would be time for Episode 1.
361.44 -> The earliest history of Sly 2 speedrunning  dates back to this SpeedDemosArchive thread  
365.52 -> created in January 2008. Prominent runners at  the time like Mike Uyama, Trihex and RJWaters,  
372 -> were showing interest in a full-game Sly 2  segmented run. Another pretty well known runner,  
376.8 -> Samura1man, would post some small shortcuts and  episode times. All of these videos don’t exist  
381.68 -> today but at the time we can see that Samu had  claimed a time of 00:32 minutes using the in-game  
386.32 -> timer for Episode 1. The in-game episode timer for  Sly 2 is quite a bit faster than real time, and  
392.16 -> wouldn’t really be used in the following years,  so.. not much to gather from this claim. Another  
397.76 -> runner called cooopercrisp decided to take on the  task of completing a full-game segmented 100% run.  
403.2 -> He did so, and it was submitted to SDA in 2012.  And just to show you that I wasn't bluffing  
407.84 -> earlier when I said this game was long, Coooper's  run was done in 54 segments with his time of 6  
414.32 -> hours, 38 minutes. I won’t be going very in-depth  on this run, since it’s a 100% run, and there were  
420.24 -> practically no strat developments for episode 1.  Coooper played on the PS3 version of the game,  
424.96 -> which saved time throughout, mainly due to  faster loading times. While not an extravagantly  
429.68 -> mind-blowing run, it was nice to know that  people were interested in running the game.
435.44 -> The year 2012 also marked a significant  change for speedrunning as a whole.  
439.36 -> SpeedDemosArchive was the primary website in the  mid 2000s for speedrun submissions and strategy  
444.24 -> discussions through their forums, but times  were changing. Along comes SpeedRunsLive, where  
449.52 -> speedrunning would see a big boost in activity.  The front page of SRL had a massive list of people  
454.8 -> streaming runs of various games, which paved the  way for the twitch era. Amongst other things,  
459.92 -> the success of GDQ events was putting speedrunning  more in the spotlight, and thanks to twitch’s easy  
464.56 -> to use export feature, the scene would also  get a good amount of exposure on YouTube.  
469.12 -> Communities for several games were starting  to form through SRL and Twitch. Eventually,  
473.6 -> Skype calls would take place for racing, strat  hunting and just for hanging out with people you  
478.16 -> had a common interest with. With this big shift  in the scene, the Sly community was taking form  
483.44 -> and a small group of people had their sights  on speedrunning Sly 2. A glitch hunter named  
488.08 -> Z would help the community with their endeavors.  Coopercrisp from the SDA days was still around.  
493.12 -> Mikl, primarily a sly 1 runner, was interested  in optimizing and racing Sly 2. And, GameCuber,  
498.72 -> who i’ll get to in a bit. Cooper had tried  doing some episode 1 runs around this time.  
503.52 -> These times don’t have surviving video but  he did post his splits on the SDA forums for  
507.68 -> the world to see. A 39:36 on christmas eve  2013. A 39:11 In march of 2014, and a 38:28  
516.08 -> the very next day. The lack of video wouldn’t be  too big of an issue, as only half a year later,  
521.92 -> GameCuber would be the first person who  would give episode 1 the love it deserved.  
525.92 -> In august of 2014, Cuber would absolutely  smash Cooper’s run, when he got this time.
566.64 -> Throughout pretty much every single job, Cuber  had some kind of optimization or new strategy  
571.68 -> over the intended way. On satellite sabotage,  Cuber realized the activation hitbox for the  
576.32 -> satellites are insanely big, and thus you can  press circle on them way earlier than you think.  
581.76 -> On Breaking & Entering, Cuber lets  Murray do most of the work with the rats,  
585.28 -> as he kills them in 2 hits rather than Sly's 4  hits. After each day in the episode, a slideshow  
590.64 -> cutscene plays where Bentley briefs the gang about  the next set of jobs that need to be completed.  
595.28 -> Cuber skips all three of these by quitting  out to the PS3 menu and relaunching the game,  
599.92 -> saving him massive amounts of time. He utilized  a shortcut on Bug Dimitri’s Office that was found  
604.64 -> by Samura1man in 2008, where you can reach this  rope from the lamp, skipping a decent chunk of  
609.52 -> platforming and getting you to the ventilation  shaft earlier. Instead of walking back all the  
614 -> way from Dimitri’s Office to the next job,  Cuber goes into the pause menu to load his  
618.48 -> file. 4 Seconds later, and the game spawns him  in the safehouse, skipping the travel entirely.  
623.76 -> This would also be done after the completion  of two other jobs - Follow Dimitri and Theater  
628.16 -> Pickpocketing. On Silence the Alarms, Cuber made  an observation as he approached the second alarm.  
634.56 -> “Only two briefcases, looks like i gotta  use guard! It’s gonna be you, douchebag.”  
648.32 -> The amount of briefcases that spawn in this area  seemingly random. A maximum of 4 briefcases can  
654 -> spawn, but in the worst case scenario you can  end up with 0. Forcing you to use the guards,  
658.96 -> or this newspaper box located all the way in the  back. Murray walks a lot slower when he carries  
664 -> stuff over his head, so you do need some good luck  here to get a fast time. On the operation, Cuber  
669.12 -> had a handful of new tricks up his sleeve. After  getting tossed up to the water tower by Murray,  
673.6 -> he tanks a bomb hit to avoid having to get thrown  up to the tower a second time. When stealing the  
678.24 -> key to the repair truck, he does a stealth slam  combo on the first rat to instantly take him down,  
683.36 -> and then runs back to the rooftop and knocks  the second rat off the building which instantly  
687.68 -> kills him too. Now his alert level completely  disappears and he can jump down and steal the key.  
693.68 -> Oh and when you have to climb the  giant peacock? Cuber does this.  
704.08 -> "We did it." The community coined this.. “Cock  strats.” Because you climb the peacock and stuff..  
712 -> You know? Moving on, there’s a spot on this pipe  where the game takes over and climbs all the way  
717.92 -> to the beak on it’s own, but if you hit the  trigger without being attached to the pipe,  
721.68 -> the game will launch Sly to that position.  Cuber’s strategy for fighting the rats is to  
726 -> hit them as quickly as possible once  their invincibility period runs out,  
729.76 -> fairly straight forward stuff. Cuber  took the Dimitri fight a little bit safe,  
733.92 -> as he wanted to close out a new world record,  and so he did with 33:25 on August 27th 2014.
740.96 -> In the following weeks Cuber would improve  his time, and cement his status as the best  
745.28 -> Episode 1 player. On September 1st  2014, Cuber would improve to a 33:12,  
751.44 -> then to 32:46 on September 8th, refining  his movement and overall gameplay.  
756.96 -> Z, Coopercrisp and mikl had been helping Cuber  out from the sidelines by finding new strategies  
761.36 -> along the way. Cuber would use the new stuff  to knock his time down by another 10 seconds,  
766.24 -> 2 days after his 32:46, to 32:36. The  first new trick that was incorporated  
773.68 -> was discovered by Z and coopercrisp and was..  a pretty big one. Guard Spawn Manipulation.  
782.56 -> By turning the camera in specific directions as  you’re roaming the map you can prevent guards  
786.4 -> from spawning in your way. The majority of  the time the camera has to be backwards,  
790.32 -> which means you need to know the level layout  pretty well. This trick is very useful on Bug  
794.72 -> Dimitri’s Office, since if you get hit by any  of the guards with the painting on your back  
798.32 -> you instantly fail the job. The way Cuber enters  Theater Pickpocketing in this run is also faster,  
803.92 -> as discovered by Z - the job trigger  extends out below the balcony,  
807.76 -> allowing you to hit it from underneath. Inside  the job, there’s also a couple of things to note.  
812.72 -> First, Cuber gets a faster cutscene at the  start of the job that saves about 1.5 seconds.  
817.6 -> When you first go through the door, the game will  take control over Sly and will walk him forward to  
821.84 -> a predetermined location. Kinda like the peacock  climbing in the operation. The cutscene trigger  
826.88 -> is located around here, and sometimes Sly will  walk all the way from the door to the trigger,  
832.4 -> but sometimes he stops a little short, thus  not watching the cutscene as early as possible.  
837.52 -> Mikl found a tiny optimization for getting the  first key faster. Instead of hopping along the  
842.08 -> seam on the left like before, you can rush to  the first table and quickly crawl under it to  
846.56 -> lose detection. And finally, Cuber would reach the  4th key quicker by doing a set of tricky jumps.  
854.8 -> In the meantime, Coopercrisp wanted to get back in  shape and set a good time with the new strategies.  
859.52 -> He would snag the world record by 4 seconds with a  32:32 on November 30th 2014, unfortunately again,  
866.08 -> no video. This record would stand going into 2015,  where we would see a big shift in the Sly 2 scene.
881.2 -> Up until this point, the north americans,  Cuber and Coopercrisp were the ones to sit  
885.76 -> atop the throne for episode 1. But  now, all eyes turned to Scandinavia,  
890.72 -> as a Norwegian runner would have a meteoric rise  to the top, and this guy was ahead of the pack.
913.52 -> Gnist would become one of the most important  runners for Sly speedrunning at the time  
917.04 -> and came out swinging hard. While his first  episode 1 time was a 36:51, 4 minutes behind  
922.96 -> Cuber and Coopercrisp, it only took him a week and  a half to take the world record to European soil,  
927.92 -> with 32:19. This run was mind blowing for the  community, as it came with a plethora of new  
933.52 -> strats.. and also.. movement tech. The first  advanced movement technique that Gnist was  
939.12 -> using was the Square Boost. By running forward  and pressing X and Square at the same time,  
943.52 -> Sly will lunge forward with his aerial attack.  Movement speed in the air is significantly slower  
947.92 -> than on the ground, but this technique allows  you to preserve your grounded speed into a jump,  
952.32 -> saving tiny bits of time throughout the episode.  Another technique Gnist was taking advantage of  
957.12 -> is the glitch high jump. When you hold  down square after swinging your cane,  
961.04 -> Sly will charge up this spinning attack. If  you try to charge this attack while in mid air,  
965.44 -> you can achieve a grounded standpoint that you  can jump off of, essentially allowing you to  
969.36 -> triple jump. Sly 2 now had horizontal movement  tech in the form of Square Boosting, and vertical  
975.36 -> movement tech in form of glitched high jumping,  allowing the game to be pushed to new heights..  
980.16 -> and lengths. As for strats, Gnist performed  an absolutely ridiculous trick in Breaking  
985.2 -> and Entering known as a table clip. By using the  charge attack once again and interrupting it with  
990.16 -> entering a crawlspace, Sly will clip into table  for a brief moment. Once inside the table you  
995.52 -> have.. a ton of speed and you can clip through  the gates on the other side, but you need to  
999.76 -> be careful to cancel this speed at a very precise  moment, or the game will launch you out of bounds.  
1004.88 -> If done successfully, you can skip the entire  cutscene with Murray, and save about 25 seconds.  
1010 -> The table clip had been known about for at least  a year, but nobody was daring enough to put it  
1013.92 -> in a run until Gnist. The trick is notoriously  inconsistent, and would cause plenty of resets  
1020 -> early on, but 25 seconds was way too good to pass  up. Gnist had a comparison against coopercrisps  
1026.72 -> 32:32, and you can see that he gains massive  time over him after completing the job. On Bug  
1032.24 -> Dimitri’s Office, Gnist used the glitch high jump  to his advantage, cutting the corner even sharper  
1036.72 -> to the ventilation shaft, saving another 4 and  a half. He maintains the lead through the run,  
1041.76 -> all the way up until Silence the Alarms, where  he tragically only gets a single briefcase spawn,  
1047.36 -> which costs him half his lead. Gnist also  gained about 2 seconds on disco demolitions by  
1052 -> hitting the bomb on the final pillar, skipping  the necessary wait for the detonation.  
1056.48 -> Gnists run was good, but he was definitely  carried by a game breaking new strategy,  
1061.44 -> and so.. he wanted to prove that it wasn’t  a fluke. He would set a 32:09 11 days later,  
1067.04 -> and in March the 32 minute  barrier would be shattered.  
1074.88 -> "Nice.. nice nice. Okay. I'm gonna  retime that last split because..  
1083.36 -> i split late i think." This run only really had  1 new notable strat. That being this vent clip  
1090.64 -> at the end of Breaking and Entering, that  saves a couple of seconds. Besides that,  
1094.4 -> this run was really solid. The square boosts  were looking crispier, the briefcases were on  
1098.88 -> his side this time, and a good Dimitri fight  to close it out. The community around this  
1103.44 -> time was still relatively small with only 14  submitted runs to the episode 1 leaderboards.  
1107.92 -> Gnist would start streaming his runs a lot more  often, bringing in a small loyal fanbase for Sly.  
1113.2 -> At the end of the month, March 30th, Gnist would  squeeze out another 3 second record, to 31:40.  
1126.8 -> "Pfft. *laughs.* That was a late split but-."  One of the people that was watching this run  
1131.2 -> was Cuber who was inspired  to get back to the game.  
1134.24 -> Just to see if he still had it  in him to reclaim the title.
1146.32 -> Cuber had improved his Personal Best to a 32:08,  but wanted to push into that 31 territory.  
1152.08 -> He learned the table clip, all the small  new optimizations, and all the new movement  
1156.56 -> tech, and now he was hot on Gnists heels. He had a  run on April 19th that was 16 seconds behind Gnist  
1163.36 -> going into Dimtri. It seemed like a lost cause,  perhaps good enough for a new personal best,  
1169.2 -> but not quite good enough for the record,  regardless.. Cuber gave it everything he had.
1193.12 -> A 31:40. A World Record tie to the  second. A rare sight to behold.  
1200.88 -> "My heart hurts *sigh of relief.*" Cuber had  proven to the world, but most importantly,  
1209.84 -> to himself that he could still play at  the top level, even if it seemed like  
1214.16 -> Gnist was becoming harder and harder to reach.  And that statement could not be more true.  
1219.36 -> Gnist was in the lab trying to find more ways to  save time for Episode 1. We’re entering the stage  
1224.4 -> where tiny tiny optimizations start to matter. 1  second here, 2 seconds there, will add up over the  
1230.08 -> course of the run. All the jobs in the episode are  fairly simple and straightforward, and serve to  
1235.04 -> show you the ropes of the game. With simplicity,  comes extreme optimization. And optimizations are  
1241.52 -> exactly what Gnist would implement. He would post  a run a mere 2 days after Cuber tied his record,  
1247.44 -> and already within the first few seconds  of the run, a new strat would be unearthed,  
1252.16 -> and this one wasn’t 1-2 seconds. The  Satellite Sabotage Cutscene Skip.  
1260.56 -> When you begin the run, Sly will  climb to the rooftop automatically,  
1263.92 -> as seen in previous instances. Right before  he pulls out the binocucom, you have a 1 frame  
1268.96 -> window to press start to pause the game.  Since Sly 2 runs at 60 frames per second,  
1273.84 -> that’s a sixtieth of a second you have to  press a single button, however there was  
1278 -> a workaround to make this consistent. All you  have to do is follow the great words of Melee  
1282.56 -> commentator homemadewaffles. "UNPLUG THE  CONTROLLER DAWG, UNPLUG THE CONTROLLER!"  
1289.52 -> Yes, that is the strat, unplugging  the charger cord from your controller,  
1293.68 -> will pause the game on the first frame  possible. Unplugging it right when Sly  
1297.76 -> latches off the pipe makes the controller  reestablish wireless connection to the PS3  
1302.4 -> at the perfect moment for you to gain control  in the pause menu. Now you can quit out to the  
1306.8 -> episode menu, and re-enter, and the cutscene  will be skipped. A tad controversial perhaps,  
1311.6 -> but we’ll take the 12 seconds. Besides this  massive save, Gnist would also table clip  
1316.32 -> through the second laser barrier in Breaking and  Entering, which skips crawling under the table.  
1320.56 -> A tiny shortcut was found by using this window’s  flower bed combined with a glitch high jump,  
1325.04 -> to reach the window earlier for Bug Dimitri’s  Office, and a closer rooftop was used to take  
1330.08 -> care of the rats when getting the repair truck  key in the operation. Cuber’s method of running  
1334.32 -> all the way back was pretty slow, but much safer  as you knock the rat off of a higher rooftop,  
1339.52 -> guaranteeing an instant kill. Gnist’s method,  while faster, requires more finesse to get right.  
1345.36 -> Gnist had actually been using this strat since  his first world record for episode 1 months back,  
1350.16 -> but this was the first time he nailed it to  perfection. Now, it was just about closing it out.
1360.32 -> "Ayy, i did it! My sum of best  is now sub 31 by far, Kappa uhm." 
1367.68 -> "It can still be a lot faster  though, like, i still lost  
1371.92 -> almost 10 seconds to cuber on the last  split. So that can still be improved."
1379.84 -> Despite getting a best segment on the  operation, Gnist still lost 10 seconds to  
1384.4 -> Cuber. This was largely due to Cuber’s better  execution in the boss fight against Dimitri,  
1389.36 -> but it’s not as simple as it  looks. Allow me to break it down.
1397.6 -> You'll always start the fight at the opposite end  from Dimitri, where he will shoot a laser attack  
1402 -> with his ring. You’re normally supposed to take  cover when he shoots this until his ring jams,  
1407.04 -> but he’ll also stop using this attack if you  close the gap. Once you’re up close you need  
1411.44 -> to hit Dimitri 4 times for the first knockdown, 4  times again for the second one, and after doing it  
1416.72 -> a third time, he will teleport. The teleporting  was a bit of a mystery back in the early days  
1422.64 -> but it was slowly figured out around this time in  April 2015. The fight arena is separated into 4  
1428 -> quadrants. Dimitri will always teleport diagonally  across from the quadrant that Sly is standing in,  
1433.28 -> so if you wanna fight him well - You can knock  him down, then get as close to the center of the  
1437.44 -> arena while still standing inside the same  quadrant. Then run to the opposite one once  
1442.08 -> Dimitri has teleported. While both Gnist and  Cuber had a stranglehold over this strategy,  
1447.04 -> Cuber would typically pull better times,  brilliantly showcased in his 31:13, which  
1452.16 -> was set the very next day after Gnist’s new time.  A gold split to close, and a new world record.
1457.84 -> "Woo woo.  
1466.88 -> 31:13 boys." 
1470.8 -> "Thank you Gnisten" "Ahhh i get to move on, i'm so happy!  
1478.16 -> I'm so ****ing happy. Holy ****
1497.84 -> For the first time in the twitch era, Sly  2 Episode 1 would remain dormant. Cuber’s  
1503.76 -> 31:13 would stay on top for half a year. A great  statement for the final record of the games early  
1509.6 -> champion. Cuber would still root for future record  holders, and stick around in the community to  
1514.24 -> race and do some occasional runs, but this  would be the last time he was in first place.  
1519.44 -> His work here was done. We thank you Cuber.  The 31:13.. was gonna fall eventually,  
1526.88 -> and the person to beat it is  someone i’ve mentioned before. Mikl.
1532.4 -> "For the love of god don't hit  me. Oh this is so dangerous. ****.
1540.4 -> "AHH WTF"
1543.52 -> Coming hot off of his any% record in Sly 1,  
1546.08 -> Mikl wanted to see if he could  end the dry streak on Episode 1,  
1549.36 -> he had the speed, he had the pace, and surely  enough, he would get it, by a mere two seconds.
1558.64 -> "Nope." "I got it." 
1562.4 -> "I'm so.. so sorry cuber."
1566.08 -> Your first instinct might be that he’s apologizing  to Cuber for ending his record's long streak,  
1570.96 -> but there’s a little more to it.. It’s not a  PlayStation speedrunning video, if we don’t  
1576.48 -> talk about loading times. Playing with a physical  disc of the Sly collection is slower than having  
1587.04 -> the game downloaded on your PS3, so a digital  release is always used. The different PS3 models  
1592.96 -> vary heavily on the reset times after each day in  the episode. The oldest models of PlayStation 3’s,  
1598.08 -> being the fat A through K models, are the  fastest, which is strange to say the least - you  
1603.52 -> would think that the newer models with stronger  hardware are better suited for running, but the  
1607.76 -> fat L through Q models are slower, the slim models  are even slower, and the super slim models are  
1613.76 -> horrendously slow. Finally there is some variation  in loading times depending on the hard disk drive  
1618.72 -> you have in your PS3. The standard one always  has 5400 Revolutions per minute, or RPM. Mikl had  
1625.28 -> replaced his standard Hard disk drive with a newer  one for storage reasons, but this one had an RPM  
1630.16 -> of 7200, which caused him to save 2-3 seconds on  Cuber and Gnist on every quitout to the PS3 menu.  
1636.4 -> To equalize the playing field from here on out,  it made much more sense to just ditch Hard Disk  
1641.04 -> Drives altogether and upgrade to Solid State  Drives. PS3s can’t read or write more than 300  
1646.88 -> megabytes per second from any drive, so even the  cheapest SSDs, at 30$ or so, wouldn’t be faster  
1652.96 -> than a more expensive one. This would become the  new standard, so runs never had to come down to  
1657.76 -> faster loads ever again. However, at the time,  Cuber’s run had better execution over Mikl’s,  
1664.16 -> and they both knew it. Mikl’s run was still the  record, but SSDs opened up the door for way lower  
1670.16 -> to be possible, as it saved about 23 seconds for  episode 1. Who was gonna take advantage of that?
1677.92 -> When the world needed him the most. Gnist came.  back. With an SSD at his disposal, he was ready  
1683.84 -> to leap far ahead of the competition. He had  already proven himself as a force to be reckoned  
1688.16 -> with in Sly 2, and for the next year of the games  history, no man could touch the norwegian slayer.
1740.24 -> With his 30:25 set on November 27th 2015,  Gnist had officially swept the entire episode  
1746.24 -> leaderboard for Sly 2. There's no rule  stating that you can't set an individual  
1750.64 -> episode record in a full game run. And Gnist  was such a monster, he would do exactly that.
1779.6 -> 30:12. An absolute takeover of the game.  SSD only saved around 23 seconds, yet Gnist  
1786.64 -> had bettered his play so much throughout the  months, that he shaved off a whole minute.  
1790.96 -> Despite being so close to breaking the 30  minute barrier. Gnist was satisfied with  
1794.96 -> how far he had pushed the game. And who  could blame him? He had firmly cemented  
1799.6 -> his position at the top of the leaderboard.  He had everything. What more could he want?
1814.08 -> Well.. One thing is getting the lead. Another  is maintaining it, and you may notice that a  
1819.12 -> new player already has a 30 of his own. This is  Alekhine, and throughout 2016, he was comfortably  
1825.36 -> sitting behind Gnist, in second place. A Norwegian  rival, hungry to take the number one spot for  
1830.88 -> himself. Towards the end of 2016, Alek wanted to  make a push for the full game any% record, as it  
1836.8 -> was starting to be viewed with more prestige over  episode times. But he had a way to go if he wanted  
1842.32 -> to get there, and decided instead to improve  all of his episode times for practice. Alek is  
1847.6 -> a former runescape skiller, he is no stranger to  relentless grinding for hours on end. The word  
1853.12 -> goes that Alek would enter the double digits some  days during his most motivated times. He is Sly  
1858.4 -> 2’s first proper, grind monkey.. if you can put  it that way. Shown here in his natural habitat.  
1869.04 -> To achieve 1st place in the full-game, Alek wanted  to get the world record or at least get very close  
1874.08 -> to it, in every single episode. What better way  than to start from the beginning, and Alek was set  
1879.76 -> on the grand prize. Sub 30 in episode 1. Gnist had  a couple of new strategies showcased in his 30:12,  
1887.36 -> and a sub 30 was proven to be barely possible  with a very clean run. The first strat takes  
1892.96 -> place in Waterpump Destruction, where using  the invincibility frames from the laser,  
1896.88 -> enables you to punch out the second  alarm, rather than tossing items at it.  
1900.8 -> A nifty little barrier skip allows for a few  seconds of time save in Disco Demolitions,  
1905.2 -> and finally a faster and more consistent strat  for the truck key was discovered in the operation.  
1910.48 -> By destroying this bench near the  fountain, you alert the 2 rats that  
1913.76 -> are tailing behind the truck guard. As they  leave their position to check on the noise,  
1917.68 -> you can quickly run to the left to avoid  detection and steal the key very quickly.  
1926.08 -> Alek had improved his 30:45 to a 30:18  and was now so tantalizingly close to both  
1932.64 -> Gnist, and the sub 30. On November  13th, 2016 Alek was on the run.  
1953.36 -> He hit all 3 table clips in Breaking and Entering,  he got 3 briefcases on Silence the Alarms, a 4  
1960.16 -> second gold split in theater pickpocketing, it was  all just looking a little too good to be true. In  
1966.48 -> the operation, Alek nailed the guard lure for the  truck key, hit the cock strats, and had a great  
1972.08 -> fight against the rats. He was 20 seconds ahead  of Gnist going into Dimitri. This run was so good,  
1978.72 -> there was even a little bit of room to spare.  The nerves were getting to Alek, and it showed  
1983.68 -> in his fight against Dimitri. It was shaky,  he was making mistakes. It was gonna be close.
2016.8 -> There it was. 29:59. Alek had pulled through  and achieved the sub 30 by the skin of his  
2024.4 -> teeth. It took a lot of effort from many of the  game's glitch hunters and community members,  
2028.88 -> but Episode 1 could now be beaten in under  half an hour, all in the name of Norway.  
2043.36 -> Alek would go on to chase down great times in  the other episodes as well. He got the record in  
2047.68 -> Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 4, and eventually  was only missing Episode 6 for the sweep,  
2054.4 -> which he would get during a full-game  run in february. As a fun sidenote,  
2058.4 -> Gnist would take back the episode 6 record the  very next day, meaning that Alek only had the  
2063.2 -> Episode sweep for 24 hours. Regardless though,  Alek was more focused on any%, and treated the  
2068.64 -> episode records as more of necessary practice  for full-game. Once he began his full-game grind,  
2073.6 -> he would add another improvement to  Episode 1 during one of his attempts,  
2077.04 -> with 29:50. Gnist didn’t have much time to play  in the winter season due to exams. But in March he  
2084.32 -> was ready to come back to reclaim the records that  Alek had taken over the months. And what’s more,  
2089.36 -> he had finally obtained the optimal fat ps3 setup,  now putting him on the same playing field as Alek.  
2095.28 -> On March 10th, he set a new record of 29:44 for  Episode 1. This run had two new small strategy  
2101.92 -> innovations. Z had figured out that the first  cutscene on Disco Demolitions could be skipped  
2106.96 -> by getting knocked into the cutscene trigger by  whacking your own bomb and dying on the way in.  
2111.68 -> You would think this would save massive amounts  of time, as the cutscene is 22 seconds long,  
2116.56 -> but you have to redo the first room again with the  lasers, reducing the time save to only 2 seconds.  
2122.48 -> Sly 2 has long been plagued with unskippable  cutscenes throughout the game, so skips like  
2127.04 -> these are very welcome additions to the run. The  other strat Gnist would incorporate in his run,  
2132.24 -> is absolutely ridiculous, and would take place  outside of the window for Bug Dimitri’s Office.  
2137.68 -> Gnist didn’t climb the pipe, he didn’t jump  off the window. No. Gnist went.. for the chair.
2163.76 -> Despite the chair jump, the  rest of the run was very solid,  
2168.16 -> enough for a new record by 6 seconds,  that would last... for 9 months.  
2176.72 -> For the rest of 2017, Episode 1 was left in the  dust. Alek had properly burnt himself out after  
2183.2 -> spending hours every day playing any%. It’s not  easy to maintain motivation for a 5 hour long  
2188.48 -> game. Gnist had shifted his focus to Sly 2 100% in  May of 2017, and then to Sly 3 any% in September.  
2196.64 -> Towards the end of the year, we would see  some new faces get close to the Norwegians,  
2201.12 -> but no new record. With how optimized Episode  1 was getting, no one was willing to make a  
2206.48 -> push to lower the time. A new player had to  step up, or something new had to be found.
2223.44 -> To continue our story, I need to talk about  a certain someone. This guy right here. His  
2229.68 -> name is Oggyerino, or Oggy, and he’s uhh.  sorta the class clown of the community..
2236.4 -> "Okay so it's here." "It's like, you stand right here." 
2239.04 -> "Or is it mayb-" "*Infectous Laughter*"
2241.156 -> "OHH HO. HOHOHO. *Coughs*"
2258.88 -> Where do you think Oggy is from? ..Yeah, another  norwegian. Look at the leaderboards in November  
2265.68 -> 2017, literally the entire top 7 runners are  norwegian or finnish. What is this? Some black  
2272 -> metal fan gathering or something? Anyway, there  is actually a solid explanation as to why this is  
2276.88 -> the case. For most smaller nations in Europe,  you would just have to play games in english,  
2281.44 -> since translations were hard to come by. Sly 2 and  3 however came with a ton of languages. Not just  
2287.2 -> your usual English, German, Spanish, and French.  Sly 2 also came with Danish, Swedish, Norwegian,  
2293.84 -> Finnish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese.  For many of the Nordic countries, having games  
2300.16 -> in our native tongues was extremely unusual. And  here comes a game as big as Sly 2 in 12 different  
2306 -> languages, thanks for that Sucker Punch. It was  a big deal, and the games were extremely popular  
2311.28 -> here for this reason. Oggy and a few other people  had been testing different languages in Sly 2 to  
2315.76 -> see if it would make a difference in the run.  Some episodes in Sly 3 were faster in Dutch and  
2320.48 -> Norwegian, so surely something had to be better  for Sly 2. After some testing, a few things were  
2326.08 -> found out. The difference between every language  was basically negligible in comparison to english.  
2331.2 -> But there was 1 exception. Oggy and another runner  Suappi are both collectors of various versions of  
2336.56 -> the sly games. But there was one version that  eluded for quite some time. Korean. Obtaining a  
2342.32 -> korean copy of Sly 2 wasn’t the easiest feat.  But Suappi managed to get his hands on one.  
2347.84 -> The moment he slid the disc in, it was night  and day. The dialogue here is unreasonably fast.  
2353.84 -> It seems that some of the cutscene footage is  shortened because the Korean dialogue is so fast  
2359.2 -> that it wouldn’t match up with the length used for  english. After another runner, Remo, timed Korean  
2364.4 -> over English for the whole game, it was proven  to be an astonishing 9 minutes faster for any%,  
2369.92 -> one of these minutes being in Episode 1. Oggy was  able to crack the final piece of the puzzle, and  
2374.8 -> figured out how to get a Korean Downloaded copy  of the game on PS3, and forwarded the information  
2379.44 -> to the community. This would mark the beginning of  the Korean Gold Rush in Sly 2. A single discovery,  
2385.04 -> so impactful, the records for all of the  games 8 individual episodes as well as any%,  
2390.48 -> were now up for grabs. For episode 1, anybody  that was decently within range of Gnist before,  
2396.24 -> now had a shot at getting an easy record.  And Oggy would get his 48 hours of fame,  
2401.68 -> setting a new world record with Korean,  on December 22nd, 2017 with 29:22.
2408.32 -> Two days later on christmas eve, Mikl  was doing full-game runs with Korean,  
2412.48 -> and just so happened to get one too, with 29:15.
2417.04 -> Remo, who was the big mastermind  behind timing the Korean dialogue,  
2420.24 -> would get a gold rush World Record  of his own, by 1 second, 29:14.
2426.08 -> Within the span of less than a week, 3  different players had set 3 different records,  
2431.04 -> it seemed like it was anybody’s game, but papa  Gnist had something else to say about it. Hah,  
2436.88 -> those are some nice times boys, how about 28:33.  ..Yea, everybody sorta saw this coming. When Gnist  
2444.64 -> got a hold of Korean, it was game over. This time  came with only 1 new notable strat that Oggy used  
2451.12 -> in his run. Sly 1 runner Zenthrow figured out  a double hit method for certain guards, which  
2456.08 -> could be used for the rat fight in the operation.  After a regular square attack, the rats normally  
2460.96 -> have to get up from the ground, but you can fit in  a triangle attack as the rats are getting back up,  
2465.6 -> resulting in more damage per second. The only  downside is that if you miss the timing, you’ll  
2470.24 -> get hit by the rat's kick on the way back up.  The next month, Gnist would be back with another  
2474.88 -> improvement. Lowering the record by 4 seconds,  just by playing slightly better throughout.
2491.04 -> The overall mentality for Sly 2 runners entering  2018 was shifting away from the early days. Back  
2496.8 -> when the community was smaller-scale in 2014,  the focus was more on episode runs. They were  
2502.16 -> the perfect length to race and have fun with your  friends, and full-game runs were simply too long,  
2507.36 -> over 6 hours. Now 4 years later, the full-game  record is close to breaking the 5 hour barrier.  
2513.6 -> While still a long run, it could now  be justified to take it seriously,  
2517.36 -> due to the growing popularity of twitch streaming.  Sitting in your room and doing a 5 hour long  
2522 -> run by yourself, can be pretty mind numbing, but  now twitch chat is here to keep you company. It’s  
2528.16 -> interesting to see this shift in viewpoints from  episode runs reigning supreme, and full-game runs  
2533.04 -> being kind of irrelevant, to it now being  the other way around. Alek was sort of the  
2537.44 -> first person to adopt this mentality, and others  would follow in his footsteps for a long time.  
2543.04 -> As full-game runs became more relevant, it drew  in more viewership for Sly, and expanded the  
2548 -> community a lot. The Episode 1 leaderboard now  had runs from 60 different people. A lot of this  
2554.08 -> can be attributed to Gnist, for streaming the Sly  games consistently over the years. Many viewers  
2558.88 -> find his stream.. comfy. He never rages, is  helpful if people have questions about the game,  
2564.96 -> and is just a very wholesome person overall.  Oggy has on countless occasions snuggled up  
2569.6 -> and fallen asleep to his stream. On top of  all of that, he’s definitely one of the most  
2573.76 -> accomplished Sly runners ever. It was very tough  to take the record from Gnist, and when you did,  
2579.68 -> he would always come back to reclaim it. The only  person who was seemingly in sight to compete for  
2584.72 -> the episode 1 record was Remo, who was 24 seconds  behind Gnist. So far in this video, Remo has been  
2590.96 -> portrayed as the guy who timed Korean for Sly  2 and got a free record with it. But in the  
2596.4 -> background, this finnish juggernaut was absolutely  dominating Sly 3. Setting one world record after  
2602.72 -> another. The games have some small differences but  the fundamentals remain the same. The saying goes,  
2608.88 -> if you’re good at one, you’re probably gonna be  good at the other, and throughout January of 2018,  
2614.08 -> Remo and Gnist would have a heated battle for  the Sly 2 any% record. No episode 1 records were  
2619.52 -> set during the big showdown, besides the 28:29 by  Gnist. Remo took a break from speedrunning around  
2625.28 -> mid 2018, so Gnist was once again left without  a competitor. The only records that would be  
2630.88 -> set for the next while would be far apart from  one another, and would basically just happen  
2635.28 -> when Gnist decided to derust for full-game.  28:25 in July 2018, 28:22 in April 2019,  
2642.96 -> 28:20 just hours later, and 28:11 2 days after  that. Besides better execution overall, the strats  
2652.48 -> in this run were wildly different from before.  A small revolution was taking place for strat  
2657.52 -> hunting, and a new strategy on Follow Dimitri, is  the first big eyecatcher. As Gnist would do this.
2672 -> He teleported across the map. Follow  Dimitri is more or less an autoscroller,  
2678.72 -> where your only goal is not to get spotted  by anyone, but this time can be better  
2682.8 -> spent. Gnist makes sure he doesn’t go too far  away from Dimitri’s radius to fail the job,  
2687.68 -> but moves in a precise way in order to set up  a super jump. If you move around by jumping,  
2692.8 -> and swinging the cane when you’re about to hit  the ground, a value that the game uses to keep  
2696.72 -> track of your position is never updated, and  when you fall in water, or off a high area,  
2701.76 -> the game will move you back to the last place  this value was written. Gnist purposefully sets  
2706.4 -> his position next to this red car, and retains  this during the entirety of Follow Dimitri, taking  
2711.6 -> advantage of breakable objects, including this  antenna, which also don’t update your position.  
2716.48 -> He waits on this railing for the job to complete,  and then jumps into the water, which teleports him  
2721.52 -> all the way back to the car. This allows him to  start Bug Dimitri's Office immediately after,  
2726.48 -> effectively changing the route and swapping  the two jobs around entirely. In Breaking  
2731.36 -> and Entering, Gnist uses double hits and specific  pathing to group the rats into the same location,  
2736.4 -> allowing Murray to absolutely pulverize them, then  table clipping only seconds later. On Silence the  
2742.56 -> Alarms, a huge discovery was made that eliminated  the painful randomness on the second alarm.  
2747.92 -> It turns out that the briefcases don’t spawn  randomly, but spawn based on the camera,  
2752.64 -> which means they can be manipulated, just like the  guards. All you have to do is make sure you’re not  
2757.52 -> touching the camera running through this fountain  area, and that you’re running in a specific path.  
2761.76 -> You’ll get 3 or 4 briefcases everytime. In Theater  Pickpocketing, Gnist went back to the old strat  
2767.2 -> for the first key, since it was now faster with  another lure, by slamming this chair at the start.  
2772.48 -> The amount of coins you have to dig for in order  to get the keys in this job is also random,  
2777.2 -> and is timeloss that starts to matter with the run  now so optimized. With korean dialogue saving time  
2782.96 -> all throughout the game, Gnist opted to not do the  Disco Demolitions cutscene skip, since it almost  
2788 -> broke even with watching the cutscene. This run  also features by far the best Dimitri fight we’ve  
2793.36 -> seen, spending as little time as possible not  doing damage. The 28:11 was an incredible run.  
2800.08 -> Gnist had now been running Sly 2 for over 4 years,  and was still trying to push the boundaries.  
2805.28 -> His records did come with some notable dead  periods in between, and his life as a whole  
2809.68 -> was taking on more responsibilities, school being  the main time consumer. Despite all of that, a lot  
2815.28 -> has happened in very little time. Sub 30 didn’t  even feel like it was achieved all that long ago,  
2820.8 -> but now we’re closing in on Sub 28. The question  was, was it gonna be Gnist, or someone else?
2840.4 -> In the summer of 2019, Remo had come back from his  break, and this time, he was serious about Sly 2.  
2847.36 -> Remo started out posting his first runs of Sly 3  in the summer of 2017, but over the years, would  
2853.04 -> quickly gather a reputation for being meticulous.  If he finds a new strategy, he will test it.  
2859.04 -> If a new route is brought to his attention,  he will time it, and if there’s records out  
2863.44 -> there for the taking, he will take them. Remo is a  living Sly speedrunning library. You could ask him  
2869.68 -> how much the fastest strat saves for a certain job  in.. i dunno.. episode 5, and you bet he’s got the  
2875.52 -> answer. Not only that, he is also an incredibly  consistent runner, and gets results very fast.  
2881.76 -> In june of 2019 Remo would absolutely demolish the  entire episode leaderboards for Sly 2 within the  
2887.6 -> span of a few weeks, even faster than Alek back  in 2017. Remo really wanted to go for a feat that  
2894.24 -> nobody had done before. The elusive 19 out of 19.  Meaning every episode record for any% and 100%,  
2901.2 -> the full game record for any% and 100%, and a  miscellaneous category called any% with cheats.  
2906.8 -> To be fair, he already had every 100% record  for every episode, so he wasn’t starting from 0,  
2912.64 -> but still.. It’s difficult to describe  how quickly Remo got some of these times.  
2917.68 -> Already halfway through the month he had 18  out of the 19 records and it’s no coincidence  
2923.28 -> that he saved the most fitting for last.. and i  don’t think i have to tell you which one it is.
2931.52 -> Remo barely had any new strategies to use, for the  most part he just had to try to keep up with Gnist  
2937.2 -> for 28 minutes. For the table clip in breaking  and entering, Remo got flung high up into the air,  
2943.12 -> wasting around 5 seconds early on, but he  was confident the time could be saved later.  
2947.6 -> After all, for the 19/19, Remo didn’t need the  run, he just needed a run. On Follow Dimitri,  
2954.8 -> Remo didn’t get teleported as far as Gnist,  and had a horrible guard spawn as an even  
2959.04 -> further punishment. Again getting hit with the  painting on your back, causes you to fail the job,  
2964.32 -> but Remo managed to escape the jaws of death,  and nailed the chair jump right afterwards.  
2970.24 -> At the end of moonlight rendezvous,  Remo was 11 seconds behind Gnist,  
2974.32 -> so at this point, he had to pull all of his tricks  out the bag to save as much time as possible.  
2979.36 -> A reverse order for the last 2 keys in Theater  Pickpocketing, the disco demolitions cutscene  
2984.16 -> skip, and a much riskier water tower  in the operation. Entering Dimitri,  
2989.6 -> Remo found himself at the complete opposite  end of where Alek was just 2.5 years prior.  
2994.72 -> He had closed the gap to being only 3 seconds  behind Gnist, but he was going up against one of  
2999.28 -> the best Dimitri fights in the world. But then..  something happened, a miracle had struck for Remo.
3034.32 -> In a stroke of luck, when it was least expected,  Dimitri had pushed Sly to the absolute perfect  
3040.16 -> spot as he was teleporting. Closing out a new  world record for Remo of 28:08, and completing  
3046.64 -> the full 19/19 sweep. Finland was now on top. Remo  was the king of Sly 3, and now was the king of Sly  
3054.48 -> 2. Hands down, one of the greatest the series  has ever seen. Throughout this mid 2019 period,  
3060.8 -> Remo seemed completely unstoppable. He was like a  train with no breaks, setting record after record.
3071.44 -> "4:58:34."
3074.96 -> The day the 28:08 was set, would also mark the day  of Gnist’s final time at the top for episode 1.  
3081.68 -> He had done a lot for the community for the past  4 years, setting countless records in Sly 2 and 3,  
3087.12 -> but life goes on. Having said that, you  never know when we might see him play again.  
3092.4 -> It could happen, we’ll have to wait and see.
3095.6 -> Remo had taken the Sly scene by storm, and had  the stranglehold over two of the games. He was  
3100.8 -> looking like the one to push for the sub 28, but  episode 1 was taking its toll. To put it blunt,  
3107.36 -> nobody cared to push it down further with  how optimized it was. If you didn’t play  
3112.16 -> within a few seconds of perfection, you would  have to start over. Your runs could die in so  
3117.44 -> many different ways and no one was willing to  squeeze a lemon that seemingly had no juice left.
3133.2 -> Let’s rewind the tape a bit cause we have  been going for quite a while at this point.  
3137.52 -> These were the top 10 players on the leaderboards  right when Gnist got his final record,  
3142 -> I figured we should, you know, reflect. We got  Remo who was catching up quickly, we have Suappi,  
3148.48 -> Mikl, Oggy, Alek. You know, the goon squad. But  we also have some new runners amongst the top.  
3155.36 -> I wanna talk about this guy down here, tied for  10th place. Hekksu. With a 29:53. A sub 30 is  
3164.16 -> certainly a respectable time, but something  definitely stands out with this run. You see,  
3169.44 -> when you submit your time to the leaderboards, you  are required to put in your time, your hard drive,  
3173.84 -> your starting gadgets, which is none for episode  1, your platform and version, and date. Hekksu’s  
3180.56 -> 29:53 was done on English and he also wasn’t using  an SSD. If you do the math, his time with optimal  
3188.08 -> hardware would be in the mid 28 minute range,  very clearly a top 3 player in terms of skill.  
3193.76 -> He had been playing on and off since 2016 and  found various strategies throughout the game.  
3198.8 -> The guard lure used in the operation was found  by him, and the crazy super jump chain on Follow  
3203.6 -> Dimitri as well. Many community members  speculated about the potential of hekksu,  
3208.4 -> he could definitely be a world record contender  if he acquired the right version of the game.  
3212.8 -> But the man himself was a bit of a mystery. He  barely interacted at all with the community,  
3218.48 -> and was just off doing his own thing.  If he was playing, you had no idea..  
3224.08 -> you would just have to wait until he submitted  a run to see what kind of times he was getting.  
3228.56 -> Hekksu became the talking point in the  community discord server. Just who the  
3232.64 -> hell was this mysterious player? Has anyone  spoken to him before? What does he look like?
3238.96 -> “People just imagined him being  this super big brawly dude.  
3247.12 -> I don’t know what it’s called  but it’s the brawly doge  
3250.32 -> started popping up as a meme and we’re like,  that’s ****ing hekksu. That is hekksu.”
3256.8 -> Ok so if we take Oggy’s description to heart.  We have a big muscular dog, who plays with no  
3262.8 -> help from the community and is one of the  players with the highest skill potential.  
3267.28 -> Don’t give this guy Korean and SSD,  or he might just destroy your game.  
3271.68 -> But that’s exactly what would happen. The  community was about to witness something  
3276 -> legendary. The finnish hurricane had  arrived, let’s see what he could do.
3395.12 -> 27:34. Hekksu had pushed Episode 1 to a place  where it had never been before. Not only did  
3402.24 -> he break into the 27 minute barrier on his  first world record, he continued to lower  
3407.2 -> it when everyone else thought that there was no  more time to be saved. What an absolute beast.
3412.72 -> Hekksu had shaved off 20 seconds from  Remo’s record with nothing but better  
3416.88 -> movement and execution, but his 27:34 did  have a completely new innovation. Gadgets.  
3425.52 -> Something I've never brought up because it’s  simply never been relevant is the gadgets menu,  
3429.84 -> which you can open by pressing select. New gadgets  are added into this menu with every episode,  
3434.72 -> but you have to purchase them in the  safe house. In episode 1 there’s only 1  
3438.8 -> gadget that each playable character can obtain.  Fists of Flame for Murray, Smoke Bomb for Sly,  
3444.96 -> and Trigger Bomb for bentley. Hekksu had  discovered that the items in episode 1  
3450.4 -> could help save a tiny amount of time in the  run, but where was he gonna get the coins?  
3454.88 -> Hekksu spent his time wisely during the  autoscrollers jobs to farm 200 coins to buy the  
3459.36 -> trigger bomb for Bentley, which saved a handful of  seconds in Disco Demolitions. The trigger bomb is  
3464.56 -> a bomb you can manually detonate, but it will also  detonate if you leave a certain radius around it.  
3469.76 -> So hekksu throws a trigger bomb on the first  pillar. He then makes his way to the second pillar  
3474.16 -> and quickly drops a bomb as he leaves the radius  of the trigger bomb. This causes the cutscenes  
3478.8 -> to overlap and play at the same time, saving time  over playing them individually. He then continues  
3484.32 -> to do the same for the third and fourth one,  including a ballsy corner cut over the archway.  
3490.4 -> Hekksu’s gameplay throughout this run is  also so unbelievably clean. A disgusting  
3495.6 -> triple hit in breaking and entering from Murray,  perfect camera manipulation to get 4 briefcases  
3501.2 -> and insane rat juggling in the  operation. All in the same run.
3506.72 -> This is perhaps where the record should  have stood. But a rule change was in  
3510.24 -> the works for Sly 2. Full-game Sly 2 was being  revolutionized by the use of additional gadgets,  
3516.64 -> such as Adrenaline Burst and Stealth  Slide, saving huge amounts of time in  
3520.4 -> the later stages of the game. At this point,  episode runs were only allowed to start with  
3524.96 -> the gadgets that were required to complete the  episode, which in the case of Episode 1 is none.  
3531.04 -> Additional gadgets could be bought if the coins  were grinded mid-run, as Hekksu did in his 27:34.  
3537.84 -> But in order to prevent episode runs -- especially  later in the game -- from being completely left  
3542.32 -> behind in the midst of the gadget revolution, the  community was polled, and a decision was made.  
3547.84 -> Additional gadgets were now allowed for  Sly 2 Episode runs. Runners could begin  
3552.08 -> the run with any available gadgets that are  already unlocked by that point in the game.
3556.24 -> Which means that hekksu, had one last run to  do. On September 8th, 2020, the Sly community  
3563.92 -> witnessed history, it was pure  beauty between a man and his game.  
3568.16 -> From a strategy and gameplay point of view,  this is the peak. Hekksu would start the  
3573.28 -> attempt that would go on to be the the most  well executed display for episode 1, here we go.
3584.4 -> First, Hekksu uses some advanced movement  tech throughout the rooftops of Paris.  
3588.48 -> The charge attack's grounded speed is  slightly faster than normal running speed,  
3592.56 -> and you can keep this speed by timing a square  boost right when the charge attack ends, saving  
3597.44 -> tiny tiny amounts of time. Hekksu nails this  movement, and gets a gold split for the segment.  
3603.44 -> After Follow Dimitri, Hekksu takes the super jump  chain one step further, and warps directly into  
3609.36 -> the trigger for Bug Dimitri’s Office. He nails the  chair jump and goes for an absolutely insane jump  
3615.44 -> to the ventilation shaft. Cuber, Coopercrisp and  Z had all tried for countless hours to get this  
3620.48 -> jump to work a single time back in the day,  but now in 2020, hekksu does it effortlessly.  
3633.04 -> He keeps up the pace, and gets 3  briefcases on Silence the Alarms  
3636.96 -> with camera manipulation. With a 3  second lead, hekksu goes for a new  
3641.28 -> 50/50 cutscene skip in theater pickpocketing. If  you remember from way back earlier in the video,  
3646.24 -> Sly will sometimes walk forward all the way into  the cutscene, but sometimes he will stop short.  
3651.52 -> For you to be able to skip this cutscene, you need  sly to stop short, which is about a 50% chance,  
3657.68 -> adding a pretty big run killer towards the end of  episode 1. After getting lucky on the coinflip,  
3663.12 -> Hekksu uses the newly acquired smoke bomb  to lure the flashlight guard to the door,  
3667.92 -> where he then skips the cutscene by dying  as it’s playing, saving around 8 seconds.  
3674.64 -> The first room in Disco Demolitions is  done faster than it’s ever done before.  
3679.36 -> Hekksu damage boosts while disabling the first  laser barrier, then pulls a bomb and whacks  
3684.32 -> it mid air, allowing it to roll forwards into  the second one. After quickscoping the guard,  
3689.04 -> he perfectly times a jump into the second barrier  right as it goes down and pulls another bomb to  
3695.04 -> die for the cutscene skip. I’m just gonna  let you see it one more time at full speed.
3712.96 -> For the fourth time in this video, a  new strat was discovered for getting the  
3716.72 -> truck key in the operation, but the only  one mad enough to go for it.. is hekksu.  
3729.76 -> All that to save 0.1 seconds.
3733.36 -> With one final showdown against Dimitri,  hekksu uses the smoke bomb to completely  
3737.84 -> revolutionize the fight. When you hit guards while  undetected you will get an instant knockdown,  
3743.2 -> but if you’re detected they will stay on their  feet. Hekksu realized that you can utilize the  
3747.84 -> smoke bomb to be undetected by Dimitri and thus  get a free instant knockdown after just one hit.  
3754.24 -> Hekksu prevents him from teleporting away  completely by cornering him with this strat.  
3758.88 -> He tears through the entire  boss fight in mere seconds.
3769.04 -> 27:12. A record that stood. No.. A record that  is still standing over a year later. A masterful  
3777.84 -> display from the game's best player. And as  expected, hekksu, soon after getting this run,  
3784.64 -> slowly faded back into his mysterious ways, and  it would be a while until we heard from him again.  
3790.16 -> According to which is a website  that tracks all the best times for each job,  
3795.12 -> you can see that the community’s best possible  episode 1 adds up to 27:01. If we take these  
3801.12 -> numbers literally, hekksu is 11 seconds away from  perfection. In more realistic eyes though, a 26  
3807.68 -> will definitely happen. Whether it’s Hekksu, Remo,  Gnist or maybe a new player. Only time will tell.
3831.76 -> Man. What a journey it has been for the Sly  community. It all started out with a bunch of  
3836.72 -> passionate fans of the game on SpeedDemosArchive  in 2008, and throughout the years, the community  
3842.24 -> has grown so much, and the time has fallen so  low. From Coopercrisps early runs, to Cuber’s love  
3849.2 -> for the episode, to racing on SpeedRunsLive, to  Gnist taking over the game, to Alek’s sub 30, to  
3856.16 -> Oggy’s laughter, to Remo’s 19/19, and to Hekksu’s  silent obliteration. From the bottom of my heart,  
3864.24 -> thank you to all the runners, glitch hunters,  modders and casual players for keeping this game  
3869.36 -> alive. And of course to viewers like yourself for  making it this far into the video. On the surface,  
3876 -> this may just seem like the history of how episode  1’s record has been lowered over the years.  
3880.56 -> But a true community has been built and grown  for these games, that consists of friendships,  
3885.76 -> laughs, memes, sadness, and joy. With  121 runs on for episode 1,  
3893.6 -> there is no better time than now to get into  speedrunning Sly 2. It’s as easy as putting on  
3898.4 -> a timer and just playing as fast as you can. After  saying the word Episode 1, 42 times in this video,  
3905.52 -> I'm starting to wanna try it too. The best thing  you can do to get into speedrunning any game out  
3910.4 -> there, is to go to, search for  the game and join the community discord..  
3915.84 -> There you will find people that are  willing to help you get started.
3919.28 -> As for the future of the game, Hekksu  hasn’t been very active as of late,  
3923.36 -> and a few new players are catching up to him. His  any% record, is being pursued by 2 new players,  
3929.28 -> Jake and Bvr, who are only behind by a few  minutes. Hekksu also had a stranglehold over  
3934.72 -> all the episodes, but due to inactivity, Bvr and  Phobos have managed to snag a couple. However,  
3941.04 -> Episode 1 is still firmly in Hekksu’s grasp,  with second place being Bvr 29 seconds behind.  
3947.2 -> After all these years, we finally have a  player who cares about the full-game run,  
3951.92 -> and the individual episodes, combining  the mindset from both new and old.
3956.72 -> There are a couple of Tool-Assisted strategies  and theories that have circulated for Episode 1,  
3961.2 -> so let’s take a look at them  before closing things out.
3965.76 -> The first one is this possible sequence  break, uploaded by Gnist in 2017. Gnist  
3970.96 -> uses the paraglider and the binocucom to clip out  of the final room during Breaking and Entering.  
3975.84 -> You wouldn’t normally have the paraglider here  but let’s just pretend you can get out somehow.  
3980.56 -> You can actually hurt Dimitri and knock him  down during this part, but.. the game crashes.  
3986.4 -> Something in the game realises that you haven’t  fulfilled the prerequisites for this to happen,  
3990.88 -> and it breaks the code. Essentially there are  flags that need to be hit in order to proceed  
3995.76 -> to later parts of the game. For example, in  Breaking and Entering, you would think that  
4000.08 -> the table clip can launch you high into the  air and you could skip to the end, but there’s  
4005.12 -> a trigger you need to hit around the first  laser wall, otherwise the game won’t progress.  
4010 -> These triggers are spread all throughout the  game, some smaller scale for individual jobs,  
4014.88 -> and some larger scale for the whole episode, which  makes it harder to find major sequence breaks.
4020.4 -> Chaining Square Boosts on slopes can result in  some pretty ridiculous speeds, showcased here in  
4025.6 -> a Tool-Assisted runthrough of Satellite Sabotage  by Hekksu. This is possible in a real time setting  
4031.84 -> with some extreme precision, and could elevate the  game's movement to its highest echelon seen yet.
4038.56 -> And one final madlad strat that saves  around 10 seconds if done perfectly,  
4043.28 -> is this Rat Fight Skip for the Operation uploaded  by Hekksu in 2019. It’s not in the best quality,  
4049.44 -> and it’s pretty complicated but I'll try my best  to break it down. During the section where you’re  
4054 -> supposed to climb the peacock, you can set up  a super jump chain from a standpoint on this  
4058.16 -> pipe and carry it all the way over to the water.  In order for the game to save on memory, the game  
4063.84 -> deloads some of the objects across the map, and by  falling into the water far enough away, Sly will  
4069.28 -> respawn on the pipe and it’ll be deloaded. If Sly  or the camera leaves the radius of the standpoint  
4076.72 -> a second time, it deloads the floor for the entire  map, giving the trick its name - fake floor. After  
4083.28 -> climbing the peacock sign, the camera pans  over to Bentley and Murray stealing the truck,  
4087.36 -> which is far enough away from the pipe to trigger  the fake floor. This causes both Sly and the  
4092.72 -> Rats that spawn for the fight to fall through the  world, but you can just barely keep Sly alive with  
4098.16 -> enough health. Getting every single rat to despawn  on the map is incredibly inconsistent, and also,  
4104.8 -> Sly jumping far enough into the loading trigger  for the next part can take several attempts too,  
4110.08 -> and is out of your control. Only a couple of  people have saved time with this strat, including  
4115.52 -> Remo during an episode 1 attempt in june 2019.  Nobody has set a new record with this, but perhaps  
4121.92 -> this is how we’ll see a 26 minute time happen.  All the power to anyone willing to take it there.
4141.6 -> The Sly Cooper series is something that  means a lot to some people around the world.  
4146.56 -> Memories about the games from younger years are  left by some as mere relics of the past. But a  
4152.56 -> strong community chose to take matters into their  own hands, and forge a path forward for a game  
4158.08 -> they held extremely dear. Episode 1 has seen  revolutionary changes over the past 7 years.  
4164.24 -> It all started as a straightforward tutorial  level, but passionate players from far and wide  
4169.12 -> have turned it into something greater.  Movement tech, glitches and shortcuts,  
4173.76 -> all contribute to elevating it into another  frontier. It’s Sly 2’s most iconic episode,  
4179.68 -> but i think now, it’s safe to say that  it’s also Sly 2’s most competitive episode.  
4184.96 -> No other category in the Sly series has the  size that Episode 1 continues to hold, and very  
4191.04 -> few records have a bar that’s been set this high.  We’ve come a long way, but I believe there’s still  
4198 -> more to go. For anyone daring to take the  time down further, good luck, and au revoir.
4241.6 -> Thanks for watching and a special thanks  to everyone who was just shown on screen  
4245.04 -> in the credits, and a massive thanks to my  patrons for making videos like these possible.  
4249.68 -> A behind the scenes interview with  Oggy is available for all 5$ backers.  
4254.48 -> As always, take care, and have a good one.
