This Nuclear Plant is Built in 3 Months

This Nuclear Plant is Built in 3 Months

This Nuclear Plant is Built in 3 Months

Can nuclear power be as scalable as solar?
To learn more about the future of nuclear, visit
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2.06 -> imagine you've just been made the CEO of
5.04 -> a critically important company
6.44 -> congratulations your first act as the
9.24 -> big boss is to build a new Factory to
11.16 -> keep on making that essential thing you
13.019 -> produce you found a great location The
15.42 -> Architects drawn up plans and the
16.98 -> contractors are ready to break grounds
18.72 -> but there's just one problem because of
21.539 -> various international events your
23.279 -> country is facing an energy crisis and
26.4 -> the electricity you need to power your
27.96 -> factory is going to cost a lot more than
30.18 -> you planned for
31.5 -> the company could crash nobody will be
34.02 -> able to buy that thing you make and you
35.82 -> could be run out of town by an angry mob
38.35 -> [Applause]
40.1 -> you need carbon-free power and fast but
43.5 -> what can you do you could build wind and
45.6 -> solar facilities but they're a bit
47.219 -> intermittent and as every tomorrow's
49.079 -> build viewer knows you need decent
50.94 -> battery storage for the bats a
52.86 -> coal-fired power plant is out of the
54.66 -> question and let's just say a lack of
56.28 -> gas is kind of what caused the problem
57.899 -> in the first place it looks like you're
59.94 -> running out of options but the one thing
61.62 -> you definitely wouldn't do is build a
63.66 -> nuclear power station right well if that
67.26 -> sounds ridiculous then keep watching my
69.54 -> Curious CEO it might not be quite as
72.299 -> strange as it sounds
77.6 -> as you might expect building a nuclear
80.4 -> power station is a pretty big deal take
83.159 -> Hinckley Point c a new nuclear power
85.439 -> plant under construction in Southwest
87.06 -> England the the first to be built in the
89.46 -> UK for decades the plan was announced in
92.28 -> 2010 but construction didn't start until
94.32 -> seven years later then after a series of
97.32 -> pretty expectable delays the site isn't
99.36 -> due to come online until 2028. the cost
102.479 -> of that project has doubled to a
104.22 -> staggering 32 billion pounds and it's
106.92 -> being paid for by a multinational
108.479 -> Consortium of French and Chinese
110.52 -> companies so yeah quite a big deal why
114.42 -> is it so expensive well a plant like
116.82 -> Hinckley points is a utility scale power
119.34 -> station that should power around 6
121.439 -> million homes that means it's big which
124.439 -> means it needs a huge plot of lands and
126.6 -> a huge construction project to build it
128.399 -> because of the sheer size of that scheme
131.28 -> it would be impossible to make nuclear
133.14 -> power scalable in the same way as solar
135.239 -> power is where if you want more energy
137.099 -> you can just install more solar panels
139.2 -> but what if the nuclear power station
141.66 -> didn't need to power millions of homes
143.819 -> and instead just needed to power your
146.459 -> factory well then the power station
148.98 -> could be much smaller and if it's
151.02 -> smaller that means it could be cheaper
152.64 -> which means you could create more of
154.2 -> them and while you're at it you could
155.819 -> start to build things on a production
157.2 -> line enter last energy the commercial
160.26 -> spin-off of today's sponsor energy
162.3 -> Impact Center it's a US startup that's
165.66 -> trying to revolutionize the nuclear
167.4 -> industry through the power of
168.9 -> standardization for the last 20 years
171.06 -> the oil and gas has pioneered
172.8 -> modularization standardization the
175.56 -> nuclear industry never adopted this
177.12 -> technology and so that's the core
178.379 -> innovation of last energy is bringing
180.9 -> the lego-like kit of modules to the
184.019 -> nuclear industry in order to address the
186.54 -> true challenges the industry has always
188.04 -> faced which is time and cost to deploy
190.7 -> now before we get too far into it it's
193.44 -> time for a quick science lesson
194.879 -> basically there are two main ways to get
197.28 -> nuclear power fusion and fission Fusion
201 -> works by collecting the energy released
202.8 -> when you fuse two atoms together it's
205.319 -> the same process that powers the sun and
207.3 -> the stars but here on Earth we haven't
209.4 -> yet figured out how to replicate it for
211.14 -> the masses that's what research projects
213.599 -> like iter are trying to do fission on
216.36 -> the other hand works by splitting two
218.159 -> atoms apart we've been using this
220.319 -> process for decades and it makes up
222.18 -> around 10 percent of global energy
224.04 -> production today that's what we're
226.379 -> talking about scaling up here's how it
229.08 -> works last energy has one standard
231.599 -> design which everything is built to it
234 -> starts with a standard 20 megawatts
236.04 -> pressurized water reactor there's
238.739 -> nothing particularly special about this
240.48 -> it's the kind of reactor that keeps
242.34 -> about 300 nuclear plants around the
244.26 -> world running all the other elements
246.48 -> needed to turn nuclear fission into
248.159 -> electricity like turbines calling fans
250.739 -> and a control room are then manufactured
252.84 -> in a factory in Texas a housing is built
255.72 -> to contain everything and the whole
257.16 -> package is sent off to site crucially
259.68 -> everything is designed to fit inside a
262.019 -> standard shipping container which can
264.18 -> then go pretty much anywhere on Earth
265.68 -> and this is kind of what makes last
268.139 -> energy unique instead of Reinventing the
270.96 -> wheel it's Reinventing the way wheels
273.479 -> are made we're probably the only
275.58 -> next-gen nuclear company that uses only
278.16 -> off-the-shelf technology and that
279.9 -> includes the Reactor Core we've
281.94 -> repackaged the whole thing just like you
283.5 -> would with a smartphone where they also
285.84 -> use off-the-shelf chips and screens and
289.32 -> batteries in order to come up with a
291.12 -> product and that's essentially what
292.38 -> we're doing we productized nuclear
295.02 -> rather than taking on a science project
297.06 -> one once the kitter parts reaches its
299.82 -> destination very little construction
301.199 -> work is needed a trench is dug for the
303.84 -> foundations and then the whole station
305.58 -> is laid out on pre-fabricated steel
307.74 -> trusses this might be more expensive
310.02 -> than using a traditional concrete
311.699 -> structure but the goal is to make it
313.259 -> quick and easy to deploy in just three
316.44 -> months to be precise
318.84 -> concrete is a structural material that's
321.78 -> cheaper on structural loading basis than
324.6 -> steel might be but it requires on-site
327.84 -> specialty labor which can slow down the
329.88 -> construction process and our calculus
332.4 -> showed that the risk of construction
334.08 -> overrun by having more on-site
336.3 -> activities didn't justify the cost
339.419 -> saving by using a cheaper structural
341.88 -> material so we have fully steel
345.259 -> structural power plant that we're able
348.3 -> to entirely build in a factory setting
351.3 -> and then only have to do the final
353.1 -> bolting in order to be able to assemble
356.039 -> it on site
357.36 -> their plants may be small with each one
359.88 -> providing enough energy to heat and
361.86 -> power a factory or a data center but if
364.74 -> more power is needed more plants can be
366.9 -> easily built right next to each other
368.58 -> once up and running the power can go
370.8 -> straight to the customer or be routed
372.72 -> through a national energy grid each
374.94 -> power plant has a lifespan of about 40
377.1 -> years every six years a new reactor
380.16 -> module with fresh fuel is installed to
382.08 -> keep the whole thing running a little
384 -> bit like adding a new battery when the
385.919 -> old one runs down but just how safe is
389.4 -> it how vulnerable could a power station
391.319 -> be to Cyber attack meltdown or physical
393.96 -> threats we use a one-way diode
396.6 -> essentially for single Direction
398.22 -> communication and so there's no way to
400.979 -> access the plant computers from off-site
403.979 -> but the notion of safety in the nuclear
406.979 -> industry is often misunderstood this
408.84 -> industry is often branded as hazardous
411.479 -> and I don't like to perpetuate that yes
413.699 -> of course you have to worry about
414.72 -> contamination issues and you got to
416.4 -> control your radiation that's a given
418.139 -> but when it comes to creating a hazard
420.12 -> for human health the industry is not the
422.94 -> villain that's often portrayed to be in
424.56 -> the media
425.58 -> but who's actually going to buy this
427.56 -> remember how you're the CEO of a company
430.08 -> with an energy problem
432 -> well you're not the only one due to
434.88 -> well-known events Europe's energy Supply
437.4 -> is not exactly stable and there are
440.039 -> plenty of businesses looking for a way
441.9 -> ahead
442.8 -> two of the early countries to show
445.319 -> serious interest in our product we're
447.9 -> industrial off takers from Romania and
450.18 -> from Poland so these include off takers
452.46 -> such as Automotive factories chemical
454.68 -> Pulp and Paper cement glass and data
458.34 -> centers
459.36 -> what they're looking for is energy
461.28 -> stability they want to know what they're
462.78 -> going to pay for power moving into the
464.58 -> future and they want energy security as
466.199 -> well especially in these uncertain times
467.88 -> in Europe where you don't know not only
469.979 -> what the price of energy will be but if
471.599 -> you can even access it that is untenable
474.539 -> for a factory that needs to be running
477.06 -> 24 7 all the time and have power to
480.12 -> deliver their product
481.56 -> the first of these nuclear power plants
483.419 -> is due to come online in 2025. after
486.3 -> which lost energy plans to scale up
488.52 -> production to full speed so someday soon
491.34 -> when you've got your factory up and
492.599 -> running you can relax knowing you've got
494.4 -> all the power you need to make your
495.78 -> customers happy and keep them morb of
497.94 -> bay
498.72 -> good work boss
500.58 -> this video was sponsored by energy
502.5 -> impact sensor you can learn more about
504.78 -> securing a clean energy future at the
506.759 -> link below there's also the chance to
508.8 -> dive deeper on last energy and other
510.66 -> topics on our Channel over on the
512.459 -> world's best construction podcast
513.839 -> available right now wherever you get
515.94 -> your podcasts and as always if you liked
518.52 -> this video and you want to learn more
520.08 -> about where construction is headed make
522.539 -> sure you subscribed to tomorrow's build
526.4 -> [Music]
533.1 -> oh
535.39 -> [Music]
