Worst Punishments in Human History

Worst Punishments in Human History

Worst Punishments in Human History

Tune in for the WORST punishments in human history! 😨
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0.56 -> you're probably familiar with a lot of
2.96 -> different punishments from detention to
5.359 -> jail time you might have even heard
7.52 -> about barbaric historical sentences such
10.32 -> as hangings burnings and stonings but as
13.28 -> dreadful as they were humans throughout
15.519 -> history have come up with even more
17.76 -> twisted and terrible ways to punish
20.24 -> alleged wrongdoers from burning bulls to
23.039 -> bug buffets these are some of the worst
25.68 -> punishments in human history
33.2 -> sacking of rome
35.2 -> have you ever been in a cramped spot
36.88 -> with someone you don't like maybe shared
39.2 -> an elevator with that one annoying
40.96 -> co-worker well it could always be worse
44.719 -> that annoying co-worker could also be an
47.039 -> angry venomous snake
48.96 -> the ancient roman point of courier or
51.68 -> punishment of the sack involved placing
53.76 -> the victim into a large canvas sack
56.48 -> at this point a dog cat monkey rooster
59.68 -> and snake would then also be tossed into
62.48 -> the sack before the sack itself was
64.64 -> thrown into a river
66.56 -> the idea behind buoyance was that as the
69.84 -> sax slowly filled with water the
71.92 -> frightened and aggressive animals inside
74.08 -> would tear each other and the
75.68 -> unfortunate victim stuck in the middle
77.759 -> apart
78.96 -> the exact animals thrown into the sack
80.88 -> varied from punishment to punishment
82.799 -> after all why waste a perfectly good
84.56 -> monkey when you could just use an extra
86.159 -> rooster this nasty punishment was most
88.799 -> often meted out to those accused of
90.799 -> parasite which is the crime of slaying
93.04 -> one of your parents
94.64 -> i'm not exactly sure why slaying your
96.72 -> parents would net you a timeout in the
98.479 -> danger sack doesn't seem like an
100.479 -> especially ironic or fitting punishment
102.72 -> maybe it's funnier if you speak latin
104.96 -> either way this barbaric punishment fell
107.2 -> out of style in the 3rd century ce in
109.52 -> rome only to be reinstated by emperor
112.24 -> justinian 200 years later where it
114.56 -> remained in use for another 400 years
117.28 -> definitely redefines the meaning of
119.36 -> getting the sack
122.479 -> skafing reviews
124.799 -> if you were told you were going to be
126.56 -> experiencing the boats in ancient persia
129.2 -> you might expect a pleasant trip
130.959 -> lounging along the corona river lazily
133.76 -> eating dates in reality you'd be in for
136.64 -> one of the most disgusting experiences
138.959 -> imaginable devised in the 5th century
141.44 -> bce scafism also known as the boats was
145.44 -> a punishment that started off sweet
147.92 -> literally the victim was fed a large
150.16 -> amount of sweet honey and milk or cream
152.56 -> and things got considerably less
154.4 -> comfortable after that if the victim was
157.12 -> lucky they would be tied up inside a
159.04 -> boat if they weren't they'd be placed
161.519 -> inside a boat before another upturned
163.92 -> boat was placed on top of them so that
165.84 -> their arms legs and head were sticking
168 -> out the boats were then pushed into a
170.16 -> lake or swamp and this is where things
172.879 -> get nasty the sickly mixture of milk and
175.599 -> honey would eventually cause the victim
177.28 -> to vomit or
179.28 -> relieve their bowels in addition to
181.44 -> being gross and causing dehydration the
183.76 -> sugary contents of the victim's
185.519 -> excretions would also attract insects
188 -> incredibly quickly over the next few
190.319 -> days the victim would slowly starve
192.159 -> while their body was consumed inside the
194 -> boat by flies maggots and any other
196 -> awful swamp creatures you can imagine if
198.319 -> you'd done something really bad your
200.4 -> boat would be pulled back ashore so you
202.239 -> could be force-fed more milk and honey
204.08 -> to drag out this process even longer
207.04 -> plutarch a greek essayist recorded an
209.599 -> instance where a persian soldier killed
211.519 -> a nobleman and survived 17 days of
214.64 -> scafism before succumbing to his
216.56 -> punishment man and i thought an hour of
219.2 -> detention after school was a cruel
221.28 -> sentence
223.68 -> rats
224.959 -> the throughout human history wherever
226.72 -> people have gathered in large numbers
228.56 -> rats have followed living in our homes
230.799 -> rent-free and eating our delicious trash
234.159 -> it's only fair we put them to work
236.4 -> in modern times rats are mostly employed
238.64 -> as test subjects in scientific research
240.959 -> but if we jump back a few hundred years
243.04 -> these pernicious pests were
244.72 -> proliferators of pain
246.959 -> in the 17th century the dutch would
248.959 -> place a rat on a prisoner's abdomen
250.879 -> before securing a pot or half cage over
253.36 -> the rat the pot would then be heated and
255.76 -> the rat eager to escape would begin to
259.199 -> burrow through the prisoner's skin
261.759 -> of course this isn't the only way we
263.52 -> humans have utilized rats to hurt each
265.28 -> other of all the awful places you could
267.6 -> end up in medieval england the tower of
269.919 -> london had to be the worst
272.479 -> the infamously gruesome prison made use
274.8 -> of a special rat dungeon which i'm sorry
277.84 -> to say wasn't for imprisoning criminal
280.56 -> rats the waters of the nearby river
282.88 -> thames would often rise in the rain and
285.04 -> sweep the rats of the city into the
286.639 -> dungeon where they would scare and even
288.72 -> nibble on the chained up prisoners
290.8 -> around the same time in germany rats
292.56 -> were being starved and then placed in a
294.32 -> cage which would then be fastened around
296.24 -> the victim's neck
297.68 -> i'm sure you can imagine what the
299.199 -> cramped hungry rats did next
301.36 -> yikes or should i say rats
304.4 -> well between being eaten alive by rats
306.4 -> and being eaten alive by insects which
308.639 -> do you think is the worst punishment for
311.199 -> the rats hit the subscribe button and
313.039 -> for the insects hit that like button
315.44 -> all done great now what horror have we
318.32 -> got next
321.039 -> what a drip
322.639 -> let's take a break from physical harm
324.32 -> for a moment to talk about psychological
326.56 -> torture and no i don't mean watching a
329.36 -> modern simpsons episode
331.28 -> chinese water torture is a form of
333.199 -> punishment and interrogation that
335.039 -> involves restraining someone's arms and
336.8 -> legs before placing a bucket full of
338.8 -> water above their head the bucket has a
341.12 -> small pinprick sized hole in the bottom
343.12 -> that drips water onto the victim at
344.8 -> regular intervals the victim is usually
347.12 -> positioned so the drops hit them on the
349.12 -> forehead which along with your
350.639 -> fingertips is one of the most sensitive
352.479 -> areas of the body while this may not
354.479 -> sound so bad at first it could last for
357.44 -> weeks as the process goes on it becomes
360.16 -> more and more maddening because the
361.84 -> victim is unable to think or concentrate
364 -> on anything other than the constant
365.84 -> dripping thoughts become incoherent
368.319 -> other sensations fade away until all
370.639 -> that's left is the hammering feeling of
374.56 -> in some instances the victim would be
376.319 -> told the water contained poison that
378 -> would deteriorate their mind over time
380.24 -> compounding feelings of anxiety and
382.24 -> paranoia in all likelihood the chinese
384.96 -> are getting undeserved flack as the
386.8 -> pioneers of this punishment as its use
389.12 -> was first documented in italy in the
391.6 -> late 15th century hippolytus that must
394.08 -> sell wrote that the punishment was
396.08 -> inspired by the way natural water would
397.919 -> slowly erode stones over time it's
400.4 -> thought the word chinese was added
402.319 -> simply to make it seem exotic and
403.919 -> mysterious like the yield equivalent of
406.88 -> smart water
408.4 -> since then it's been utilized all over
410.319 -> the world from the american civil war to
412.24 -> spanish inquisitors in the 16th century
414.56 -> who also experimented with forced
416.479 -> drinking as punishment
418.88 -> well at least they didn't have access to
420.56 -> sparkling water
423.84 -> white light
425.36 -> our next punishment is known as white
427.44 -> torture or sometimes white terror to
430.72 -> understand white terror however we first
432.72 -> need to understand solitary confinement
435.039 -> solitary confinement is a form of
436.8 -> punishment frequently used against
438.56 -> prisoners today that involves placing
440.24 -> them in a small cell devoid of human
442.24 -> contact or activities in the united
444.8 -> states solitary confinement is used to
446.72 -> reprimand behavior as major as starting
448.72 -> fights but also as minor as having extra
451.12 -> rolls of toilet paper in your cell most
453.44 -> solitary cells are just six by nine feet
455.919 -> in size smaller than a standard car keep
458.639 -> in mind this imprisonment can last for
460.56 -> days weeks or months resulting in
463.36 -> extreme distress and psychological
465.36 -> damage because humans are naturally
467.599 -> social animals our brains often invent
469.84 -> stimuli when they're deprived of it
472 -> extended solitary confinement is known
474 -> to lead to hallucinations paranoia
476.319 -> depression nightmares disassociation
478.72 -> from your body and even physical pain
481.039 -> and nausea
482.24 -> one inmate in solitary for 23 days once
484.96 -> said one night i heard someone screaming
487.52 -> far away
488.72 -> then i realized it was me though it's
491.36 -> hard to imagine there's actually an even
493.759 -> more extreme version of solitary
495.52 -> confinement white terror the victim is
498.479 -> placed inside a stark bright white room
501.599 -> everything in the room is white and
503.28 -> non-reflective from the bed to the
505.199 -> toilet and even the victim's clothes
507.759 -> bright lights are positioned in such a
509.599 -> way as to eliminate as many shadows as
511.919 -> possible and make the victim feel as
514.08 -> though they are trapped in a white void
516.08 -> even meal time is no escape from the
517.919 -> encompassing whiteness as they are fed
519.76 -> white rice from white bowls which is
522 -> silently slid through a hatch in the
523.839 -> white door these meals occur at random
526.32 -> times so the victim is unable to gauge
528.24 -> how much time has passed since their
529.92 -> imprisonment in the white room it's hard
532.48 -> to tell if it's been days or weeks since
534.48 -> your last conversation oh and silence is
537.76 -> another awful part of this punishment
539.92 -> the only way prisoners can communicate
541.839 -> with guards is to slip a white sheet of
543.839 -> paper under the door but even then the
546.08 -> guards are instructed to wear cushioned
547.68 -> shoes that don't produce any noise when
549.76 -> walking about the effects of the white
551.92 -> room are the complete overwhelming
554.24 -> deprivation of anything except one's own
556.959 -> mind which quickly deteriorates
559.92 -> just 15 minutes in the white room is
562.48 -> said to lead to feelings of paranoia and
564.88 -> anhedonia the inability to feel
567.04 -> happiness
568.16 -> white torture was supposedly invented by
570.24 -> the cia in the 1970s for utilization
573.04 -> against the viet cong iran still uses
575.76 -> white torture today and one detainee put
577.92 -> it thusly after three days i wanted
580.32 -> words anything even swearing even
583.12 -> interrogation
584.48 -> considering i can't make it five minutes
586.32 -> without looking at my phone i hate to
588.48 -> think how quickly i'd crack
592.24 -> severe feather warning
594.88 -> if you've ever seen an old cartoon you
597.279 -> may be familiar with the practice of
598.88 -> tarring and feathering
600.48 -> this old-timey punishment involves
602.079 -> slathering the victim in hot tar before
603.92 -> dumping a bag of feathers over them
605.68 -> making them look like a giant chicken
607.839 -> the obscure punishment was first used in
609.92 -> the 12th century by sea captains as a
612.16 -> way of punishing thieves in the english
613.839 -> navy centuries later in the 1760s it was
616.56 -> rediscovered by colonial americans and
618.48 -> became a favorite form of mob justice
621.2 -> usually employed against folks that had
622.8 -> simply offended the sensibilities of a
624.64 -> community
625.76 -> unlike other punishments discussed today
628 -> tarring and feathering wasn't meant to
629.76 -> end the victim's life so much as hurt
631.92 -> and humiliate them pine tar was often
634.48 -> used as it has a relatively low melting
636.88 -> point of around 130 degrees fahrenheit
639.76 -> this means the tar becomes goopy and
641.519 -> sticky long before it becomes lethally
644.32 -> hot but would also still be hot enough
646.56 -> to cause burns and blisters these
648.56 -> blisters did hold the risk of becoming
650.399 -> infected and causing worse problems down
652.32 -> the line but also served as a visual
654.959 -> indicator you'd been punished long after
657.12 -> you defeated yourself
659.12 -> tarring and feathering was often carried
660.959 -> out in a public form before the victim
662.8 -> was paraded through the streets where
664.48 -> they could be mocked by onlookers
666.64 -> disempowerment humiliation and pain were
669.2 -> the ultimate goals of this punishment
671.279 -> though the practice fell out of fashion
672.88 -> as official state mandated punishment it
675.279 -> turns out that it's pretty hard to put a
676.8 -> lid on mob justice in america there are
679.68 -> reports of men who refuse to serve in
681.279 -> the first world war being tired and
682.72 -> feathered in the streets the barbaric
684.88 -> punishment even popped up as recently as
687.279 -> 2007 in ireland where someone dealing
689.76 -> illicit substances was tied to a
691.68 -> lamppost before being tarred and
693.279 -> feathered by vigilantes i better not get
695.839 -> on their bad side i never look good in
697.92 -> feather jackets
701.279 -> an elephant
702.399 -> never forgives
704.48 -> you have to feel bad for elephants all
706.72 -> they really want to do is chill out by
708.32 -> the watering hole with their buds but
710.48 -> because they're so big and weird looking
712.56 -> humans have used them for everything
714.48 -> from circus performances to weapons of
716.8 -> war and even for executions
719.6 -> the most infamous and well-known
721.36 -> employment of elephant executioners
723.6 -> comes from medieval india and was known
725.839 -> as gongorao
727.519 -> if you consider that an asian elephant
729.44 -> typically weighs around eight thousand
731.36 -> eight hundred pounds as much as nine
733.519 -> grand pianos it doesn't take long to
735.839 -> figure out how they could be used to end
737.92 -> a life gungo rao involved the victim
740.48 -> placing their head on a wooden stake as
742.639 -> an elephant was slowly marched towards
744.72 -> them before squishing the life out of
746.48 -> them with their enormous feet dunga rao
748.88 -> was not employed conservatively and was
750.959 -> the punishment of choice for everything
752.72 -> from thievery to tax evasion
755.36 -> this is perhaps why it captured the
757.12 -> imaginations of medieval travelers to
759.04 -> india though elephantine executions
761.44 -> actually dated back to the classical era
764.079 -> they were employed in ancient rome
765.76 -> carthage and macedon and one instance
768.399 -> after the death of alexander the great
770.16 -> macedonian regent pardissus sentenced
773.04 -> dozens of insurrectionists to a hefty
775.36 -> trampoline and while the straightforward
777.6 -> smooshing was devastatingly effective
779.839 -> there have been other more creative
781.92 -> forms of pachyderm punishments around
784.079 -> the globe in thailand elephants would
786.24 -> fling victims around like ragdolls with
788.399 -> their powerful trunks whereas in sri
790.399 -> lanka they'd be gored with their
792.079 -> menacing tusks
793.68 -> the moroccan traveler ibn patuto wrote
795.92 -> of an incident of ganga rao in which the
798.16 -> elephants were wearing sharp instruments
800 -> on their feet and tusks to aid in the
802.32 -> execution which really seems like
804.959 -> overkill to me
806.56 -> literally
809.68 -> a load of steaming bull
812.48 -> if you've ever had to use public
813.76 -> transportation on a hot day you might
815.76 -> have some idea what this next punishment
818 -> is like king fellaris ruled over what is
820.639 -> now sicily between 554 and 570 bce and
824.959 -> was known for his cruel and potentially
827.6 -> even cannibalistic tendencies
830.48 -> the story goes that he was keen to
832.56 -> create a new nauseating torture device
835.36 -> to make it he commissioned the one guy
837.92 -> in town more messed up than him an
840.079 -> inventor named paralos who created the
842.8 -> brazen bull the device was a bronze
845.36 -> statue of a bull with a hollow and large
847.519 -> interior the victim was to be placed
849.68 -> inside the dark cramped statue before a
851.76 -> fire was lit underneath it as the statue
854.48 -> slowly heated up the victim would be
856.399 -> cooked alive inside
858.48 -> now if that wasn't enough to tip you off
860.639 -> that perilous was a serious sadist
863.04 -> consider the fact that the bull's
864.48 -> nostrils were connected to the statue's
866.56 -> interior this meant as the victim
868.959 -> struggled their screams would
870.48 -> reverberate out of the statue mimicking
872.639 -> the cries of a raging bull
874.88 -> [Music]
877.199 -> even fellaris the infamously cruel
879.92 -> tyrant king took one look at the brazen
882.56 -> bull and said uh this is a little messed
885.199 -> up dude as punishment for well basically
888.32 -> doing what he was asked polaris had
890.56 -> perilous entombed inside his own
892.56 -> creation and a fire was lit underneath
895.36 -> after getting a few good chuckles in
897.04 -> fellars let perlos out apparently
899.199 -> assuring him it was all just a harmless
901.279 -> joke
902.24 -> changing his mind yet again volaris then
904.399 -> had perilous tossed off a cliff
906.72 -> talk about indecisive
908.959 -> oh and according to some accounts
910.88 -> fellaris was later burned alive in the
913.519 -> very brazen bull he commissioned during
916 -> an uprising so let this be a lesson to
918.639 -> everyone watching if you invent a
920.399 -> gruesome method of execution don't be
922.8 -> surprised when it's turned against you
926.72 -> i'm fuming
928.639 -> things are about to get steamy because
931.519 -> it's time to talk about being boiled
933.04 -> alive that's right ever since people
935.839 -> figured out they could boil a carrot to
937.44 -> make it softer awful tyrants have been
939.68 -> doing the same to people
942.079 -> the earliest records of lethal boiling
944 -> came from emperor nero in ancient rome
946.32 -> with the victims primarily being
948.32 -> christians in 1531 king henry viii of
951.6 -> england passed an act decreeing
953.199 -> poisoning a crime punishable by boiling
956.32 -> this was probably because henry had an
958.399 -> apparent fear of poisoning and look at
960.399 -> the dude he wasn't about to stop eating
963.519 -> shortly after henry died edward vi
966.079 -> outlawed boiling recognizing the middle
968.24 -> ages were coming to an end and it was
970.399 -> time to rein in the nasty stuff but how
973.12 -> nasty was it well you could call it a
975.44 -> death that retreats inwards starting in
978 -> your extremities this is because your
980 -> arms and legs are the most exposed parts
982 -> of your body and contain lots of nerve
984.399 -> endings so pain begins in your fingers
986.88 -> and toes and shoots inwards after this
989.92 -> your skin muscle and fat begin to soften
992.639 -> and liquify from the heat fusing to your
995.199 -> clothes this heat will then boil your
997.92 -> organs from the inside as well as your
1000.399 -> flesh from the outside you'll also
1003.04 -> likely go blind fairly quickly so you'll
1005.12 -> be thrashing around in the dark if
1007.04 -> you're dumped into water that's already
1008.639 -> bubbling your brain can boil inside your
1010.639 -> head fast which is strangely merciful if
1014.32 -> you're placed into a liquid that's
1015.68 -> slowly heated up your body will try to
1018.079 -> adjust to the temperature change which
1019.839 -> really drags things out making
1021.759 -> everything slower and more agonizing if
1024.799 -> your executioners know what they're
1026.16 -> doing this can take minutes or even
1028.64 -> hours and you'll be awake for most of it
1031.6 -> maybe now you'll feel a little more
1033.039 -> sympathy for those lobsters in the
1034.559 -> grocery store tanks
1036.24 -> thankfully this punishment isn't
1037.839 -> employed anywhere in the world today
1039.6 -> though people still accidentally boiled
1041.28 -> to death today in hot springs and sewer
1043.52 -> accidents just in case you thought it
1045.36 -> was a fate of the past
1048.559 -> ride it out
1049.919 -> here's a fact to soothe your nerves as
1052 -> it turns out many of the scariest
1053.76 -> looking torture devices from the middle
1055.52 -> ages are fake shady museums and con men
1058.799 -> began creating nasty contraptions in the
1060.799 -> 18th century which quickly captured the
1062.799 -> public's imagination
1064.559 -> this means famously nightmarish devices
1066.96 -> like the iron maiden and the pair of
1068.559 -> anguish are just props rather than
1070.72 -> actual torture implements nerve soothe
1074 -> good because this next one is awful and
1077.12 -> real
1078.16 -> introducing the wooden horse also known
1080.4 -> as the dutch horse or spanish donkey if
1083.12 -> the multinational names didn't tip you
1085.039 -> off the wooden horse was a punishment
1086.72 -> device popular across medieval europe
1089.2 -> the contraption consists of a long
1091.039 -> square-shaped wooden beam held up by
1093.28 -> several legs for support one of the
1095.36 -> corners of the beam would be positioned
1096.96 -> skywards and the unlucky victim would be
1099.039 -> forced to straddle the beam
1101.28 -> the corners would uncomfortably dig into
1103.28 -> the victim's crotch as well as the sides
1105.12 -> of their legs on some occasions weights
1107.52 -> were applied to the victim to drag them
1109.28 -> down more the corners of the wooden beam
1111.6 -> could be quite sharp but it didn't
1113.28 -> matter too much if they weren't because
1115.039 -> victims would have to ride the horse for
1116.799 -> hours or even days at a time though the
1119.6 -> wooden horse wasn't lethal it was
1121.6 -> extremely painful and restricted blood
1123.76 -> flow through the legs which could
1125.6 -> [ __ ] the victim to add insult to
1127.6 -> injury the wooden horse would sometimes
1129.2 -> have a mock head and tail at either end
1131.28 -> and be long enough to support multiple
1133.2 -> people the judas cradle was a more
1135.44 -> personal version of the device and
1137.039 -> featured a single large spike positioned
1139.28 -> on the seat of a chair talk about a pain
1141.44 -> in the air grotesque and uncivilized as
1144.24 -> it was the wooden horse was still in use
1146.32 -> during the american war of independence
1148.559 -> george washington himself claimed it was
1150.64 -> an excellent way to
1152.4 -> extract information from prisoners
1155.36 -> well i guess it's one way to get someone
1157.28 -> off their high horse
1160.48 -> pain in the head
1162.24 -> our next story concerns the practice of
1164.32 -> iconoclasm and no that isn't a metal
1166.96 -> band made up of your desktop icons
1169.2 -> iconoclasm is the destruction of
1171.2 -> religious idols techs and monuments and
1173.6 -> around the year 720 it swept across the
1176.16 -> byzantine empire the belief was that the
1179.12 -> biblical second commandment expressly
1181.44 -> forbids the worship of images and idols
1184.08 -> this ideology continues in some ways
1186.48 -> today in judaism and islam the two other
1189.2 -> abrahamic faiths at the time however not
1192.08 -> every god-fearing christian was on board
1194.16 -> with iconoclasm two such
1196.84 -> anti-iconoclasts were brothers
1198.559 -> theophonics and theodore and they
1200.96 -> weren't afraid to preach they were so
1203.36 -> bold they even sought an audience with
1205.12 -> emperor leo v sometime in the 810's
1208.32 -> asking him to kindly butt out of
1210.52 -> ecclesiastical matters he took that
1213.039 -> surprisingly well for an evangelical
1215.12 -> emperor sentencing the brothers into
1216.799 -> exile on a small island when leo was
1219.36 -> assassinated in 820 and the brothers
1221.919 -> regained their freedom it wasn't long
1224.08 -> before they ended up in front of the new
1225.76 -> emperor theophilus who was decidedly
1228.24 -> less forgiving than old leo theophilus
1230.72 -> subjected the brothers to two days of
1232.48 -> torture in which a 12-line poem
1234.72 -> insulting them was carved into their
1236.799 -> heads with hot needles a rough
1239.52 -> translation of the poem is on screen now
1241.919 -> but man
1243.36 -> at school i was bullied for having a
1245.44 -> five head how big must have theirs been
1247.679 -> to fit all this neither brother accepted
1250.4 -> iconoclasm with theodore eventually
1252.88 -> dying in prison the ofanis however was
1256.159 -> only exiled and became a bishop when
1258.48 -> icon veneration was eventually restored
1261.52 -> for their efforts both brothers were
1263.12 -> canonized as saints theophaneus and
1265.84 -> theodore the branded funny that their
1268.4 -> images are now celebrated in religious
1270.4 -> art all these centuries later how would
1272.799 -> they feel about it well i think the
1274.799 -> answer would be written all over their
1276.64 -> faces
1279.28 -> total blackout
1281.2 -> if you're like me there's a good chance
1283.28 -> you've tried to get in shape only to
1285.039 -> head back to the sofa after a single
1287.039 -> squad this exercise already sucks could
1290.08 -> you imagine doing it for hours in
1292.08 -> complete darkness that's the idea behind
1295.039 -> the blackout box this punishment and
1297.44 -> interrogation method was utilized by the
1299.6 -> cia during the war on terror while
1302.24 -> former cia executive buzzy crongart and
1305.44 -> even president obama have admitted that
1307.52 -> the usa commits torture some still
1309.84 -> prefer the term enhanced interrogation
1312.799 -> the blackout box is a small box just
1315.44 -> barely big enough to fit a crouching
1317.039 -> human being inside remember how awful
1319.6 -> and dehumanizing solitary confinement
1321.679 -> sounded well the blackout box is the
1323.919 -> most extreme version imaginable locking
1326.64 -> a person into the darkest tightest space
1329.039 -> possible
1330.159 -> to cause stress the high-pitched sounds
1332.159 -> of crying children are sometimes played
1334.159 -> inside the box
1335.679 -> in 2015 a journalist from the bbc
1338.24 -> underwent a black outbox demonstration
1340.24 -> when after less than 15 minutes demanded
1343.28 -> to be let out
1344.72 -> less fortunate folks have been forced
1346.4 -> inside boxes less than 1.75 feet wide
1349.6 -> two and a half feet deep and two and a
1351.44 -> half feet tall which is smaller than
1353.36 -> some dog crates and is hauntingly
1356 -> depicted by their drawings
1358.08 -> some have spent up to 250 hours in this
1361.36 -> box and that's over 10 days in one
1364.4 -> particularly vile instance the captors
1366.96 -> discovered the victim had a fear of
1369.039 -> insects and so they poured live
1371.039 -> cockroaches into the blackout box while
1373.36 -> the victim was inside leaving them to
1375.36 -> crawl over their body for hours
1378 -> never thought i'd say this but suddenly
1380.159 -> being boiled alive doesn't sound all
1382.159 -> that bad
1384.24 -> well there they were a few of the most
1386.559 -> spine chilling punishments humanity has
1388.96 -> ever cooked up
1390.4 -> which did you think was the worst and
1392.24 -> would you be keen to learn about even
1393.679 -> more in a part two let me know down in
1395.84 -> the comments below and thanks for
1397.6 -> watching
1403.36 -> you

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7MHWG2H37E