HIStory WORLD TOUR: La GIRA MÁS ASISTIDA de Michael Jackson (Documental) | The King Is Come

HIStory WORLD TOUR: La GIRA MÁS ASISTIDA de Michael Jackson (Documental) | The King Is Come

HIStory WORLD TOUR: La GIRA MÁS ASISTIDA de Michael Jackson (Documental) | The King Is Come

El History World Tour fue la tercera y última gira de conciertos en solitario de Michael Jackson, que abarcó Europa, África, Asia, Oceanía y América del Norte. La gira incluyó un total de 82 conciertos alrededor del mundo incluyendo a 57 ciudades, 35 países y 5 continentes. Acompaña al rey de la música pop a través de este detallado documental, a la realización de su gira mundial History, obtén acceso al conocimiento del origen y preparación de la que fue la gira de conciertos más atendida de Michael Jackson.

Hope by Ghostrifter http://bit.ly/ghostrifter-yt
Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - CC BY-SA 3.0

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1.728 -> Throughout my life, I have only tried to help thousands and thousands of children to live happy lives.
7.847 -> Tears come to my eyes when I see any child suffering.
12.947 -> I am not guilty of these accusations.
15.611 -> But if I'm guilty of anything, it's giving everything I have
22.48 -> to help children all over the world.
26.039 -> Superstar Michael Jackson and the teenager who filed a civil lawsuit
29.235 -> for sexual abuse against him have reached a million-dollar out-of-court settlement.
34.069 -> Lawyers for both parties appeared at a joint press conference today
36.999 -> to announce a mutual resolution of the lawsuit.
39.398 -> But the lawyers did not discuss the actual amount of the settlement,
42.948 -> some published reports say it could range from $5 million to $50 million.
47.827 -> Jackson's attorney says his client maintains his innocence.
55.406 -> The resolution of this case
57.805 -> is in no way an admission of guilt on the part of Michael Jackson.
63.127 -> It's kind of sick...
66.174 -> if he can, if he's guilty and can buy himself out of his situation,
71.451 -> then that's just wrong.
74.071 -> I think it proves guilt
76.071 -> for me, yeah why would you pay $40 million if you're innocent?
79.709 -> Yes, he could be guilty and maybe he's just trying to hide it under
83.525 -> the rock, but I'm not convinced either way.
86.543 -> I don't think there's a lot of action out there for Michael.
97.529 -> Add the new coordinates and program the lander.
104.455 -> Check the flight log and available memory space.
111.21 -> Mission control? It's me, it's Michael...
114.99 -> Hi Michael. Everything is ready. The coordinates are on your site.
121.508 -> Open the floodgates. Let's make history...
128.16 -> The HIStory world tour, was Michael Jackson's third and final solo concert
133.78 -> tour, the tour, which was presented in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania and North America.
140.81 -> The tour consisted of a total of 83 concerts around the world, including 57 cities,
148.019 -> 35 countries and 5 continents.
150.67 -> The tour was originally held to promote the 1995 HIStory album, and beginning with the
158.4 -> second leg of the tour in 1997, the shows also served as promotion for the remix album
164.4 -> Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix.
167.709 -> The HIStory World Tour was attended by 4.5 million people, becoming the
174.981 -> king of pop's most attended tour, but how did the idea of ​​making
180.59 -> a tour of these dimensions materialize, bearing in mind the strong scandals with which
184.68 -> was Michael Jackson carrying at the time?
202.13 -> At the end of 1993, Michael Jackson had abruptly canceled the remaining dates
208.88 -> of his Dangerous world tour, mainly due to the deterioration of his health caused by the
215.069 -> excessive consumption of pain medications, the above, triggered largely by
220.63 -> the strong pressures which brought with it an accusation of alleged abuse against a
225.269 -> minor.
226.269 -> In the midst of the media scandal, Jackson sought to prove his innocence first, in
231.15 -> a criminal trial, where if found guilty, jail would be the punishment, however,
238.34 -> the king of pop's accusers had only shown interest in bringing Jackson to
243.22 -> trial. civil trial, characterized by being resolved with economic compensation, finally,
250.06 -> the requests of the king of pop to put a criminal trial before a civil one, were
255.28 -> denied and with millionaire losses that the scandal generated in
260.299 -> Michael's estate, he was advised by his team of legal work to reach the economic agreement
265.72 -> that his accusers wanted and in this way, quickly stop the damage that
271.06 -> Michael Jackson's brand was suffering.
273.58 -> However, the damage to the image of the king of pop did not stop, since the
278.57 -> public opinion perceived the agreement as an admission of guilt, damaging the reputation
283.91 -> of Michael Jackson forever.
285.8 -> By 1994, Michael had married the daughter of the king of rock and roll Lisa
293.6 -> Marie Presley, attracting all the attention of the media in the world,
298.79 -> who strongly speculated that the marriage between the king of pop and the daughter of Elvis Presley
303.52 -> was part of a publicity strategy whose main objective was to clean up the
308.21 -> public image of Michael Jackson as a result of what happened during the accusations that
312.61 -> the artist faced in 1993.
316.317 -> By the year 1995, Michael Jackson was determined to show the world that his stature
322.63 -> as an artist could be at the forefront of the terrible moments he had
326.96 -> personally gone through, the foregoing began with the publication of a new record work,
332.9 -> "HIStory", an album made up of two discs, the first being a compilation of hits
338.63 -> belonging to to Jackson's previous material, "Off The Wall", "Thriller",
344.58 -> "Bad" and "Dangerous", while the second disc stored new material.
350.819 -> Most of the new songs on the album were written by the king of pop
355.229 -> and make a big reference to the media's dehumanization of the
360.27 -> singer himself, especially the tabloid, tabloid formats that
365.81 -> for a long time period of time, they were in charge of making Jackson look like a man guilty
370.8 -> of the case of abuse against minors through the manipulation of information, the album
375.379 -> also deals with themes such as greed, environmental concerns, isolation
380.279 -> and injustice in a way harder than on their previous albums.
384.71 -> The king of pop also impacted the industry with videos that illustrated in a sublime
390.759 -> and crude way, the messages he wanted to convey, filming in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in
396.659 -> Brazil or within the walls of a prison that portray social injustices. hardest
402.129 -> that plague the world, as well as making us see the barbarism that human beings
407.139 -> have exerted towards nature and animals, the above, supported by
415.71 -> highly innovative shots, angles and effects for the time, Michael Jackson reminded the world with
420.55 -> HIStory that it was he who had at his disposal the most advanced technology of the moment to
425.919 -> make films, which added to his extraordinary vision and talent, positioned him at a
431.61 -> completely different level from the rest, something that Michael Jackson was already accustomed
436.719 -> to since the beginning of the 80s.
439.27 -> Despite the above, something that Jackson was also used to and it was not something
443.699 -> positive, was the decline in general sales of his albums, because although, from Off The Wall
449.68 -> to Thriller, there was a growth of 46 million units sold, later the album
455.379 -> Bad, sold just over 30 million copies less than its predecessor, a fall that would continue
461.07 -> with the album "Dangerous", which could not exceed the number of copies sold
465.379 -> by "Bad" and despite the fact that the albums that we mentioned previously they enjoyed
470.06 -> massive success and are among the best sellers in history, the king of pop was
475.87 -> very clear that he did not want the downward trend in sales to be repeated with HIStory,
482.99 -> it was clear, compete and surpass himself It is something that is already very complicated,
489.199 -> but when you are Michael Jackson, it is something that seems impossible.
494.919 -> With a divorce from Lisa Marie Presley approaching in early 1996 and, above all,
502.4 -> in the shadow of the accusations of 1993, the king of pop knew that the success of his
508.22 -> new album was vulnerable to bad publicity from the world press, so that for him, it
514.22 -> was a fact that HIStory would need additional support unlike his
519.57 -> previous works, for the same reason, the album, like his previous albums, had an enormous
525.25 -> propaganda display and unprecedented promotion that included the construction of statues,
530.87 -> similar to that of the album cover in various European cities, the budget for
536.06 -> his music videos seemed to have no limit, where the film "Scream", along
541.19 -> with Janet Jackson, became the most expensive video ever made with a cost of 7 million
546.74 -> dollars, however, both Michael Jackson, as well as his team, knew that
552.67 -> a great opportunity to ensure massive success with HIStory, was with the realization
558.089 -> of a world tour promoting n, the king of pop had to return to the stage and overcome
563.529 -> any scandal with his domination of the world's live stages.
568.16 -> The groundbreaking HIStory World Tour had come to life.
574.899 -> After Pepsi canceled its business contract with Michael Jackson in 1993, finding
581.201 -> a sponsor became a major financial consideration before the start of
586.75 -> the new tour.
587.93 -> Charles Bobbit, former manager of James Brown and now adviser to Michael Jackson, put the
593.25 -> singer in touch with Saudi Prince Al-Waleed, a businessman whose reputation
599.1 -> was huge in the mid-1990s, he made his fortune through investments
605.29 -> in properties and stocks, he was recognized for investing in Disneyland Paris and came
611.02 -> to be considered the richest Arab in the world.
615.66 -> During the month of August 1995 Michael was passing through France, the artist
621.93 -> had stayed at the Disneyland Hotel, at the entrance of the park.
625.54 -> His attorney, John Branca, was with him.
628.59 -> It was then that the singer met with the Saudi billionaire and the two discussed
633.65 -> some projects where they could join forces.
635.94 -> Al-Waleed had a particular interest in working with Michael and realized that
641.83 -> the singer, with few partners and sponsors willing to invest in him, was looking to resume
648.26 -> his activities and develop new projects, therefore, the prince demanded a
654.14 -> deeper meeting. , now, at the Beverly Wiltshire Hotel in Beverly Hills.
659.3 -> The King of Pop arrived with Charles Bobbit, John Branca and John McClain, an influential man
665.78 -> in the world of music who was at the time directing the career of Janet Jackson.
670.34 -> For his part, Al-Waleed appeared with his friend and partner, Tunisian businessman and producer
676.56 -> Tarak Ben Ammar.
678.03 -> The topic of this meeting was the financing of the HIStory world tour, however, not
683.99 -> satisfied with the sponsorship of the shows, the prince presented Michael with his ideas
689.44 -> for projects in the field of family entertainment: theme parks, television channels,
696.07 -> movies, hotels and casinos.
698.08 -> Ideas flowed and they were ambitious.
701.24 -> The Saudi businessman was aware that Michael's image was still very profitable
706.65 -> in Europe and Asia, so he did not hesitate to partner with him.
710.54 -> Although the terms of their contract were never revealed, an
715.48 -> alliance between Michael and Prince Al-Waleed was consolidated, thus giving birth to Kingdom Entertainment, whose
721.82 -> formation was announced at a press conference in Paris on March 19,
726.6 -> 1996 and whose main activity would be to sponsor the HIStory tour.
732.86 -> Entrepreneur and producer Tarak Ben Ammar also invested in this venture under the
737.74 -> auspices of his company, Quinta Communications, and ended up as the producer and art manager for
743.67 -> the HIStory tour.
745.63 -> During these years, Michael Jackson distanced himself from his advisors in the United States,
750.92 -> ended the relationship with his manager Sandy Gallin and, with this new team, the king of
757.14 -> pop threw himself fully into his HIStory World Tour.
761.7 -> The HIStory world tour would mark the first succession of live shows since
767.35 -> the unexpected cancellation of the Dangerous World Tour, the anticipation regarding the new
773.92 -> tour was huge as usual with any tour announced by Michael Jackson, however,
779.66 -> now the situation had different tornado, from 1993 the news that reached
786.05 -> the public regarding the king of pop, was saturated with negativity and controversy, the
792.2 -> world, had seen Jackson emotionally broken and vulnerable while communicating
797.76 -> that he was innocent of charges of abuse that he faced, people from every corner of the
802.78 -> planet had already seen him kiss Lisa Marie Presley and divorce her just 20
808.29 -> months after their marriage began, the world had seen him resurface with the
812.571 -> release of his new album and once More mired in controversy over his strong
817.55 -> song lyrics, now the question his new world tour posed to
822.89 -> fans was: Ichael Jackson will be the same stage genius that we were
828.12 -> used to seeing years ago?
830.51 -> The tour was announced on May 29, 1996 and would allow Michael to tour the
838.45 -> largest arenas in the old world, something that caught the attention was that up to this
843.89 -> point, the king of pop had not set shows on his new tour in the United States.
850 -> And more Jackson news,
851.203 -> it has been confirmed that Michael Jackson will perform new songs from his album later this year,
855.861 -> although no dates or venues have yet been announced
858.127 -> for what will be one of the most spectacular tours of the year.
862.031 -> Michael Jackson has to play live in Europe this fall.
864.695 -> His HIStory world tour kicks off on September 7 in the Czech Republic.
869.016 -> Michael will also perform shows in Hungary,
871.686 -> Russia, Romania, Spain, Poland, Morocco and Egypt.
875.28 -> More dates will be announced soon.
878.258 -> For the tour, 1,200 tons of sound equipment, lights, projections and costumes were
885.85 -> shipped from Los Angeles to the Czech Republic, the site that would be the starting point for the
891.8 -> HIStory world tour.
893.69 -> A chartered 707 cargo plane and 2 Antonov-124 cargo planes carried the equipment
900.86 -> and a 250-man crew across the Atlantic, to be reinforced by a
907.16 -> local Czech workforce of over 2,000 workers to set up
912.68 -> the entire stage and the security, the above, was something unprecedented in terms of impact
918.38 -> and quantity, the dimensions of what was involved in the preparation of the first concert of the HIStory
924.25 -> World Tour, greatly altered and moved the public and the international media,
929.63 -> what kind of show had Michael Jackson prepared with his HIStory
935.59 -> Tour for the world?
937.73 -> For this new tour, the king of pop put aside the resources traditionally used
942.88 -> in rock concerts and focused more on large-scale stage productions
948.05 -> that could recreate the environments found in his music videos, so
953.24 -> that in that way , the concert would be closer to a huge theatrical production that
958.18 -> would offer a visually perfect spectacle.
961.13 -> HIStory, was a project that from the beginning was extremely optical, from the
967.98 -> album cover, to its massive publicity similar to the classic Soviet propaganda, therefore
973.84 -> , the tour had to be just as striking and dazzling to the eye.
978.01 -> This represented a great challenge for designers Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins.
983.92 -> "I want a shiny chrome suit from head to toe that I can dance in,"
989.24 -> said the King of Pop, as recalled by Michael Bush in his book "The King of Style:
994.2 -> Dressing Michael Jackson" without the option of disappointing. to Michael, both designers
998.98 -> worked on a wardrobe less influenced by military trends and one that would be
1004.13 -> much more futuristic, so the base and signature outfit for the HIStory world tour
1010.05 -> consisted of a thin mirror- finish gold and silver spandex jacket
1015.69 -> and front closure, black trim and round gold-tone metal buttons,
1021.37 -> the above, along with fine gold spandex pants to match, it was a fact,
1027.28 -> the HIStory World Tour would be dazzling, therefore, the team of musicians that would complement
1033.429 -> The foregoing, they had to go hand in hand with the huge concept of the tour:
1038.789 -> Keyboardist Brad Buxer, who had already collaborated with Michael Jackson on the Dangerous tour,
1043.99 -> would now serve as the musical director of the HIStory WorldTour.
1048.42 -> The position of assistant music director was held
1052.87 -> by the tour's vocal director, Kevin Dorsey.
1054.88 -> The handling of the keyboards was the work of the musician Isaiah Sanders and the aforementioned Brad Buxer.
1060.99 -> For his part, Jonathan Moffet was responsible for making the drums sound.
1066.02 -> Jennifer Batten and David Williams were selected as the lead guitarists for the tour,
1071.809 -> however musician Greg Howe also played guitar during the tour.
1077.38 -> And the bass was played by Freddie Washington.
1080.44 -> The backup singers of the HIStory world tour were made up of the aforementioned Kevin Dorsey,
1086.24 -> Dorian Holley, Marva Hicks and Darryl Phinnessee.
1090.71 -> On the other hand, the group of dancers consisted of the experienced LaVelle Smith
1096.12 -> Jr, Cris Judd, Damon Navandi, choreographer Courtney Miller, Jason Yribar, brothers
1103.559 -> Anthony and Richmond Talauega, Shawnette Heard, Lori Werner, and choreographer Travis Payne.
1111.5 -> With the above, the backbone of the HIStory World Tour was already assembled, however,
1117.88 -> the logistics to carry out the tour were too complex due to the dimensions
1122.97 -> of the show.
1124.82 -> Moving the steel and custom designed scaffolding required 7 trucks per stage,
1130.54 -> each weighing 200 tons, which took 3 days to build,
1136.96 -> 24 hours to set up show elements, lights, sound, band,
1143.85 -> pyrotechnics and video and 24 hours to disarm.
1147.97 -> All the items mentioned above required an additional 22 trucks to
1153.809 -> be transported.
1155.66 -> Once built, the set reached an approximate weight of 550 tons, representing
1162.02 -> a total of 43 trucks to transport 1200 tons of equipment.
1166.85 -> Peter Morse, the tour's lighting designer, who had already worked with the
1172.43 -> king of pop on the Dangerous Tour, mentioned that: "Michael wanted a theatrical look
1177.48 -> for this show, keeping the technology of the 90s, so the lighting
1182.78 -> is made up of the latest technological advances, but the lights hang in a traditionally
1188.93 -> theatrical way.
1189.98 -> The lighting is specifically designed to give a very white light. Most
1195.98 -> theatrical lighting is warm or yellowish by comparison, on this set the light is '
1201.71 -> daylight level' or 5600 Kelvin”.
1205.2 -> A total of 14 people were working on the lights that also controlled around
1210.92 -> 1000 fixtures and assorted equipment, all under the direction of Michael Keller, the
1217.1 -> lighting director.
1218.74 -> The entire system required about 35 kilometers of cable and weighed about 3,200 kg.
1225.94 -> 5 trucks were needed to transport all the equipment, and the load of the
1231.47 -> lighting system, it is relevant to mention that all the accessories had to be individually focused.
1237.38 -> The sound system consisted of 150 S-4 cabinets with a total of 400,000 watts of power
1244.05 -> and a weight of 30 tons.
1246.58 -> There were also 50 sub bass cabinets specially designed to create a sensoround effect.
1252.77 -> For the HIStory Tour, Jackson expressed his desire to be able to perform in a much
1257.5 -> larger and more spacious space, so the stage, built by Edwin Shirley Staging, who was
1263.09 -> based in the UK, conveyed all changes
1268.46 -> and modifications via computer graphics. necessary for the construction of the stages during the rehearsals carried out
1273.79 -> in Los Angeles.
1275.03 -> The pyrotechnics were one of the most important elements of the show.
1279.67 -> 4 people handled over 500 shots per night, the rumble effects were
1285.41 -> comparable to a TNT blast bringing down a 3 story building.
1297.16 -> The tour had a staging designed by director Kenny Ortega, who had previously
1302 -> worked with Michael Jackson on the Dangerous tour.
1306.472 -> You know it's always a partnership with Michael.
1309.181 -> I was co-directing and co-conceptualizing
1312.199 -> and co-staging I had a strong partner there
1315.218 -> who really believed in the potential of this tour from the start.
1321.298 -> But the challenge, I think it was just in the physical time that we had,
1324.497 -> we could have everything built.
1326.49 -> The beginning of Michael Jackson's shows had always been characterized by
1331.49 -> their innovation and spectacularity, whether materializing on stage through the
1335.98 -> mist or quickly emerging from below the stage, the king of pop used his
1342.14 -> ingenuity in combination with technology and his fascination with never
1347.14 -> - before-seen special effects, now, for his HIStory Tour, Jackson, who was extremely perfectionistic,
1354.49 -> wanted to craft a more complex and visually stunning entrance concept.
1360.02 -> The opening of the concerts consisted of the transmission of a video segment made
1364.83 -> especially for each city visited.
1368.179 -> During the introduction video, which was played through two large
1372.63 -> Jumbotron screens that flanked the venue on each side and one more on the stage, the king
1377.94 -> of pop was shown piloting a spaceship through various points in history,
1383.94 -> scenarios elegant and Renaissance, as well as desolate atmospheres that portray the
1389.01 -> darkest moments in history, are part of the path that Michael Jackson would travel
1394.3 -> before emerging with his ship from under the stage, the above, marking the end
1399.89 -> of his journey.
1400.89 -> Moments later, the singer would remove part of the lining of his space capsule
1406.6 -> with a firm kick, revealing himself to the public, covered in a gleaming armor that
1412.61 -> alluded to the costumes of his Dangerous tour, a futuristic and tight helmet, as well as bracelets
1418.41 -> and shiny elbow pads fastened. by straps, golden gloves on each hand and striking
1424.25 -> and extensive silver shin guards.
1426.51 -> "I don't want to look like a man in a space suit.
1430.309 -> I want to look like a human form made of chrome.”
1433.49 -> Michael Jackson had commented to his designers Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins.
1438.59 -> Once the space vehicle disappeared from the stage, the king of pop was ready
1443.42 -> to start the concert:
1445.26 -> The song "Scream" opened the show, when it began to play, Michael Jackson took
1450.83 -> off his chest armor to expose his golden dance costume,
1456.42 -> followed by the above, the artist turned his back to the public to remove his radiant
1461.58 -> helmet, and then turn to face the public.
1465.84 -> When the song "Scream" ended, two dancers emerged catapulted onto the stage
1471.55 -> to join the King of Pop in performing a precise military choreography, at the end,
1477.78 -> two other dancers jumped on stage, giving way to the protest song "They Don't Care About
1483.39 -> Us" , which contained excerpts from the song "HIStory", at the end, the show
1488.601 -> was relieved by a fragment of the song "She Drives Me Wild", to continue with
1493.53 -> a brief interpretation of the song "In the Closet",
1496.6 -> Once finished the foregoing, part of Michael Jackson's work team, which included
1501.37 -> the designer Michael Bush, removed the singer's bracelets, elbow pads and shin guards,
1507.35 -> as well as his gloves, in such a way that the artist would be
1511.8 -> more comfortable and lighter for sing and dance to his up-tempo song “Wanna Be Startin
1517.6 -> Somethin.”
1518.6 -> Later, the king of pop opened his gold jacket and breakdancing took over his
1523.14 -> body as the deep track “Stranger in Moscow” began.
1527.2 -> The next number was the song "Smooth Criminal" where Michael Jackson was introduced
1532.21 -> through a giant projection of shadows, which, unlike his previous tours,
1538.13 -> were projected on a huge canvas that covered the entire stage, followed by the above ,
1543.76 -> the king of pop was shown wearing his classic white jacket, which, unlike his
1549.63 -> previous tours, was adorned with elegant black stripes more marked and separated
1554.95 -> from each other, it is also during this tour, that the artist decided to show off for the first
1560.02 -> live his blue shirt, adorned with a white tie, thus presenting
1565.51 -> a look more attached to that of his music video, the singer in the same way, decided to keep
1571.02 -> his striking golden pants and surprised the public again, executing his legendary
1577.09 -> step anti gravity.
1578.16 -> Later, the ballad "You Are Not Alone" enlivened the show, in which Michael
1585 -> was shown wearing a thin and transparent black shirt without buttons, adorned with
1590.41 -> geometric patterns throughout the surface, similar to the one in his music video, it is during this
1595.96 -> song, that a female fan was given the opportunity to come up on stage to hug and
1601.89 -> slow dance with the King of Pop.
1604.27 -> The next act was the interpretation of the 1987 hit "The Way You Make Me
1610.16 -> Feel", where the artist was exhibited wearing a blue shirt and a white ribbon tied
1615.44 -> around the waist.
1616.72 -> The following number was dedicated to the Jackson Five, and as in their previous tours
1622.059 -> , the songs "I Want You Back" "The Love You Save" and "I'll Be There"
1626.59 -> were performed by the king of pop, who accompanied these moments, with a
1631.37 -> black leather jacket adorned with fluorescent yellow details on the shoulders.
1636.67 -> Subsequently, Michael Jackson donned a sleek black jacket and returned to
1641.79 -> the late '70s, performing his songs "Rock With You," "Off The Wall," and "Don't
1648 -> Stop Til You Get Enough" on select tour dates only.
1651.8 -> Later, the king of pop music returned to the scene, dressed in a white shirt
1657.71 -> and his golden pants, now they were replaced by black ones, less tight and adorned
1664.14 -> with two thin yellowish stripes, the artist presented himself to the public holding
1669.18 -> a briefcase , which moments later, was placed on a bench and opened by the singer,
1675.62 -> to remove his emblematic and shiny black jacket from inside, followed by the
1680.73 -> above, the king of pop extracted his iconic white glove from the briefcase and later
1687.2 -> his classic black hat, with all of the above in place, Michael Jackson was
1692.47 -> ready to delight his audience with his classic and biggest hit: "Billie Jean"
1697.97 -> The next number was the song "Thriller", in which, Michael wore a light jacket
1703.4 -> to stand out from the stage darkness, just like on their previous Dangerous tour.
1709.02 -> To end the song, Jackson added an illusion trick that consisted of changing
1714.04 -> with a support double dressed as a werewolf, the double, was introduced to a coffin
1719.32 -> that moments later, was impaled by a structure covered by sharp spikes,
1724.77 -> later , the coffin was burned, thus revealing a void inside.
1730.69 -> A few seconds later, Michael Jackson appeared on the other side of the stage, with his hair
1735.7 -> down and atop a crane that rises above the audience.
1740.12 -> Accompanied by a strong wind and wearing a long dark trench coat, the song "Beat
1745.14 -> It" was the next to start.
1746.95 -> Soon, the singer got off the crane and designer Michael Bush removed
1752.62 -> his trench coat to show his classic red jacket, made of neoprene and with
1758.429 -> red zippers.
1759.91 -> The next act was composed of the songs "Come Together" and "DS",
1764.78 -> in which Jackson was seen with a more rocker look, his hair loose and dressed
1769.33 -> in a dark blue jacket, adorned with thin red lines. , however,
1775.39 -> these tracks were removed from the official track listing after November 11,
1779.559 -> 1996.
1781.44 -> Afterward, the track “Dangerous” began, featuring the king of pop in
1787.45 -> more elegant attire, wearing his signature hat, as well as a hat. black jacket adorned
1792.37 -> with a white stripe on the right sleeve of the garment, the above, worn over a
1797.21 -> white shirt accompanied by a black tie.
1800.02 -> Then, the song "Black or White" continued with the show, in it, Michael
1805.74 -> let his hair down again and he could be seen dressed in a white shirt and extensive
1810.97 -> and striking golden shin guards, he also wears a long glove without fingers,
1816.57 -> very similar to the one he used in his video clip “Black or White” but with the difference of being
1821.31 -> gold and silver.
1823.95 -> During this act, a wall armed with huge speakers was placed at the back of the stage
1829.35 -> and when the theme "Black or White" was about to end, tour workers entered
1834.2 -> the scene with fire extinguishers to try to cool down the equipment, making the public understand,
1839.54 -> that the audio devices were overloaded, meanwhile, Michael Jackson
1845.57 -> continued singing and dancing, on the other hand, the concert security team begins
1851.23 -> to evict the dancers and musicians who are on stage without much success,
1856.71 -> Michael ignores the warnings from the security team and when the song finally
1862.03 -> concludes, the massive wall of speakers crashes down on the King of Pop, releasing
1867.429 -> a massive amount of pyrotechnics onto the stage with its fall.
1871 -> The above, marking the transition to the next song, the environmentalist anthem
1876.44 -> "Earth Song", dressed in a double-layered black shirt with red, the king
1882.01 -> of pop climbs a crane that rises above the stage and protests the crimes
1886.69 -> that man has committed to animals, the environment and his fellow man.
1891.57 -> At the end of the song, a huge war tank bursts onto the stage and its passage
1897.35 -> is only interrupted when the singer stands in front of it, followed by the
1902.1 -> above, a soldier with a weapon in hand, comes out of the combat vehicle and proceeds to intimidate
1908.179 -> to the refugees who are part of the act, moments later, the soldier points his
1913.59 -> gun at Michael Jackson, who after a brief moment, lowers the soldier's gun
1918.58 -> slowly with his hand, repentant, the soldier takes off his helmet and a little girl
1924.57 -> approaches him to give him a bouquet of flowers, the above, moves the soldier to tears,
1930.88 -> who is on his knees and obtains forgiveness from the people present, seconds
1935.7 -> later, Michael approaches the soldier and shares his pain , helps him to his
1941.6 -> feet, closing the scene with an important message of love, forgiveness and peace.
1948.28 -> Moment of the concert, which is perfectly used to continue with the song
1952.92 -> for peace "Heal The World", during which Michael Jackson put on a
1957.96 -> black leather jacket adorned with two blue stripes extended on each sleeve to the shoulders,
1964.38 -> decorated with fine and sparkling crystals.
1966.669 -> The concert ended with the song "HIStory", where the king of pop emerged from the stage,
1973.22 -> wearing a gleaming white military-style jacket, with small details in
1977.83 -> gold, a grayish stripe on the right sleeve and a badge. silver police
1983.65 -> on each sleeve, although on occasion, the garment could also be adorned with
1988.59 -> an elegant gold brooch located on the upper left of the jacket.
1993.24 -> At the end of the song, Michael Jackson left the scene through an elevator
1997.45 -> that took him under the stage, however, at later dates, the king of pop performed
2003.38 -> his exit walking to one side of the stage, on most occasions, accompanied by
2008.86 -> a group of children.
2010.58 -> The HIStory World Tour held its first show on September 7, 1996, in República
2018.87 -> Czech, presenting a single concert in the city of Prague and gathering 125 thousand admirers,
2026.38 -> thus becoming one of the biggest concerts in the career of the king of pop.
2031.4 -> On September 10, 1996, Michael Jackson traveled to Hungary, where he made
2037.57 -> a single show in the city of Budapest.
2040.47 -> Four days later, on September 14, 1996, the huge HIStory world tour arrived
2046.89 -> to Romania to offer a single concert in Bucharest.
2050.119 -> It was during this date that the king of pop appeared wearing a striking jacket
2055.01 -> red to interpret the song "Thriller", in the same way, another costume change was
2060.59 -> materialized for the interpretation of the songs "Come Togheter" and "D.S", in them,
2065.919 -> the singer changed his blue jacket, for one that featured a striking red tone,
2071.2 -> adorned with a white stripe on the right sleeve, gold buttons, military details
2076.119 -> and extensive flaps, as well as folds highlighted by thin lines
2081.58 -> golden.
2082.58 -> Later, on September 17, 1996, Michael Jackson arrived in Russia to perform
2089.859 -> a single performance of the tour in the city of Moscow.
2092.99 -> To later travel to Poland and give a single performance in the country's capital, Warsaw
2099.109 -> on September 20, 1996.
2101.73 -> The city of Zaragoza in Spain was the next destination of the enormous HIStory Tour, where the
2108.15 -> king of pop made a single presentation on September 24, 1996.
2113.5 -> However, it would be in the city of Amsterdam that the HIStory world tour would take place
2119.609 -> three shows held on September 28 and 30, the latter date being
2126.16 -> in which Michael Jackson presented his song "Thriller" wearing a jacket completely
2131.359 -> highlighted with striking light stripes, as well as gave a concert
2138 -> more on October 2, 1996.
2156.511 -> and October 13, 1996 in the city of Seoul in South Korea.
2162.841 -> Still on the Asian continent, the HIStory world tour moved to Taiwan, offering
2168.101 -> three shows on October 18, 20 and 22, 1996, the first and last of
2175.341 -> they held in the city of Taipei and the second in the city of Kaohsiung.
2180.461 -> Already on October 25, Singapore became the next stop on the
2185.291 -> tour, where a single date was presented.
2188.621 -> On the other hand, two shows would be those that Michael Jackson would perform in Malaysia
2193.251 -> on October 27 and 29, 1996 in Kuala Lumpur.
2199.511 -> When the first day of November arrived, the king of pop was already in
2203.721 -> India, performing a single performance in the city of Mumbai.
2208.011 -> On November 5, 1996, the HIStory world tour traveled to Thailand, opening
2214.431 -> a single date in Bangkok.
2216.291 -> Followed by the above, Michael Jackson left Asia, to go to Oceania, where two
2221.66 -> concerts awaited him in New Zealand on November 9 and 11 in the city of
2226.731 -> Auckland.
2227.731 -> On the other hand, 9 shows would be the ones that the king of pop would perform during his visit
2232.721 -> to Australia, on November 14 and 16 in the city of Sydney, where Jackson
2238.781 -> would marry his nurse Debbie Rowe on November 15, 1996 and with whom he would have
2245.41 -> to their children Prince and Paris Jackson.
2247.611 -> Michael also offered a concert on November 19 in Brisbane, two more
2253.181 -> on November 22 and 24 in Melbourne, a single performance in the city of Adelaide
2258.92 -> on November 26 and three more concerts in the city of Perth on November 30
2264.601 -> November and December 2 and 4, 1996.
2269.391 -> Just four days later, Michael Jackson's huge HIStory World Tour returned
2274.241 -> to Asia, presenting two dates in the Philippines held on December 8 and 10
2280.491 -> 1996 in Manila.
2283.231 -> Just two days after the above, the king of pop moved to Japan, where
2287.981 -> decided to offer 6 shows distributed on December 12, 15, 17 and 20 in the city
2294.761 -> of Tokyo and the two remaining presentations in the city of Fukuoka held on the days
2300.361 -> December 26 and 28, 1996.
2303.291 -> Shortly after, Jackson took his gigantic tour to Brunei, where he played a single performance.
2309.931 -> on December 31, 1996.
2312.661 -> The following year, on January 3 and 4, 1997, Michael Jackson performed the only
2320.951 -> concerts in the United States since his Bad world tour ended in early 1989.
2327.011 -> The shows took place in Honolulu Hawaii and both had an attendance
2332.701 -> 35,000 fans at Aloha Stadium, making the King of Pop the first
2338.381 -> artist in history to fill that stadium.
2341.371 -> Following the conclusion of the shows in Hawaii, the first phase of the HIStory tour arrived
2346.571 -> to its end.
2347.801 -> The tour, unsurprisingly, had generated enormous financial success for Michael Jackson,
2355.371 -> as well as a remarkable popularity in terms of attendance by the
2359.781 -> fans, however, the king of pop also had to face harsh criticism from
2365.841 -> the fans, who don't like the idea that 70% of the show
2370.991 -> the tour was done with voices already recorded.
2374.081 -> We have seen a movie, this has not been a concert,
2376.745 -> he has not played any instrument, he has not done any voice solo.
2379.232 -> The man has not done anything in himself, specifically, only that we have seen a dancer.
2384.621 -> The emphasis that the king of pop had given to his technical team and dance to conceive
2389.841 -> a more theatrical and technologically advanced show, leaving live voices in the background,
2396.381 -> they developed a concept that was also not entirely well received by critics
2400.561 -> specialized in musical tours.
2403.101 -> On the other hand, what generated the most controversy was the use of playback, since the voice
2408.191 -> of Jackson live did not seem to have any problem during the shows belonging
2412.691 -> to the first phase of the tour.
2484.441 -> It is also known that Michael sang the songs live below the tracks
2488.571 -> of voice already recorded and even, the guitarist of the tour, Jennifer Batten, commented that she never
2494.271 -> heard nothing about Michael suffering from any throat problem, mentioning that:
2499.241 -> “In fact, every night he warmed up with his vocal coach.
2503.231 -> You could hear him doing arpeggios from his dressing room.”
2506.691 -> Knowing the above, why Jackson resorted to lip-syncing was
2511.291 -> a frequently asked question by the public.
2515.17 -> It is known that within his perfectionism, Michael Jackson wanted his songs,
2520.101 -> when played live, they will sound as accurate as possible to the CD.
2524.581 -> “If the audience is not hearing the song as it is on the album, I feel
2529.131 -> that we are soundly fooling them.”
2531.811 -> Said Jackson as recounted by music engineer Michael Prince, who worked with
2536.731 -> the artist on the HIStory tour and who also mentioned that the above was a factor that
2541.731 -> contributed to the king of pop deciding to rely on audio tracks recorded in a
2546.311 -> greater number of songs, not to mention the difficulty involved in dancing and singing
2551.441 -> at the same time, something that was more complicated considering that Michael's health
2556.101 -> Jackson was not at his best, during the month of December 1995, 6 months before
2562.731 -> to start with the preparations for the HIStory Tour, the singer had been taken to the hospital
2567.39 -> because he had collapsed shortly before the filming of a special
2571.89 -> of television, the pressures and stress, added to the little rest that the busy schedule
2577.991 -> of Jackson allowed him, as well as the consumption of painkillers and medications
2582.611 -> to overcome the above, they made playback support a much better option.
2587.981 -> more comfortable that was more in line with his idea of ​​presenting a more theatrical show
2592.601 -> and dazzling to look at.
2595.231 -> During this relaxation time, between the first leg of the tour and the second,
2599.741 -> the king of pop did everything, except rest, because he had dedicated this period of his life
2604.491 -> to work on a new album: “Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix” released
2609.631 -> to the market on May 20, 1997.
2613.291 -> The album consisted of eight remixes of his previous work "HIStory" as well as
2618.301 -> to contain five new songs.
2620.831 -> Despite the fact that this musical project had a reduced promotion compared to
2625.511 -> from Jackson's previous albums, "Blood on the Dance Floor: HIStory in the Mix"
2630.541 -> it is currently the best-selling remix album of all time.
2635.811 -> Just 11 days after the release of his remix album, the second stage of the
2640.971 -> HIStory World Tour began and slight changes took place, now the group of dancers
2646.511 -> was made up primarily of choreographer LaVelle Smith Jr, dancer Cris Judd,
2653.281 -> Anthony and Richmond Talauega, Faune Chambers and choreographer Stacy Walker, the latter,
2660.321 -> being the one who replaced Lori Werner in the song “The Way You Make Me Feel”, by
2665.4 -> On the other hand, the group of choristers kept the original members of the first
2670.381 -> phase except for Darryl Phinneassee, who did not continue for the second phase of the tour
2676.381 -> and was replaced by Fred White.
2678.661 -> As well as the departure of the showgirl Marva Hicks.
2682.551 -> The official list of songs that would be presented also moved a bit:
2687.781 -> “Scream” was still the most suitable song to start the show.
2691.451 -> Followed by the above, the controversial song "They Don't Care About Us" was performed
2697.65 -> by Michael Jackson and at the end, “In the Closet” continued with the show.
2703.611 -> To later give way to the rushing melody of “Wanna be Starin Sometin”, which was
2708.691 -> the next to be sung and danced by the king of pop.
2712.421 -> Later, the ballad "Stranger in Moscow" entered the scene and was accompanied by soft,
2718.141 -> but precise dance movements, Michael Jackson made his audience relax from all
2722.771 -> the ecstasy generated so far.
2725.39 -> The emotion would return to the concert with the performance of the song "Smooth Criminal"
2730.16 -> in which the king of pop continued to shock the public with his already iconic anti-gravity step.
2734.991 -> Later on, the hit “You Are Not Alone” continued with the concert and as in
2740.731 -> the previous phase, a female fan would come on stage to dance and briefly interact
2746.551 -> with Michael Jackson.
2747.551 -> “The Way You Make Me Feel” began later, however, this song was only played
2753.571 -> on select dates until after June 15, 1997.
2758.991 -> The nostalgia of the years when Michael Jackson belonged to the Jackson Five, came to life
2763.821 -> with performances of the songs “I Want You Back”, “The Love You Save” and “I
2768.211 -> ll Be There.”
2769.211 -> The next number was the interpretation of the songs "Rock With You", "Off the Wall"
2773.831 -> and "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" on select dates, however they were removed
2779.131 -> definitely off the official track listing after June 13, 1997.
2784.66 -> Next, the legendary hit “Billie Jean”
2789.151 -> was executed by the king of pop, making clear his masterful command of the field of
2794.081 -> live entertainment worldwide.
2796.17 -> Moments later, a tribute to the horror genre came with "Thriller", a song
2801.311 -> which was performed with the support of the most iconic and spectacular choreography
2806.011 -> of popular culture.
2808.271 -> Followed by the above, the huge success "Beat It" was carried out by Michael Jackson
2813.361 -> along with its emblematic and precise choreography.
2816.64 -> The next song to be played was "Blood on the Dance Floor", a number where the king
2821.671 -> of pop was seen with his hair down and wearing a sapphire blue satin jacket
2826.531 -> inspired by a military style, the piece was decorated with holographic details,
2832.571 -> silver bullion embellishments, silver buttons, gold metallic eagles and rhinestone embellishments
2838.781 -> blue on the collar of the garment.
2840.751 -> However, “Blood on the Dance Floor” was only performed on the tour on the days
2845.771 -> May 31 and June 29, as well as from July 4 to August 19, 1997.
2853.991 -> The next song to be performed was “Dangerous”
2857.571 -> To then move on to “Black or White”
2860.051 -> And later continue creating environmental and social awareness with “Earth Song”
2865.731 -> Once the above was concluded, the anthem "Heal the World" was in charge of transmitting a
2870.651 -> message of peace and love to the entire audience.
2873.64 -> And to conclude the concert, the theme "HIStory" continued to be ideal.
2879.251 -> The second phase of the HIStory world tour kicked off in Europe, more specifically,
2884.771 -> in Germany, where Michael Jackson gave 3 concerts, the first of which was held
2890.821 -> in the city of Bremen on May 31 and where the singer decided to wear an elegant
2896.351 -> red jacket to perform the song “Blood on the Dance Floor”, after the artist
2901.601 -> appeared in the city of Cologne on June 3 and returned to Bremen to offer
2907.031 -> a single performance on June 6, 1997.
2911.491 -> The next stop on the tour was Amsterdam, where the King of Pop opened
2916.201 -> two dates on June 8 and 10, 1997.
2921.481 -> Three days later, the HIStory world tour returned to Germany, to book two shows,
2927.681 -> the first of them in the city of Kiel on June 13 and the rest in Gelsenkirchen
2933.65 -> on June 15, 1997.
2936.481 -> Subsequently, Michael Jackson made a single performance on June 18, 1997
2943.441 -> in the city of Milan in Italy.
2946.221 -> To later, travel with his entire team to Switzerland and perform a single show in the city
2951.281 -> of Lausanne on June 20, 1997.
2955.601 -> Two days later, the HIStory tour moved to Luxembourg, where Michael Jackson played
2961.251 -> a single concert in Bettembourg.
2963.481 -> Later, the tour traveled to France, where 3 shows awaited the King of Pop,
2970.151 -> the first of them in the city of Lyon on June 25, while the other two
2975.771 -> were held in Paris on June 27 and 29, 1997.
2981.791 -> For July 2, the tour moved to Austria, where a single show was produced in
2986.781 -> the city of Vienna.
2988.14 -> Michael Jackson then returned to Germany for two concerts at the
2993.131 -> city ​​of Munich, the first of them, carried out on July 4 and later
2999.92 -> for the day July 6, 1997, the king of pop performed the second concert, being
3007.251 -> this one, one of the most watched and remembered of his entire musical career.
3012.261 -> Three days later, the HIStory Tour arrived in the UK, featuring a single date.
3017.42 -> in the city of Sheffield, however, it would be in London, that Michael Jackson would play
3022.581 -> three performances on July 12, 15 and 17, 1997 at Wembley Stadium.
3030.431 -> The next destination on the tour would be Ireland, where a single show took place in Dublin on
3036.41 -> July 19.
3038.301 -> Then, on July 25, 1997, the king of pop returned for the second time
3045.481 -> on the tour to Switzerland, where a single date was presented in the city of Basel.
3050.111 -> Similarly, Michael Jackson returned to France to perform in the city of Niza on
3056.121 -> July 27, 1997.
3059.64 -> For the fourth and last time on tour, the King of Pop returned to Germany, where three shows
3065.131 -> awaited him, the first of them in Berlin on August 1, continuing with the second
3070.581 -> of them in the city of Leipzig on August 3 and to conclude with the concerts
3076.261 -> Germans from the tour, Jackson offered the third show in Hockenheim on August 10,
3082.951 -> 1997.
3084.101 -> Four days later, Michael Jackson was already performing in Denmark, where a single
3088.231 -> concert was held on August 14, 1997 in the city of Copenhagen.
3094.301 -> Subsequently, the HIStory World Tour flew to Gothenburg in Sweden, where
3100.551 -> A single date was held on August 16.
3103.91 -> The next stop on the tour was Estonia, where on August 22, 1997, King
3110.701 -> pop opened a single date in the city of Tallinn.
3113.531 -> Subsequently, Michael traveled to Finland, where two concerts with venues in the city
3119.401 -> of Helsinki were held on August 24 and 26.
3124.371 -> On August 29, 1997, Michael Jackson returned to Denmark to celebrate
3130.4 -> his 39th birthday before 60 thousand fans in the city of Copenhagen.
3136.941 -> He was presented with a surprise birthday cake, a marching band and fireworks
3144.251 -> on stage after the song "You Are Not Alone".
3150.291 -> Followed by the above, the HIStory Tour was in Belgium, where a single concert
3155.41 -> had been scheduled in the city of Ostend for August 31, 1997, the same day
3163.9 -> in which Princess Diana of Wales tragically passed away, therefore, the show was postponed
3169.331 -> for September 3.
3171.15 -> During the concert, in the song "Heal The World" instead of projecting on the
3176.701 -> stadium screens to planet Earth as was customary, an image of
3182.001 -> Lady Di and Michael dedicated the concert to her.
3184.961 -> Days later, on September 6, 1997, the king of pop played a single show
3193.571 -> in the city of Valladolid in Spain.
3196.441 -> When the month of October 1997 was present, Michael Jackson and his gigantic HIStory Tour
3203.071 -> traveled to South Africa, where they presented two shows on October 4 and 6 in Ciudad
3208.631 -> del Cabo, to later open two dates on October 10 and 12 in Johannesburg,
3215.591 -> however, it was in the city of Durban, where the king of pop concluded the tour performing
3220.761 -> their last concert on October 15, 1997.
3226.711 -> With the above, the HIStory World Tour, the last great solo concert tour
3232.081 -> of Michael Jackson came to an end.
3234.951 -> Something notorious during the course of the tour was that during the first stage it was seen
3239.821 -> Michael with much more energy compared to the second.
3243.481 -> This was mainly due to physical wear, change in temperatures, consumption
3248.691 -> of painkillers and after little rest, for the above, Michael looked slimmer and
3254.541 -> deteriorated, because of that, in different shows Jackson could be heard with difficulties
3260.731 -> in his voice, something very logical, bearing in mind that the king of pop had been singing
3265.841 -> live since childhood, so a vocal wear, was something that was going to happen for sure,
3272.211 -> added to the passing of the years and the fragility of his health, the throat of the king of pop was
3277.481 -> more vulnerable than in previous years to suffering from complications such as laryngitis,
3282.941 -> but in even more severe ways.
3284.551 -> However, the above was not an impediment for Michael Jackson to tour and surprise
3291.071 -> the world with its mythical performances, although for many the HIStory World Tour is
3296.38 -> a much more artificial show and therefore not to his total liking, the world tour
3302.371 -> HIStory also represented a successful moment in the life of Michael Jackson, being a show
3307.611 -> that came in the middle of one of the worst moments of his career and that despite this,
3313.541 -> was able to overcome and take a positive place among so much negative publicity that the media
3318.781 -> of communication transmitted.
3321.15 -> The technological and scenic advancement that Jackson brought to each country he visited was something
3326.611 -> that had not been achieved until then, in each show, with a duration of more than two
3331.791 -> hours, there were spectacular new dance steps, state-of-the-art special effects,
3340.511 -> advanced sets of lights and fireworks, all worthy of an artist of the stature
3348.241 -> of the king of pop.
3350.491 -> But if the HIStory world tour proved anything, it was that Michael Jackson was never
3355.311 -> needed lights, sound or special effects, he was the show itself.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rp-o4JzofBQ