Year 536 Was the Worst Year to Be Alive - What Happened?

Year 536 Was the Worst Year to Be Alive - What Happened?

Year 536 Was the Worst Year to Be Alive - What Happened?

Was the year 536 AD the worst ever? The 6th century boasted many exceptional events, people, and historical contributions. The exception, however, was one year that was particularly burdened with a level of tragedy and strife most historians say surpassed any other moment in history: 536 CE. This was the worst part of the Dark Ages.

#Pandemic #JustinianPlague #WeirdHistory


0 ->
0.5 -> The term "worst year ever" gets tossed around a lot these days,
4.26 -> mostly on the internet, and for reasons like,
6.45 -> I was disappointed in the latest Star Wars movie.
9.48 -> But scientists and historians have actually
11.58 -> argued that no year in the long history of this planet
14.58 -> was worse than the year 536.
17.64 -> While, sure, there have been plenty
19.29 -> of worthy contenders for the worst year
21.21 -> ever over the course of history, no single year
24.09 -> has had more of a measurably bad impact for the decades
27.15 -> that followed.
28.08 -> Today, we're going to explain why the year 536 was the worst
31.8 -> year to be alive.
33.27 -> But before we get started, be sure to subscribe
35.37 -> to the Weird History Channel.
36.578 -> Oh, and leave a comment too and let
38.645 -> us know what piece of history you
40.02 -> would like us to explain next.
42 -> OK, now let's settle this once and for all--
45.06 -> year 536, worst year ever.
50.476 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
53.37 -> While serving as a military advisor
55.29 -> to Belisaurius, one of the Byzantine Empire's
57.99 -> most distinguished generals, Byzantine historian Procopius
61.69 -> noticed some trouble was brewing in the air while traveling
64.23 -> with his boss in Sicily in the year 536.
67.53 -> He wrote of a sun that gave forth light without brightness,
70.95 -> during like the moon, during this whole year.
73.68 -> And it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse
76.35 -> for the beams it shed were not clear nor such as it
78.96 -> is accustomed to shed.
80.42 -> Translated, it was all dark outside, like, all the time.
84.57 -> He, of course, wasn't the only one
86.07 -> to notice the sun appeared to be in a mood during 536.
90.12 -> Michael the Syrian, a Byzantine scribe,
92.43 -> would later write of this period, "The sun became dark
95.49 -> and its darkness lasted for 18 months.
98.22 -> Each day it shone for about four hours,
100.71 -> and still this light was only a feeble shadow.
103.62 -> Everyone declared that the sun would never
105.45 -> recover its full light.
106.95 -> The fruits did not ripen and the wine tasted like sour grapes."
111.6 -> This wishy-washy sun situation cast
114.54 -> a non-metaphorical dark cloud over the globe
117.12 -> that darkened the sky for at least a full year in 536.
121.14 -> Researchers later discovered evidence
123 -> of a massive volcanic eruption whose ash was likely
126.06 -> a major contributor to the Seattle-like weather, minus all
128.699 -> the rain, spreading ash and destruction on a global scale.
132.66 -> Not to mention, it made the grapes sour and the wine bad.
135.56 -> So that's an easy strike for the year 536.
139.208 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
142.39 -> Basic biology teaches us that plants
144.64 -> need the sun to aid in their growth and survival.
148.333 -> So not having direct sunlight for the duration
150.25 -> of at least a year did a real number on the crop output
153.13 -> around the world and sparked a widespread famine
156.28 -> around the globe.
157.433 -> And it's not just that the plants wanted
159.1 -> to catch their rays, it was just too darn chilly
161.53 -> for crops to grow.
162.97 -> With the sun cloaked in an endless cloud,
165.22 -> the temperature of the Earth dropped between 1.6 and 2.5
168.82 -> degrees Celsius, or 34.88 to 36.5 degrees
173.26 -> Fahrenheit for all the Americans thinking
175.12 -> that doesn't sound so bad.
177.05 -> But it also cooled temperatures for decades to come.
179.86 -> Crop scarcities were reported far and wide around this time
183.07 -> period, including Ireland, who suffered
185.05 -> through their own horrible sounding food depletion
187.36 -> they called "Bread Failure."
189.856 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
193.24 -> A dusty veil covering the sun wasn't the only bad thing
196.09 -> in the air for these poor people just trying
198.31 -> to live their lives in 536.
200.53 -> There was also a plague or two waiting in the wings
202.84 -> to strike on these vitamin D-deprived immune systems.
206.2 -> Nobody was immune to this infestation.
208.63 -> It swept through the lower classes
210.16 -> all the way to the Imperial Palace.
212.74 -> "Symptoms," as it was lovingly described,
215.17 -> began with a sore that formed on the palm of the hand
218.03 -> and progressed until the afflicted one could not
220.03 -> take a step.
221.08 -> The leg swelled.
222.16 -> Then the buboes burst and pus came out.
224.59 -> Obviously, if this same plague were to infect the world today,
227.59 -> there would probably be a TV show
229.27 -> called Doctor Buboes, Pus Buster,
231.88 -> and with it a new contender for the worst year to be alive.
235.057 -> With the plague beginning to make the rounds
236.89 -> in Constantinople, the city began to stink,
239.41 -> what with the piles of dead sick bodies
241.57 -> just sort of being tossed around into the sea,
243.61 -> only to resurface later.
245.23 -> There wasn't a lot of burial planning going around
247.42 -> back then.
247.99 -> Bring out your dead!
250.438 -> There was more of a "wing it" vibe around the Justinian
252.73 -> Plague.
253.69 -> Emperor Justinian ordered the bodies
255.4 -> to be removed from the city.
257.04 -> I'm not dead.
257.98 -> Oh, he says he's not dead.
260.04 -> Yes, he is.
260.62 -> I'm not!
261.12 -> But all that did was expose more people to the disease,
264.04 -> as healthy people were responsible for moving
266.26 -> deceased, sickly bodies out of the cities.
268.96 -> Things weren't all bad for Emperor Justinian
271.3 -> though as the plague that took all of these lives
273.515 -> and made the city a smelly nightmare would later be named
275.89 -> the "Plague of Justinian."
277.18 -> So that was probably nice for him.
279.28 -> Less so, for the estimated 50 million people
281.74 -> that died from it, however.
284.455 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
286.36 -> Around 536, the climate in China started its journey
289.51 -> into madness, doing perfectly normal things
291.67 -> like raining dust you could scoop into your hands.
294.64 -> Not only should it not rain dust,
296.26 -> it certainly shouldn't be measurable by the scoopful.
298.93 -> The Nan Shi, a sixth century chronicle,
301.45 -> reported a yellow ash-like substance falling from the sky.
304.96 -> They named their freak weather hui, or dust,
307.75 -> and said it was yellow in color.
309.95 -> Whether this was volcanic ash or just
311.92 -> some random unexplained climate reaction is not known.
315.67 -> However, this was just the beginning
317.17 -> of China's climate disruption.
319.66 -> The chronicles of the southern dynasties
321.52 -> reported on a rare summer-winter weather event with frost
324.76 -> in the mid-summer and snow in August.
327.94 -> Like a Southern California girl in Chicago in January,
330.91 -> the crops were not here for this cold snap.
333.46 -> Summer crops were destroyed.
335.14 -> And the city of [? Xinzhou, ?] along with others,
337.24 -> were thrown into a deadly famine that lasted for two years
340.88 -> and resulted in the deaths of around 70% to 80%
343.75 -> of the population.
345.68 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
348.59 -> Researchers discovered evidence deep
350.45 -> in the ice sheets of Iceland and Greenland
352.4 -> that indicated a major volcanic event occurred around 536.
356.54 -> Volcanic eruptions in Iceland in 540 and 547
360.38 -> thrust people into the literal Dark Ages,
363.11 -> with ash lining the skies and blocking out the shiny, hot sun
366.44 -> thing in the sky that the people of the 6th century
369.11 -> were starting to get used to having around.
371.87 -> Based on a tropical volcanic ash later discovered,
374.72 -> some scholars have suggested a volcano in El Salvador
377.69 -> went blasting off around the year 535 or 536.
381.62 -> Still others pointed to a volcanic eruption
383.9 -> in North America as a contributor
385.67 -> to the dark skies around the world.
387.77 -> When combined with the two Icelandic volcano eruptions,
390.53 -> it kicked off it was adorably called the "Late Antique Little
393.5 -> Ice "Age.
394.5 -> This cute little ice age cooled off
396.2 -> the planet for at least a decade and resulted
398.48 -> in the death of crops and, subsequently, people.
401.27 -> Both directly through starvation and indirectly,
403.82 -> a malnourished population was more
405.71 -> susceptible to diseases, of which there were plenty
408.26 -> running around.
408.922 -> Well, there's one thing that certainly couldn't
410.88 -> claim it had a bad year--
412.34 -> exploding volcanoes.
416.075 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
418.94 -> By the time the 6th century rolled around,
421.07 -> the Roman had migrated east to Constantinople.
424.76 -> And, under the guiding hand of Emperor Justinian,
427.55 -> the Romans sought to get back to the glory days of the empire,
430.79 -> much like a high school graduate who still hangs around campus
433.85 -> and wears their letterman jacket.
436.07 -> I mean, it is pretty cool.
437.92 -> Though some of Justinian's generals
439.43 -> saw success in this cool goal--
441.38 -> most notable, Belisaurius, who fought
443.215 -> against several different armies,
444.59 -> including Goths, Vandals, and others--
446.66 -> Justinian himself couldn't mirror
448.28 -> the success due to constant uprisings
450.38 -> and imperial instability.
452.18 -> Those pesky uprisings, always getting in the way of success.
456.35 -> To add sickness to war defeats, the Byzantine Empire
459.29 -> would never fully recover from the disease and famine sparked
462.23 -> by the events of 536.
464.45 -> The Byzantine Empire lost between 35% to 55%
467.81 -> of their population in the year 541.
470.33 -> Once the bubonic plague moved in,
471.77 -> it did what the plague did best--
473.48 -> kill depressingly high percentages
475.4 -> of entire populations.
477.345 -> Historians believe the plague could have been transported
479.72 -> by plague-infested rats hitching a ride on military trains
482.737 -> during this attempt to bring the Roman Empire back
484.82 -> to its peak, which clearly backfired.
487.26 -> [MAN SCREAMING]
490.098 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
493.89 -> The horribleness of 536 didn't discriminate.
497.04 -> The Moche civilization of Peru wouldn't count 536
500.31 -> as their banner year either.
502.41 -> The Moche civilization-- a once dominant force in the region--
505.8 -> were known to be avid fishermen and developers
508.08 -> of an advanced irrigation system that allowed a variety of crops
511.02 -> to grow.
512.37 -> Their agricultural talents were the backbone of their economy.
515.25 -> But the weather conditions in the 6th century
517.409 -> caused their pocketbooks to take a deep hit.
520.35 -> It was around this time that an unusually strong El NiƱo
522.96 -> weather system caused waters to warm,
525.03 -> which decimated the fish supply.
527.07 -> The freak weather system also caused heavy flooding,
529.42 -> which ruined their irrigation systems
531.39 -> and devastated their ability to grow enough food
533.49 -> to feed their people.
535.725 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
538.52 -> People, probably tired of listening to Twitter users
541.43 -> claim X and X was the worst year ever,
544.07 -> a group of scholars set out to set the record straight
546.41 -> once and for all.
547.4 -> Harvard historian Michael McCormick
549.2 -> and a group of scholars decided to science their way out
551.81 -> of the age-old question, what was the worst year to be alive?
555.53 -> Initially, however, this was not the ultimate goal of McCormick
558.44 -> and his group of 12 interdisciplinary scholars.
561.38 -> The group came together to study metal usage, coinage,
564.08 -> and changes to the 7th century monetary systems.
567.14 -> Somewhere in this thrilling subject matter,
569.24 -> one probably began to ponder if they were living in the worst
572.27 -> year to be alive.
573.47 -> Their findings included an analysis of volcanic fragments
576.41 -> from an Icelandic volcano in ice core samples
579.02 -> from Swiss glaciers that, yes, dated back to 536, confirming
583.61 -> the volcanic event that thrusted a good portion
585.86 -> of the northern hemisphere into unprecedented darkness,
588.74 -> setting off a global catastrophe.
591.15 -> Yeah, but in 1998, both Armageddon and Deep Impact
595.16 -> were released.
596.12 -> And people had to choose between which two asteroid-based action
599.3 -> movies they liked best.
600.83 -> That's a tough year.
602.704 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
605.54 -> The planet left behind plenty of evidence of climate trauma
608.18 -> that resulted in a chain of climate events
610.07 -> that spiraled over into real human suffering.
612.98 -> Remember, we only get one Earth, everyone.
615.44 -> Please recycle.
617.15 -> Dendrochronologists, people who study tree rings to determine
620.45 -> a tree's age since that's a science and not a wild guess,
623.84 -> noticed some disturbing patterns emerging
625.76 -> when examining Icelandic trees.
627.95 -> The rings indicated a period when the tree's growth had
630.41 -> slowed, suggesting a significant cool down
632.63 -> had occurred around the middle of the sixth century.
635.21 -> This, combined with the newly unearthed ice core
637.37 -> evidence discovered in 2018, helped date the time
640.58 -> of the catastrophic event that ruined Earth, for a little bit,
643.4 -> to the year 536.
645.722 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
648.37 -> In researching for the worst year to be alive,
650.5 -> things weren't always so bleak.
652.087 -> In fact, the research started by our friends
653.92 -> at Harvard ended on a positive note.
656.02 -> While the events of 536 were the spark
658 -> for some truly literal dark days in our planet's history,
661.06 -> the researchers were also able to find the moments things
663.67 -> really started to turn around.
665.26 -> When researching coinage, they noticed the reappearance
667.72 -> of lead in the ice core samples, indicating
669.85 -> that people were producing silver again for money.
672.1 -> Ah, capitalism, the life force of us all.
676.09 -> Experts argued the prevalence of silver
677.942 -> meant more coins were being produced, which was
679.9 -> a sign of a thriving economy.
681.79 -> The lesson being, as bad as it may seem,
683.89 -> it will almost always get better, almost always.
688.18 -> So what do you think?
689.063 -> Would you like to go into a time machine
690.73 -> and play the ultimate game of Survivor?
692.83 -> Let us know in the comments below.
694.28 -> And, while you're at it, check out some of these other videos
696.822 -> from our Weird History.
698.02 -> [MUSIC PLAYING]
