World War I (short version)

World War I (short version)

World War I (short version)

Extended version:    • World War I - Summary on a Map  

Let’s retrace on a map a summary of the chain of events of WWI, the so-called “Great War”. This video summarises the origins, course and consequences of this war.
English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit
Original French version:    • La Première Guerre mondiale - Version…  
Russian version:    • Первая мировая война - на карте  
Arabic version:    • الحرب العالمية الأولى في 10 دقائق  
Spanish version:    • La Primera Guerra Mundial - Versión c…  
Music: “God Fury” - “Anno Domini Beats” (YouTube Library)
Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Introduction
00:19 Context
00:48 Game of alliances
01:38 War trigger
02:24 The Schlieffen Plan
03:03 Race to the sea
03:33 Other fronts
04:21 Internationalization
05:10 War technology
05:47 Trench warfare
06:26 Russian revolts, USA entry into war
07:02 End of the war
07:44 Consequences


0.099 -> 100 years ago ended a war whose intensity and scale the world had never before seen.
6.399 -> A war that involved more than 60 million soldiers around the globe.
10.8 -> In this video, we retrace the origins, events and consequences of World War I.
22.68 -> To understand the origins of World War I, we start in 1871
26.55 -> at the end of the Franco-German war between the French Empire
31 -> and the Confederation of North Germany, allied with the German states of the south.
36 -> After 6 months of fighting, France is defeated and the victors unite to form the German Empire.
42.32 -> Alsace and Moselle are annexed to the new empire, frustrating the French side.
51.32 -> In the following years, Germany would greatly advance its industry and economy.
56.44 -> The country also builds alliances, first with the Austro-Hungarian Empire
61.399 -> and then with Italy, which is frustrated by France colonizing Tunisia.
66.079 -> The three form the Triplice or Triple Alliance.
69.79 -> Growing in power and status, Germany begins colonizing African territories.
75.18 -> For its part, France allies with the Russian Empire and signs a secret pact of non-aggression
80.479 -> with Italy, thus avoiding a second front in case of war.
84.799 -> The British Empire fears the rise of the German army, more specifically of its navy.
90.27 -> Britain comes out of isolation, moves closer to France, and then to Russia.
95.02 -> Together, they form the Triple Entente.
101.4 -> In the Balkans, the Austro-Hungarian Empire annex Bosnia and Herzegovina,
106.08 -> much to the displeasure of neighboring Serbia which dreamed of one day uniting the South Slav people.
113 -> This project appeals to Russia, which diplomatically allies itself with Serbia.
117.92 -> On June 29, 1914, a young Serbian nationalist from Bosnia
122.4 -> murders the heir to the throne of Austria and his wife in Sarajevo.
127.28 -> Austria-Hungary accuses Serbia of having organized the attack
130.981 -> and despite Russian threats declares war the following month.
135.2 -> In a few days, the conflict spreads between the countries of the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance.
141.12 -> Only Italy remains neutral for the moment.
147.52 -> The German plan is to overcome the French army, concentrated in the East,
151.56 -> by planning an attack from the north.
153.94 -> To achieve this, Germany invades Luxembourg and Belgium, in violation of their neutrality in the conflicts.
160.72 -> The French, British and Belgian armies are forced to retreat.
164.81 -> Fearing the capture of Paris, the French government moves to Bordeaux.
168.51 -> But the German army turns away from the city to continue surrounding the French army.
172.9 -> They are then attacked on the flanks by the army of Paris which forces them to retreat
177.65 -> further north, marking the failure of the Schlieffen plan.
185.24 -> The new German objective is to takeover the strategic ports
188.6 -> of Calais, Dunkirk and Boulogne to cut British supplies.
193 -> The inferior Belgian army cannot resist the German advance.
196.89 -> In the plain of Yser, the choice is then made to open lock gates to flood the polders.
201.92 -> With the German army stopped in their tracks,
204.409 -> the frontline is etched out with the construction of 700 km of trenches,
209.68 -> stretching from the North Sea to Switzerland.
216.4 -> With the war frontlines stabilized in the west, Germany sends its troops to the east
220.96 -> to fight against a Russian offensive, which puts pressure on Austria-Hungary.
226.1 -> After some hesitation, the Ottoman Empire decides to support Germany in the war.
231.21 -> This creates several new fronts: one in the Caucasus, another in the Sinai
236.32 -> against the British protectorate in Egypt with the goal of controlling the Suez Canal;
240.6 -> and finally a third front in the British protectorate of Kuwait over the issue of oil resources.
247.36 -> To weaken the Ottoman Empire, Britain supports an Arab rebellion
251.48 -> by promising them independence in liberated lands.
254.44 -> Finally, Italy declares war on Austria-Hungary with the hope of gaining new territory.
264.16 -> In Asia, Japan went to war against Germany and seized its colonies in the Pacific and China.
270.66 -> In Africa, German colonies are stormed by French, British and Belgian forces.
276.37 -> Many people from colonized territories are enlisted in European armies.
281.18 -> France mobilizes nearly 800,000 people, a large proportion of whom are sent to Europe.
287 -> The British Empire, for its part, enlists 2.7 million men from its dominions and colonies.
293.46 -> More than half come from British India.
296.15 -> In the Balkans, Bulgaria goes back to war alongside the Central Empires.
300.71 -> The country has a great territorial appetite and wants to expand in all directions.
306.32 -> Serbia is attacked on two fronts and is quickly invaded.
313.54 -> In the West, Germany continues with military innovations.
316.9 -> It becomes the first to organize aerial bombardments carried out by zeppelin airships.
322.46 -> London and Paris are regularly attacked.
325.13 -> The air force is initially used for tracking and reconnaissance,
328.62 -> but planes are quickly fitted out with machine guns, resulting in the first aerial battles.
334.04 -> In another first, Germany launches submarine wars in British territorial waters,
338.68 -> sinking ships it encounters.
341 -> Finally, in the trenches, both sides use toxic gases that cause many casualties.
350.32 -> Despite some attempts to find breakthroughs, the frontline of war remains fixed, at great human cost.
356.83 -> In the trenches, soldiers who survived the fighting are forced to live in harsh conditions.
361.65 -> Mud, vermin, rats and the smell of decaying corpses put their nerves to the test.
368.16 -> In the spring, the French side begins mutinies that would be suppressed.
372.76 -> Germany also tires of the stalemate.
375.2 -> The country is now focused on war on the economic front and sends its submarines to the Atlantic
380.56 -> to sink all kinds of ships, even commercial ones, heading to the United Kingdom.
389.28 -> Exhausted by war, Russia suffers more than 1.7 million military casualties.
394.83 -> Morale is at its lowest point on the frontlines and among the public.
399.24 -> Then takes place a short revolution that brings down the regime of the Tsars.
403.94 -> At the same time, the United States of America
406.44 -> finds itself becoming a victim of the commercial blockade in the Atlantic.
410.4 -> They decide to go to war alongside the Allies.
414.02 -> In Russia, a second revolution allows the Bolsheviks to come to power,
418.28 -> who immediately sign a ceasefire with the Central Empires.
425.64 -> With the Russian front under control, Germany concentrates its troops on the west.
430.63 -> The country succeeds in a breakthrough in the trenches and approaches Paris, which it bombards.
435.96 -> But the German army moves too fast to the south.
438.96 -> The French army counterattacks and disintegrates German defenses.
442.949 -> In panic, German soldiers retreat to the north.
446.65 -> From this moment, the Allies lead on all fronts.
450.18 -> In Germany, mutinies and a revolutionary wave forced the emperor to abdicate
455 -> and allows the signing of the Armistice, marking the end of the “Great War”
459.36 -> that kills more than 18 million people.
466.32 -> On June 28, 1919, a peace treaty is signed at Versailles.
471.24 -> German representatives are not invited and the country is forced to accept all demands of the victors.
477.72 -> Germany and its allies are held solely responsible for war damages and must pay heavy compensation.
484.32 -> Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empires are dismantled, making way for new countries or colonies.
490.76 -> Germany, meanwhile, finds itself humiliated and indebted.
495.199 -> Its army is disbanded and colonies shared among the Allies.
499.3 -> The country cedes roughly 15 percent of its territory
502.52 -> to France, Belgium, Denmark and Poland, which is recreated.
506.68 -> The only consolation is Germany remains largely intact due to no fighting on its territory,
512.24 -> and its industry is still standing.
514.72 -> The humiliation imposed upon Germany already leaves it with a desire for revenge.
