General Car Seat Guide | Which Car Seat Do I Use Next?

General Car Seat Guide | Which Car Seat Do I Use Next?

General Car Seat Guide | Which Car Seat Do I Use Next?

0:01 Intro
0:43 Infant Car Seats
3:23 Convertible Car Seats
5:44 Combination High-back \u0026 5 Point Harness Booster
7:40 High-back/No-back Booster
8:31 When Can I Stop Using A Booster?

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0.659 -> So we get a lot of questions about car seats, which one to use, and which one do I use next
5.649 -> and when?
6.649 -> So in this video we are going to show you a progression of car seats and when to switch
11.16 -> from one to the other.
12.75 -> Now the progression that I recommend to all parents is to start with an Infant Car Seat,
16.74 -> then move into a Convertible, and then A Combination High-back and 5 Point Harness and then to
23.59 -> finish off with a Combination High-Back, No-Back Booster.
26.84 -> Now there will be a lot of information in this video, but if you still have questions
30.2 -> please send those to us and you can do that by commenting below or send us an email at
35.28 -> [email protected].
36.94 -> Please don't hesitate, this is the reason we do these videos is to help you get the
40.75 -> information that you need.
45.13 -> Now typically the first car seat that you're going to use with your child is going to be
48.53 -> an Infant Car Seat.
50.54 -> Now the biggest misconception is that you have to start with an Infant Car Seat.
54.56 -> You actually don't.
56.44 -> Most if not all Convertible Car Seats you can use to bring your child home from the
61.82 -> hospital.
62.82 -> Now you do need to make sure you have the correct infant inserts in order to do that,
67.38 -> some of them are included some of them you have to get them as an additional accessory.
71.09 -> But you can start with this and it's a little bit more budget friendly and you can skip
75.15 -> the Infant Car Seat all together.
77.16 -> However you're loosing out on the convenience of an infant seat.
81.37 -> Now an Infant Car Seat is designed with a base and so the base is what you're going
87.24 -> to install in your car so that you can easily click in and out your infant seat and that's
94.04 -> just in case your baby falls asleep in the car, then you can just click them out and
97.08 -> carry them with you and it's easy to install every time.
100.62 -> Now this is also convenient because you can take your infant seat and click it into a
104.66 -> stroller creating a travel system.
106.33 -> Now you can't do that with a Convertible Car Seat.
108.56 -> That one's just going to stay in your car and you'll take the infant in and out.
112.67 -> Most, I want to say probably 95% of parents are going to start with an Infant Car Seat
117.43 -> because they want those convenience features.
119.47 -> Now an Infant Car Seat you'll use from birth up until the weight or height limit of the
124.22 -> seat.
125.39 -> Average is about 30 lbs and 32 inches.
128 -> Once they reach that limit you do have to go into a Convertible Car Seat.
131.66 -> Now having said that most parents will stop using an Infant Car Seat at about a year or
136.39 -> until your baby gets too heavy, you're not really carrying it anyway because it's not
140.08 -> convenient anymore.
142.39 -> Now there are some study's showing that it's actually beneficial to stop using this at
147.94 -> a year and start using a Convertible Car Seat regardless if they've reached that weight
153.44 -> limit or that height limit just because the Convertible Car Seat is going to keep them
158.45 -> Safer.
159.45 -> Now when you're using this with an infant you do need to make sure that your using the
164.14 -> infant inserts that are included.
167.02 -> Typically those inserts are going to come out at about 10-11 lbs some of them are comfort
171.56 -> features so you do need to check with your car seat manual to see when those inserts
178.36 -> should be coming out.
180.36 -> Now this is a rear facing only seat.
183.58 -> DO NOT install an infant seat forward facing, it is not going to protect your child.
189.01 -> Also this handle there is a lot of confusion on whether you should keep it up or put it
193.22 -> down when you install and the reason for the confusion is it's different for every manufacturer
197.9 -> so you do need to check with your manual to see if they recommend it being up or down
202.1 -> or even if it matters.
207.14 -> Once your child reaches a year or you're not using the convenience features of an infant
211.441 -> car seat then you'll move into a convertible car sear.
214.03 -> Now the reason it's called convertible is because it does just that.
216.87 -> It converts from rear facing to forward facing.
219.7 -> Now when using it rear facing that's when you're going to use it with your little tiny
222.55 -> baby, make sure you're using the appropriate inserts and to take those out when it's appropriate.
228.25 -> Just read your manual to find out when that is.
231.04 -> Now one of the biggest questions is when do I switch from rear facing to forward facing?
235.9 -> This is probably the biggest safety tip that we can give you or the safety caution that
241.45 -> we can give you.
243.98 -> The minimum standard is 2 years AND 30 lbs.
248.76 -> So they need to be 2 years old and weigh 30 lbs in order to turn them forward facing.
253.819 -> Now best practice is even longer.
256.22 -> You want to reach the limits of the car seat.
258.87 -> So that's the weight limit OR the height limit.
261.88 -> Once they reach either of those then you do have to turn them forward facing.
266.11 -> Now some concerns that come up with keeping your child rear facing longer are #1, Leg
271.811 -> room.
272.811 -> Is my child comfortable?
273.82 -> First of all, your child's going to get comfortable in any seat they're in.
277.25 -> They can put their legs straight up on the seat behind them.
279.8 -> They can crisscross them, they can tuck their feet up underneath their bum.
283.49 -> Another thing to consider is that a lot of people think that they're going to get a leg
288.27 -> injury because there is no leg room in there but that's a huge misconception.
293.31 -> It's actually very rare that they're going to get a leg injury because the crash forces
297.5 -> or the energy is traveling in the opposite direction.
300.09 -> So it's actually taking them further from the seat in the car.
303.87 -> Now if they did get a leg injury while that is sad that is less detrimental to their health
309.6 -> then a neck or spine injury.
311.96 -> Now once your forward facing you want to continue using your convertible car seat as long as
316.46 -> you can and reach those limits of the car seat.
319.1 -> Now average convertible car seat weight limit is about 65 lbs.
325.02 -> I would say that most people will keep their children in a convertible car seat until they're
330.14 -> about 5.
331.24 -> However you can go all the way up to those limits and the average 9 year old is 65 lbs.
336.43 -> So you can use this for quite a while and you do want to keep your child as safe as
340.63 -> possible so try to reach those limits of the car seat.
347.52 -> Now once you're ready to take your child out of the convertible seat you do have a couple
352.18 -> options.
353.4 -> Now unfortunately most parents will go straight from a convertible car seat right into a high-back
360.15 -> or even a no back booster.
366.69 -> Just like this one.
367.88 -> Now that's not recommended now not only do they need to reach the height and weight limit
373.35 -> of a booster but they also have to have the maturity.
377.28 -> Now this is one thing that most parents don't know.
381.36 -> Is that in order to put your child in a booster they need to be able to sit in the seat properly,
387.78 -> properly harnessed every time even while sleeping.
391.61 -> Now if you can say that about your 5 year old go ahead and put them in a booster.
395.68 -> But I would say that's probably not the case.
399.02 -> That's where this seat comes in.
400.53 -> Now this is a combination high-back booster and 5 point harness.
406.28 -> The nice thing about it is it gives your child a little more room.
409.8 -> Say this one is getting a little bit squishy.
411.79 -> This one has a bigger seated space it also has a taller back so your child's going to
416.06 -> be a little bit more comfortable.
417.7 -> Now this is just forward facing.
419.05 -> So you don't have the option of going back and forth but you do still have this 5 point
423.361 -> harness and that's what's going to keep them contained in the event of a car accident.
428.39 -> Now once they reach the limits you can raise up the seat.
438.69 -> You can raise this all the way up.
440.66 -> Stop using the 5 point harness and then you can start using the seat belt of the car.
444.37 -> So you have a lot of flexibility with this one.
447.69 -> Now one thing to mention is seats like this seat or similar seats have a weight capacity
452.76 -> of 120 lbs.
454.7 -> So you really can use this until your child can sit directly on the vehicle seat.
463.12 -> If they reach the maturity level and they can appropriately use a booster we recommend
467.69 -> you going to a combination high-back/no-back booster as I showed you before you can actually
472.95 -> take the back off when it's appropriate.
475.34 -> Now the reason for the high-back or even a booster at all is really just to bring your
481.02 -> child up or bring the seat belt down so that it's right here at their shoulders so that's
486.62 -> less movement that your child does in the event of a car accident.
490.8 -> You want it to be snug on their hips as well as right here on their shoulders.
494.66 -> So you would use the high-back as long as you need to and then you can take this off
500.28 -> and use it just as a no back booster.
502.98 -> Now a lot of people will take the high-back off if it takes up too much room in their
506.14 -> car which is just fine as long as the seat belt is at an appropriate level.
514.849 -> Now when can you stop using a booster?
517.789 -> This is a really big question that a lot of people have.
520.709 -> I would say most if not 99% of parents are not using a booster long enough.
526.329 -> It's ok for your child to stop using a car seat all together when their bum is seated
531.92 -> on the seat, their back completely against the back of the car seat and their feet are
537.149 -> planted on the floor.
538.97 -> If they're seated just like that and the seat belt is right at their shoulder you don't
543.97 -> have to use a car seat anymore.
545.809 -> But until then please use a booster.
548.129 -> Now I'm a CPS tech that stands for Child Passenger Safety Technician.
552.619 -> So that just means I know a lot about car seats and honestly this is my ideal progression
558.119 -> of car seats this is what I personally use with my children to keep them safe.
562.389 -> Now all of these car seats can be purchased on our website where we price match,so why
567.53 -> not shop with us and they also ship for free!
570.069 -> Go to for more information.
573.259 -> Now if this was helpful for you I'm so glad!
576.47 -> This is a lot of information but I'm seeing a lot of these questions go out there so if
581.92 -> you enjoyed this video give us a like or even subscribe to our YouTube channel where you
586.679 -> can get more information.
588.399 -> Also follow up with our safety video to get more information on installing and harnessing
592.48 -> your child.
