How to Use ChatGPT for Five Common Instructional Design Tasks

How to Use ChatGPT for Five Common Instructional Design Tasks

How to Use ChatGPT for Five Common Instructional Design Tasks

How to use ChatGPT as an instructional designer. Five methods of using ChatGPT to help with typical instructional design tasks such as organizing content, writing learning objectives, writing distractors for multiple choice questions, creating content outlines, and generating ideas for learning activities.

00:00 Start
00:21 How Can ChatGPT Organize Content?
04:32 How Can ChatGPT Help Write Learning Objectives?
10:02 How Can ChatGPT Help with Writing Distractors for Multiple Choice Questions?
15:09 How Can ChatGPT be Used to Create a Content Outline for Learning Course or Module?
18:42 How to Generate Ides for Learning Activities Using ChatGPT?
24:12 Warning about ChatGPT Use by Instructional Designers

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0.42 -> as someone who creates instruction I found five  ways that ChatGPT helps make me more efficient  
7.44 -> and more effective in my designing developing and  delivering online instruction so join me and I'll  
15.24 -> show you my five methods and they just might be  five methods that could help you as well method or  
21.78 -> tip one organizing jumbled content so imagine this  particular scenario you are tasked with creating  
30.3 -> a course and you get all this content from all  these different subject matter experts so let's  
34.98 -> say I'm doing a presentation on the metaverse so  I get some content from one expert that says oh  
40.62 -> here's the present state of the metaverse and  another expert gives me a PowerPoint slide an  
45.24 -> augmented reality and the metaverse and I get  even more decks of information now how do I  
51.24 -> first of all get this all into one neat organized  elements so that I can look at it examine it and  
60.48 -> figure out what's what so one of the ways that I  do that with ChatGPT is I'll go into a PowerPoint  
65.94 -> slide and I'll go to file and I'll go export and  I'll export as a handout and I'll click on create  
71.7 -> handouts it gives me a list of choices I'm going  to go to outline only I'm going to click on OK and  
78.66 -> that's going to give me a lot of content from the  deck and then once it opens up in word I'm going  
85.08 -> to select and I'm going to select all of it so  select all and then I'm going to control C copy  
91.74 -> and then I'm going to go and find chat GPT and I'm  going to paste this into chat GPT so there it is  
99.18 -> but that's not all that I have to do I have this  other presentation that I have to look at so I'm  
104.7 -> going to go over and I'm going to find the other  presentation so I don't need this one anymore I'll  
108.96 -> just close that and here's my other presentation  I'm going to do the same thing file I'm going to  
115.02 -> export I'm going to create the handouts click on  create handouts I'm going to go down to outline  
120.42 -> only I'm going to click on OK and then what that's  going to do is give me all of this content that  
126.9 -> I'll select all I'm going to copy Ctrl C then I'm  going to find chat GPT and I'm going to paste it  
134.1 -> in and you can do this for all of the slides decks  any kind of information that you get then when you  
141.6 -> hit this particular symbol send message it's  going to say hey wait a minute I think you're  
146.52 -> trying to consolidate this stuff and it says it  right there it's as we look it says it seems like  
152.64 -> you're provided a comprehensive set of notes and  topics related to the metaverse it's current state  
158.16 -> augmented reality I'll provide a summary and  address the key points that you've mentioned  
164.22 -> and if you look here it gives me the key points of  the metaverse overview comes down here and tells  
169.74 -> me challenges in development it gives me augmented  reality and the metaverse it gives me tips so it's  
176.22 -> taken all this disparate information and combined  it into one easy and simple place that I can look  
184.08 -> at it check it out and see if it meets my needs so  this saves me a lot of time when I get information  
190.02 -> from a lot of different subject matter experts who  are like hey Karl can you put all this together in  
195.54 -> a comprehensive course we want to get input from  all these different subject matter experts geez  
200.88 -> before that used to be hours of studying all  the information all the content and bringing  
206.1 -> it together here in a matter of minutes I copy I  paste it and I've got this information that I can  
212.58 -> use in the future and now that I have all of this  great information there's one more thing I can  
218.28 -> do so I can actually go here into the clipboard  and I can copy that that little check mark lets  
223.44 -> me know it's copied I can go now to my word  document and I can paste it and now I've got  
228.96 -> all this great information in one place all the  information that chat GPT Consolidated I can put  
236.16 -> back into word I can save it I can send it to my  subject matter experts and see if they agree on  
242.28 -> my consolidation or My/ChatGPT's consolidation of  the information the second way that I use chat GPT  
250.5 -> to help make me a better designer of instruction  is doing something that's always not that much  
255.78 -> fun writing objectives so if I have the right  objectives for a course or for a class or for  
262.74 -> an e-learning module I simply ask chat GPT to  help me out with writing the objectives let me  
270.18 -> show you what I mean so here's tip number  two using chat GPT to write objectives now  
276.78 -> don't get me wrong I know that writing objectives  should come from the performance objective tied  
282.9 -> to what we want the learner to do and make sure  it's behaviorally focused I I know all that but  
288.36 -> sometimes just sometimes we get content and we  and the subject matter expert or the company or  
294.6 -> the people we're Consulting with says Hey I want  you to make this into a course yeah but what are  
299.46 -> the objectives well you figure out the objectives  or hey here's a bunch of slides here's a bunch of  
304.32 -> content you need to figure out an objective or  I'm like hmm what could be objective I want you  
309.6 -> to teach leadership what could be a good objective  for that right so those are the times when chat  
315.24 -> GPT comes in handy and let me show you how I  use it to create really effective what I think  
321.36 -> are effective objectives and obviously I have to  modify these sometimes or use my own judgment or  
326.22 -> make sure that they match what the employee or  the student or the person needs to do on the job  
331.32 -> so it's not perfect and I wouldn't recommend  it every time but it can be be helpful when  
337.74 -> you're stuck and you've got to come up with  some objectives let me show you how I do it  
341.64 -> okay let's see how this works so maybe I'll go to  chatgpt and I'll say write leadership objectives
351 -> okay and then I'll click enter and it'll  sir it says certainly and it gives me some  
355.32 -> leadership objectives now one of the things  that you'll notice about this is that these  
359.58 -> leadership objectives are not in the ABCD  format right they're great objectives and  
365.46 -> provide me great information but it says you  know conflict resolution address conflicts  
370.26 -> and disagreements constructively and promptly  but uh audience condition behavior and degree  
375.24 -> not working so I might say um please  write the above in a b c d objective  
386.4 -> format and what will happen is chat GPT will go  through and actually provide me you know sure I  
395.04 -> can provide leadership objectives in ABCD  format action benefit context and deadline  
399.6 -> not what I wanted right so I want audience  Behavior conditioning degree so I might say  
405.48 -> um write above objectives using audience  Behavior condition and degree whoops and degree
421.5 -> um as maybe I'll say as an instructional designer  and I probably should have started my other prompt  
427.44 -> that way but now notice what happens it will  go ahead and say okay here are the uh audience  
434.94 -> Behavior condition degree here's the audience new  and experienced leaders aiming to enhance their  
439.2 -> leadership skills we'll develop a clear and  inspiring vision for the teams organization's  
444.24 -> future outlining goals and objectives collaborate  with key stakeholders within the first quarter and  
450.42 -> by the end of the first quarter of the fiscal  year so it's providing me with the ABCD format  
455.76 -> which is a really great way for me to come up  with quick objectives now I can again the nice  
462.42 -> thing is I can copy this into word and I can then  manipulate these objectives to be exactly what I  
468.54 -> want I can even say use these objectives  but focus on communication of leadership
478.5 -> communication and Leadership uh  within let's say within leadership
485.22 -> I go ahead and I click on that it's go ahead  and generates for me as I scroll down here we  
491.88 -> are here's my prompts certainly leadership  focused subjectives audience leaders manage  
496.14 -> improved communication so now I can narrow  it that way as well so the idea is it can  
501.9 -> generate initial objectives uh as we saw  before it could take objectives from other  
507.48 -> content and put them in so we had their meta  metaverse we can say write learning objectives
517.44 -> as an instructional designer
521.52 -> using a b c d format for the top three  subjects above and I hit enter and now  
532.68 -> it's going to go ahead and give me  these objective attitudes condition
538.74 -> you know attitude understand  that um let's let's stop sort of  
542.82 -> um oh attitude okay I really want  Behavior right so it didn't quite  
547.98 -> do it so you got to be careful with jet chat  TPT so I'm going to say ABCD format audience
557.7 -> uh Behavior  
560.82 -> so you got to be sometimes specific condition  and degree now write objectives for above
572.1 -> information right and so now it's going to use  the instructional design format so again chat GPT  
578.58 -> isn't perfect and we don't expect it to be perfect  but it will provide us with a really good jumping  
584.58 -> off point of taking content that we already had  then gener you know from a bunch of subject matter  
591.3 -> experts and then generating broad objectives and  then generating specific objectives using the ABCD  
598.5 -> format with you know a little prompting from  us tip number three is for the dreaded writing  
604.26 -> multiple choice questions now the one thing that I  dread most about writing multiple choice questions  
609.54 -> and most people do is coming up with feasible  realistic distractors and Chachi PT comes to the  
617.4 -> Rescue by providing some really great ideas that  you might be able to use for distractors and some  
623.04 -> ways that you can modify or play with it to help  you rev up your creative juices so let's see how  
630.54 -> I do that in chat GPT okay so let's say that we  need to write a distractor we're doing a safety  
636.48 -> course so what we want to do is we want to ask  chat GPT to create plausible distractors for the  
643.2 -> following safety question which is when choosing  the correct type of temporary work surface what  
648.48 -> should you consider I type that in and chat  GPT gave me some answers now keep in mind  
653.22 -> that every time you use chat GPT you're going to  get possibly a different response so you may type  
659.22 -> it in several times but here we go we have colors  and Aesthetics we have affordability and this time  
665.04 -> chat GPT is actually giving us information  of why it's not the correct answer right  
672 -> perhaps we look at affordability and it says you  know cost is important but it shouldn't be the  
677.16 -> main factor so it gives me these items all the  way that gave me actually 10 different items and  
683.22 -> it even gives me information about remember  the correct answer should focus on aspects  
688.02 -> directly related to safety so that's really  good but I might say please put these into  
694.8 -> um these into statements that would  appear in a multiple choice question
706.26 -> and let's see what chat GPT does there  
709.44 -> so here now let's kind of put it into this type  of element so question when choosing the correct  
715.08 -> type of temporary work service what should you  consider colors and Aesthetics affordability  
719.82 -> brand recognition so just kind of put them in that  format which is very nice and I can even say let's  
725.82 -> say that's not enough I might ask chat GPT to give  me 10 more distractors for the above information
739.08 -> so I click on that and now it's going to give  me even more right 10 additional availability  
744.18 -> built-in speakers or a sound system Energy  Efficiency warranty period folding mechanisms  
750.3 -> and storage options all of these now I can use  this information to create my own distractors  
756.66 -> that make sense for a multiple choice question  but this helps me get started on thinking of those  
762.6 -> dreaded distractors and I can use or modify some  of those let me give you another example here's  
767.52 -> distractors for OSHA so I'm asking chat GPT to  find distractors for multiple choice question  
774.06 -> what must be done if the hazard or repair cannot  be corrected immediately by OSHA and here's some  
780.12 -> distractors now please keep keep in mind that chat  GPT does something called hallucination which it  
786.96 -> will guess at a right answer so I'm not saying  that you blindly copy and paste this into your  
793.56 -> course do not do that in fact some lawyer got into  an awful lot of trouble for doing exactly that  
802.62 -> he used chat GPT for precedence on cases then it  made stuff up and it made him look bad so don't  
809.28 -> do that but use this to inform your knowledge  already that you have to augment what you're  
817.08 -> doing and here's another thing that I do that's  maybe kind of crazy or maybe kind of different  
821.94 -> but I said make them silly so I said hey I  want you to make the distractors silly and  
828.24 -> it's chat GPT said certainly here are five silly  distractors for multiple choice questions right  
834.72 -> perform a magical dance to ward off the hazard  or repair well that's not gonna work summon a  
840.66 -> team of unicorns to fix the hazard or repair  that doesn't make sense but why would I ask  
845.76 -> it to give me silly responses because it can  help spark my creativity I can say for example  
851.64 -> instead of Consulting a fortune teller I could  say consult your manager to predict the outcome  
858.06 -> of the hazard or repair now that's much more  reasonable instead of using a giant wand to  
864.54 -> encapsulate the hazard or repair and float  it away I can say something like have a team  
870.12 -> come and investigate possible hazards and then  certify them as a hazard or not a hazard right  
875.82 -> so I can use information that was presented in a  very silly manner to help spark my own creative  
885.3 -> so I asked chat GPT from time to time to give me  silly answers because that Sparks my creativity  
891.72 -> as a designer and allows me to up my game by  substituting words by getting some really crazy  
899.82 -> kind of ideas and putting them together with my  knowledge of the subject to make an appropriate  
906 -> distractor so the next way I use chat GPT to  help me kind of brainstorm as an instructional  
911.58 -> designer is to create a Content outline so I  might say create a Content outline on let's say  
919.74 -> for example personal protective equipment and make  it for a one day workshop so I'd simply click on  
933.96 -> that and it gives me the objective gives me the  target audience and now it starts to create an  
939.48 -> outline for me and then I can use this as my own  outline and I can change it so for example this  
945.78 -> is going to give me information the objective  equip participants with Comprehensive knowledge  
949.86 -> practical skills related to PPE who's the target  audience introduction to PPE types of PPE in their  
957.54 -> application selecting the right PPE proper usage  Etc so it allows me to do that but now I can say  
963.54 -> uh for example take the above information and  let's make it uh take the above information
973.08 -> oh my typing is uh not information  and make it a 30 minute online course
984 -> and voila it goes and it creates this information  and it tells me how long each element is going  
991.26 -> to be five minutes five minutes four minutes  four minutes three minutes exactly like that  
997.8 -> so it gives me a lot of flexibility  I can even say make the above content
1005.24 -> into a series of micro learning
1010.94 -> experiences and when I hit that it's going to  go ahead and generate micro learning and it's  
1017.42 -> going to give you the introduction definition The  Experience two head to toe protection experience  
1022.94 -> three hand and foot safety exploring hand and  foot so it gives me these broken up in a micro  
1028.46 -> learning element so I may like this I may say  yeah this is great fantastic or I may say nah  
1034.34 -> this isn't really what I want I'm going to change  and modify but it immediately gives you several  
1040.28 -> different ways of looking at the content we can  also if we go back to our metaverse if remember  
1045.8 -> you know we did that we could take this content  and we can say okay now take these objectives
1053.24 -> and make a course and make a one hour  e-learning [Music] module outline  
1062.78 -> boom and so certainly here's an outline so  it's one hour it's going to give me the module  
1069.62 -> introduction it tells me okay understanding the  metaverse that's going to be 20 minutes here's the  
1074 -> learning objective here's the content now here's  section two navigating the metaverse landscape  
1079.1 -> here's the audience the learning objectives  the content closures and developments all  
1084.8 -> that good stuff so chat GPT gives me the ability  to very quickly create learning outlines content  
1093.32 -> outlines based on material I put in previously  based on material that I generated from scratch  
1098.66 -> for instance PPE and it allows you then to look at  that content and decide what you want and even if  
1106.22 -> you have content as we said before from different  courses on PPE you can put them all into chat GPT  
1112.58 -> and create brand new content outline so it's a  really fast and effective tool for creating quick  
1119.3 -> content outlines tip five is generating ideas  for activities oftentimes I'll be stuck like hmm  
1125.6 -> what should I have the Learners do what kind of  Activity Works well do I want to do another drag  
1129.8 -> and drop right I want to come up with ideas for  really interesting activities and chat GPT lets  
1136.82 -> me do just that let's take a look at some examples  so let's talk about how we can create activities  
1141.98 -> let's ask GPT chat GPT how to create an activity  or for some activity ideas so please uh generate  
1151.7 -> ideas for online activities related to  whoops related to personal protective
1164.54 -> equipment
1167.48 -> and it's going to take a moment and it's going to  give me virtual workshops interactive PPE quiz a  
1173.06 -> PPE fashion show that's kind of interesting I  didn't think of that PPE DYI tutorial somebody  
1180.26 -> kind of showing themselves an art contest maybe  not donation Drive where individuals purchase PPE  
1187.1 -> items online and have them directly sent to  organizations that's not really the activity  
1191.78 -> I was looking for let's go and change it a  little bit take the above [Applause] prompt
1202.76 -> and provide me with online learning activities  that can be done with the computer let's say  
1212.6 -> that can be done with a computer all right  let's see what they come up with here  
1218.84 -> so uh PPE infographics was before but here we  add the props and they have a virtual Workshop  
1224.66 -> they have the quiz they have the same kind of  information so in this case chat GPT is not giving  
1230.36 -> me a lot of different things right but maybe I can  say give me an Interactive exercise activity let's  
1239.72 -> call it activity so if you don't get what  you want sometimes changing words can help  
1243.5 -> actually I use the activity so let's use exercise  that can help a person learn about the proper
1256.88 -> donning of PPE oh and I might spell donning wrong  
1262.58 -> uh there we go it has two ends and I'm  going to say personal protective equipment
1271.64 -> and let's see what comes up with that all right  here it goes and we can see here as we scroll  
1280.88 -> down interactive PPE donning simulation  so now we have an interactive simulation  
1285.68 -> it's going to guide the participants step by  step through the process of donning PPE here's  
1290.42 -> an introduction what's happening guidance  decision points feedback correction practice  
1296 -> and repetition so that's pretty good um uh  let's see can you develop similar exercise
1306.44 -> but not the same based on this information  let's call it the above information
1315.32 -> and let's see what we can get out of that
1321.02 -> so here's the donning challenge to um engage  participants on fun and competitive exercise  
1326.54 -> that reinforces introduction scenarios  virtual challenge platform PPE selection  
1333.38 -> finding the right thing they can make it  time-based you can have decision points  
1337.88 -> um and can you turn uh donning PPE personal  protect uh as described above [Applause]  
1350.12 -> into a card game all right let's  see what they can do with that  
1355.46 -> okay chat GPT show me what you've got here so the  PPE Pro Defender card game right to correctly Don  
1362.54 -> different pieces of PPE and uh complete scenarios  so you have a card deck custom designed or printed  
1368.06 -> you have a scenario guide you create a deck of  cards each represent a different item gloves  
1373.16 -> gowns mask you design each card to include an  illustration of the item so that makes sense  
1378.62 -> then you have a scenario guide prepare a guide  describes different situations an environment  
1382.46 -> that you have to put on PPE and how you play the  game well you have this introduction you deal with  
1387.02 -> cards you Shuffle the deck deal a set of cards to  each player each player draws a scenario then you  
1392.18 -> get the donning chop challenge where you've gotta  get the scenario and figure out what PPE items go  
1397.04 -> on there there's going to be a timer maybe one to  two minutes you're gonna score points based on the  
1402.56 -> correctness and accuracy of your choices once  you complete the scenario you have a chance to  
1408.44 -> um see the reveal of the correct PPE choices  and discuss the importance of each and then  
1413.84 -> you have the winning State and with most card  games I find discussion and reflection is very  
1418.52 -> important and here they even give me variations  like team play or Advanced scenarios so you can  
1424.64 -> see you can generate a lot of really good ideas  about what kind of activities you want to present  
1431.12 -> to Learners and even my favorite of course is  create a game based on the subject matter that  
1439.34 -> you're describing so this is a really great way  to generate ideas and concepts for your design  
1445.58 -> of instruction based on using chat gpt's Powers so  as I close out the video I just want to give you a  
1452.42 -> warning about chat GPT there have been instances  especially a very famous one about a lawyer who  
1458.72 -> used chat GPT and the citations that it created  weren't real and he got into a lot of trouble for  
1466.22 -> that there's also reports that the accuracy of of  chat GPT actually is going down over time so it's  
1472.76 -> up to you as the instructional designer to Heed  These Warnings and to make sure that you provide  
1480.38 -> the accuracy for the content that's your job it's  not anyone else's it's your job to make sure that  
1486.86 -> content is accurate so make sure the content is  accurate but use chat GPT for these five areas to  
1493.04 -> find some really interesting motivational  aspects as you explore and use chat GPT
