Knights Templar | World History | Khan Academy

Knights Templar | World History | Khan Academy

Knights Templar | World History | Khan Academy

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Overview of the Knights Templar and their role as international banking pioneers during the Crusades.

World History on Khan Academy: From prehistory to today, this course covers the human events that have shaped our planet.

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0.08 -> we've already done multiple videos on
2 -> the crusades but what we're going to
3.439 -> focus on in this video is how the
5.68 -> crusades helped catalyze the start of
8.559 -> what many historians consider to be the
11.12 -> first international financial
13.519 -> institution and that is the knights
16.08 -> templar
17.279 -> so let's just make sure we have a good
19.039 -> hold on the context so over here we have
22.16 -> our timeline it's occurring during the
24 -> high middle ages
25.84 -> in other videos we saw the first crusade
28.24 -> start at the end of the 11th century
30.88 -> started really by pope urban ii with the
34.88 -> purported reason to help the byzantines
38.079 -> take land from the muslims especially
40.64 -> the holy land the first crusade is for
43.68 -> the most part successful but they don't
45.68 -> return that land to the byzantines they
48.96 -> set up what are known as crusader states
50.96 -> or crusader kingdoms including the
53.68 -> kingdom of jerusalem and just to read
56.719 -> this timeline that i drew up here green
59.76 -> shows the time period when at least
62.16 -> jerusalem is controlled by the muslims
65.36 -> red shows when jerusalem is controlled
68.32 -> by western european powers or by these
71.439 -> crusader kingdoms which were essentially
73.84 -> western european these red parts on our
77.36 -> timeline show when the actual crusades
80.159 -> occurred so you see the first crusade
83.04 -> causes the change of control of
85.759 -> jerusalem from the muslims to the
88.479 -> western european christians and once
91.119 -> jerusalem was under their control and it
93.119 -> would continue to be under their control
94.88 -> for roughly 90 years you could imagine
98 -> that many pilgrims from europe went to
101.439 -> the holy sites in the holy land
103.84 -> especially in jerusalem
106.159 -> but this was not an easy journey not
108.32 -> only was it a long journey these are the
111.04 -> paths that i showed in previous videos
112.88 -> that the crusaders took but this could
114.479 -> also be the paths that many of the
116.64 -> pilgrims took in order to go to the holy
119.52 -> land and you could imagine a journey of
122.079 -> this distance going through multiple
124.32 -> kingdoms in this time period could be
127.28 -> incredibly dangerous and many of the
129.92 -> pilgrims actually were robbed or
132.16 -> sometimes worse on their way to the holy
135.44 -> land
137.2 -> so in 1119 a small group of knights led
140.959 -> by oog depen
143.12 -> they go to king baldwin ii king
146.72 -> of jerusalem remember they set up this
149.04 -> crusader state the kingdom of jerusalem
151.84 -> headquartered on the temple mount and
154.08 -> these knights tell king baldwin ii and
157.36 -> warmond or patriarch warmond the
159.44 -> patriarch of jerusalem they say we would
162 -> like to protect these pilgrims on their
164.239 -> way to jerusalem
166.48 -> these guys think it is a good idea and
168.879 -> so in 1120 they give them some space a
172.72 -> headquarters on the temple mount in
175.599 -> order to start their group
178.64 -> if you translate the latin version of
181.04 -> their name it translates to
183.519 -> poor fellow soldiers of christ and the
186.56 -> temple of solomon
188.56 -> now the reason why it says
190.64 -> and the temple of solomon is because
192.959 -> they were headquartered on the temple
194.72 -> mount and the al-aqsa mosque is believed
197.44 -> by many to be on the site of the
199.599 -> original temple of solomon but this is
202.879 -> often shortened to the knights templar
207.12 -> this is their symbol two knights riding
209.599 -> on a horse to show their poverty but
212.239 -> they don't stay poor for long
215.04 -> they are shortly thereafter recognized
217.599 -> by the pope
218.959 -> and many people start donating money to
222 -> this order many more people volunteer to
225.36 -> be knight's templar
228.08 -> and so over the remainder of the
229.76 -> crusades they become an important
232.239 -> institution in medieval europe
239.04 -> now most folks often associate the
241.519 -> knights templar with being knights you
243.92 -> can see here one of the knights on
246.08 -> horseback here you see the knights
248.319 -> protecting pilgrims on their way to
250.319 -> jerusalem and they did do that they did
252.64 -> protect the pilgrims and they were also
254.959 -> active in battle during the crusades
258 -> thereafter but it turns out that even
260.32 -> though at the peak they were on the
262.16 -> order of 20 000 knights templar only
265.44 -> about 10 percent of them were actual
267.919 -> soldiers were actually these warrior
270.16 -> monks as they're sometimes called the
272.32 -> rest of the templars created this fairly
274.639 -> significant complex infrastructure to do
277.36 -> multiple things to support the goal of
280.8 -> the knights templar
282.96 -> and perhaps most significantly they
285.12 -> developed a sprawling financial
287.6 -> enterprise of the time
289.84 -> if you were in london and you wanted to
292.32 -> do a pilgrimage to the holy land you
294.639 -> would need resources in order to do that
297.28 -> and you would want to have access to
299.04 -> your wealth once you got to jerusalem
302.08 -> and so you could imagine if you're
303.36 -> traveling over a long journey to take
305.12 -> gold coins with you not only would they
306.72 -> be heavy but more importantly it would
308.4 -> be dangerous a lot of people might want
310.32 -> to take that gold from you and so one of
313.6 -> the services that the knights templar
316 -> developed was that
318.96 -> you could go to their temple in london
321.6 -> essentially deposit your money they'll
324.08 -> give you a note of credit saying that we
326.4 -> the knights owe you a certain amount of
328.24 -> money and then you make your journey and
330.8 -> when you get to jerusalem you can give
333.44 -> that note to the knights there and they
336.08 -> will give you your money now this is
338.4 -> something that we take for granted today
340.24 -> i can go to an atm machine anywhere in
342.16 -> the world and for the most part i can
344.16 -> put in my atm card and get access to
346.8 -> money
347.68 -> but there's a lot of infrastructure that
349.759 -> makes that happen today we have
351.479 -> telecommunications we have
353.6 -> satellites that help information go back
355.52 -> and forth we have servers that keep
357.68 -> track of all of that data they didn't
360 -> have that in the middle ages and so you
361.84 -> can imagine this is a very powerful idea
364.8 -> that i could deposit money one place and
367.759 -> then i could withdraw it someplace else
370.479 -> and we still don't fully understand how
372.96 -> the knights were able to pull this off
375.12 -> it requires a lot of trust and how are
377.36 -> they able to authenticate the notes of
379.44 -> credit and at any of these points now
382.319 -> not only did they do this type of
384.56 -> deposit and withdrawal in multiple
386.479 -> locations they also because they had all
389.28 -> of these deposits and people were also
391.28 -> donating money to them just to support
393.12 -> their cause they were able to provide
395.44 -> loans oftentimes loans to very powerful
398 -> individuals like kings and nobility they
401.28 -> were often brokers in major transactions
404.24 -> this is the reason why historians really
406.319 -> do consider them perhaps the first true
409.84 -> international bank
412.319 -> in other videos we talk about how an
414.16 -> 1187 salahuddin is able to retake
417.68 -> jerusalem but then in the sixth crusade
419.68 -> and the barons crusades it goes back to
422 -> christian hands but then 1244 it's
424.56 -> retaken again by the muslims and it
426.24 -> stays under muslim control all the way
428.08 -> until the end of world war one
430.639 -> and so with jerusalem taken in 1244 the
433.919 -> whole goal of the knights templar the
436.319 -> whole purpose of their existence starts
438.479 -> to become less important although at
440.319 -> this point they are significant and
442.319 -> influential financial institution
445.12 -> as we go to the end of the 13th century
448.08 -> the whole crusader mentality starts to
450.24 -> lose steam you have the 8th and 9th
452.08 -> crusades but they aren't successful and
454.72 -> as we get into the early 14th century
458.639 -> you have this character philip iv
462.639 -> king of france and he has incurred a lot
466.08 -> of debt in order to have wars especially
468.56 -> with england and a good bit of this
470.96 -> financing comes from the knights templar
474.16 -> he is a powerful man looking for
476.479 -> solutions to his debt situation and he
478.879 -> realizes one solution is maybe just to
481.28 -> arrest the people who you owe money to
484.479 -> and then not only do you not owe money
486 -> to them but you can seize their assets
488.56 -> and philip iv does exactly that famously
492.8 -> on a friday the 13th in 1307
497.44 -> he arrests
498.8 -> many knights templars including the
501.759 -> grand master the leader of the knights
503.84 -> templar jacques demolay he tortures them
507.36 -> they eventually confess to a whole bunch
509.599 -> of things but then they retract that
511.36 -> confession and they're not willing to
513.039 -> retract the retraction and so
516.08 -> in
517.519 -> 1314
519.519 -> jacques de molay as well as other
522.399 -> knights templar especially in the
524.08 -> leadership who do not agree to those
526.64 -> confessions are burned at the stake in
529.6 -> paris
530.8 -> and this is considered the end of the
533.2 -> night's templar although there are many
535.279 -> legends of how they have continued on
538.16 -> perhaps in secrecy so the knights
540.88 -> templar are to this day are a subject of
544.48 -> fascination there's many legends
546.72 -> associated with them but one of their
548.88 -> biggest historical contributions that
551.04 -> isn't often talked about but we know
552.88 -> happened is that they really laid the
555.36 -> foundation for what we today consider
559.04 -> modern international banking
