Sen. Lindsey Graham warns Russia on movement of nuclear weapons  | The Hill

Sen. Lindsey Graham warns Russia on movement of nuclear weapons | The Hill

Sen. Lindsey Graham warns Russia on movement of nuclear weapons | The Hill

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham joins “The Hill on NewsNation” to discuss a proposed resolution to warn Russia over its decision to send tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus.

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0.299 -> Senator Graham after that very uh
2.639 -> newsworthy press conference yesterday
4.2 -> the Russian Ambassador came out and
6.6 -> accused Ewan Blumenthal of essentially
8.22 -> inciting nuclear war how do you respond
10.2 -> to him well uh dick and I didn't move
13.62 -> any tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus
16.859 -> so the bottom line is Putin is playing a
20.16 -> game every time we want to ascend any
22.619 -> weapon that's going to be World War III
24.66 -> you know if you send in tanks that's a
27.06 -> new game if you do the high Mars every
29.4 -> time we try to help Ukraine evict the
31.859 -> Russians they threaten the West here's
35.04 -> what I think is real according to
36.719 -> President Biden the use of a tackler
39.12 -> nuclear weapon by Russia is becoming a
41.94 -> more real scenario as Ukraine gains
45 -> momentum on the battlefield so I'm
46.98 -> letting the Russian generals know if you
49.2 -> follow the order of plute of Putin to
51.719 -> blow up the nuclear facility the plant
53.76 -> to radiate Europe or you drop a tactical
56.579 -> nuclear weapon to turn around the war
58.44 -> you're losing I consider that attack on
61.199 -> NATO and Senator Blumenthal of democrat
63.96 -> agrees
65.159 -> you cannot irradiate half of Europe and
68.34 -> expect NATO to sit on the sidelines so
71.1 -> as a warning to the generals that if you
74.1 -> follow this order then all hell is going
76.799 -> to fall on Russian soldiers inside of
78.9 -> Ukraine what should the red line be for
80.939 -> President Biden for America you know
82.619 -> there are some reports that chemical
84.06 -> weapons may have already been used will
86.52 -> be used where's the red line when should
88.68 -> America respond well I think if you do
90.78 -> anything to attack neighboring countries
93.54 -> an attack on NATO would be what
96.36 -> having a radioactive Cloud fly over the
99.42 -> country and you know destroy the quality
102.06 -> of life this idea of using a nuclear
104.939 -> weapon to turn around a conventional
107.34 -> loss on the battlefield is getting real
109.82 -> moving the weapons into Belarus he's
112.56 -> testing us at every turn so dick and I
115.2 -> Blumenthal are trying to say checkmate
117.899 -> to the Russian generals go down this
120.36 -> road at your own Peril they're losing on
122.7 -> the battlefield their ability to
124.74 -> decapitate the achieve government fails
127.799 -> spectacularly now they're losing ground
130.02 -> every day over time I think the
131.94 -> ukrainians are going to break through to
134.34 -> marry opal and the Russians are going to
136.56 -> be cut off from their supply routes
138.84 -> inside of Ukraine Insider Crimea and we
142.5 -> live in a dangerous world but I just
144.12 -> want the Russians to know
146.099 -> that if you explode a nuclear weapon in
148.44 -> Ukraine the effects will be all over
151.379 -> Europe NATO Nations and you will be at
153.78 -> War we're made of you know as far as the
155.28 -> Republican party goes you have been very
156.9 -> outspoken on the need to uh fund Ukraine
160.44 -> militarily and economically uh in post
163.14 -> reconstruction
164.76 -> um how do you think Trump and the rest
166.98 -> of the House GOP how are they going to
168.84 -> square how do you square your position
170.099 -> with some people that are very loud
172.019 -> advocates for not continuing that
173.64 -> support well I'm right and they're wrong
175.379 -> that's how you square
176.94 -> so now president Trump provided lethal
179.819 -> weapons to the ukrainians on his watch
181.5 -> if it were not for the anti-tank weapons
185.64 -> what do you call that the javelin yeah a
187.86 -> lot of kids named javelin in Ukraine
189.84 -> right now by the way that's like the
191.159 -> most popular new name the javelin any
193.739 -> tank weapons that Trump provided slowed
196.26 -> The Assault on Kiev now President Biden
199.379 -> has been providing weapons late we
201.959 -> should add the f-16s a year ago ready to
205.019 -> go air cover is missing here to my
207.72 -> Republican colleagues the best way to
210.239 -> expand a war is to allow bad guy to get
212.58 -> away with taking territory by force I'm
214.92 -> going to write a book World War II for
216.42 -> dummies if you think
218.58 -> Putin is going to stop in Ukraine you're
220.92 -> not listening to what he said but if
223.019 -> ukrainians can stop him China is less
225.12 -> likely to go into Taiwan to all the
227.22 -> China hogs out there how do you square
229.68 -> having a budget that reduces the U.S
232.14 -> Navy from 298 ships to 291. how do you
236.58 -> square the idea you want to stand up to
238.86 -> China if you're willing to give Putin
240.48 -> Ukraine makes no sense I think the
243 -> American people understand no Americans
245.04 -> are dying all they want is our
246.48 -> technology and our weapons they're doing
248.4 -> the fighting and the dying and if they
250.08 -> can stop Putin the world will be a
251.459 -> better place the Republican party is
253.799 -> moving away from the tradition of Ronald
256.38 -> Reagan a robust foreign policy of
258.959 -> muscular foreign policy of you and the
261.359 -> late Senator John McCain that wingman on
263.46 -> foreign policy very hawkish we there's a
266.52 -> poll out last week from the Pew
268.02 -> organization it says 44 of Republic
270.139 -> Republicans say we are providing too
272.759 -> much money for to Ukraine right now you
275.759 -> and Dick Blumenthal are threatening to
278.16 -> go to war if they use nukes will the
280.32 -> rest of the Congress and the American
282 -> people as reflected in the Congress be
284.28 -> behind you well I'm hoping that uh
286.62 -> President Biden will come out and say
288.78 -> what I'm saying to the Russians if you
291.18 -> explode a tackle your nuclear device in
292.979 -> Ukraine you'll be at war with NATO we
295.56 -> had a chance to deter The Invasion
297.3 -> didn't work thanks for watching go to
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303.24 -> your television provider and don't
305.22 -> forget to subscribe click the red button
307.44 -> to get more of news Nations fact-driven
310.16 -> unbiased coverage
