How to Use a Multimeter

How to Use a Multimeter

How to Use a Multimeter

This video will show you how to use a multimeter to measure voltage, current, resistance, and continuity. This is a beginner’s guide aimed at students and electronics hobbyists who need to make basic measurements using an entry-level multimeter. For additional details, see the written tutorial on our website:

0:00 intro
0:54 multimeter probes
1:23 multimeter labels
2:00 multimeter ports
2:42 measuring batteries
6:06 measuring voltage
8:05 measuring current
11:46 measuring resistance
14:08 continuity check
16:33 advanced features

If you are new to electronics, you may also find our breadboard tutorial helpful:    • How to Use a Breadboard  

How to replace a multimeter fuse:    • How to Replace a Multimeter Fuse  

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0.03 -> Hi this is Ben Finio with Science Buddies. In this video we'll show you how
3.449 -> to use a multimeter.
6.56 -> Multimeters come in all shapes and sizes. While professional multimeters can cost
10.8 -> hundreds of dollars, if you're a student doing a science project or hobbyist
14.58 -> just tinkering with electronics, a cheaper multimeter somewhere in the
17.88 -> twenty to thirty dollar range is probably all you need. Most multimeters
21.81 -> have similar features including a screen that displays the readings, a knob that
26.22 -> selects the measurement, and ports where you plug in the probes to take the
29.49 -> measurement. In this video we'll be using this DT830L digital multimeter which
34.68 -> is included in many of our Science Buddies kits. We'll go over how to
38.339 -> measure voltage, current, resistance, and do a continuity check, some of the most
43.499 -> common features you'll use on a multimeter. Other multimeters might have
47.46 -> more advanced features like the ability to measure capacitance but we won't be
51.03 -> going over those in this video. Most multimeters come with a pair of red
56.37 -> and black probes with a plug on one end to go into the multimeter and a pointy
60.03 -> probe tip on the other end that you can use to probe circuits. It's convenient to
63.989 -> have some alligator clip cables handy as those can allow you to clip onto the
67.5 -> circuit to take measurements so your hands can be free to do other things.
70.13 -> There are different types of probe accessories available, for example these
74.579 -> probes have a banana plug on one end to go in the multimeter and an alligator
78.42 -> clip directly on the other end instead of a probe tip so you don't need a
81.479 -> separate alligator clip cable. Let's start by looking at our multimeter in a
85.32 -> little more detail. There are a lot of symbols on the front that might be kind
88.2 -> of overwhelming and confusing at first but don't worry we'll go over them one
91.38 -> by one as we use them. The main symbols you'll be seeing in this video are V for
96.42 -> volts, A for amperes which is the unit of current, and the capital Greek letter
101.07 -> Omega which stands for ohms or the unit of resistance. This multimeter has a
105.57 -> separate on/off switch that you use to turn the multimeter on and off. More
109.59 -> expensive multimeters usually have an auto power off feature that will turn it
113.1 -> off automatically after a certain period of inactivity, but this one doesn't so make
117.149 -> sure you remember to turn it off when you're not using it in order to conserve
119.82 -> the battery. Now let's look at the ports where we can plug the probes into the
124.649 -> multimeter. You'll see that we have three different ports labeled COM, V Omega mA,
129.539 -> and 10A. COM stands for common that's where the black probe is going to be
134.34 -> plugged in and we'll usually connect that to the ground or negative side of our
138.09 -> circuit. V Omega mA stands for volts ohms or
142.079 -> milliamps, we plug the red probe into this port for most of the measurements
145.86 -> we're going to be taking to measure voltage, resistance, or small amounts of
149.43 -> current, and then finally this third one we're not going to use as often that's
153.39 -> for measuring large amounts of current up to about 10 amps. So for now we're
157.29 -> going to plug the red probe into this V Omega ma port. Now let's start with the
163.409 -> relatively simple case of measuring the voltage of a battery. I'm going to set
167.159 -> the dial on my multimeter up here somewhere in the V range, we're not going
170.819 -> to worry about the exact number yet, turn the multimeter on, and again I have the
174.329 -> black probe plugged into the COM port and the red probe plug into the V
178.95 -> Omega milliamp port. I have two batteries here a double a and a 9-volt, and I'm
184.5 -> going to start out with the double a. I'm going to take,
188.56 -> oops, the black probe and touch it to the negative side of the battery and the red
194.69 -> probe and touch it to the positive side of the battery. And you can see I'm
197.84 -> getting a reading of zero zero one on the screen. And that's not a very
203.12 -> accurate reading I'm not getting any decimal places and you'll see that I
206.18 -> have my knobs set all the way up here to a thousand volts which if you know
210.59 -> anything about batteries is much much higher than we expect to get from a
213.709 -> double-a battery, we would expect this to be about 1.5 volts. So fancier
218.42 -> multimeters will have an auto ranging feature where they will automatically
221.87 -> select the measurement range for you. This multimeter isn't going to do that
226.34 -> for you, you need to manually select the range that is the best for what you want
229.819 -> to measure. So what I'm going to go do is go down a step to 200 volts and try
236.599 -> again. And now I'm getting 1.5 volts which is about what I expect, but 200
241.97 -> volts is still a lot bigger than what I need to measure, so I'm going to keep
244.7 -> stepping down to the 20 volt range, and notice that when I do that I get an
249.53 -> extra decimal place, the decimal point moved over one. So now if I measure
255.629 -> I get one point 6 volts, 1.60. So my reading is getting more accurate so I
260.579 -> got an extra decimal place. This voltage is actually small enough that I can keep
264.78 -> going down. Now notice that the label here changed now I'm in the 2000 M range
271.229 -> which stands for 2000 millivolts. So now my reading is in millivolts instead of
275.49 -> volts, it's important to pay attention to the labels on the dial because they'll
279.12 -> tell you the units of your measurement. Now here I don't have a decimal place any
284.25 -> more, I'm getting 1608 millivolts, so as I keep going down my reading keeps getting
290.43 -> more and more accurate. If I go down too far though my range won't be high enough
295.65 -> to measure the voltage. So I've gone all the way down to be 200 millivolt range
301.77 -> and now I'm getting a one with no other numbers which, is how this multimeter
305.699 -> tells me that the reading is outside the current range I have selected. So if I go
309.81 -> down too far I'll get that one on the screen, I go back up to the next highest
314.159 -> value and that's going to give me my most accurate reading for this voltage.
317.669 -> So in this case I get one thousand six hundred and seven millivolts or one
322.169 -> point six oh seven volts. I can do the same thing for the 9-volt battery here
327.9 -> where you might be able to guess if I have this set to two thousand millivolts,
331.05 -> that's two volts, that range is not high enough so I get a 1. If I want to measure
335.22 -> that 9-volt battery I'm gonna need to go up the next step to 20 volts and here
341.34 -> you can see that this battery has actually actually been drained a little
344.13 -> bit, I'm only getting about seven point nine eight volts instead of the nine
347.43 -> volts I would expect. Finally if I reverse my probes so if I put the red
351.569 -> probe on the negative terminal and the black probe on the positive terminal, I
356.13 -> will just get a negative number. So that doesn't damage anything it doesn't hurt
360.36 -> anything, that just tells you that you have your probes backwards because you
362.969 -> would expect a positive voltage when measuring the battery. Now measuring the
367.68 -> voltage of a battery is pretty simple what if we want to measure the voltage
370.74 -> of something in a circuit? So here I have an example circuit consisting of a
374.789 -> battery pack a resistor and an LED, very simple demonstration circuit, and what if
380.039 -> I say I want to measure the voltage in this circuit? Now note that voltage is
383.94 -> measured between two points so it doesn't make sense to just ask what is
387.509 -> the voltage in this circuit, we have to ask which component we are measuring the
390.93 -> voltage of. In this case if we look at the circuit diagram we can see we have
394.74 -> three components in series, we have the battery, the resistor, and the LED, and we
399.419 -> can measure the voltage across any one of those components individually. To
403.349 -> measure voltage in circuit you connect the multimeter in parallel, so in this
407.34 -> case there are three different ways we could connect the multimeter in parallel
410.94 -> to something in this circuit. We could connect it in parallel to the battery, in
415.11 -> parallel to the resistor, or in parallel to the LED. When taking measurements on a
420.75 -> breadboard this is where alligator clips and jumper wires can come in handy
423.93 -> because you can just put the jumper wires into the breadboard and then your
426.719 -> hands will be free to do other things. If you don't understand how a breadboard
430.05 -> works or you've never used one before we highly recommend you check out,
433.24 -> check out our breadboard tutorial video which will tell you everything you need
436 -> to know about breadboards, but for now we're going to assume you know how they
438.61 -> work. So first I'm going to connect my two wires in parallel to the battery,
443.58 -> putting them into the power buses here. You'll see I get a reading of 2.83
448.66 -> volts. I can also connect them in parallel to
452.62 -> the LED.
458.639 -> I get a smaller reading of 2.2, roughly about 2.3 volts and finally I can
465.93 -> connect them in parallel to the resistor
472.81 -> and I get a reading of about 0.65 volts so as I would expect with these
476.8 -> components in series the voltage across the LED plus the voltage across the
480.94 -> resistor should equal the voltage across the battery pack. Now what if I want to
486.25 -> measure the current through this circuit? This gets a little more complicated. To
489.49 -> measure the current through a part of a circuit you need to put the multimeter
492.46 -> in series with that part of the circuit. And while to measure voltage I didn't
496.9 -> actually need to rearrange anything on the breadboard to do that because I was
500.86 -> just putting the multimeter probes in parallel with the different circuit
503.62 -> components, to put the multimeter in series I'm actually going need to
507.04 -> rearrange things on the breadboard a bit. So if I look at the circuit diagram, I
510.31 -> only have one loop in my circuit here so the current I measure is going to be the
514.36 -> same regardless of where I put the multimeter. I could put it in between the
517.839 -> battery and the resistor, in between the resistor and the LED, or in between the
521.77 -> LED and the battery, the current will be the same in any case. But when I
526.15 -> go do that on the breadboard here I'm going to need to move one of the parts.
529.839 -> So for example I'm going to move the resistor lead over one hole here and
536.44 -> then get ready to put my multimeter probes in series with the resistor and
540.79 -> the LED, but before I do that I want to be careful. Let's go back and look at the
546.4 -> ports for the probes on our multimeter again and the settings for current.
550.06 -> Remember we have this extra port for 10 amps and if you don't know how much
555.49 -> current you're going to measure it's always safer to start with that 10 amp
559.54 -> setting because that will allow you to measure a much higher current without
562.51 -> damaging your multimeter's fuse. So if you know about LEDs you might know oh that's
566.77 -> probably only a couple tens of milliamps, you should probably be safe, but
570.76 -> especially if you're working with motors, or something where you just in general
574.15 -> don't know the current, it's safer to start with that higher measurement
577.839 -> because as you can see if you look at the small print by this other port here
583.33 -> that one is limited to 500 milliamps max, so if we exceed 500 milliamps on this
589.209 -> port we're going to blow the fuse. So we can go all the way up to 10 amps on this
592.36 -> one, safer to start there and we're going to
594.67 -> turn our dial over to the 10 amp setting on the knob. So now I should be able to
602.47 -> put my multimeter in series, you notice that the LED has
606.96 -> gone out because I broke the circuit by moving that resistor.
610.17 -> I put the multimeter in series here, the LED goes back on but I'm getting a
616.8 -> pretty inaccurate reading again, 0.01, I don't know what the decimal points are
620.58 -> beyond that so it should be safe now to move down to the port with the lower
628.17 -> current range that's going to be more accurate. So I'm going to switch back
632.66 -> down to here, lower myself to the 200 milliamps setting and you can see now
638.85 -> I'm getting a more accurate reading of thirteen point seven, thirteen point
642.42 -> eight milliamps. And just like I did with the voltage I can keep stepping down to
646.98 -> get more and more accurate readings until my range goes too low. So I can
650.52 -> step down to 20 milliamps, now I'm getting an extra decimal place about
655.56 -> twelve point two one, all the way down to 2,000 milliamps and now I've gone too
660.33 -> low. Okay so if I go back up to about 20 milliamps that's gonna be the most
666.06 -> accurate reading I can get for this circuit with two decimal places. Now when
671.67 -> you are done measuring current it is always a good idea to set your
674.79 -> multimeter dial back to measuring voltage, and that's because it is much
678.96 -> easier to accidentally blow the fuse when you have a multimeter set to
682.89 -> measure current. For example if you wanted to measure the voltage of a
686.16 -> battery like we did earlier, and you connected the probes directly to the
689.91 -> battery with no resistance in series to limit the current while you have it set
693.81 -> to measure current you will easily blow the fuse because you're going to get a
697.11 -> lot more than 500 milliamps directly out of the battery. So again when you're done
701.13 -> measuring current set it back to voltage just to be safe
703.95 -> the next time you pick up the multimeter. Okay next let's talk about measuring
708.48 -> resistance, so this is something that's convenient if you just hate reading
712.26 -> those color codes on the tiny little resistors or if you need to measure the
715.65 -> actual value of your resistor instead of just a rated value because there's
720.03 -> usually a pretty big error range like 5 or 10% on the actual value of the
723.9 -> resistor. So to do that you're going to want to remove the resistor from the
728.04 -> circuit don't try to measure resistance while the resistor is connected to a
731.67 -> power supply in an active circuit or you won't get an accurate reading, and
735.71 -> again here's where alligator clips come in handy
738.93 -> to just clip on to the leads of that resistor and just like we did with
747.529 -> voltage and current, you can make an educated guess as to where you should
751.559 -> start on this dial, so for ohms we can go all the way up to 2000 kilo ohms which
756.779 -> is equivalent to 2 mega ohms or all the way down to 200 ohms. In this case I
761.639 -> started at the lower end of the range and I have what should be a 47 ohm
765.54 -> resistor here, so I'm getting pretty close to that, about forty six point
768.809 -> eight, forty six point nine ohms and you can see as I go up I start to lose
773.16 -> accuracy because I'm losing that decimal place. So measuring a resistor this small,
776.61 -> I want to be all the way down there in that two hundred ohm range I have a
782.04 -> bigger resistor here, this one is supposed to be about ten kilo ohms
786.829 -> so if I connect that,
790.559 -> you can see I'm getting the one because I'm outside the range of exceeded two
793.949 -> hundred ohms and as I start going up eventually I should get in the proper
799.319 -> range for this resistor. So you can see again there's that error percentage this
803.009 -> is actually about ten point three ohms not exactly,
805.709 -> sorry ten point three kilohms not exactly ten kilo ohms, so it can be
810.449 -> important depending on what you're doing to measure the actual value of your
813.479 -> resistors. Now with cheaper multimeters you're not going to get very accurate
817.529 -> readings for very small resistances, so if you're trying to measure something
820.949 -> just like a wire this is usually probably down around one ohm or even
825.809 -> less than that, don't trust those readings too much. You can see I can
831.719 -> connect to this wire and go down to my smallest range and I get something like
835.799 -> 1.0 ohms but really below and ohm your reading is not going to be very accurate
840.089 -> with a cheap multimeter so make sure you use this to measure actual resistors but
844.259 -> not just pieces of conductive metal or wires. The final feature we're going to
849.509 -> go over is the continuity check so that's this little symbol here with kind
853.259 -> of those little curvy lines and the arrow symbol which represents a diode if
857.159 -> you know what a diode is, and this one is a really convenient feature that just
861.209 -> beeps if two things are electrically connected. So if I touch my probes
865.709 -> together directly [beeping] it beeps at me because there's a complete conductive path for
872.459 -> the circuit or the current to flow through the circuit there. This is a
875.369 -> really convenient feature to check if two things are connected like they're
878.489 -> supposed to be in your circuit or for example to check if a cable is good. So
883.529 -> for example let's take my circuit here, put my resistor back in
891.05 -> and say I don't know if maybe I have something wired improperly I want to
897.12 -> make sure that there's a conductive path between this leg of my LED and this wire
904.079 -> on the battery [beeping] so that's telling me that there is a path between this part of the
909.779 -> LED and there. So say I had this wired improperly, say had the resistor in the
914.879 -> wrong hole, and my LED is not lighting up, then I can test both sides of my LED. I
921.12 -> can test here and say okay I know [beeping] I have conductivity on this side those are
927.42 -> connected because I'm getting a beep, but if I test on this side there should be a
929.819 -> connection between the LED and the resistor, but I'm not getting a beep
934.949 -> there. Then if I look more closely I could realize, oh I have that wired
937.92 -> improperly I don't have conductivity between this leg of the LED and this leg
942.149 -> of the resistor. Similarly say you have an experiment with a bunch of wires or
947.399 -> cables and you're not sure if maybe you kinked a cable or broke something or if
950.91 -> you have a cable that's going bad yeah if I take this alligator clip and touch
955.68 -> the probes to both ends the alligator clip [beeping] I'll get a beep letting me know
961.079 -> that my cable is good if I didn't get a beep and I'd know that this cable is
963.99 -> probably bad. So again, a convenient feature that you can use to test for
968.069 -> conductivity in circuits or test if a material is conductive. For example if I
972.149 -> touch these two probes to a piece of metal say like the outside surface of
976.259 -> this battery [beeping] I know that's conductive but if I touch it to the paper on my
983.43 -> work surface here that's not conductive because paper does not conduct
987.509 -> electricity. So also a convenient check to test if a material is conductive or
991.68 -> not. Again there are some more advanced features on this and other multimeters
996.42 -> that we didn't go over in this video, you might have noticed this NPN and PNP
999.779 -> thing down here that's for measuring transistors, there's a V with a squiggly
1004.25 -> line next to it for measuring alternating current instead of direct
1007.129 -> current. You can measure the voltage from a wall outlet, we don't recommend doing
1011.779 -> that if you're new to electronics because wall outlets are actually
1014.87 -> dangerous and you can hurt yourself if you don't know what you're doing, whereas
1017.54 -> the electricity from batteries and little battery-powered circuits like
1021.259 -> this is generally pretty harmless, so this is much safer if you're starting
1024.079 -> out. We're not going to go over those in this
1026.12 -> video but if you have any more questions about anything you saw in the video in
1029.81 -> more detail we recommend you check out our written tutorial, there's a link to
1033.08 -> that at the end of the video and have fun using your multimeter in your
1036.17 -> project.
