The United States of America - Summary on a Map

The United States of America - Summary on a Map

The United States of America - Summary on a Map

This video is a summary of the history of the United States of America, since the arrival of the first colonists in North America until today.
English translation \u0026 voiceover: Rahul Venkit
Original French version:    • Les États-Unis d’Amérique - Résumé su…  
Russian version:    • История США - на карте  
Arabic version:    • الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية_ ملخص تاري…  
Spanish version:    • Los Estados Unidos de América - Resum…  
Portuguese version (Brazil):
Japanese version:    • アメリカの歴史  
German version:    • Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika -…  
Music: Lint Roller - Cxdy (Youtube library)
Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects
0:00 Introduction
0:59 The Seven Years’ War
1:58 American Revolutionary War
3:00 The United States of America
3:56 The conquest of the West
5:18 Mexican-American War
6:18 American Civil War
7:15 Agricultural and industrial development
8:35 International views
9:39 World War I
10:33 Interwar period
12:10 World War II
13:27 The Cold War
15:16 The Civil rights
15:55 International politics
17:20 New world order
18:23 The War on terror

#geohistory #history #usa #independenceday #americancivilwar #worldwar


0.18 -> We begin in 1750 in North America.
3.6 -> It's been 150 years since settlers from Western Europe, mostly fleeing poverty, famine, or
10.44 -> religious and political persecution, first arrived on the continent.
14.82 -> Their arrival came at the expense of millions of native Americans
18.92 -> who lived there for thousands of years, mostly in tribes.
22.6 -> On the East Coast, Great Britain has established colonies inhabited by 1.5 million people.
29.18 -> The northern regions depend mainly on fishing and trade, while in the south,
33.56 -> the climate is ideal for growing products such as tobacco, rice and cotton.
39.02 -> Rich landowners - called the Planters - seize vast territories that they exploit by buying
44.54 -> slaves from Africa, via the triangular trade.
48.46 -> Further west, the Appalachian mountains form a natural boundary.
52.68 -> Beyond it, is the vast French colony, which lives mainly off the fur trade.
61.78 -> Tensions rise between the French and British colonies.
65.14 -> When the Seven Years’ War breaks out in Europe, Britain dominates and takes hold of New France.
71 -> Native American tribes living there unite to demand the departure of the British and
75.47 -> the recognition of their own state.
78 -> To calm the situation, the British government hurriedly carves out an Indian reservation
82.82 -> between the Appalachians, the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes.
86.88 -> This does not please the colonists who wanted to seize the opportunity to extend their territories to the west.
93.71 -> In addition, war proves costly for Britain.
97.02 -> The country expects its colonies to repay part of its debts through new taxes,
101.8 -> which further angers the settlers.
104.5 -> In Boston, in protest of taxes on tea, colonists disguised as Native Americans climb on board
111.24 -> British East India Company ships and throw out its tea cargo into the ocean.
120.38 -> With the situation tense, representatives from 12 colonies gather in Philadelphia
125.6 -> to organize the First Continental Congress.
128.43 -> They decide to boycott British goods.
131.18 -> The following year, the War of Independence breaks out, pitting the insurgents --
135.7 -> also called the patriots -- against the British and its loyalists.
140.5 -> On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress proclaims the independence
146.02 -> of the United States of America.
148.79 -> France sees an opportunity to avenge its defeat in the Seven Years' War.
153.46 -> Having invested heavily in its military fleet, the country has the means to compete with the Royal Navy.
159.62 -> France allies with the patriots.
161.9 -> Spain and the United Provinces of the Netherlands, in turn, go to war against Great Britain.
167.769 -> In 1783, the patriots prevail, forcing Britain to recognize the independence of the country.
173.989 -> The United States receives territories until Mississippi, while Spain seizes Florida.
183.54 -> This marks the first time a European colony gains independence.
187.46 -> The United States adopts a constitution based on a strict separation of powers.
192.72 -> The legislative power formed by Congress passes laws and budgets,
197.16 -> the judiciary with the Supreme Court upholds the constitution,
201.24 -> and finally there is the executive power with the US president, the head of government.
207.06 -> On the other hand, the 13 states retain sovereignty with their own constitution and governor.
213.54 -> It was decided to build the new capital, Washington, along the Potomac River.
219.019 -> In the West, each new territory with at least 60,000 free citizens would be allowed to form
224.68 -> a new state equal to the others.
227.56 -> Pioneers set off to relocate there, pushing back Amerindian tribes further west of the Mississippi River.
238.16 -> In 1800, France obtained Louisiana from Spain in exchange for the kingdom of Etruria.
244.8 -> But it proves difficult to protect this vast, far-away & relatively less known territory.
250.84 -> Fearing the loss of Louisiana to the United Kingdom in war, France decides to sell the
255.7 -> region to the United States.
257.84 -> Congress then funds expeditions to explore and reach the Pacific Ocean.
263.3 -> In Europe, France and the UK clash again.
266.5 -> The United States first tries to remain neutral, but following tensions with Britain, enters the war.
272.62 -> It fails in a bid to invade the colony of Canada, as a British maritime raid
277.32 -> reaches Washington and burns the city.
280.16 -> At the end of the war, the United States abandons its ambitions in the north
284.8 -> and focuses on the south where the Spanish Empire is in decline.
289.08 -> A military incursion in Florida allows -- after negotiations -- the annexation of the territory.
295.6 -> In the West, Oregon is shared with the United Kingdom.
299.36 -> East of the Mississippi, five Amerindian tribes are adapted to the settlers' sedentary
304.54 -> and agrarian lifestyle, but Congress nevertheless decides to take over the land
310.02 -> and pushes the natives to a reserve west of the Mississippi.
314.24 -> Thousands die of exhaustion on the way.
320.54 -> In Mexico, Texas, which is populated mainly by settlers from the United States, declares its independence.
327.74 -> After a war, the Republic of Texas is created and in 1845 is annexed to the United States.
334.62 -> But as the border is poorly defined, both countries are at war.
339.12 -> The United States prevails and takes the opportunity to annex New Mexico and California,
345 -> where the discovery of gold causes a rush that attracts hundreds of thousands of pioneers of all origins.
352.26 -> With the land route proving dangerous, private funds are invested in the construction of a railway in Panama.
359 -> The state of California is admitted, which does not have slavery.
363.17 -> Southern states are largely agrarian, and have slavery; while Northern states are industrial and abolitionist.
370.74 -> Both sides wish to extend their model to the new western states, causing the gap between them to widen.
380.96 -> In 1860, Abraham Lincoln, who is hostile to slavery, is elected president of the country.
387.38 -> In response, southern states secede from the United States one by one and band together
393.04 -> to proclaim the Confederate States of America.
396.14 -> Then begins the Civil War which pits the Unionists of the North against the Confederates of the South.
402.44 -> The North sets up a maritime blockade on the Atlantic coast, cutting out any potential
407.1 -> support from Europe and blocking cotton exports.
410.71 -> In 1865, the North prevails and takes the opportunity to impose its policies.
416.64 -> Slavery is abolished, and 3.5 million slaves are freed.
421.59 -> But African-Americans are now victims of segregation and racism, especially through the emergence
427.68 -> of Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization.
431.46 -> Many migrate to the North, while others move to cities.
438.8 -> The Russian Empire fears losing Alaska to Britain, so chooses to sell the territory
443.68 -> to the United States.
445.46 -> To accelerate its conquest of the West, the government finances the construction
449.8 -> of transcontinental railway lines.
452.41 -> In the center of the country, the invention of new machinery allows intensive agriculture.
458.04 -> Vast plantations of wheat, corn and large pastures are set up at the expense of the
463.18 -> last 250,000 Amerindians who are kept on reserves.
467.98 -> On the other hand, the rich soil allows rapid development of industry.
472.76 -> The old continent, Europe, now views the United States as an El Dorado.
477.88 -> Fleeing poverty and religious persecution, many Southern and Eastern Europeans migrate
482.7 -> to the United States where they work as cheap labor.
486.2 -> But the economic boom only benefits a minority.
489.34 -> An elite group of industrialists grows rich quickly by establishing monopolies in sectors
494.8 -> such as steel, railways, oil and banks at the expense of workers and peasants,
500.32 -> including women and children working in harsh conditions.
504.42 -> Strikes and protests erupt demanding better conditions, but these are often met with violence
510.26 -> by private militias or the National Guard.
516.8 -> While European powers colonize a large part of the world, the United States also looks
521.78 -> to project its power on the international scene.
524.72 -> While annexing Hawaii in the middle of the Pacific, the country turns to Cuba
529.02 -> where there is a revolt against the Spanish.
531.48 -> The United States supports Cuban independentists.
534.98 -> After the mysterious explosion of a US Navy ship in the port of Havana,
539.32 -> war breaks out between Spain and the United States.
542.52 -> The United States wins, obtains the independence of Cuba and seizes Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.
549.56 -> The country thus becomes a colonial power.
552.22 -> In Colombia, a French company begins construction of a canal that would connect the two oceans,
558.5 -> greatly shortening the journey between the US East and west Coast.
562.94 -> The United States buys the project and then intervenes to support the independence of Panama.
568.8 -> In return, the new government of Panama offers the United States a strip of land,
573.18 -> which helps complete the construction of the canal, inaugurated in 1914.
581.9 -> In Europe, World War I begins.
584.49 -> With workers and peasants on the frontlines, industry on the continent slows down.
589.32 -> The US industry takes advantage of this and -- despite the country’s neutrality in the war
594.18 -> -- sells on credit ammunition, food, clothes and automobiles to the Entente countries.
600.54 -> In response, Germany tries to impose a maritime blockade by sinking merchant ships in British waters.
606.82 -> In 1917, a German telegram destined for Mexico is intercepted, proposing a military alliance
613.35 -> against the United States.
615.36 -> This pushes the United States to go to war on the side of the Entente,
618.98 -> and 2 million soldiers are sent to European fronts.
622.6 -> 116,000 soldiers lose their lives.
626.38 -> After the victory of the Entente, Europe finds itself indebted to the United States.
635.1 -> The economy of the US prospers.
637.76 -> In factories, improvements in the assembly line cause production to skyrocket and decrease prices.
644.36 -> The rise in purchasing power and credit results in a boom for the sale of cars,
649.12 -> all kinds of appliances, and bank shares.
652.5 -> Hollywood becomes a major industry with global influence.
655.98 -> Thanks to the sale of radios, music genres such as jazz become popular.
660.68 -> In New York mainly, night clubs open, stimulating the sale of alcohol.
665.72 -> The more conservative government tries to stem the phenomenon by voting for prohibition,
670.86 -> forbidding the production, transport or sale of alcohol.
674.86 -> In response, thousands of speakeasies spring up throughout the country.
679.04 -> Mafia networks seize the market and get rich quickly.
682.84 -> Meanwhile, the South misses out on this wave of prosperity.
686.7 -> Falling prices for agricultural products plunge the region into poverty.
691.36 -> The Ku Klux Klan comes back into prominence,
694.4 -> this time also targeting Catholics, Jews and immigrants in addition to African-Americans.
700.3 -> The organization reaches 5 million members, and is then banned after several lynching episodes.
707.08 -> In 1929, the Wall Street Stock Market crash takes place.
711.36 -> The US economy collapses.
713.36 -> In a few short years, a string of bankruptcies of companies and banks
717.86 -> pushes a quarter of the active population into unemployment.
721.92 -> Prohibition is lifted, and steps are taken to try to revive the economy and improve working conditions.
732.22 -> In Europe, World War II breaks out.
734.73 -> The United States, although officially neutral, prepares for war by reinstating military service.
740.69 -> In addition, the country sells arms mainly to the United Kingdom and the USSR.
746.26 -> In the Pacific Ocean, in order to curb the expansion of imperialist Japan allied to Nazi Germany,
752.56 -> the United States imposes upon the country an embargo on steel and oil.
757.84 -> In response, Japan launches a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, causing the United States to enter the war.
764.3 -> The country secretly embarks upon a research program to create the atomic bomb.
769.24 -> In 1945, the Allies overcome Germany.
772.72 -> The USSR and the United States then unite against Japan.
776.43 -> A ground invasion by the Soviets and the two atomic bombs dropped by the United States
781.74 -> on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki force Japan to surrender.
787.12 -> At the end of the war, the United States supports the creation of the United Nations whose primary
792.35 -> role is to maintain peace and security in the world.
796.26 -> Europe finds itself in ruins and is exhausted by war.
800.5 -> The United States and the USSR emerge as the two great world powers.
809.54 -> After World War II, the USSR and the United States try and peddle their influence in Europe.
815.6 -> The United States implements the Marshall Plan, while the Soviet Union supports pro-communist
820.74 -> governments in Eastern countries.
823.19 -> The old continent is found divided by the Iron Curtain.
827.27 -> The USSR and the United States engage in a cold war -- that is an arms race without direct confrontation.
834.43 -> The US, largely spared the ravages of war on its territory, has an industrial, economic
839.98 -> and military advantage.
841.98 -> Inside the country, federal officials sympathetic to communist ideas are dismissed.
847.74 -> Hollywood is also used to churn out anti-communist propaganda.
852.16 -> On the global arena, the country employs an interventionist policy, aimed at stemming
857.7 -> at all costs the spread of communism.
860.83 -> The US intervenes in Greece, China, and engages its military in Korea and Vietnam.
868.04 -> The Soviet Union, for its part, invests heavily to catch up with the US.
872.72 -> After developing atomic weapons of its own, it becomes the first country to send a satellite
878.1 -> into orbit, and further outdoes itself by sending the first man into space.
883.54 -> The United States then launches the Apollo program
886.2 -> which aims to send the first astronaut to the Moon.
889.76 -> In Cuba, an attempt to overthrow the new communist government fails.
894.36 -> The Soviet Union takes advantage to ally with the country, and installs nuclear missiles
899.68 -> on its territory, pointed at the United States.
902.84 -> Tensions build to a point where it seemed a third world war was imminent.
907.6 -> However, an accord is reached between the two world powers, resulting in the USSR withdrawing from Cuba.
918.24 -> Within the country, more and more civil rights movements gain momentum, forcing the government
923.08 -> to review its social policies.
925.84 -> African-Americans begin non-violent actions to combat segregation.
931.06 -> More and more women enter the workforce and demand equal pay.
935.14 -> Native Americans also fight for better conditions.
938.86 -> Moreover, with the US at war in Vietnam, students and hippie pacifist movements call for peace.
945.74 -> In 1969, the country sends the first man to the moon.
949.88 -> Worldwide, millions of viewers watch the event live on their television.
958.66 -> On the global arena, the United States tries to ease tensions.
962.54 -> It begins diplomatic rapprochement with China, and signs agreements with the USSR
967.68 -> to limit the global arms race.
970.22 -> In the Middle East, the US supports Israel in the Yom Kippur War,
974.5 -> for which it is then subject to an oil embargo imposed by OPEC countries.
980 -> In Vietnam, after negotiations, the United States withdraws their army.
984.56 -> Two years later, the Communists prevail in the country, tarnishing the image of the United States.
990.84 -> The USSR takes this opportunity to intensify its international policy.
995.85 -> The country occupies Afghanistan, and in reaction
999 -> the United States provides militarily support to the Mujahideen.
1003.12 -> In Central America, US also intervenes in Nicaragua and Guatemala to counter communist revolutions.
1010.62 -> Iran, after a revolution, becomes an Islamic republic that goes against US policy.
1017.3 -> The latter strengthens its military presence in the Middle East to ensure the security of oil supply.
1023.78 -> On the Soviet side, the USSR struggles to contain the revolutions in Eastern Europe.
1029.96 -> With its economy in tatters, despite attempts at reform, in 1991, the USSR collapses,
1036.34 -> marking the end of the Cold War.
1042.74 -> The United States emerges as the only major world power.
1046.2 -> Domestically, the population calls for more investment in the fight against poverty,
1050.78 -> crime, gangs and drugs.
1053.6 -> However, the US continues to primarily focus on its foreign policy,
1058.26 -> showing an apparent willingness to become the world's policeman of sorts.
1062.86 -> When Iraq invades Kuwait, which then held 9% of the known oil reserves in the world,
1068.72 -> the United States forms a coalition and neutralizes the Iraqi army.
1073.62 -> The US then establishes a list of countries considered as rogue and threatening global peace and stability.
1080.5 -> These nations are subjected to blockades and embargoes.
1084.3 -> Meanwhile, the military presence of an ally of Israel in the Middle East
1088.32 -> bothers radical Islamists, including the terrorist group Al Qaeda headed by Osama bin Laden,
1094.8 -> who is a former ally from the Afghan war.
1097.92 -> US facilities and assets around the world are targeted by terrorist attacks.
1106.44 -> On September 11, 2001, the United States becomes the victim of a large-scale terrorist attack on its territory.
1114.64 -> Terrorism thus becomes the new enemy of the country.
1118.06 -> But it proves more difficult to fight this war as terrorist organizations operate discreetly
1123.72 -> in mobile networks without borders.
1126.6 -> Having launched a war against the Taliban in Afghanistan,
1129.66 -> the US hardens its stance against North Korea, Iran and Iraq,
1134.02 -> which it considers part of an “Axis of Evil”.
1137.38 -> A new war is launched against Iraq, but US troops - after quickly overthrowing the government
1142.82 -> - find themselves fighting against several terrorist groups in the region.
1147.35 -> In 2007, the subprime mortgage shock, followed by the financial crisis
1152.58 -> plunges the global economy into turmoil.
1155.74 -> The country tries to revive its economy, among other measures, by boosting the extraction
1160.64 -> of shale oil on its territory.
1163.09 -> Today the interventionist policy of the country is increasingly countered by rising powers
1168.59 -> such as Russia and China.
1170.9 -> The United States, however, remains the most powerful economy and military in the world.
