Nuclear Peril: Preparations for worst in Ukraine

Nuclear Peril: Preparations for worst in Ukraine

Nuclear Peril: Preparations for worst in Ukraine

Those living in the shadow of Europe’s largest nuclear plant are preparing for the worst in Ukraine. The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has been occupied by Russian troops since the early days of the invasion which has led to concerns of an emergency or attack on the plant. What is the Ukrainian military planning to do if that were to happen?


0 -> those living in the shadow of Europe's
2.159 -> largest nuclear plant are preparing for
4.44 -> the worst in Ukraine the zaparistia
7.5 -> nuclear plant has been occupied by
10.62 -> Russian troops since the early days of
12.42 -> the invasion which has led to concerns
14.46 -> of an emergency attack on the plant
17.22 -> Scripps newses an international
18.779 -> correspondent Jason Bellini got a
21.3 -> first-hand look
23.22 -> emergency services in Zappa regia
25.56 -> Ukraine rehearse their plan for how to
27.84 -> save lives in a radiological emergency
30.14 -> the zaparisian nuclear power plant the
33.12 -> largest in all of Europe is located just
35.1 -> 35 miles away in russian-occupied
37.62 -> territory and fears are mounting amid
40.02 -> warnings from Ukraine's leaders that
41.579 -> this at some point in the war may be not
44.219 -> just a drill now our intelligence has
47.1 -> received information that Russia is
48.6 -> considering a scenario of a terrorist
50.64 -> attack on the zafarija nuclear power
52.559 -> plant president zielinski said last week
54.899 -> a terrorist attack with radiation
57.239 -> leakage they've prepared everything for
59.399 -> this Western intelligence has not
61.5 -> confirmed Ukraine's dire warning but in
63.84 -> the wake of a dam blowing up causing
65.88 -> massive flooding ukrainians believe the
68.46 -> Russians are willing and able to do the
70.979 -> unthinkable depending on the wind's
72.9 -> Direction in a radiological emergency
74.7 -> authorities here say around 300 000
77.52 -> civilians might need to be cleared of
79.32 -> radioactive dust and evacuated under the
82.14 -> scenario civilians are off uploaded from
84.18 -> the buses the buses then come through
86.22 -> here to get decontaminated themselves on
89.64 -> the outside and then on the inside they
92.46 -> expect some civilians would need urgent
94.14 -> treatment for radiation poisoning and
96.06 -> require evacuation by ambulance
98.4 -> civilians who've been decontaminated
100.259 -> will come back on here and be evacuated
103.259 -> when you're decontaminating civilians
105.06 -> what's the most difficult part the most
107.04 -> difficult part is to talk to your young
108.96 -> guys do you need to throw out your dress
111.24 -> off as the counter-offensive ramps up
114.18 -> the plant could be in even greater
116.399 -> apparel last September alarming video
118.92 -> showed missiles striking near the plant
122 -> and shelling of a nearby area where
124.74 -> critical workers live amid Rising Global
127.38 -> alarm the international atomic energy
129 -> agency struck a deal with the Russians
130.92 -> to inspect the plant and found blast
133.26 -> destruction around the facility the head
135.54 -> of the iaea calling it an extremely
137.94 -> vulnerable situation
139.94 -> authorities are trying to get the word
141.78 -> out encouraging local media to advise
144 -> citizens on how to prepare what to pack
146.52 -> in a go bag and what to do immediately
148.68 -> upon a lot of radiation can you ever be
151.14 -> ready for a radiological emergency yeah
153.84 -> we're ready we're waiting for it that's
156.42 -> why we're here
157.739 -> authorities here say that have no way of
159.9 -> helping people across the river in
162.12 -> Russian occupied areas near the nuclear
164.28 -> power plant the checkpoint separating
166.379 -> the front lines would remain closed the
169.08 -> advice for ukrainians there head south
171.54 -> towards the sea Jason Bellini Scripps
174.599 -> news zapparesia Ukraine
