How to Use Microsoft To Do & Get Organized!

How to Use Microsoft To Do & Get Organized!

How to Use Microsoft To Do & Get Organized!

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Get organized in 2023! Learn how to use Microsoft To Do to get organized and never forget a task! I’ll show you how to organize and keep track of your tasks using the Microsoft To Do App. You can access To Do from the web from (It’s available for free) or download the Desktop app from the Microsoft Store. You can can also download the mobile app and track your to-dos on the go.​
I’ll show you how to use Microsoft To Do to track your progress on important projects as well as daily and weekly tasks. How to create recurring tasks, organize your day and create lists to group different tasks together. I’ll also show you how To Do integrates with Outlook. How to create a To Do task in Outlook and keep track of flagged emails. You’ll also learn some To Do tips and tricks such as important shortcuts and how to use the “My Day” view.
Microsoft To Do is also a great option for former users of Wunderlist.

Learning how to be an organized person will help you plan and achieve more. Keeping your tasks in one place gives you a better overview and reduces your stress levels.

00:00 Keep Track of your Tasks with Microsoft To Do
01:21 Difference between Microsoft To Do and Planner
01:43 How to Get Microsoft To Do
02:26 How to Create a Task in To Do
04:07 Create a List of Tasks in To Do
05:14 Change Attributes for Tasks
05:34 How to Set a Theme in To Do
05:56 Add Hashtags to Your Tasks in To Do
06:43 Assigned and Planned Tasks
07:36 How to use My Day
09:10 Track Flagged Email in To Do
09:59 Create Tasks from Email in To Do
11:28 Advanced Settings in To Do
12:15 Share Lists with Others and Assign Tasks
13:00 Wrap up

More video tutorials for Microsoft Planner \u0026 To Do:    • Microsoft Planner \u0026 To DO  

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#MicrosoftToDo #organization


0.4 -> In today's video, I'll introduce you  to Microsoft To Do and I'll share  
3.84 -> some of my favorite tips. So, I recently  started to use To Do to organize my tasks.  
9.68 -> Before this, I used the combination of Planner,  Excel, and OneNote. I didn't use To Do because  
16.8 -> I wasn't sure how it integrates with the other  applications I use. Now, a program manager on the  
22.4 -> Microsoft To Do team was very kind to give me an  overview and answer my questions about integration,  
29.36 -> and basically, how I can use To Do as my main  tool. I've been doing that for over a month,  
34.96 -> and I'm very happy with it. So, in this video, I'd  like to introduce you to Microsoft To Do and in  
40.4 -> the next video, I'll clarify some of the questions  you might have around integration with other apps.
50.72 -> Just like other Microsoft apps, you have a web  version of To Do, desktop, and mobile version.  
56.48 -> And all of these are synced together through your  Microsoft account. Now, To Do has become my single  
62.32 -> location where I have control over my personal  and work tasks. You can easily add tasks that  
68.72 -> come to you through email, or that are assigned  to you in Planner, or from Teams to your to-do  
74.8 -> list. You can also add random tasks that pop in  your head with the mobile app. Now, what's the  
81.68 -> difference between To Do and Microsoft Planner?  Well, To Do is more informal. It's for you and the  
87.76 -> people you work closely with. Whereas, Planner is  more formal and it's best for collaboration and  
94.88 -> those bigger, more formal projects. Now, let's rewind  back and let me show you how you can get to To Do.  
103.04 -> If you like to work with the web version,  just log into your account,  
108 -> open the browser, type in "," and log  in. Then, go to apps and you're going to find  
113.76 -> To Do right here. If you don't see it, click  on All Apps and you're going to see it then.  
118.72 -> Then, just click on it and it's going to take  you directly to the To Do app. To get the desktop  
124.24 -> version, go to the Microsoft Store, search for  To Do, it's right here and then, click on Get. 
133.68 -> To download the mobile version, just go to your  app store and search for it. Now, I mainly use  
138.88 -> the desktop version and mobile versions, so let  me bring up the desktop version and give you  
144.72 -> a quick overview. Once you launch the To Do app  on your desktop, you're going to come to a similar  
150.8 -> view like this one. It first asks you to focus on  your day. Now, if it's the first time you're using  
156.56 -> To Do, or if it's the start of your week, or your  day, you might have a lot of random tasks on your  
162.88 -> mind that you just want to add to your list.  They don't necessarily need to be done today,  
168.24 -> so you can go to the Tasks tab and just type in  the tasks. So, for example, let's say I want to learn  
175.68 -> Power Apps. Just type it in and press Enter.  Let's add some other tasks. Okay, so I've added  
181.92 -> in these tasks before I forget about them. Now,  I have the ability to add more details to them.  
187.6 -> If you click on this task, you get the card pop up  here. Each card can contain additional information.  
194.4 -> So, for example, if you want to add separate  steps to this, you can add it here. You can  
198.88 -> also add checklists here. Of course, you can also  create separate tasks out of this, so it's really  
204.8 -> up to you how you want to organize your tasks. You  can get a reminder. So you can be reminded of this,  
211.6 -> let's say, tomorrow, add a due date. You can also  create recurring tasks if this is something you  
218.16 -> want to do on a daily, weekly, monthly, or a certain  number of days. Just make your selection here, add a  
225.68 -> file if you need to, and add any notes or links  right here. Once you're done, you can just click  
231.92 -> away. So, for example, for HR report, let's say this  is something that's recurring. I need to do this  
238.72 -> every 10 days. I'm going to go to Repeat, go to  Custom and put in 10, and then click on Save. If  
247.28 -> there are tasks that can be grouped together, you  can create a list. So, let's say I want to create  
253.6 -> my tasks about Power Apps in a separate list.  I'm going to create a list here. I'll call it  
260.24 -> "Power Apps". Now, you can also add emojis to this if  you want. Just click on the emoji icon here and  
268.48 -> add your emoji. You can then either start typing  your tasks directly in here or bring in tasks from  
276.32 -> your tasks area. Either right-mouse-click on a task  you want to add to a list, and then move tasks to a  
283.36 -> list, or just click and drag the task to your list.  To update a task, you can click on it anytime and  
291.6 -> update information here. So, let's say I'm done with  Course 1, I'm going to place a check mark here. If  
298 -> you've finished with the entire task, you can place  a check mark right here, or use the shortcut key  
305.04 -> Control-D. That's going to add the task to your  completed task list. If you want to reverse it,  
312.16 -> just take away that check mark. You can get to a  lot of these options by right-mouse-clicking on  
317.68 -> a task as well. You can define its due date, you can  move the task, or you can directly delete the task.  
325.28 -> If a task is important, you can mark it  as important by clicking on the star sign.  
331.2 -> That's going to add it to your Important list  here. Now notice I have different backgrounds  
336.96 -> for the different tabs here, this is something that  you can adjust by updating your theme options. So,  
343.12 -> when you click on this additional options here,  update your theme. You can also change this daily  
349.04 -> depending on your mood. You also have the  option to show and hide completed tasks.  
356.8 -> Another cool thing you can do is to add tags to  your tasks. This makes it easier to find stuff.  
363.6 -> So, for example, under Tasks, let's add a tag to this  task here. Use hashtag and then type in the name  
371.84 -> that you want. So, I'm going to call this "Learn," and  then once you click away, this becomes clickable.  
378.32 -> Now, I'm also going to go to the Power Apps list  and add the Learn hashtag to this one as well.  
386.4 -> Now, if I want to search for something, I can  quickly do Control-F to bring up the search box,  
393.04 -> and then search for my hashtags. I only have these. I get my filtered list here, and when I click on  
398.64 -> a task, it's going to show me the details of that  task. Now, in addition to this, you have the "Assigned  
405.92 -> to you" here. These are tasks that are assigned  to you either from other people's To Do lists  
412.72 -> or from Planner. So, for example, this one here  is from Planner. When I click on it, it allows me  
421.04 -> to view the details of the task, and I can open  it in Teams. If you mark a task as completed right  
428.4 -> here, it's going to automatically update it in  Planner. So, any changes you make to the task here  
435.2 -> will be updated on the Planner side as well.  Under Planned, you get to see the tasks that have  
441.52 -> due dates. So, for example, for this one, remember I  added a reminder for tomorrow, I have some that are  
448 -> here from Planner and some I created manually and  added due dates for. This helps you to plan your  
454.96 -> day. Now, talking about planning our day, that's  where "My Day" comes in. You get to collect tasks  
462.48 -> from different areas and add them to your day, so  you can concentrate on whatever is here. Now, you're  
468.72 -> also flexible here. You can add tasks directly to  My Day that will be shown for today. If you don't  
475.6 -> do them, don't worry, they're going to end up with  the Tasks. You can add them to your next day. So,  
481.68 -> the great thing about the My Day view is that, it  refreshes every single day. This way, when you open  
488 -> your To Do at the start of your day, you don't have  a list of 20 items that you brought over from the  
494 -> previous weeks. You have a fresh start every single  day. Now, great feature is the suggestions here. This  
501.84 -> takes a look at different areas. Either tasks  assigned to you, tasks that have due dates, and so  
506.96 -> on, and it allows you to add them to your today's  list. So, for example, this creating of the HR report  
514.24 -> is something I want to get done today, so I'm  going to add it to My Day. Just click on the plus,  
519.28 -> I see some tasks I recently added here, just  click on the plus to add them to your day.  
524.8 -> You can also add them from here to your day. Just  click on a task and drag and drop it to your day,  
531.44 -> or use the shortcut key Control-T. I guess T stands  for Today. Once you're done with these tasks,  
538.56 -> just place the check mark beside it and  you'll see it in the completed section.  
542.88 -> If you don't do it today, you can see it again  under Suggestions and just add it back in  
549.04 -> the next day. Another great thing with To Do is  the ability to keep track of your flagged emails.  
555.36 -> So, I'm just going to bring up Outlook, and let's  say this is an email that I want to flag because  
560.24 -> I don't want to forget to do this. I'm going to  flag it in Outlook and it's going to show up in  
566.48 -> my to-do list when I switch to flagged email. Now,  we just have to wait a second for this to refresh  
574 -> and it popped up right here. So, when I click on  this, I can see the content of that email. I can add  
580.96 -> it to My Day if I want. Set a reminder, update the  due date, or open it in Outlook if I want to get to  
588.72 -> the original email. Whenever you're done with this  task, you can add a check mark and this also marks  
595.84 -> it as completed on the Outlook side. Now, another  way you can add tasks from Outlook to To Do
602.72 -> is just by dragging an email to your task. So, I'm  in the Outlook desktop. When I drag and drop it to  
610.32 -> my tasks here, this is going to open up this item  as a task. Now, this is a completely separate item.  
617.76 -> I can add other information to this if I want, and  then, I'm going to save it. In this case, this task  
624.96 -> is now added to my tasks list here. So, let's just  wait for this to update and the task is right here.  
632.72 -> Okay, so flagging an email in Outlook shows it  under Flagged Email, whereas dragging it to the  
638.64 -> taskbar adds it as a separate task. Now, when it's a  separate task, I can go ahead and delete that email  
646.16 -> in my Outlook and it's not going to delete  my task. My task is independent to that email.  
652.64 -> Now, there is a lot more to Outlook integration  than what you just saw, but because this video is  
658 -> already getting super long, I'm going to address  integration in a follow-up video. So, not just  
663.76 -> integration with Outlook but also integration  with Microsoft Teams. But, one thing you should  
668.88 -> know is that To Do is not really integrated with  OneNote. If you use the to do tag in OneNote, those  
676.48 -> are not synced to Microsoft To Do. So they have  nothing to do with one another. That's actually  
681.44 -> what I was using before to track some of my tasks.  But now, I've switched to To Do. Before we wrap up,  
689.2 -> let me just show you some settings here. Because  in case you don't have the ability to see flagged  
694.56 -> email or task from Planner, you need to double  check your settings. So, go to your profile here,  
700.64 -> go to Settings and check if everything is  according to what you want. You can pin this to the  
707.04 -> taskbar, you can update your theme color, you can  hide tasks that you don't need. So. let's say if you  
713.28 -> don't use the Important section, you can turn this  off, so that you don't have to see it. If you want  
718.8 -> to view completed items by default, turn this on.  If you want to turn off the connection to Planner  
725.84 -> or turn off the ability to see flagged email, you  can control that right here. Okay, so double-check  
731.68 -> these settings and go with what feels right for  you. Now, one last thing to mention is the ability  
737.6 -> to add others to your task list. So, for example,  let's say I want to add my colleague to join me  
743.44 -> on this list, I can click on this sharing icon here  and create an invitation link. This way, anyone in  
749.92 -> my organization with this link can join and edit  this link. Once I create this link and share it  
756.64 -> with them, they're going to get access to this  list in their own to-do list. Now, you can always  
762.4 -> manage their access right here. I'm just going to  copy this link and send it to them. Once they're  
768.08 -> added, you can click on an existing task and assign  them this task. You can also directly create a task  
775.68 -> here and "@mention" them directly in the task  bar. I hope you found this video useful and you'll  
782.64 -> feel more comfortable using the To Do app. If you  have any questions, feedback, or tips of your own, 
789.04 -> please share below. I'd love to see these. Thank you  for watching. Do hit that thumbs up if you enjoyed  
795.68 -> it and subscribe if you aren't subscribed  yet, and I'm going to see you in the next video.
