Volkswagen VW e-UP! Interior Tour Review

Volkswagen VW e-UP! Interior Tour Review

Volkswagen VW e-UP! Interior Tour Review

An interior tour of a 2021 VW e-Up.

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0.96 -> so now we've done uh we've done an
3.28 -> outside tour of this little vw e up i'm
6.64 -> going to show you what the inside's all
8.4 -> about well let's start with the boot
10.48 -> obviously it's going to be small
12.639 -> it is teeny weeny it's like the world's
15.28 -> smallest parcel shelf i don't know if
17.119 -> you can really see that with this
18.24 -> terrible sunlight we've got going on
19.84 -> here worst ever for filming but never
21.6 -> mind there's the boot
23.119 -> it's not too bad you know you could get
25.439 -> a suitcase in there like a two weaker
27.68 -> holiday suitcase in there i think and
29.76 -> then i've put the cables just down here
32.239 -> this is a bit cheap though you know it's
34.399 -> just like a flap a pathetic sort of
37.36 -> i don't know almost like cardboard flap
39.44 -> thing with some velcro on it a little
41.44 -> bit cheap and then you've got all your
43.2 -> sort of kit there your jack and
44.48 -> everything else
45.68 -> let's just put that down there so that's
47.44 -> the boot
48.8 -> quite reasonable for some shopping or
51.36 -> like one large suitcase maybe two
54.559 -> one-week suitcases i would say
57.28 -> and then let's jump into the back as
59.12 -> well
59.92 -> so here's the back
61.359 -> it's actually not too bad in there you
62.96 -> know it's only a 4c to this car this e
65.68 -> up so there's no middle seat
67.76 -> so you've got a bit of space in between
69.36 -> your rear passengers there as well
71.52 -> you've got a uh some storage there in
73.439 -> the door very shallow though so it's
75.68 -> just literally like a finger deep but at
78.32 -> least you've got something
80.159 -> um and let's just jump in the back here
82.64 -> there we go
83.84 -> so you can see it's actually all right
85.68 -> here's my let me get in i've got my seat
87.68 -> exactly where i normally have it the
88.96 -> driver's seat
90.24 -> and because this kind of curves in here
94 -> my knees aren't really touching it and
95.759 -> it feels alright it feels not too bad
97.92 -> you know i could handle a trip around
99.36 -> town in this
100.64 -> that wouldn't that wouldn't be too bad
102.159 -> at all
103.2 -> um window wise you've got these kind of
106 -> you know pop-out windows where you do
107.92 -> that and then you push so that's all
110.24 -> you've got there but you know compared
112.32 -> to say the bmw i3 which i've also had
115.04 -> i've got videos on that you don't have
116.719 -> any window so when you're in the back it
118.88 -> can feel a little bit claustrophobic in
120.399 -> my opinion because you've got nothing
122.159 -> whereas this is a big wide window
124.88 -> and you've got the ability to let some
126.719 -> fresh air in here at the back
129.119 -> you've got one little lone drinks holder
132.72 -> and and that is it there's no kind of
134.72 -> usb stuff or anything like that in the
136.64 -> back
137.52 -> that's what the front looks like i've
139.36 -> got like an ultra wide lens on this at
141.92 -> the moment but it still gives you a good
143.52 -> idea of what it what it looks like it's
145.04 -> my laptop
146.56 -> and then i'm going to go on in the front
147.92 -> and talk you through um the the front
150.56 -> area there so let's go around here
156.239 -> there we go
158.959 -> and into here let's shut the door
161.599 -> right so down over here in the interior
164.319 -> we have got our
166.08 -> windows electric windows lock the door
168 -> unlock the door and then the usual kind
169.84 -> of mirror controls you know so you can
172.239 -> move it to the right or left and then
174.16 -> control it i can see just above there
176.239 -> actually it says heated mirrors didn't
178.319 -> know i had that that would be really
179.76 -> cool i could have done that this morning
181.519 -> when it was like one degree auto
183.68 -> headlights which is good and then you've
185.92 -> got your air
187.2 -> there these just twist around as well
189.28 -> and then you can aim them wherever you
190.64 -> want
191.599 -> so everything's quite simple in this car
193.519 -> there's the um the adjustment of the the
196 -> angle of your lights you've got like a
198 -> carbon fibery looking interior here i'm
200.72 -> pretty sure it's not but it looks pretty
202.959 -> pretty good though doesn't it
204.799 -> and uh there's your dials even though
206.879 -> this is the e up the volkswageny up it's
209.36 -> still laid out like the petrol car in
212 -> terms of dials which i actually quite
214.08 -> liked
215.04 -> because when you turn on the key let me
216.799 -> just turn that on now
218.48 -> the dials will all move into position
220.48 -> and it will tell you how much power
221.92 -> you've got left there it is it's just
223.44 -> gone up to
224.56 -> just over half as we can zoom in there a
227.12 -> little bit there you go
229.04 -> and it's actually really good
231.2 -> so i quite like the layout of everything
233.04 -> just there
234.159 -> and then we've got our main area here
236.959 -> with the radio
240.08 -> you go and then we've got a media here
242.959 -> i'll do a maybe a separate video on this
244.879 -> one but
246 -> in a nutshell this is all fine it's very
248.879 -> easy to use and i managed to get it and
251.439 -> connect my phone up in minutes
254.159 -> so that was very good we've got air con
256.16 -> here an automatic aircon
258.479 -> we have
259.68 -> heated seats a little surprise for a
262 -> little car like this heated seats on
263.919 -> both of the front seats
266.08 -> and check this out still can't believe
268.4 -> this our heated front windscreen this
272.24 -> probably can't see by looking at it on
274.72 -> the camera but it's got the lines
276.08 -> running through it now i haven't had a
277.36 -> car like that since i had a range rover
279.36 -> that could heat up the front screen so
281.68 -> that's really useful for cold weather
284.56 -> that and the heated seats are away then
286.96 -> down here we've got our gears i might do
290.08 -> a separate video on the d and b aspect
292.56 -> of this but basically it's kind of
294.56 -> normal driving and then b for
296.24 -> regenerative braking where the car will
298.56 -> slow itself down um when you take your
301.52 -> foot off the accelerator
303.36 -> we've got a 12 watt uh 12 volts even a
306.479 -> little charging area there and then this
308.88 -> is to change the driving mode eco um
311.84 -> there's normal which you can't see then
314.08 -> eco and eco plus for really efficient
316.4 -> driving and then this is to stop
318.4 -> charging the car when you're on a charge
320.16 -> you just press it and then that's it it
322.4 -> just releases the charger
324.4 -> inside here's your glove compartment and
326.32 -> i have got inside there because i've
327.919 -> taken it off because i'm not using it at
329.6 -> the moment but this goes onto here
333.039 -> you've got a usb charger there
335.28 -> and you can just put this on like
337.759 -> that and then now you can put your phone
339.919 -> in there and of course most people will
342.32 -> use their phone for nav anyway unless
344.479 -> you've got it built in on the car it's
346.08 -> really good
347.199 -> a lot of people in my experience love
349.28 -> google maps so although this car doesn't
352 -> have its own navigation system not the
354.479 -> end of the world because you can just
355.919 -> put your phone in there and then use
358.08 -> google maps anyway so take that off
361.68 -> and there's a little sunglasses holder
363.36 -> in the top of there as well which is a
364.8 -> nice touch
366.4 -> up here you've just got lights and then
369.52 -> we've got a little
371.199 -> fold down sun visor and a mirror there
373.6 -> for uh the ladies
376.56 -> and
377.36 -> or all the guys come to that oh there's
379.28 -> a little coat hanger up there as well
380.88 -> that's quite good if you just want to
382.4 -> hang something up
384.24 -> and and that's pretty much it i really
386.4 -> like it the inside of here for a small
388.8 -> car
390.08 -> does not feel claustrophobic at all
393.039 -> i think it feels quite spacey actually
395.84 -> you've got seat adjustment the usual
397.6 -> kind of bar under the seat
399.6 -> we can adjust the angle of the back of
401.759 -> the seat and we can
403.52 -> um lift the seat up or down i think the
406.56 -> steering wheel under here this one i
409.28 -> think it just kind of goes up or down i
412.08 -> don't think the steering wheel no the
413.68 -> steering wheel does not move in and out
415.28 -> it just goes up and down but you can of
417.039 -> course adjust your seat back and forward
419.68 -> anyway so not the end of the world
422.88 -> and that's it now uh the controls you've
425.36 -> got on the steering wheel here you can
427.84 -> go through the the menu system here
430 -> using these which is quite good i quite
432.56 -> like to have a digital display for the
435.12 -> speed because i'm so used to after
436.8 -> having had a tesla
438.56 -> uh model 3 and uh the vw golf that's not
442 -> vw golf shame on me vw id3 which looks
445.68 -> like a golf um that has also got digital
449.36 -> display as well so i'm really used to
450.88 -> using that now
452.319 -> and then you've got your stereo controls
453.919 -> here you've even got cruise control
456.16 -> there as well safety features there is
459.44 -> the auto
460.8 -> lane keeping which i i've got to tell
463.68 -> you i don't like um it's not as bad on
466.879 -> this car as it is on the vw id3 that is
470.4 -> a real pain um i you know really does
473.68 -> fight with you sometimes and try and
475.28 -> keep you in lane when you just don't
476.72 -> want to um or makes mistakes in my
479.44 -> opinion but this car doesn't seem to be
481.84 -> such an annoyance but even so i i just
485.039 -> uh yeah i don't want it on so just get
487.199 -> get it off
488.479 -> and uh and that's it so if you like this
491.28 -> car um one way you can get it and one
493.36 -> way i've got it is uh to subscribe to
496 -> the car so instead of buying it or
498 -> leasing it you just go to onto which is
500.4 -> underneath this you might have seen him
502.08 -> advertising on channel 4 now
504.4 -> and they'll deliver this car to you and
506.56 -> you have no deposit and you can just pay
509.039 -> each month for this car with everything
510.96 -> included she let me do it there we go
513.68 -> yeah i'll take my glasses off it's a bit
515.2 -> rude talking to you with my glasses on
517.12 -> um yeah so i just paid 399 for this car
520.479 -> i got it brand new delivered to me by
522.64 -> onto about two weeks ago now
525.04 -> and then um that's it you just that's
527.44 -> your cost if you want to hand it back
528.88 -> it's month to month so you can just give
530.64 -> it back
531.68 -> and then get another car uh so it's
533.92 -> quite good for that especially if you
535.36 -> travel or something you know if you're a
537.2 -> traveler and you think oh i'm going away
538.8 -> for two three four months and i don't
540.32 -> want a car give it back and then just
542.48 -> get it back when you come back
544.24 -> if you've got bad credit it's really
546 -> good for this because you could all you
547.519 -> need to do is pay for the car every
548.72 -> month by credit or debit card
550.72 -> uh and then and then you're good so and
553.04 -> it includes your insurance it includes
555.2 -> charging you get all the cards you need
556.88 -> to go and charge and uh includes
559.44 -> maintenance so it's just like a fixed
561.12 -> cost with no worries or stress and loads
563.36 -> of money up front and you get a great
565.2 -> brand new electric car so i encourage
567.519 -> you to check out do use my coupon code
569.839 -> because we both get 50 pounds off you
573.12 -> get 50 pounds off your first month
575.04 -> subscription with them and i get 50
576.56 -> pounds off one of my months so thanks in
578.88 -> advance if you decide to use that really
580.8 -> good and if you enjoyed this video then
582.64 -> please do like and subscribe and i'll
584.399 -> try and give you more videos of this car
586.08 -> and the other electric cars that i
587.6 -> subscribe to
588.88 -> thanks again for watching i hope this
590.24 -> was useful to you sorry i'm not a pro
593.2 -> at this game i'm just doing my best and
596 -> really appreciate you being here thank
597.6 -> you
