Sending nuclear subs to South Korea was ‘important' for Biden administration

Sending nuclear subs to South Korea was ‘important' for Biden administration

Sending nuclear subs to South Korea was ‘important' for Biden administration

President Biden announced during a state visit by South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol that the U.S. will dock nuclear submarines in South Korea. NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Kristen Welker, former Biden Press Secretary and MSNBC Host Jen Psaki, and Victor Cha, the Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, join Andrea Mitchell to discuss the decision and the threat that North Korea poses for U.S. allies in Asia. “I’m sure that particularly the North Koreans are not going to like it and they’ll try to find some way to respond to it. But it was important for the Biden administration to do. In terms of capabilities, there’s no doubt the United States has all the capabilities it needs to deter North Korea from using nuclear weapons,” Cha says. “But there’s the reassurance aspect of deterrence, with regard to the South Korean public, as North Korea keeps flying these missiles, you know, nearly on a daily basis all around the region. So this redeployment of assets, whether it’s by sea or by air, I think are important steps that the administration is taking that will reassure the allies and it will be a show of force with regard to both North Korea and China.”

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#SouthKorea #Biden #USA


0 -> the Biden Administration is bolstering
2.04 -> support for close allies South Korea in
4.92 -> response of course to Kim jong-un's
6.6 -> nuclear threat a growing threat for the
9.3 -> first time in four decades U.S nuclear
11.519 -> armed submarines will dock in South
13.44 -> Korea for what national security
14.88 -> officials are calling occasional visits
17.46 -> but no American nukes will be deployed
19.619 -> onto the peninsula as part of the new
21.42 -> agreement and the U.S has agreed that
23.58 -> South Korea will have a role in any U.S
26.699 -> use of nuclear weapons in a conflict
28.56 -> with the north joining me now NBC chief
31.08 -> White House correspondent and weekend
32.279 -> today co-host Christian Walker Jen saki
35.76 -> former White House Press Secretary
37.44 -> former State Department spokesperson and
39.6 -> of course new host of inside with Jen
41.82 -> sake on Sundays at noon Eastern and
44.219 -> Victor cha senior vice president for
46.26 -> Asia and Korea chair at the center for
48.6 -> strategic and International Studies
50.219 -> welcome all so Kristin the Biden
52.379 -> strategy on North Korea is nothing like
54.42 -> the one-on-one meetings and love letters
56.399 -> between from president Trump and Kim
58.26 -> Jong-un nothing at all
60.6 -> well that's absolutely right and what we
63.48 -> are seeing today Andrea is effectively
66.299 -> this show of force Pomp and pageantry in
69.84 -> this state visit that got underway here
71.64 -> on the south lawn earlier today when the
74.4 -> president welcomed the president of
76.2 -> South Korea by the way this is the first
77.88 -> official state visit since President
80.58 -> Biden welcomed the president of France
82.799 -> last year so this is significant it is
85.619 -> aimed at marking the 70-year alliance
87.96 -> between these two Nations and also
90 -> reaffirming the United States commitment
91.979 -> to South Korea to its security as you
95.1 -> said Andrea the president is poised to
97.5 -> announce that the U.S will be sending
100.32 -> those submarines to the region
103.02 -> and basically a show of force and a show
105.54 -> of deterrence against North Korea and of
108.72 -> course it comes about growing concerns
111.18 -> about North Korea but also about China
114.2 -> as well as the war in Ukraine so all of
117.24 -> those topics are going to be front and
119.22 -> center South Korea has of course
120.979 -> provided and slapped sanctions on Russia
124.439 -> but it has not provided any artillery
127.14 -> that is among the things that's expected
129.479 -> to be under discussion here today as
131.22 -> well Andrea of course as we learned
132.78 -> about earlier today that call between
134.459 -> President zielinski and president XI and
137.099 -> I spoke to John Kirby about that call
139.5 -> and he basically said look we are
142.14 -> encouraged by the fact that there were
143.64 -> conversations at the same time they're
146.52 -> not ready to get ahead of any
148.56 -> significance that that call may have had
150.48 -> in terms of bringing the two sides
153.12 -> Russia and Ukraine to the table for
155.58 -> peace talks Andrea
158.12 -> how is the decision to dock nuclear
160.8 -> submarines in South Korea as well as
163.14 -> this agreement with South Korea on any
165.78 -> deployment of nukes in a conflict with
167.4 -> the north how is that going to be
169.14 -> received in Pyongyang and in Beijing
172.92 -> well Andrea I'm sure the particularly
174.9 -> the North Koreans are going are not
176.519 -> going to like it and they'll try to find
177.9 -> some way to respond to it but it was
179.94 -> important for the invited Administration
181.62 -> to do uh in terms of capabilities
184.14 -> there's no doubt the United States has
185.94 -> all the capabilities it needs to deter
187.8 -> North Korea from using nuclear weapons
190.26 -> but there's the reassurance aspect of
192.06 -> deterrence with regard to the South
194.04 -> Korean public as North Korea keeps
195.78 -> flying these missiles uh you know nearly
198.18 -> on a daily basis all around the region
200.7 -> so this redeployment of assets whether
203.819 -> it's by sea or by air I think are
205.8 -> important steps that the administration
207.54 -> is taking that will reassure the allies
210.72 -> and it will show it'll be a stroke a
213.659 -> show of force with regard to both North
216.12 -> Korea and China
217.68 -> and Jen you've had so much experience at
219.599 -> the White House and at the state
220.799 -> department and in this region in
223.14 -> particular so this Administration
225.299 -> President Biden this is one area where
227.4 -> they really have had to restore what
230.22 -> would be considered normal deterrent
231.9 -> Behavior after
234 -> when President Trump went from Rocket
236.28 -> Man and deriding Kim Jong yeah to
238.799 -> embracing him not only having Summits
241.26 -> which people thought was a positive
242.58 -> thing in some regards but depends on
244.14 -> what you do then he went so far as to
246.12 -> cancel you know routine military
248.22 -> exercises about telling his defense
249.959 -> secretary right it depends on how you
251.519 -> handle the summit right I mean remember
253.62 -> as you know because you've covered this
254.939 -> for so many years the threat of North
257.459 -> Korea and the challenge of that to the
259.019 -> United States and other countries in the
260.639 -> region in Asia has predated Trump I mean
263.22 -> it has been going on for decades and
265.02 -> when President Obama met with President
266.94 -> incoming president Trump this was one of
268.62 -> the issues they talked about because it
270.24 -> has been so front and center for U.S
272.28 -> presidents for decades now as you just
274.259 -> said there was some cleanup that needed
276.12 -> to happen here there's probably a
277.259 -> diplomatic way of saying of rebuilding
279.78 -> confidence and trust that our military
281.82 -> assets our military assistance would be
284.88 -> there supporting South Korea also to
287.52 -> announce this in a line at the same time
290.16 -> as the state visit I mean a state visit
292.08 -> is so significant because it is a
294.479 -> message to the world this isn't a key
296.639 -> partner we are going to be there with
298.62 -> them we're marching forward with them
300.66 -> and that's important for South Korea as
303.06 -> well so yes there was a lot of cleanup
305.04 -> that uh President Biden and his team
306.84 -> needed to do and they're trying to
307.979 -> rebuild that trust and also the the
310.86 -> military power and might in the region
312.78 -> that was kind of rolled back I'm glad
314.58 -> you're mentioning the state visit
315.66 -> because we take it for granted we see
318 -> the Pomp and the circumstance but it's
319.8 -> particularly important to Asia but it's
321.9 -> important to all out yes to be singled
323.699 -> out for State visit is to say this
325.62 -> relationship matters the president of
327.419 -> the United States is investing time
329.639 -> the first lady is and the whole White
331.74 -> House becomes engaged in a really big
333.36 -> way you've seen absolutely and and even
335.88 -> the consideration of which countries as
338.34 -> president you have a state visit with
339.96 -> there always is meaning there's purpose
341.699 -> it's sending a message to the world that
344.46 -> this that South Korea the relationship
346.44 -> with South Korea is vital it's important
348.72 -> we're going to celebrate not just their
350.28 -> culture but this partnership and always
353.28 -> you typically announce some sort of
355.02 -> significant policy announcement along
356.639 -> with it if applicable so clearly that
358.919 -> was on their minds too but you're
360.539 -> absolutely right is sending a message to
362.1 -> Asia to the world certainly to South
364.139 -> Koreans that this is an important
365.88 -> partnership and relationship under the
367.38 -> Biden Administration and Christian
369.06 -> Welker there are so many levels to these
370.919 -> relationships one level is that to the
373.8 -> embarrassment and uh upset inside the
376.56 -> administration just before this visit
378.919 -> among the leaks the many leaks that have
381.539 -> come out and we've just learned over the
382.919 -> weekend that those leaks went back a
384.479 -> year earlier than anyone in the
386.46 -> administration even knew than anyone
388.86 -> knew and when much more voluminous were
391.5 -> leaks that the U.S was spying on top
394.5 -> South Korean officials whether or not
396.479 -> they were going to give lethal Aid to
398.1 -> Ukraine for instance so that had to be
400.38 -> cleaned up you know Lester Holt asked
402.06 -> about it we played a little bit of that
403.199 -> because the South Korean president said
404.94 -> well that will not hurt the relationship
406.8 -> but also today talk to me about
409.139 -> President XI in China who was choosing
411.84 -> today the day of a state visit to
413.819 -> arguably overshadow this in some regards
416.22 -> by finally calling president zielinski
419.4 -> and again putting on the table that
421.38 -> China wants to mediate a peace deal in
423.419 -> Ukraine
424.86 -> well Andrew you're right and I think
426.96 -> there's no coincidence there and and
429.78 -> part of this state visit is not just
432.479 -> sending a message to South Korea in the
434.639 -> world as Jen was just talking about but
436.259 -> a message to China as well the U.S
438.419 -> really aiming to be a counterweight in
441.479 -> that region and here we have these
443.28 -> developments that President zielinski
446.039 -> and president XI spoke for the first
448.139 -> time since Russia's war in Ukraine began
450.78 -> John Kirby telling me and Andrea just
452.819 -> read this to you he says we'll have to
455.16 -> let these two leaders speak to the
456.419 -> details of their conversation but as we
458.16 -> have long said we believe it is
459.599 -> important for president XI to Avail
460.979 -> himself of President zielinski's
463.259 -> perspective on Russia's illegal invasion
465.72 -> of Ukraine of course there has been
467.639 -> plenty of skepticism to go around about
469.56 -> whether China can be an honest broker or
472.319 -> a mediator in peace talks one official
474.419 -> saying it's way too soon after just
476.639 -> getting word of this call to speculate
479.28 -> about that but again that call
482.52 -> overshadowing this visit it will
484.139 -> undoubtedly be among the topics that
486.9 -> they discussed today Andrea when they
488.46 -> hold the critical talks they're going to
489.9 -> have and I wouldn't be surprised if it
491.58 -> came up during the joint press
492.72 -> conference that they have later on this
494.639 -> hour Andrea
496.199 -> and Victoria just looking back several
499.08 -> decades it wasn't that long ago I guess
502.02 -> it was a while long ago when you think
503.699 -> about it but when President Clinton was
505.919 -> in office we're talking about six party
508.199 -> talks and that China was the key to
510.78 -> resolving than with Korean throughout
512.64 -> the growing North Korea threat of a Kim
515.039 -> jong-un's father at the time
517.459 -> and you know and Russia was involved so
520.62 -> the whole region was involved in trying
522.36 -> to contain North Korea from getting the
525.899 -> bomb and of course now he is between
528.36 -> we think 30 and 50 Warheads
531.72 -> yes Andrea I mean things have changed a
533.88 -> great deal I worked on those talks and
535.62 -> that was a time when when northgrade
538.08 -> took some sort of action like a nuclear
540.12 -> test or a missile test China and Russia
542.82 -> would join us in the U.N security
544.26 -> Council North Korea as they put
547.019 -> sanctions on them the world has changed
549.48 -> with Ukraine and with the Taiwan Straits
551.76 -> such that now both China and Russia see
554.459 -> North Korean provocations as something
556.5 -> to their advantages something that
558.06 -> distracts us and is to their advantage
560.58 -> so it really has the dynamic really has
562.38 -> changed with regard to North Korea and
565.2 -> the interaction with China and Russia
566.82 -> unfortunately
568.74 -> and in in in that time as Jim was just
572.459 -> saying you know they were you know U.N
574.32 -> sanctions as you were saying
576.3 -> well all of these missile tests just
578.88 -> about all of them that he has used you
580.86 -> know almost on a daily basis they're all
583.98 -> against un sanctions U.N resolutions and
587.1 -> so they're basically internationally
588.54 -> illegal
590.16 -> that's right they're all against U.N
591.48 -> sanctions and I don't really think of
593.399 -> them as testing anymore this is really a
595.14 -> missile exercising they're carrying out
596.82 -> exercises they've already developed a
599.04 -> lot of capability uh over the past uh
601.62 -> they developed a lot of it during the
603.06 -> Trump Administration and these
605.1 -> capabilities are very threatening not
606.66 -> just to the United States and Japan and
609.839 -> South Korea but uh countries they might
612.36 -> sell these capabilities too so it's a
614.7 -> it's a very difficult and uh um
616.92 -> challenging situation for sure they now
619.38 -> have long-range missiles
620.779 -> intercontinental ballistic missiles that
623.1 -> can reach the continental U.S not not
625.019 -> only you know Guam in our territory in
627.12 -> Hawaii one more question I had about the
629.94 -> significance of the submarine basing
632.76 -> there where have they gone you've been
635.16 -> tracking all of the commercial
636.36 -> satellites uh imagery about them
639.18 -> developing uh potentially a satellite
642.26 -> well rather a a submarine that can
646.26 -> launch some of these really dangerous
647.76 -> missiles
649.079 -> yeah so they're doing a number of things
650.82 -> one is that they look like they're
652.5 -> preparing to launch uh a spy satellite
655.019 -> Kim Jong-un has talked about that some
656.88 -> of the commercial imagery that we
658.26 -> collect shows they're doing a lot of
660 -> work at the sohe satellite launch
661.56 -> facility and then they have been working
663.3 -> for a long time on a c-long's ballistic
665.94 -> missile capability which would be the
668.279 -> the second leg of the Triad I don't
670.8 -> think they'll get to the third leg but
672.6 -> the mobile ground-based and then the C
675 -> logs capability is what they're after so
677.579 -> these again are very concerning things
680.579 -> Victor Chad thanks so much Kristen
682.74 -> Welker we'll be talking to you later
684.48 -> thank you and Jen saki thank you
693.65 -> [Music]
