The Death Of King Baelor The Blessed | House Of The Dragon History & Lore (Reign Of King Baelor i)

The Death Of King Baelor The Blessed | House Of The Dragon History & Lore (Reign Of King Baelor i)

The Death Of King Baelor The Blessed | House Of The Dragon History & Lore (Reign Of King Baelor i)

As King Baelor The Blessed got older, towards the latter end of reign, his devotion and obsession with the faith consumed him further. It would get to the point that as king of the seven kingdoms he felt he was personally responsible for the sins of all his subject and so would fast as penance. After his sister gave birth to a son Baelor would again fast to atone for her sins, only this time it would claim his life.

The Death Of King Baelor THe Blessed | House Of The Dragon History \u0026 Lore (Reign Of King Baelor i)

The Dance Of The Dragons will be the focus of the plot of the new HBO spin-off House Of The Dragon coming in 2022. So if you want to learn the story before we see HBO’s take on it then this will be a very long-running series. Game Of Thrones / House of the dragon are HBO shows based on George R R Martin’s A Song Of Ice And Fire series. The information in this video comes from the books a world of ice and fire as well as fire and blood.

The Coronation Of Queen Rhaenyra (Dance Of The Dragons) Game Of Thrones History \u0026 Lore
The following link is for all the art that I use, if you see an image in this video a link to the source of it will be there, and the name of the artist if it’s possible to find.

Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen was trapped on Dragonstone by her brother King Aegon ii with no way to escape her fate. What was to come was the final showdown between the two main players of the dance of the dragons and bring the war into its final phase. The House of the dragon was crumbling and the events that was about to follow would only cause more damage to both sides of the war.
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0.76 -> [Music]
2.52 -> foreign
7.94 -> of Bale or the blast is a puzzling point
11.04 -> in history and one heavily discussed by
13.62 -> Scholars and historians on the one hand
15.9 -> it is undeniable that many of baylord's
18.779 -> religiously motivated decrees impacted
21.24 -> and damaged the lives of many with his
23.16 -> ban on prostitution in the city of
24.96 -> King's Landing resulting in the deaths
27 -> of many starving women and children but
29.34 -> at court given the scandalous nature of
31.859 -> the topic much of this would go unspoken
34.2 -> again Baylor did indeed imprison his
37.14 -> sisters in the maiden Vault with
38.88 -> pushback from his small Council and hand
41.1 -> at first but ultimately many of those
43.8 -> voices became silent whilst the building
46.2 -> of the great set did provide jobs for
48.6 -> the builders and small folk of the city
50.219 -> the cost to the crown was huge money the
53.34 -> kingdom did not have even more worrying
56.039 -> was the growing influence of the high
57.899 -> sector on the mind of the king with some
60.059 -> beginning to wonder if it was the faith
61.86 -> who now truly ruled the Seven Kingdoms
64.199 -> but for every negative impact of Baylor
66.42 -> there would be a decree that could be
68.34 -> viewed as positive and perhaps good for
70.799 -> example Baylor cared deeply about the
73.08 -> small folk and over his Reign did much
75.42 -> to improve their lives and uplift them
77.52 -> to charitable acts thus why Baylor is
80.58 -> forever debated as whether he was a good
82.74 -> or bad King by historians but what can
85.56 -> be said is his Devotion to the faith and
88.08 -> refusal to marry by taking acceptance
90.36 -> vow indeed said House Targaryen and
93.299 -> Westeros on a path of Bloodshed in the
95.939 -> later years of his Reign the king's
97.979 -> focus on his faith became all-consuming
100.74 -> he spent hours talking to high septon
103.5 -> and numerous other key members of the
105.84 -> faith becoming almost absent at small
108.24 -> Council meetings leaving Prince viserys
110.64 -> with the job of almost effectively
112.68 -> ruling the realm Balor began to spend
115.32 -> more and more time fasting and praying
117.84 -> as king he saw the sins of his subjects
120.54 -> as his own responsibility he began
122.939 -> attempting to make up for all the sins
125.219 -> and offenses he believed he and his
127.74 -> subjects were committing against the
129.599 -> seven on a daily basis given the
131.94 -> population of King's Landing let alone
133.98 -> the whole of Westeros this weighed
135.9 -> heavily on the King's shoulders it was
138.06 -> when the high Seton died one of balor's
140.819 -> most erratic and damaging acts as king
143.099 -> happened without any dissent or
145.62 -> questions of the king the promptly
147.72 -> elected balor's choice to the office of
149.94 -> High septum this new high septon was a
152.58 -> simple common man named Pate who was a
154.98 -> gifted worker in stone and had
156.78 -> apparently been working on the great
158.4 -> sept while A Gifted Stone Mason Pate was
161.16 -> without letters simple-minded and unable
163.8 -> to recall even the most simple of
165.84 -> prayers he found himself unable to
167.94 -> conduct most of the duties that the high
170.22 -> septon was expected to do it was a
172.5 -> blessing perhaps that this lack with
174.239 -> high septon only survived a year before
176.819 -> a fever took him or perhaps not for King
179.58 -> Balor by the time and the death of Pate
181.8 -> had begun convinced that the gods had
183.84 -> given an eight-year-old boy a street
185.819 -> treat action but more likely a horse son
188.22 -> the power to perform Miracles Baylor
190.8 -> claimed to have seen the voice speaking
192.659 -> with dubs that answered him in voices of
195.239 -> men and women the voices of the seven
197.34 -> according to Baylor this he declared
199.98 -> should be the next high septum not
202.26 -> learning from the lack with hisepton
204.12 -> again the most devout did as the king
206.7 -> desired and so the youngest High section
209.28 -> to ever wear the crystal Crown was
211.5 -> chosen an eight-year-old boy from the
213.48 -> streets of King's Landing many began to
215.64 -> see the decrees of Balor as nothing more
218.28 -> than a joke with some in the faith
220.2 -> beginning to question the wisdom of
222.06 -> blindly following the King's wishes
223.739 -> however these voices were very quickly
226.08 -> silenced with few jumping up to take
228.36 -> their place the eventual birth of Damon
231 -> Waters the baseball and child of Dana
233.4 -> Targaryen by a father she refused to
235.98 -> name but whom the ram would later learn
238.08 -> was none other than her cousin Prince
240.36 -> later king aegon led to another fit of
243.72 -> fasting by the king to repent for his
245.76 -> sister and cousin's sins he had already
248.64 -> nearly killed himself some years before
250.799 -> when he fasted for a Moon's turn
252.72 -> following the deaths of his cousin
254.64 -> Princess naris's Twins shortly after
257.4 -> that delivery this time Baylor took it
260.04 -> further yet refusing anything but water
262.68 -> and taking only enough bread to steal
265.02 -> the cries of his stomach 40 days he kept
267.66 -> his regime on the 41st day he was found
270.36 -> collapsed at the altar of the mother
272.16 -> grandmas the monkey did what he could to
274.62 -> heal the king so too did the
276.54 -> eight-year-old high septon but his
278.28 -> miracles were at an end the king joined
281.04 -> the seven in the tenth year of his reign
283.08 -> in 171 AC aged 30 years of age malicious
287.52 -> rumors Then followed in the wake of the
289.56 -> death of Balor the blessed and the
291.419 -> Ascension of viserys begun some say by
294.54 -> the pen of Lady Maya of house stokeworth
296.94 -> which suggested that viserys poisoned
299.34 -> the king in order to finally gain the
301.44 -> throne after a decade and more of
303.36 -> waiting others have suggested that
305.28 -> visceros poison Baylor for the good of
307.8 -> the realm since the septon king had come
309.96 -> to believe that the seven called on him
312 -> to convert all of the unbelievers in his
314.58 -> realm this would have led to a war with
316.62 -> the North and the iron islands that
318.6 -> would have caused Great turmoil and
320.34 -> split the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros for
322.68 -> all of Time how much of this is true is
324.72 -> debated by Historia with no real
326.639 -> consensus being found but all we can say
329.4 -> for sure is the Blessed King died and in
332.22 -> his wake King viserys II Targaryen the
335.28 -> youngest son of rhaenira Targaryen and
337.44 -> Damon Targaryen and younger brother of
340.02 -> the late King aegon III
351.43 -> [Music]
