I Learned How To Use the Theragun | What The Wellness | Well+Good

I Learned How To Use the Theragun | What The Wellness | Well+Good

I Learned How To Use the Theragun | What The Wellness | Well+Good

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On this episode of What The Wellness, Ella Dove is learning about the Theragun. What does it do? Who should try it? How does it work? She talked to the creator and founder, Dr. Jason Wersland, to answer all of these questions and more! Ready to learn all about percussive therapy and muscle recovery? Watch for a full explanation on how to battle soreness, tightness, and pain with the ever-buzzy Theragun! #theragun #recovery #wellandgood

Be sure to check out the Theragun here: https://fave.co/2O64e91

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0.06 -> it does feel really good hey guys I'm
3.48 -> Ella dev and this is what the Wellness
5.279 -> the show where I try out the latest and
7.02 -> greatest wellness trends treatments and
8.639 -> experiences to find out what's weird and
10.469 -> what's actually worth it so today I'm at
13.469 -> faragon headquarters in Santa Monica
15.57 -> California thier agon is the piece of
17.82 -> fitness check that pretty much everybody
19.439 -> I know is trying to get their hands on
20.82 -> you may have a waiting list at this
22.14 -> point but what is it they're going
24.06 -> exactly it's a percussive therapy device
26.73 -> what does that mean to me it's basically
29.939 -> a tool that you use to whack your
31.74 -> muscles repeatedly pretty hard to try to
35.37 -> work out kinks and tightness and
37.23 -> soreness you get from working out or
38.61 -> just you know day-to-day life traveling
40.44 -> back and forth across the country on an
41.579 -> airplane sleeping funny any of the
43.92 -> things today I'm getting the creme de la
45.93 -> creme of faragon experiences I'm having
47.64 -> the creator himself dr. Jason teach me
50.19 -> how to use a Paragon and I'm gonna take
52.11 -> what I learned here today and try to
53.43 -> perform that same ferritin treatment on
55.26 -> myself let's go
61.55 -> my name is dr. Jason where's land I'm
64.05 -> creator and founder of Thera de
65.79 -> tarragona is a simple handheld
68.19 -> percussive therapy device and why do you
71.49 -> use percussive therapy who is it good
73.2 -> for how can you know what's crazy cuz it
75.45 -> really is good for everyone the the most
78.6 -> basic thing it does is it relieves
80.64 -> tension whether you're you know a
82.95 -> professional athlete or my mom it's
85.23 -> gonna give them that same relief so why
87.24 -> do you think that it's taken off I know
89.01 -> it's been you created Aragon like a few
91.02 -> years ago and now I feel like it's
92.58 -> everywhere why I actually created the
94.86 -> first one in 2008 there was this sort of
97.35 -> delayed onset where it people all
101.01 -> started talking about it around the same
102.57 -> time so end of 15 - beginning of 2016
106.01 -> Instagram and it really started becoming
108.51 -> big at the same time we actually
110.76 -> established ourselves as a company got
113.4 -> it and so how do you use it what's the
114.84 -> method here well you when you look we
117.36 -> have a different grip so we can talk
118.68 -> about that as well you just actually
119.94 -> turn it on and just rest it wherever it
121.59 -> is we have kind of five things we tell
123.51 -> people turn it on first so don't turn it
125.22 -> on what's on the body about it when you
127.11 -> set it on the body just kind of let it
128.399 -> rest first you don't have to apply a lot
130.259 -> of pressure and then you apply pressure
132 -> as you feel comfortable and it's super
134.28 -> fast it happens within seconds you kind
135.81 -> of like recognize what you're now gonna
137.55 -> feel for it the slower you move it the
139.8 -> better it feels you can speed up a
142.89 -> little bit it can get you excited like a
144.42 -> little shot a little espresso yeah I
146.79 -> could you man what else and then when
148.2 -> you find a nod or somewhere sore you
149.94 -> don't
150.44 -> counter-intuitively you don't jam it in
153.15 -> there just work it so how often you
155.67 -> recommend people use this well in
157.08 -> general I say twice a day for two
158.97 -> minutes a day now super easy yeah some
160.98 -> people say can I use it every day
162.27 -> absolutely
163.4 -> two minutes so it's not like you're
164.659 -> doing this for a full 45-minute session
166.61 -> it's kind of no expressive charge yes
169.189 -> yeah and it's super easy to use so so
171.829 -> tell me what we're gonna do today so
173.239 -> what we do a thing which is called a
175.099 -> sweep and we kind of separate it out in
177.68 -> different parts so we have the upper
178.879 -> body the middle body and then the lower
180.14 -> body I call it a suite because it
181.7 -> doesn't take long it's just a quick sort
183.859 -> of movement if it's the beginning of day
187.069 -> and I'm seeing you early in the day I
189.2 -> would make it quicker yep if it's
190.939 -> towards the end of the day then I want
192.409 -> to turn on your parasympathetic nervous
193.73 -> systems like a little slower gotta
195.53 -> thought achill have you breathe so you
198.079 -> can actually access different parts of
199.37 -> nervous system on this table is kinda
200.72 -> cool sounds great well I think it's
202.31 -> still early enough that we're ready to
203.389 -> wake up so you're the quick very quick
204.769 -> one yeah um but you promised me that
207.26 -> what you do with me today I'm gonna be
208.4 -> able to take home cuz I don't have
210.079 -> access to you all absolutely I will go
212.45 -> over that make sure whatever I do here
214.189 -> you can do all all right perfect
215.629 -> cool alright I guess yes we dive in now
217.37 -> let's do it I'll have you just lay face
218.72 -> down so the area I'm gonna do right now
222.47 -> is your shoulders shoulder blades all
226.189 -> your shoulders and I'll show you how to
227.569 -> do this more done
233.93 -> let me go around the shoulder blade kind
236.55 -> of like this right underneath okay so
240.93 -> that's the shoulders and traps and then
243.63 -> I'll lift and come right down here to
245.01 -> your low back you just go right between
247.86 -> the two bones fill those bones there
249.9 -> yeah I'm right in between those then
252.18 -> I'll come right out you said you have
253.59 -> sciatica yep but kind of come right
255.63 -> through that piriformis I'll follow the
259.14 -> sciatic notch that's that ik nerve I
261 -> mean come right down and I don't I don't
263.67 -> come in the middle of the hamstrings go
265.8 -> right down on the side on the BF on the
270.24 -> backside of the IT band that's sore yeah
273.87 -> I check in all the time tell me how that
275.82 -> feels and then down here I turn in and
281.34 -> get right below the calf come around the
283.95 -> peel side of the foot and then this
291.34 -> Yeah right even through my fingers
294.4 -> and there's a big hole can I come back
296.89 -> up this is when I start getting a little
298.33 -> quick
299.22 -> [Music]
304.479 -> boom one more time I think we didn't get
309.02 -> that have you okay that felt amazing and
312.83 -> it was that yeah it's usually about a
315.5 -> man 30 minute 40 yeah yeah so now you
319.25 -> show me how all right I will treat your
325.3 -> shoulders you're gonna use opposite end
329.06 -> so you're gonna use the right hand
330.47 -> you're going to slide it in we call this
332.479 -> is the reverse grip great so this now
336.5 -> allows the most important thing is that
338.36 -> you'd put this perpendicular to the body
341.349 -> great it can be sideways and a lot of
344.75 -> times people do this they'll just hold
346.699 -> it up and go like that and now it's
348.11 -> sliding back and forth on their shoulder
349.699 -> I'm going to feel good and it's really
351.53 -> not effective either so the grip is
353.84 -> really so that you can keep that
354.979 -> perpendicular to your body so you're
356.27 -> gonna grab it in the reverse grip and
358.009 -> that just rests up here on your shoulder
359.96 -> yeah there okay gonna rest on your track
363.289 -> you're gonna just do that for 15 seconds
366.289 -> or so switch hands same other side I
369.889 -> love this it's like a test that you're
371.479 -> gonna show me all the ways and then so
374.449 -> standard yeah thanks
377.74 -> these are the two fingers in your
380.21 -> fingers reverse reverse and then flip
382.52 -> they're on the other side boss though
384.259 -> it's gonna start at the higher speed so
386.449 -> this has two speeds we don't want the
387.86 -> lower on a higher one you're gonna move
389.9 -> it back and forth
392.1 -> to your neck out here shoulder yeah 1015
395.37 -> seconds then rolled down under the
397.44 -> lateral side of your shoulder lift it
399 -> and like that you can go over the bump
400.89 -> yeah just keep it on your body and then
403.41 -> you're gonna go right through those
404.58 -> muscles oh yeah good spot okay great
409.14 -> so that I think I really mastered the
410.85 -> reverse grip Touche
412.86 -> now I'm gonna come in for the babies
415.2 -> grant yep I see my whole body shake it
418.14 -> around and then yeah and then when
425.13 -> you're doing your legs yeah I do
427.59 -> the reverse grip and now I can get all
429.75 -> the way around this it takes you all the
431.28 -> way down to your knee
432.48 -> and then if you want to sit down squat
433.98 -> down whatever it takes get in a lunge
435.54 -> position Wow yeah so uh yeah it actually
441.36 -> feels better than a coffee it wakes your
443.46 -> body 3 o'clock pick-me-up boom that ever
445.95 -> did slump just gonna keep this in my bag
447.66 -> all the time oh my god
450.93 -> that feels like the world's best foot
453.15 -> massage
456.8 -> well I think I nailed it
458.82 -> high five now to try it at home without
460.74 -> you there and I'm gonna be like the
462.87 -> grips but there's an app for that I hear
465.36 -> yes there is yeah so we created an app
468.66 -> that basically has the top dozen or 16
472.2 -> or so ailments that I've seen over the
475.11 -> last 12 years yeah and then it's I just
477.54 -> give you a little tips in there if you
479.49 -> look at it we don't really use our
480.66 -> product because it is not about the
483.09 -> product instructions how to use it well
486.27 -> cool I'm really excited to try this on
488.7 -> my own without you there I'm glad I have
490.44 -> to ask you to help me figure it out so
492.54 -> you have a ther gun and an app you don't
494.52 -> need me yeah about two weeks ago three
502.59 -> weeks ago was my last session with dr.
505.2 -> Jason and I have been using my therican
508.5 -> since then I feel really amazing I
510.6 -> honestly have got a point where I like
511.83 -> sleep with it every night it's getting
513.06 -> kind of embarrassing so weird or worth
515.669 -> it
516.09 -> on the fair gun I think if you're the
518.76 -> kind of person who spends time every day
521.37 -> really taking care of yourself whether
523.86 -> that's via foam rolling lacrosse balls
526.71 -> intense stretching this is an incredible
528.87 -> companion to recovery
530.85 -> unlike foam rolling which can suck and
534.48 -> really hurts and kind of takes a lot of
537.93 -> time this is designed to be used in like
541.62 -> a few minutes for that reason alone it's
543.75 -> become a habit for me so it's incredibly
545.79 -> worth in that regard it's a little weird
547.77 -> because it is kind of loud this is the
549.48 -> newer model it's definitely quieter than
551.04 -> the old one by a lot in the next few
553.53 -> years though I think we'll be seeing
554.34 -> more and more Thera dimes and
555.84 -> competitors entering the scene because
558.15 -> it is just a really efficient and
559.95 -> effective way to make your muscles less
561.9 -> sore the big kind of elephant in the
563.85 -> room is that they're not that cheap
564.63 -> they're kind of expensive definitely an
566.16 -> investment in your health this is not
567.54 -> something everybody has access to they
570.12 -> do a couple of sales a few times a year
571.47 -> but it's definitely something that is
572.94 -> designed for people who are really
574.5 -> invested in their own fitness
576.49 -> and longevity I think the number one
578.71 -> takeaway for me is that this is an
579.88 -> incredible investment to prevent muscle
582.25 -> soreness muscle tightness and the pain
583.93 -> you get from whether working out or like
585.25 -> tedious hours at your desk or a long day
587.35 -> standing it's a lot easier to not get
590.05 -> sore than to get unsurpassed aragón no
593.07 -> weird what weren't it not that weird but
595.69 -> also worth it really happy I have one
598.15 -> now I'm a dev and this is what the
600.43 -> Wellness have another weird wellness
602.11 -> experience you think I should try for a
603.82 -> treatment or a tool let us know in the
605.74 -> comments below see you next time
607.31 -> [Music]
611.76 -> and your best friend

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vh5Rn7zIibM