This 3000 Year Old Bible REVEALED A Terrifying Secret About Human Existence

This 3000 Year Old Bible REVEALED A Terrifying Secret About Human Existence

This 3000 Year Old Bible REVEALED A Terrifying Secret About Human Existence

Books have been used as a permanent record of history ever since the practice was first developed. Modern historians have taken an interest in these writings in an effort to decipher their mysteries. Some of these books, however, stand out because of the unsettling information they contain; they contain details of strange happenings and languages that have not been spoken in thousands of years. And one of these books is a recently discovered old Bible that has some scary revelations. What does this book say, and what does it mean for Christians all across the world? Join us as we investigate some of the most terrifying mysteries disclosed by the Bible’s various texts.


0.78 -> police in Turkey have recovered a Bible
3.179 -> thought to be a thousand years old now
6.12 -> this is quite a discovery fragments of a
9.24 -> Biblical scroll Turkish authorities have
11.76 -> confirmed that an ancient Bible thought
13.679 -> to be 1500 years old
15.9 -> books have been used as a permanent
17.64 -> record of History ever since the
19.38 -> practice was first developed modern
21.42 -> historians have taken an interest in
23.22 -> these writings in an effort to decipher
25.199 -> their Mysteries some of these books
27.18 -> however stand out because of the
28.98 -> unsettling information they contain they
31.5 -> contain details of strange happenings
33.36 -> and languages that have not been spoken
35.399 -> in thousands of years and one of these
37.8 -> books is a recently discovered old Bible
39.78 -> that has some scary Revelations what
42.66 -> does this book say and what does it mean
44.76 -> for Christians all across the world join
47.34 -> us as we investigate some of the most
49.2 -> terrifying Mysteries disclosed by the
51.12 -> Bible's various texts
52.98 -> Christians have grown up listening to
54.84 -> and even reading the accounts of events
56.94 -> that occurred as described in the Holy
58.68 -> Bible the Bible which includes the older
61.379 -> New Testaments describes events that
63.48 -> have been shown to show that Jesus
65.22 -> existed and walked on the Earth's
66.9 -> surface although Old Testaments written
69.479 -> in the Bible do not correspond due to
71.64 -> small differences between the texts and
73.799 -> authors however one discovery that
76.26 -> showed the entire world and the entire
78.18 -> religion of Christianity is the 2000
80.64 -> year old Bible which gave a different
82.32 -> account particularly highlighting that
84.78 -> Jesus was not crucified the Bible was
87.54 -> not technically a Bible but rather a
89.7 -> book documented by Saint Barnabas an
92.1 -> associate of apostle Paul the book was
94.619 -> found when a group of Antiquities
96.18 -> thieves was apprehended while attempting
98.22 -> to smuggle the Bible and other Treasures
100.2 -> worth millions of dollars all of the
102.6 -> pages are made of animal hide and the
104.52 -> material is written in difficult to
106.2 -> replicate handwriting written by hand in
108.9 -> Syriac this book has an estimated worth
111.24 -> of about 20 million dollars it is an
114.24 -> Aramaic dialect that is also Jesus's
116.64 -> native tongue several Specialists have
119.579 -> examined the book and concluded that it
121.68 -> is between 1500 and 2000 years old with
124.92 -> the possibility of being older the
127.2 -> contents of this book on the other hand
128.64 -> are unusual the gospel of some Barnabas
131.459 -> claims that instead of Jesus Judas was
134.099 -> crucified and that Jesus ascended to
136.56 -> Heaven while he was still alive another
139.02 -> section of the Bible that contradicts
140.819 -> the Holy Bible that we all know is
142.8 -> barnabas's Gospel which does not
144.9 -> recognize Jesus as the Son of God but
147.42 -> merely as a prophet who delivered God's
149.4 -> word the book also accuses Apostle Paul
152.04 -> of being an imposter because Saint
154.5 -> Barnabas the believed author of the book
156.42 -> was a close associate of apostle Paul
158.459 -> this area piqued the interest of
160.379 -> biblical Scholars and historians that
163.2 -> was very unusual and it made researchers
165.48 -> wonder whether the book was authentic or
167.519 -> not when the New Testament was written
169.8 -> the council was thought to be the one
171.42 -> who chose every piece of information in
173.4 -> the Bible based on what we've seen so
175.62 -> far it appears that they purposefully
177.66 -> omitted every detail provided in the
179.94 -> gospels of Saint Barnabas and other
181.56 -> gospels in favor of more canonical
183.54 -> passages however some researchers
185.94 -> believed that the rationale for not
187.68 -> including specifics about the Gospel of
189.599 -> Barnabas is because there is no account
191.519 -> of some barnabas's death in the Bible
193.44 -> making him the only Saint whose death is
196.319 -> not mentioned in the Canon this
198.42 -> enigmatic book piqued the interest of
200.459 -> various experts around the world to the
202.56 -> point where the Vatican demanded to see
204.54 -> it furthermore experts who have examined
207.12 -> the book have concluded that the Bible
208.68 -> is authentic and not a fabrication as
211.5 -> many people believed
213.42 -> the Catholic church has long attracted
215.58 -> people its Rich history is extensively
218.04 -> chronicled however there are other parts
220.319 -> of the church that are not taught some
222.659 -> examples include old scriptures and the
224.7 -> vatican's apostolic archive this 53-mile
227.94 -> collection is filled of tens of
229.799 -> thousands of books many of which are
231.72 -> supposed to record historical events but
233.819 -> little is known about it the Bible is
236.159 -> made up of several distinct writings and
238.56 -> millions of people around the world
239.94 -> regard it as a sacred gospel truth
242.22 -> written by Moses and others around 1000
245.04 -> BC it recounts Jesus's miracles from the
248.64 -> well-known parable of the Good Samaritan
250.62 -> to the time when he fed multitudes with
252.659 -> only Five Loaves and two fish in reality
255.72 -> the Bible is the world's most printed
257.639 -> book with around 5 billion copies
259.859 -> produced however the original version
262.139 -> included more books than the modern
264 -> versions naturally people found this odd
266.699 -> the 14 texts are known but they have yet
269.58 -> to be reproduced in modern day forms
271.56 -> leading many to question what the church
273.419 -> is a hiding when people realize this
276.18 -> they began to delve further into some of
278.4 -> these old stories and texts the ones
280.74 -> that people are most interested in
282.18 -> revolve around the stories of enigmatic
284.699 -> beings demonic possession is the notion
287.4 -> that a demon or Spirit May influence
289.259 -> someone's Behavior against their will
291.02 -> memory loss inability to control oneself
294.3 -> and voices in one's head are common
296.88 -> signs of possession according to persons
299.28 -> who claim to be possessed the Demonic
301.62 -> being known as valak has appeared in
303.84 -> several movies although the entity is
306.06 -> actually based on text from the 17th
308.22 -> century it is shown here that valak has
310.8 -> the capacity to control several serpents
313.199 -> and can make them do whatever he wants
315.18 -> although it does not take the form of a
317.4 -> nun it is extensively discussed in the
319.62 -> book the Lesser key of Solomon which
321.419 -> historians describe as containing a mix
323.52 -> of spells conjurations natural Mysteries
326.1 -> and ancient wisdom there are many
328.38 -> countless beings identical to this that
330.72 -> have been featured in various novels
332.34 -> many of which have been asked to history
334.199 -> or locked away some speculated that
336.66 -> there are numerous volumes hidden within
338.46 -> the Vatican and that they are unlikely
340.44 -> to ever see the light of day religious
343.02 -> experts in Italy and Ireland including
345 -> both Vatican and Anglican priests concur
347.82 -> that demonic possession appears to be a
350.1 -> major issue in today's culture however
352.68 -> both religious and scientific
354.419 -> professionals warn of the dangers of
356.58 -> spiritual abuse father Dino an exorcist
359.639 -> from Sicily claims that the church is
361.62 -> aware of the debate surrounding the
363.36 -> belief in exorcisms but that exorcism
365.699 -> training is vital since exorcists make
368.4 -> mistakes meanwhile father Collins of
371.1 -> Ireland has stated that the Irish people
373.08 -> seek his Direction and assistance in
375.3 -> coping with what they perceive as
376.8 -> demonic forces on a daily basis the
379.86 -> demand has increased tremendously in
381.78 -> recent years
382.979 -> it is mentioned in various New Testament
385.259 -> biblical incidents that Jesus drove out
387.66 -> demons from those who were infested with
389.699 -> evil Catholic priests believe that there
392.1 -> are various types of possession
393.44 -> Obsession involves sudden irrationality
396.24 -> obsessive thinking and the desire to end
398.94 -> one's own life this usually manifests in
401.819 -> one's nightmares steadily tormenting
404.1 -> them when the victim loses Consciousness
406.5 -> The Entity forces them to act against
408.78 -> their morality or will controlling their
411.12 -> body or sending the victim spiraling
413.28 -> towards misfortunes possession as we
416.039 -> know it occurs when Satan or another
418.02 -> demon seizes complete control of a
420.3 -> person's body and exploits it as a
422.34 -> vessel against their will in Catholicism
424.919 -> this is often considered as partially
426.96 -> the victim's responsibility as they must
429.36 -> have done something to allow Satan's
431.28 -> power into their lives demons infesting
434.1 -> objects animals or even houses are
436.68 -> referred to as infestations
438.9 -> subjection on the other hand is when a
441.24 -> person gives up control of their own
442.86 -> free will accepting to their body being
445.139 -> used as an Unholy versatile other signs
448.199 -> of possession are superhuman strength
450.24 -> the capacity to communicate in foreign
452.52 -> languages knowledge of obscure material
454.68 -> that the victim should not know heresy
457.08 -> rage and excessive swearing according to
459.84 -> Catholic Doctrine demonic possession can
462.24 -> arise as a result of a mental problem
464.039 -> and situations of mental illness should
466.44 -> not be confused with Unholy influence
468.919 -> exorcisms are only permitted under the
471.36 -> stringent authority of a bishop and must
473.58 -> follow precise guidelines unfortunately
476.4 -> such laws are rarely observed in
478.38 -> practice since many individuals turn to
480.479 -> unofficial exorcists rather than
482.4 -> attempting to obtain permission from the
484.199 -> Vatican
485.58 -> if you if any early Christian scriptures
487.979 -> that were not included in the New
489.599 -> Testament have astounded and fascinated
491.759 -> modern readers like the Gospel of Thomas
493.94 -> it's easy to see why the Gospel of
496.979 -> Thomas articulates a vision of
498.72 -> Christianity that is strikingly even
501.06 -> radically different from what most
502.8 -> people today think of when they hear the
504.72 -> word Christianity and that Vision
506.759 -> happens to powerfully speak to the
508.62 -> concerns of modern independent-minded
510.599 -> spiritual Seekers both Christian and
512.76 -> non-Christian the Gospel of Thomas is a
515.52 -> collection of 114 attributed to Jesus
518.279 -> sayings rather than a story about
520.02 -> Jesus's life some of these sayings are
522.779 -> variations on those found in the New
524.64 -> Testament gospels of Matthew Mark and or
526.86 -> Luke one of them numbered 17 is also
530.279 -> mentioned by the Apostle Paul in 1
532.26 -> Corinthians 2 9. the other sayings in
535.44 -> the Gospel of Thomas are not found
536.88 -> anywhere else the name of the Apostle to
539.519 -> whom the text is attributed is crucial
541.62 -> to understanding the overall meaning of
543.6 -> the Gospel of Thomas it goes with
545.519 -> without saying that the Apostle Thomas
547.44 -> was not the genuine author of The Gospel
549.66 -> just as the apostles Matthew and John
551.76 -> were not the true authors of the New
553.56 -> Testament gospels attributed to them the
556.26 -> name Thomas signifies twin in both
558.48 -> Aramaic and Syriac the scripture depicts
561.36 -> Thomas as Jesus's twin someone who has
564.06 -> become spiritually similar to Jesus how
567.06 -> does Thomas achieve this by obtaining
569.76 -> gnosis salvation by mystical
571.92 -> experiential understanding of reality's
574.32 -> true spiritual nature particularly the
576.899 -> ultimate nature of the self gnosis is
579.72 -> something that in theory anyone can
581.64 -> acquire and the goal of the Gospel of
583.8 -> Thomas is to assist readers in becoming
585.839 -> mystically identical to Christ himself
588.019 -> as Jesus says in saying 108 whoever
591.779 -> drinks from my mouth will become as I am
594 -> I too will become him and the hidden
596.7 -> things will be shown to him according to
599.16 -> the Gospel of Thomas gnosis unlike more
601.62 -> mundane types of knowledge cannot be
603.54 -> effectively conveyed in words every time
606.3 -> Jesus's disciples asked him to spoon
608.519 -> feed them the correct beliefs and
610.38 -> practices that will lead to Salvation
612.06 -> Jesus chastises them for their lack of
614.519 -> understanding and tries to point them in
616.74 -> the right direction through deliberately
618.3 -> cryptic sayings whose meanings the
620.339 -> disciples like the reader must figure
622.44 -> out for themselves by trading literal
624.54 -> critical modes of thought for subtler
626.94 -> more intuitive ones the expectation of
630.06 -> Jesus's second coming and the
632.16 -> cataclysmic arrival of God's kingdom
634.14 -> played a considerably larger
636.06 -> significance in early Christianity than
638.16 -> it does now however the Gospel of Thomas
640.68 -> mocks common interpretations of that
642.839 -> concept instead it holds that the
645.42 -> kingdom of God is within you and all
647.399 -> around you as stated in saying three
649.579 -> those who come to know themselves will
652.2 -> find it kingdom of God is a spiritual
654.959 -> state of being not a series of future
657.24 -> events on Earth and it is only
659.04 -> accessible to those who acquire noses
661.26 -> Here and Now most academics date The
664.26 -> Gospel of Thomas in its kind current
665.82 -> form to the late first or early 2nd
668.04 -> Century adce because of its theological
670.92 -> editorial stance however the Gospel of
673.68 -> Thomas contains much older material the
676.14 -> Gospel of Thomas like the New Testament
677.94 -> gospels of Matthew Mark and Luke draws
680.1 -> on collections of sayings attributed to
682.26 -> Jesus that were most likely in
684.06 -> circulation among the very first
685.86 -> generation of Christians
687.839 -> surprisingly the author of The Gospel of
690.3 -> Thomas not only does not appear to have
692.519 -> used the gospels ultimately included in
694.74 -> the New Testament as sources but the
696.959 -> book provides no proof that its author
699.06 -> was ever familiar with them even with
701.399 -> the Gospel of Thomas and the New
702.959 -> Testament gospels overlap the versions
705.12 -> of the sayings found in the Gospel of
706.98 -> Thomas differ markedly from the versions
709.019 -> found in the New Testament as if the
711.36 -> author of Thomas was drawing on some of
713.279 -> those gospel sources both oral and
715.44 -> written rather than the gospels
717.12 -> themselves the absence of a number of
719.7 -> New Testament sayings attributed to
721.68 -> Jesus that would have served to further
723.42 -> its theological goal is particularly
725.76 -> significant in this regard the Gospel of
728.7 -> Thomas is mentioned or quoted by a
730.68 -> number of early Christian writers
732 -> indicating that it was popular in late
734.1 -> Antiquity despite concerted suppression
737.1 -> it was still in use throughout the 5th
739.2 -> and 6th centuries there are two copies
741.959 -> left today one is a fractured version in
744.3 -> Greek the language in which it was most
746.16 -> likely first written the other is a
748.5 -> nearly complete Coptic translation from
750.54 -> the nag hamadi Library
753 -> Egyptians are distinguished by their
754.92 -> methods of writing hieroglyphs and
756.6 -> recording events but they also possessed
758.88 -> manuscripts the oldest of which are the
760.98 -> pyramid texts and the Book of the Dead
762.92 -> these texts include a number of spells
765.54 -> and religious ceremonies related to
767.519 -> death and the afterlife these texts are
769.92 -> then combined with a large number of
771.66 -> later Papyrus scrolls with mystical
773.76 -> formulas for health and prosperity
775.639 -> however in addition to this there are
778.44 -> also curses for those who the
780.12 -> practitioner considers to be their
781.68 -> adversaries as ancient Egypt flourished
784.44 -> these texts grew more embedded in the
786.66 -> civilization's ideas yet one document
789.24 -> stands out as unusual this alleged text
792.3 -> is the Egyptian Handbook of ritual power
794.519 -> a magical book purported to contain the
797.339 -> secrets of the Lost Christian sect this
800.04 -> Handbook of ritual power is a 20-page
802.26 -> parchment book written in Coptic Coptic
805.019 -> is agrico Egyptian language that was
807.12 -> invented in the 2nd Century BC it
810.12 -> contains various spells and curses that
812.16 -> are not seen in any prior books the work
814.98 -> however pays homage to a mysterious
817.26 -> central figure named back to yother back
820.019 -> to Eartha is recognized as the great one
822.12 -> who is Lord of the 49 species of
824.22 -> serpents in the handbook a feature not
826.38 -> found in any other work some researchers
828.839 -> believe that the allusion to Seth points
831 -> to the scythians as the authors of this
832.92 -> text the scythians are a mystery
835.44 -> heretical early Christian sect on the
837.72 -> point of Disappearing by the 7th Century
839.76 -> A.D yet this explanation explains
842.22 -> nothing about the significance of back
844.079 -> to Eartha or the book's unusual mix of
846.48 -> Christian and occult Traditions
848.339 -> according to the Bible Enoch was Adam's
851.1 -> great great great great grandson and
853.5 -> Noah's great-grandfather who lived a
856.019 -> holy and faithful life to the Lord he
858.66 -> also becomes the father of Methuselah
860.639 -> the longest living person during his
863.399 -> three plus centuries on Earth he has had
865.62 -> several Offspring The Book of Enoch is
868.26 -> composed of a number of different
869.579 -> Monumental Works they introduce Enoch to
872.459 -> significant Concepts like as rewards
874.74 -> punishment the end of the world and the
877.139 -> final judgment the first book chapters 6
879.959 -> to 36 is primarily about angels the Tree
882.959 -> of Life Jerusalem and the universe the
886.079 -> Watchers book tells the story of fallen
888.06 -> angels from Genesis 6 1-4 who seduced
891.54 -> women created the Nephilim and taught
893.699 -> Humanity profound knowledge finally
896.04 -> leading to the great flood and their
897.839 -> Annihilation the term Nephilim refers to
900.899 -> the Fallen ones who are described as
902.94 -> gigantic humans the relationship between
905.639 -> God's sons and the Nephilim can be
907.8 -> viewed in a variety of ways some believe
910.56 -> that God's sons are fallen angels and
912.779 -> that the Nephilim are their offspring
914.459 -> from Human women this point of view is
917.279 -> mentioned in the First Book of Enoch a
919.44 -> non-canonical Jewish source and it is
921.42 -> still commonly held the Nephilim are
924.06 -> also mentioned as Giants in the First
925.62 -> Book of Enoch which seems to correspond
927.6 -> with people of enormous size the
930 -> apparent gigantism of the Nephilim is
932.22 -> supposed to be attribute reputable to
933.779 -> their Supernatural origin while some
935.82 -> have argued that it is theological
937.62 -> problematic to claim that Angels or
939.779 -> demons could physically breed with
941.519 -> humans a less Supernatural view holds
944.579 -> that the Nephilim were essentially sin
946.26 -> for men some theologians believe that
949.019 -> God's offspring are descended from Seth
951.18 -> Adam's righteous son and that the
953.519 -> Nephilim were his family members who
955.38 -> rejected God this position known as The
958.68 -> scythian View was backed by Saint
960.6 -> Augustine and other Church Fathers as
962.82 -> well as many Jewish Scholars The
965.16 -> scythian View was frequently expanded
967.32 -> with the idea that Mankind's daughters
969.42 -> were the ungodly women of Cain Adam's
971.88 -> Wicked son's bloodline
973.68 -> as ordinary Mortals the nephilim's
976.079 -> gigantic stature can be interpreted
978 -> literally or figuratively but they were
980.579 -> certainly great warriors the second half
983.16 -> of Enoch's book is The Parables of
985.019 -> similitude an apocalyptic narrative
987.12 -> concerning the son of man and the
988.98 -> Ancient of Days these ancient Jesus
991.68 -> prophecies are entirely aligned with the
993.959 -> Bible and remarkably similar to The Book
996 -> of Revelation the astronomical book goes
998.82 -> into great detail about the stars and
1000.68 -> their roles the fantasy Visions is a
1003.199 -> prophecy that spans all of human history
1005.24 -> from the beginning of time through the
1007.339 -> end times and final judgment everything
1009.74 -> in the past present and future is
1011.839 -> precisely forecasted the structure of
1014.36 -> the week's prophecy is comparable to the
1016.519 -> Book of Daniel the final section serves
1019.04 -> as a reminder of how we should live
1020.86 -> Enoch recounts his life lessons and
1023.3 -> wisdom as well as the fact that we are
1025.16 -> all subject to God finally the Noah
1027.799 -> parts are the Bible's previously
1029.24 -> undisclosed tale of Noah in which we
1031.579 -> learn more about his mission to save all
1033.38 -> human Manatee as well as the Sorrows of
1035.72 -> his father lamech and grandfather
1037.459 -> Methuselah each composition is unique
1040.28 -> but they all share a common theme the
1042.679 -> punishment of the wicked and the
1044.179 -> blessing of the virtuous
1045.799 -> The Book of Enoch has several illusions
1047.72 -> that contradict the Bible despite the
1050.24 -> fact that the Bible teaches that Enoch
1052.22 -> was taken to Heaven many years before
1053.84 -> Noah was born Noah is mentioned in Enoch
1056.84 -> chapter 10 verses 1 to 3 according to
1059.48 -> the Bible according to the Bible the
1061.82 -> most holy and great one then spoke to
1063.919 -> lameck's son in the presence of Uriel in
1066.679 -> my name go to Noah and tell him about
1068.9 -> the flood and tell him about the time
1070.88 -> when the entire Earth will collapse
1072.799 -> lameck urged a deluge is scheduled to
1075.74 -> hit the whole earth and it will wipe out
1077.539 -> everything that is there because the
1079.88 -> Bible never mentions Enoch returning to
1081.98 -> Earth after being taken to Heaven how
1084.2 -> could he have known about Noah and the
1086 -> flood if he wrote the Book of Enoch God
1088.46 -> blames all of Earth's pollution on a
1090.559 -> demon named Azazel in The Book of Enoch
1092.9 -> chapter 10 verses 8 through 9 alleging
1095.48 -> that the entire Earth has been defiled
1097.4 -> by the activities that Azazel taught him
1099.559 -> to conduct all wickedness there are no
1102.14 -> additional demons mentioned in the bible
1104 -> outside Lucifer also in known as Satan
1106.76 -> or the devil this is not to say that
1109.16 -> other demons do not exist they are
1111.14 -> simply unnamed and Satan is ultimately
1113.72 -> blamed for our world's troubles because
1115.64 -> he is the originator of sin in 1st John
1119 -> chapter 3 verse 8 Jesus stated he that
1122.419 -> committeth sin is of the devil for the
1124.82 -> devil sinneth from the beginning for
1126.86 -> this purpose the Son of God was
1128.6 -> manifested that he might destroy the
1130.76 -> works of the devil also lines five to
1133.52 -> six of the Book of Enoch chapter 13
1135.32 -> imply that the Fallen Angels repented
1137.9 -> for their transgressions the Bible on
1140.24 -> the other hand teaches that Satan and
1142.22 -> his angels will perish in Hellfire then
1145.039 -> he will say to those on his left depart
1147.32 -> from me you who are cursed into the
1149.539 -> Eternal fire prepared for the devil and
1151.46 -> his angels Matthew 25 41 States the fact
1155.72 -> that the devil and his angels are doomed
1157.7 -> to Hellfire demonstrates their
1159.44 -> reluctance to repent for anyone who
1161.36 -> repents of their misdeeds is Promised
1163.28 -> salvation from Hellfire the Lord does
1165.559 -> not not waver in his promises as some
1167.96 -> sense slackness but is patient with us
1170.059 -> and is not willing to let anybody else
1171.98 -> perish but everyone should repent not
1174.86 -> only is it claimed in the book that
1176.419 -> demons repented but it is also written
1178.64 -> that after their initial Revolt demons
1180.74 -> were no longer able to contact God
1182.84 -> declaring that they could no longer
1184.76 -> communicate with God or lift their eyes
1186.62 -> to heaven in position chapter 1 however
1189.5 -> Satan was able to talk directly to God
1192.08 -> in heaven about the job and his Fidelity
1194.5 -> Enoch's book shows God in heaven in an
1197.059 -> unbiblical manner hence the concept of
1199.34 -> Heaven is likewise depicted differently
1201.44 -> in Revelation chapter 21 and verse 21
1204.679 -> the ground of the city of Heaven is
1207.02 -> described as being made of gold because
1209.48 -> the city's Street was made of
1211.039 -> translucent glass it was thought to be
1213.14 -> pure gold his structure was composed of
1215.72 -> Crystal according to the Book of Enoch
1217.7 -> Chapter 14 verse 10. this is just one of
1220.7 -> many discrepancies between the book of
1222.5 -> Enoch's depiction of Heaven and the
1224.299 -> Bible there are many more more in Book
1226.52 -> of Enoch chapters 14 verses 9 through 25
1229.419 -> many of the astronomical and
1231.679 -> meteorological irregularities in The
1233.9 -> Book of Enoch defy both the Bible and
1236.059 -> modern scientific knowledge The Book of
1238.34 -> Enoch for example States in chapter 33
1240.679 -> verses 1 to 4 that Enoch mapped and
1243.38 -> counted all the stars in the sky
1245.32 -> Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 22 on the
1248.6 -> other hand indicates that numbering the
1250.64 -> stars is physically impossible due to
1252.799 -> their immense number astronomers
1255.02 -> estimate that the Milky Way alone
1256.76 -> includes approximately 100 million stars
1259.76 -> in addition to Millions upon millions of
1262.1 -> other galaxies furthermore the wind snow
1265.22 -> hail and moon all come from a wooden
1267.98 -> container in heaven in The Book of Enoch
1270.26 -> chapter 41. this is nonsensical
1273.26 -> irrational and unbiblical perhaps you
1276.559 -> can see why the Book of Enoch was not
1278.48 -> included in the Bible however the Book
1280.88 -> of Enoch has been described as both
1282.559 -> inspiring and heartbreaking it is a
1285.2 -> blueprint that everything that has
1286.82 -> transpired in the past present and
1288.679 -> future beginning with Genesis and
1290.9 -> continuing through the son of man Jesus
1293 -> Christ to the hidden day of judgment the
1295.64 -> volume of Enoch contains nearly the
1297.44 -> entire Bible in one book but the main
1300.02 -> question is why it is not included in
1302.12 -> the Bible the book is interesting to
1304.34 -> read but keep in mind that the First
1306.38 -> Book of Enoch is not scripture that is
1308.72 -> the book was not inspired by God the
1311.24 -> text was mentioned in various early
1312.86 -> church manuscripts in the apocryphal
1314.9 -> book of Baruch it consistently
1316.7 -> contradicts the Bible the Book of Enoch
1319.34 -> is classified as pseudopigrapher
1321.2 -> literature this implies that the author
1323.36 -> is not who he claims to be which makes
1325.46 -> sense considering that Noah is mentioned
1327.5 -> in the Book of Enoch and the Bible
1329.059 -> states that Enoch was brought to Heaven
1331.039 -> before Noah as a result it's much more
1333.799 -> likely that the Book of Enoch was
1335.419 -> written afterwards by someone claiming
1337.159 -> to be Enoch's original author as a
1339.62 -> result Christians wishing to learn the
1341.6 -> gospel doctrines will find the Book of
1343.46 -> Enoch of little service however of a
1346.1 -> Jude may have quoted from it since it
1348.02 -> was widely known at the time and the
1349.94 -> passage he quoted from featured some
1351.799 -> inspiring truth that aided in
1353.72 -> strengthening his case for the gospel
1355.4 -> The ethiopic Book of Enoch
1357.559 -> pseudopigraphal work is the real Book of
1359.539 -> Enoch because the Book of Enoch was
1361.82 -> written after Christ who was attempting
1363.74 -> to gather what Enoch stated about his
1365.84 -> philosophy and teaching which amidst
1368.299 -> Methuselah based on oral tradition
1370.159 -> because the source is unreliable
